John Rainey
John Rainey
John Rainey
On a quest to discover the truth of God and Self.

After spending the better part of 30 years as a confident Christian, a spiritual crisis launched me headlong into a journey to discover the truth of the universe. No longer a Christian and in the best place of my entire life, I am here to share my journey, what I have learned, and how I am spiritually evolving. I read a lot of spiritual books, I dabble with altered states of consciousness, explore different beliefs on God and self, and am obsessed with learning and truth seeking. If you're in to any of that kind of spiritual stuff, you might like this channel.
The SECRET that leads to SUCCESS or FAILURE
8 месяцев назад
How to Reconcile ANY Toxic Relationship
8 месяцев назад
Discover the TRUTH of who you really are.
9 месяцев назад
Why I Left Christianity
10 месяцев назад
@RedeemedSon144 3 часа назад
I believe that God is Love. I do believe that Jesus is God's redeemer. But I think that Chrisitianity - like other religions - is full of ideas, labels, hermaneutics, opinions that are NOT IMPORTANT. I heard Russell brand say that the opposite of faith is not doubt. It is ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY and I really resonated with that because certainity is the opposite of faith since it is PRIDE. I think Faith is existing IN TENSION - in the darkness- with someone else who does not hold the same hermaneutic. I am a baptist that was once a seventh-day adventist. Both "Christian" denominations say THEY KNOW - from the bible - what happens after death. One is that you (your soul) sleep till Jesus comes back. the Baptist one is that when you die you are 'awake/aware/conscious' when you die as soon as you die even though both denominations believe in a bodily resurrection. Today, the Baptist pastor says from the pulpit that if you believe in 'soul sleep' , then you are a heretic?? I am not a heretic, even though I am a member of the Baptist church, I do not beleive in all the baptist dogma/hermaneutics. I was tempted to get up and tell the pastor he does not know what the heck he is talking about, but then again, I don't know if my belief is FOR SURE either. It was just insulting to be 'called a heretic'
@crisprvideogameofficial 7 часов назад
You poor soul. You've made progress towards the truth, but it seems you've merely jumped from one looney bin to another. Spirituality is a human concept, all of these thing's are concepts made up by humans and don't hold weight in reality. People are too easily persuaded or decieved. All they're really trying to do is get you do is believe their lie so that you can do their bidding. Keep searching, and eventually you will realize you don't need any of these concepts to bring you happiness or to live a good and moral life.
@mertarslan1707 17 часов назад
Hello, I wanted to respond to people whose thoughts were confused when they read the comments. . The First Council of Nicaea was convened in Turkey by Roman Emperor Constantine I in 325 AD in order to clarify some issues discussed within Christianity. I I live in the Iznik region. My ethnicity is Anatolian Celtic and I took compulsory Islamic courses in primary and high school. I also graduated from the history department. I would like to point out that Christianity, Judaism and Islam are the Middle Eastern tales told to us today.
@JustinWhite- День назад
I admire your change, John. I see all the flack you get from Christians, but I want you to know that there are people out here and love and respect your change and videos. ♥️
@nuggetoftruth-ericking7489 День назад
Thank you for your testimony.
@iknowwherethewildthingis2555 День назад
So the moment you realize you’ve been left behind…. You’ll know how absurdly egotistical (and a millstone around your neck) to reject your Maker!
@iknowwherethewildthingis2555 День назад
You seem to think that your tiny human brain can possibly understand Gods plan? You are trusting man’s word vs Gods word??? Dangerous!
@iknowwherethewildthingis2555 День назад
You’re missing the entire point. Just bc Satan is crafty and has blinded you… doesn’t mean it’s not true. A pastor with no biblical background??? You’re killin me. You KNOW better.
@BlackPillSong День назад
OF course this beta buck followed his jezebel wife into "spirituality" and psychedelics.
@Jonchalant555 2 дня назад
They gatekeep the shrooms bro
@luisalfredo7291 3 дня назад
Weak Sauce.
