Taking The Steelpan to the World.
7 месяцев назад
Laventille/Belmont Landscape.
3 года назад
PANTHEM - "Sticks Up".
4 года назад
LA FAMILIE -  Drunk and Disorderly
9 лет назад
9 лет назад
9 лет назад
9 лет назад
10 лет назад
@peterkanhai6107 6 месяцев назад
Panorama winner 1968
@steveram8041 Год назад
I remember as a kid growing up in st.jame my cousin used to say the prayer for Bay road hosay I used to go and help my family build bay road hosay that was the first hosay in Trinidad good memories my cousin and I we live in the United States when we have time we always try to go and visit when is hosay time in Trinidad
@steveram8041 Год назад
st.jame hosay is the best in the country because they do it the right way other people who practice hosay in Trinidad don't know how to do it the right way they don't even know how to play the 5 hand of hosay drumming the right way
@gerradramroop5027 2 года назад
Green moon all d way bless
@gerradramroop9637 2 года назад
Respect to d moon men an all d panchitee people bless
@moonlightsteel4595 2 года назад
Wow this is amazing. Do u have tenor notes for this
@mrdjgus 5 лет назад
well done solo
@CarnivalVillage 6 лет назад
good anytime 50th or not
@thad1896 6 лет назад
Sick sick sick.
@RainettaJones 7 лет назад
Most people don't know that this instrument, the bamboo is what led up to the steelpan being invented.
@cluelessintellect 6 лет назад
Tell dem de history!!!!! Sweet music dey!!!
@hubzcaps 8 лет назад
very nice...
@LadyMacbethII 9 лет назад
BLURRED VISION? In my opinion, this is just another example of how unprepared the New Visionaries are. They dropped the ball in this interview, and were not prepared to answer the question as to what (EXACTLY) is the "new vision" that they boast about. I tried to help them prepare, by posting a list of questions on Facebook; questions that made Mr. Keith Maynard respond with, "[B]y the time they respond to those questions, they would have a thesis and definitely a manifesto and strategic plan for their organisation." facebook.com/notes/pan-forever-on-de-barbagreen/questions-no-one-is-asking-the-new-visionaries-nvbut-should/10153248958659925 I agree with Mr. Maynard, and that was the intent behind my posing of those questions, as I genuinely hoped that they really did have a "vision" that was "new". They failed to cohesively answer some of the questions, especially as they related to specifics of their agenda. Ms. Beverley Ramsey-Moore continues to be invisible, when, as the leader, she should have immediately held a press conference, following the Appellate Court ruling. I also question her "politics", as she openly expressed disgust over Dr. Rowley's "cat" comments, but failed to express equal disgust over Ms. Alleyne-Toppin's rape allegations, which were made in Parliament. She is, after all a part of the current government, and a huge self-proclaimed fan of PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar. (That is her choice, by the way. I am simply stating the facts.) So, while they chose to ignore the questions I posed, they continue to fail at informing the Pan Trinbago membership, as to who they are. They failed to distance themselves from events held under the current Pan Trinbago executive; choosing, instead, to participate in Panorama. How can you be critical of the actions of a body, and still support that body? Where were the boycotts? During this time, not one pamphlet was delivered; there were no protests. They failed to inform the public, and then complain of how uninformed the public is. Who is responsible for "educating the masses"? Obviously, they do not see themselves as holding that responsibility, for they have failed to do so. They speak now of the ATTSDC and the "Greens", but they failed to lend their voices when I single-handedly exposed those suspicious and clandestine deals. When Pan Trinbago announced the "International Conference and Panorama" (ICP), all we heard from the New Visionaries were the sounds of crickets, while I placed myself in the line of fire. When they needed me, they would have Bertel Gittens contact me, asking for favors. I wrote the Northern Illinois University's President, asking that they distanced themselves from Pan Trinbago, after finding out that the university was intending on partnering with them in holding the ICP. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Gittens asked me to write a letter to Pan Trinbago, to clear the New Visionaries from the actions that I was taking. I did. In 2014, I met with them at their meetings, and their leader was not present for ANY one of them, citing other obligations. To date, I have not met her. To me, a leader is supposed to be accessible, however, Ms. Ramsey-Moore seems to be working from "the Dark Side". (NO reference to skin color!) She is "Charlie", and the New Visionaries are her "Angels". And, of course, Mr. Gittens becomes "Bosley". I say this, not out of disrespect for this group; again, my support went to extreme measures that NO ONE was willing enough (or brave enough) to take. In fact, I too, received warnings that I could be "taken out". This interview was a disappointment, and a lost opportunity for the New Visionaries to clearly articulate their vision; a vision that, for all intent and purposes, seems to be acronym-generated and blurry. Hopefully, their "vision" is more than a bullet-point list of words, formed by taking the first letters of the name of the group, but that is left to be discovered. In my opinion, the "vision" should have influenced the name, and not the other way around, where the name influenced the "vision". To think, that all they needed to do, was answer the questions I posed, and this interview would have gone much better for them, and they would have cohesively answered the questions raised by the interviewer. It does not take a rocket scientist to observe that both men were not prepared to answer to specifics, and had to refer to their notes of acronym-generated and bullet-point responses. This is why I have no confidence in this group as "leaders", even though I think of them as being sincere in their intent to "do something for pan". The FACT remains; they must FIRST lead by example! Then, they MUST inform the masses, and they can do so by mobilizing their base (assuming, of course, that they have a "base"), and embarking on concentrated efforts to get their propaganda out to the membership of Pan Trinbago. This interview failed to convince me that they are ready to assume the leadership of the steelbands' association. They MUST come better than that, and do better than that. Very disappointing. This may cause them to lose, should the current Pan Trinbago executive decide to call the long-overdue election. And, if I were Keith Diaz, I would call it tomorrow, for we ALL know that these "New Visionaries" are not ready to compete. I hope that they get ready soon; for their sake, if not ours. More power. George D. Goddard.
@mrdjgus 10 лет назад
@kbaldeo 10 лет назад
Nah Abdullah, the battle of Kerbala has nothing to do with Islam, nor did Imam Hussain (pbuh) die for Islam. I love to hear allyuh talk yes! Allyuh always know! Steups
@kamalbaldeo9635 10 лет назад
I was actually sarcastically responding to Abdullah and his dumb ass statements!
@zayed105 2 года назад
Next time do some research before commenting such crap
@Lifeguard511 2 года назад
Imam Hussain AS was martyred for Islam - stopped perversion thru Yazid. No Hussain No Islam! Know Hussain Know Islam!
@KSB971 11 лет назад
very nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like.
@faithgajadhar612 11 лет назад
hey sound really goooood
@sonnyblacks7967 11 лет назад
One of the great traditions and religious occasions in Trinidad Sonny Blacks
@SFGCRastaEmpress 11 лет назад
We Lookin Hot Eh! Play Rell Good
@Randisc17 11 лет назад
Thank you so much. My last Hosay was 1965. I do miss it.