Jake Rix
Jake Rix
Jake Rix
Learn How To Go Viral👇
Mike Tyson’s Not Special
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Extreme Monk Mode- Day 125
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Extreme Monk Mode - Day 124
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Extreme Monk Mode - Day 123
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Extreme Monk Mode - Day 122
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Extreme Monk Mode - Day 118
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Extreme Monk Mode - Day 107
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Extreme Monk Mode - Day 106
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Extreme Monk Mode - Day 102
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@Dougal1234 День назад
how to beat hate is to come back with more hate
@Jarl-Felix 2 дня назад
good video bro
@jamest243 2 дня назад
Another great video!
@rickyfulbrook1026 3 дня назад
I call bullshit
@ChairmanMeowzah 4 дня назад
You just say things and back it up by saying it would help you do more things you don't wanna do. You could argue that cold showers are great for your skin, body and boosts your mood with endorphin release, but that might force you to acknowledge that the chemical reactions in the brain might actually verify that depression and anxiety are real. Quite the conundrum......
@ChairmanMeowzah 4 дня назад
I don't recommend playing GTA IRL. It's frowned upon to run people over and speed recklessly. You're an example of pretty but dumb.
@ChairmanMeowzah 4 дня назад
Didn't you make a video telling men to idolize fictional characters? At least Mike Tyson is real and puts in real effort into his lifestyle and education. not fkin iron man lol.
@ChairmanMeowzah 4 дня назад
Ok so you don't have anxiety. But you still ain't right in the head. You're so self unaware that your problem is just extreme ignorance and illogical thinking. Anxiety is real, it's a brain reaction and not a skill issue, your silly demonstration is with that ball was embarrassing. And you aren't exactly the best orator around and you still manage to sound confident. Lack of self awareness without any education to utilize so you really do say whatever you want. Bruh, real talk tho you can get by on your looks alone and fitness. Just stop saying things.
@BigRob783 4 дня назад
True, Jake
@BackieBackup 4 дня назад
The one good point he has
@Dougal1234 4 дня назад
This videos gonna blow the fuck up i can see it
@ODST0221 5 дней назад
He doesnt hate working, you are taking his clips out of context. Same thing with ImAlexx and the other guy.
@ODST0221 5 дней назад
The start of his grifting, Andrew Tate has ruined many generations, including mine.
@ODST0221 5 дней назад
Back when Jake Rix wasnt a fucking grifter and a liar.
@ODST0221 5 дней назад
Blud just uploads Joe Rogan clips on his other account, YOU ARENT A FUCKING UFC FIGHTER
@BubblesRosey 6 дней назад
Your chatting out your ass mate
@sharikulislam6232 7 дней назад
Bro is okay with sacrificing his mental health to upload overly processed videos and reupload joe rogan clips
@Castinglight256 8 дней назад
Ima drop you in africa and i expect you to come out in a private jet lmao
@ballermann6enjoyer765 9 дней назад
If you just straight up continue working after your family fucking died, your simply a sociopath.
@memoklep 9 дней назад
I couldn’t live to the next year if I did all that came to my mind
@jonnycola86 9 дней назад
You are not Andrew Tate. Why would you even aspire to be him? He isn't likeable in any way.
@JamesAndrews1 9 дней назад
Id be in jail if i did everything i thought of
@Lorddovahkiin 10 дней назад
Man you must love the taste of your bosses boots
@talmadgeholloway2734 11 дней назад
Get Laid
@dimitrizradulov7006 11 дней назад
cooking some straight bullshit
@kamihi8084 11 дней назад
why does youtube keep recommending me these andrew tate wannabes, please stop it youtube i dont care about them
@Britishblue. 11 дней назад
Youve clearly never had to deal with actual mental health problems. I have OCD its not just as simple as ignoring it and seeing a bigger purpose or whatever. How can you disrespect so many people with mental health problems while never having truly had it yourself? You dont understand it at all so dont act all high and mighty about it. I understand you think that its a waste of time, and youre right it is a waste of time and stops you doing big stuff. But many people cannot just ignore it. You have to get better from it and spend time getting through it to actually start doing bigger stuff. Its ridiculous to assume everyone can just act like its not there. Having a purpose can help you get through your mental health problems, and you shouldnt just give up but its important to acknowledge its there. People deserve to feel happy. Also you say peoples feeling dont matter but their purpose does? WHY ??? I could just say the same thing about your purpose. In a few billion years all of our atoms will be apart of some black holes singularity in space and nothing will ever remember us or know we existed. Guess everythings pointless then? Doing something big doesnt matter if people are not happy. The whole reason we develop as a society is to make life EASIER and less painful. What is the point in ignoring your mental health problems and feeling like shit your whole life?
@amalksuresh2538 11 дней назад
Bro is immature and needs more learning to do
@RandomGuythe1st 11 дней назад
This is what you call throwing out the baby with the bath water. There is some truth to what you're saying, but this statement is way too broad. It requires nuance, and I think you should concider that different men need different solutions.
@baw5xc333 11 дней назад
People who disagree ultimately just want the permission to feel sorry for themselves and have others feel sorry for them too. It’s pitiful.
@Ian-lg9gp 10 дней назад
You're such a red pilled dude bro 🤣🤣🤣
@jronyt4058 11 дней назад
What is your opinion on schizophrenia?
@lachiecregan9230 12 дней назад
@ShlerpiSlime 12 дней назад
British people on some crazy ah stuff nowadays
@alakiahm8884 12 дней назад
This is half true and half not true. Yes, have a mission. Know how to turn off your feelings. Yes, dont feel sorry for yourself. But look after yourself too. All the best to u bro 🙏
@lebigmac1426 12 дней назад
While I understand the point you’re trying to make, and even agree to a certain extent, this isn’t the right way to comunicate this matter. It sends off this message that plagues society for a while now to just repress feelings and emotions instead of confronting and overcoming them!