@jjgems5909 3 дня назад
Maybe you’ve already heard of some of these RU-vidrs, Steven Bancarz, Doreen virtue, Apologia radio, cultish, Alisha Childers, these are just a few of the channels with people who have had similar experiences to yours. I would encourage you to watch some of their videos. Maybe share your thoughts about them, or maybe have a discussion or debate with them. Praying for your spiritual journey 🙏
@jjgems5909 3 дня назад
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. -proverbs 3:5. It sounds like you had a friend who truly loved and cared about you and shared the truth with you about these demonic entities that you are entertaining. I’m sure they are still praying for you as an I. Praying that God remove the scales from your eyes. May He give you eyes to see and ears to hear. When I have had those moments of doubt and questioned “what is truth” I am reminded of that very moment Pontius Pilate stared Truth in the face. Jesus is truth, John 14:6 and His Word is truth “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” John 17:17.
@everydayelvenliving 3 дня назад
"I don't know if we can reach spiritual enlightenment through GrandTheftAuto" - HAHAHA Classic 😂
@everydayelvenliving 3 дня назад
Yay, so happy to find someone on the path of unconditional love through expanded awareness.😁 ❤ Heaven & hell are just states of consciousness, imo! Sin is anything not working towards unconditional love/oneness. Love Neville Goddard's (and many others) vision of what the Bible represented. Makes total sense to me! Highly recommend checking out At Your Command (and really anything else of his). Jesus (man) taught us to connect with the Father (unconditioned consciousness) to bring our preferred realities to life. We are one with God (consciousness) & are finding our way back home every time we choose unconditional love.
@johannjohann6523 3 дня назад
As for the Bible instead of 66 books of the bible, you really just need Genesis, Exodus and say the Book of Luke. That's all you need to be a good person in the eyes of God. You got Creation. You got the 10 Commandments. And you got the story of Jesus. That's it, follow them and you're covered! Don't worry what other people say. They are wrong most of the time, so why listen to them? (current guest not included. lol)
@johannjohann6523 3 дня назад
Hey John Rainey. If you think about it, just remove God from Religion. I get it. "Religion" kinda sucks. Christianity and the Catholic Church included. So just remove God from Religion, and guess what? Things start making sense! You can believe in God, and not believe in the Pope, or Mohammed at the same time. Sounds like you had a rough childhood, with less than capable parents. Don't worry its nothing personal. Most parents suck too. They love making kids, just not raising them. lol
@micbarca9777 4 дня назад
My heart breaks for you and your family. You know evil disguises as light. Please run back to the lord and run away from this. Praying for you.
@jessicagiovanni5773 4 дня назад
All I know is I'm so very thankful that I found the Lord and God before I ever met any (So called Christians) Had I of met y'all I wouldn't love the Lord the way I do. You call yourselves Godly but you are all the Most hateful people I have ever known. God first God always and I pray that I will not have to deal with your Evil and Hateful ways. To those who may be atheist look to the Lord and not these hateful devils who have manipulated scripture.
@nmelville123 4 дня назад
Tha is for sharing this! I went through a “crisis of faith” going from tradition Christianity to a Course in Miracles and really resonated with the parts where you were in between. In between the old beliefs yet seeing this beautiful truth. I really respected that you seem to be in a place of loving those in your past that may have disagreed with your process. I think that’s the mark of truth when a person is able to love and forgive all. Thanks for sharing
@alanyoung261 4 дня назад
Because YOU cannot admit to GOD of abraham issac YOU ARE A SINNER.
@rittenhouse3892 5 дней назад
I’m praying for you man. Why are you allowing these delusional thoughts win? Please find the true Jesus Christ
@OFFICIAL-pn2bf 5 дней назад
How Sad.............
@Swashbucklerstudio 5 дней назад
Religions are ways to express the complexities of spirituality individually and share it collectively. God consciousness expands over time and in my opinion religions should in fact evolve at least in small steps. Traditions are hard to break because they give us comfort. Our spiritual progress depends on many things, and it is in fact separated from the spiritual process of others. Judging based on how someone will be "saved" is totally irrelevant to spirituality and relevant to religion and our philosophical quest of answering aspects like "what happens after we die" God will bring salvation to whatever he/she seems fit, and our goal is to live according to universal laws and forget about the process of others and live a life of acceptance. It is our duty to coexist as one even when we don't understand the ways of others.
@stricklylife483 5 дней назад
Love the story, thanks you for sharing it with the world. Everyone has different experiences, different upbringing, and different stories. But we can all be "open" to more... more experiences, more perspectives and more Love for each other's differences.
@freezn6287 5 дней назад
You fell away cause you didnt stay in the word. Scripture isnt like food where the longer you go without eating the hungrier you get get. Its the opposite the longer without the less hungry you get.
@joelsmith4816 5 дней назад
Because you believed at one time thatJesus is God and died and rose again to pay the penalty for every humans sins, Our father is so loving and forgiving that He just might bring you into His kingdom. God looks at us as little babies, weak in every way. Nothing would turn me against My God. Tha Bible wrote history in advance. Look around, and God said it all would happen at 2000 yaers after Christs ascencion. NOW. And 80 years after Israels rebirth 1948
@GrahamVarnell 6 дней назад
Now search hell testimony and see what the thousands of those say
@austinmoorefield6542 6 дней назад
mad respect, sounds like you're still finding your voice on a complicated topic, but who is your target audience? or is this a self reflection? I think you are Neogenian, as am I, so I look forward to watching your full transformation and growth, subbed!
@taylorbach244 6 дней назад
I have some more book recommendations for you, my friend. I included a handful of books in the comments thread on your video "Why I Left Christianity" but forgot a few more titles that might get your interest. I don't want to make assumptions, but I feel like you might be leaving a few stones unturned in the Christianity department, as most people do, including myself. The Conversion of Saint Cyprian (by Scriptorium Press) The Gurus the Young Man and Elder Paisios (by Dionysios Farasiotis) I could go on and on about my own personal spiritual journey towards Christ, but who the hell cares?😅 Plus, these books do a much better job at explaining the truth of what the occult actually is from first-hand accounts. Saint Cyprian was THE MAGICIAN, and no other magican had, in his time, ever ascended to the power he had acquired during his lifetime in the realm of sorcery. Towards the pinnacle of his power, he had an encounter with Christ and was eventually martyred later on in life for having converted so many pagans and magicians to Christianity. I hope this helps.
@thesonforgives3249 6 дней назад
Biblically, God's love is not unconditional It is very conditional It is built upon, obedience to What God Says to do and not to do. The scriptures tell us to repent, turn away from your sins, by no longer practicing them willingly as if nothing was wrong by doing them, and stop doing them the best you can ... If a person doesn't do this then, they are rebellious according to the scriptures and in that case, God love is very conditional. if you don't do things His way, you cannot enter His Kingdom ... God Has made the rules whether we like them or not. You are forming a god into your own image. The way is broad that leads to destruction, but the path is very narrow that leads to life and very few find it according to the scriptures. Every single other world religious system has a completely different Jesus, and it is completely what Jesus warned about. That in the last days there would be false Jesus's, false prophets, and false teachers. God proves that he is love by setting parameters for us to live by. Telling us to live by them is God being conditional. God's unconditional love is that everybody is welcome to live by His conditional terms. Whatever God tells us not to do, is the best thing for us not to do. The Bible is very clear about rejecting counterfeit ways to God. You are completely leaning upon your own understanding, and not what is revealed in the Bible. Which is your choice! But your choice does not make God's word invalid, any more than Eve's Choice did in the garden. If you are the person who was in the video I would love to speak with you, and get more into it. peace, from d - a
@RantJamzChristianEnlightenment 6 дней назад
Have you remembered yet? Do you remember the purpose of your ego? God bless you! I would love to help any way I can 👍
@RantJamzChristianEnlightenment 6 дней назад
Christians assuming it is all Satan's doing don't know God Firsthand. Your Journey is awesome and I can relate for sure. Looking for God Directly is always the best path..you find christ without religious doctrine 👍
@RantJamzChristianEnlightenment 6 дней назад
You are correct about a lot of things in this video... im certain your on the right path to discover the full truth. It will all come full circle for you. Remember the story of the prodigal son
@dadquality 6 дней назад
Bible College? Modern times create problems that seem larger than they are. Jesus didn't say anything about any Bible College. In fact, it was the religious experts who had our Savior martyred.