@wasordx3245 12 дней назад
Your mission is not greater than you. YOU are part of the mission. If you cannot protect your feelings and health, than that fucking mission is over my guy. Imagine completing your mission, just to be so messed up you can't even reap the benefits. There isn't a point in that. Unless your mission is charitable. But even then, you must give some charity to yourself.
@dmdiaries7208 12 дней назад
For those of you who watched this video and felt that it resonated with you, you can *have* a greater purpose and still consider your mental health. In fact, having a purpose greatly _improves_ your mental health, so Jake is right about the importance of purpose. I think he's got the right idea, but his misconceptions about mental health have placed him at odds with folks who believe the same thing, just with a few caveats. Mental health is about the positive and negative emotions you experience, as well as how you deal with them. It's not safe to just bottle all of your negative feelings up instead of thinking about how they might affect you and the things and people you care about; one day or another, if you ignore all of your negative feelings for a long period of time, you'll eventually be hit with them all at once, and you won't have the experience you need to deal with them in big doses. That's how folks end up hurting or killing themselves or their loved ones, or completely abandoning all sense of purpose that they carried with them - oftentimes these acts are drastic, temporary solutions to lasting problems, and their inefficacy can cause greater dissatisfaction that leads to even more drastic action. Dwelling on negative emotions can negatively affect your productivity and your relationships, but they also can't just be thrown away without a second thought towards where they might be coming from. Clinical psychology is all about getting to the root of your negative and positive feelings and making your life a lot easier to live by improving your mental health. Therefore, it's actually vital to think about your emotions, negative and positive, in order to move on from your pain. Yes, it's important for many to believe in something greater than themselves, like important research and solving world hunger; that can give people solace in times of suffering. However, it's also important to consider bolstering your happiness in other ways, like forming connections with friends and doing things for the sake of enjoying them. Life isn't always about the grind; sometimes it's just about having a good time, doing something satisfying, or helping your loved ones through their own issues. Masculinity doesn't invalidate the importance of being happy and in touch with your feelings. In fact, knowing yourself is the first step towards being happy with who you are and what you can do to meet your purpose. Sources and further reading: 1. "Purpose in Life Can Lead to Less Stress, Better Mental Well-being" by American Psychiatric Association Blogs www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-blogs/purpose-in-life-less-stress-better-mental-health#:~:text=Research%20indicates%20that%20having%20a,levels%20of%20depression%20and%20anxiety. 2. "Why It’s Important to Embrace Our Negative Emotions" by Cy Hope Counseling cy-hopecounseling.org/blogs/why-its-important-to-embrace-our-negative-emotions#:~:text=Just%20as%20positive%20feelings%20can,learn%20to%20work%20through%20issues. 3. "THE IMPORTANCE OF FUN: WHY HAVING “FUN” IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS “PRODUCTIVITY” by Creative Healing Philly creativehealingphilly.com/blog/the-importance-of-fun-why-having-fun-is-just-as-important-as-productivity 4. "The Psychological Health Benefits of Accepting Negative Emotions and Thoughts: Laboratory, Diary, and Longitudinal Evidence" by Brett Q. Ford et al., published by the National Institute of Health www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5767148/
@dmdiaries7208 12 дней назад
to add on a little bit: the discipline that jake mentions towards the end is actually a very important part of clinical psychology! however a lot of that discipline involves knowing exactly what it is you're feeling and allowing those feelings to pass without resistance; the more you resist, the more they come to you. yes, push on through your troubles, but don't pretend they don't exist. jake and i agree on that much, at least
@dmdiaries7208 12 дней назад
we do NOT, however, agree on the idea that knowing your feelings will lead to you being "too distracted". on the contrary, i firmly believe that ignoring your feelings, like exhaustion and fear and mourning, will cause you to crash and burn out before you have the chance to reach your full potential. it is okay to reassess your mental and cheer yourself up every now and again; it's like eating and sleeping in that you have to do it in moderation in order to keep your energy up, but doing it too much will cause you to lose energy and motivation instead
@abtarmiah3799 12 дней назад
This advice is fine when you are in the peripheries of feeling slightly low / 'low mood' or slightly anxious or slightly xyz, however this is not always the case. Severe depression is real. What about men also with alcoholism? Paranoid schizophrenia? Drug addiction? Mental health is real this video you uploaded is toxic masculinity. Get this video off. This is why men are committing suicide. I think what you're talking towards is being preventative in mental health. But you need to educate yourself before giving (toxic / judgemental health) advice bro.
@bigjimbo2843 12 дней назад
@bug______ 12 дней назад
this is the real sheep mentality, the manosphere has turned young men into souless NPCs you should try to have an original thought for once in your life
@litarmleka3511 12 дней назад
Cmon man. People don't have food and water around the world and you talk sheet
@user-wh8gm4lj6c 12 дней назад
@antib4las73 12 дней назад
is this a joke? because if it isnt, this is the mentality that makes men suicide rates higher than women suicide rates worldwide
@SoyDawgyDawg 12 дней назад
nah this one ain’t it
@AlanBarza 12 дней назад
bro what
@jamest243 12 дней назад
Great video bro this is so true
@Ian-lg9gp 12 дней назад
So if someone with a schizophrenic disorder just got into self improvement and the red pill, it would go away 😂😂😂
@BackieBackup 12 дней назад
Im alex got cancelled now he cant send ya to Africa
@cherubeast 12 дней назад
great stuff. really resonated with me. And btw ditch the french crop, get a textured crop instead
@LuisMercadoorg 13 дней назад