@tonnib 6 дней назад
My friend, I came out of that world (psychedelics, eastern religions, new age culture) and Christ himself brought me out. I would never go back in that direction because I know where it leads and that it separates me from Christ. What is this fulfilled earthly life worth to you compared to eternity in the lake of fire.
@johnbonham115 6 дней назад
The explanation for his loss comes at 11:25. His wife started dabbling with demonic spirits, and he clearly states that he “had no idea what that was.” Anyone who is grounded with the Lord can recognize when his spouse is entertaining demons. I don’t think this man actually ever knew Jesus well enough to recognize Him versus deceptive spirits. He was unequally yolked, and his wife played a huge role in his downfall. He was not solid in his faith. He saw his faith as a product of his education and a resource to back his career. He was caught up in providing a certain image for his role as a pastor. When the time comes, you must know Jesus well enough to recognize Him, and well enough to recognize spiritual counterfeit. Without the wisdom to recognize truth, you will inevitably be fooled. The only way to gain this wisdom is to be willful to humbly accept it from the Holy Spirit when you are granted it. You need to humble yourself before the Lord, recognize the ultimate sacrifice that God made to pay for your sins, recognize that you are inadequate, and humbly receive the offering that God has given you.
@xXEGPXx 6 дней назад
None of this is in the bible
@TheTruthIsOutThurr 6 дней назад
Doesn’t matter that your beliefs changed. Christ still rose. Your subjectivity and subsequent apostasy doesn’t alter reality. You are representative of the failures of modern evangelical Protestantism. That is to say emotions take precedent over the substance of faith, piety, and obedience. And it’s not that I do not sympathize with the emotional response to hell and the broad road that separates man from God… Nonetheless, Jesus is trustworthy and His testimony is true.
@lip4501 6 дней назад
This is familiar spirit(evil)! You’re deceived. Demon can do wonders. But that’s just counterfeit! Check the fruit of the spirit! Is it love, joy, peace, gentleness, faithfulness, kindness,goodness and self-control? You know in your heart that a true Christian has the inner peace without doing anything. Our spouse is very important. Soloman married gentiles and worshiped their gods.
@apersonontheinternet8354 6 дней назад
It's irritating, but expected to see all of the christians in the comments saying things like "you never were a christian" / "your faith wasn't that strong then." It's almost like the people making those comments cannot comprehend that people can have valid and logical reasons for deconverting from christianity. As someone who was a christian for running on two decades before I deconverted, I get it. It's wild how you can be so invested and genuine in your god belief, and before you know it, that same belief is shattered on the ground in the past. I'm glad I deconverted, and hopefully your journey has been well since this video came out (I noticed I'm 8 months late to the party xd )
@taylorbach244 6 дней назад
I commend you for your courage in sharing your journey. If you ever come across this post, I challenge you to read a few books: His Life is Mine (by Saint Sophrony) The Mystical Marriage (by Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra) On the Soul and the Resurrection (Saint Gregory of Nyssa) Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works (by Hieromonk Damascene) My Descent Into Death (by Howard Storm) It's another rabbit hole in which I dont think you've traveled yet. ;)
@franzhaas5597 6 дней назад
This infuriates me to no end this man gave 30 years of his life he sacrificed all his time and effort in the name of Jesus he went to school for Jesus and then you Christians have the audacity to play judge and jury "oh you never really were a Christian that's why you fell away." F**K Y*U!.....YA, F**K Y*U! You have no f****** idea what this man has been through. Judge not or you be judged. Oh no, this man just wants to love Jesus and love others. How terrible. HYPOCRITES!
@viperv2604 7 дней назад
Then your faith wasn't strong real faith is you keep it until you die no one not even the devil can sway you away from God when you have emence faith I believe this guy wasn't strong in his faith and I believe the devil got to him to not faith faith in the Lord Jesus Christ come back to him brother for he won't forsake you..unless you forsaken him..then at that point your truly lost but I believe Jesus will enter your heart again may he bless you brother and to whoever reads this
@victoriouschristine5306 7 дней назад
I don’t know you. But be ware of the thoughts you allow in your mind. You always want to ask yourself. Why am I thinking these thoughts where are they coming from are they coming from me or from others ? It’s always important to know where they come from because the enemy places these things on our minds.
@apersonontheinternet8354 6 дней назад
Is there a way to discern between your own thoughts and "implanted" thoughts?
@victoriouschristine5306 7 дней назад
Jesus came to shake things. To change their old way of religious lament sacrifice and stuff but they just didn’t want it. They wanted their old sacred rituals. And we’re being stubborn They didn’t want to believe that their God was going to make it possible for anyone to recieve him because they believed that he was only the “ king of the Jews “ meaning everyone else was … Not welcome. Lol. He was changing the way man has relationship with Christ. So he wouldn’t have to use sacrafice and rituals. But truly repentance and changing their ways He was changing the way that they live she giving them new instruction but some were stiff necked and only wanted to abide by the mosaic law. The Torah They didn’t like what he was doing.
@victoriouschristine5306 7 дней назад
Man made the doctrines. Jesus wrote the Bible. I don’t think he would send them to hell I think it all depends on their relationship with Christ. We always get entangled with doctrinal arguments. Man Made doctrinal arguments. They couldn’t come to terms with being one church. They used to only be one church. But then. Man and their clever ideas came along and Changed things. And Satan came along and helped it. Because it caused confusion among many. This is why it’s so important to study the word. And the context and not follow a person a pastors opinion. You have to do your own study at home you cannot just take someone’s word for it. You have to say holy spirit what is this really saying The trith is they have been arguing doctrinal arguemebts for ages. No one could come to a conclusion but to bring divison. Jesus knows everyone’s heart. And I can assure you he is everywhere. If the person is sincere and dedicated to him he isn’t going ti just turn them away. He will be with them on their journey and pint them to the truth. However someone being in something so long. When you tell them the truth. They might be so set in their doctrine. In their ways if believing that they aren’t open to change. Ex Jesus was there to show them the new way and they just couldn’t shake it. The weren’t open to the theology Christ was teaching. The religious leaders considered him a threat and had him executed. It is also why it is called the New Testament. He was changing things trying to show them the truth but they met his introduction to truth with more religious arguments questioning who he says he is. Etc. We aren’t always open to the truth.
@jonahembrom4043 7 дней назад
When you entertain devil he takes you far away from grace. I am happy I am with Jesus Christ.
@apersonontheinternet8354 6 дней назад
Believing while not having the courage to put your faith to the test is the true show of cowardice. If your beliefs are true, scrutiny will do nothing. 🤷
@quaddasheep 7 дней назад
It’s very Clear to see u never was a Christian You said All these things you did to “prove you was really a Christian “ But not once did you Say u was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit Which if u read the New Testament You know How important that is
@xXEGPXx 7 дней назад
@quaddasheep 7 дней назад
So u basically Fell into heresy crazy It’s almost like the Bible Warns about this over and over and over again
@apersonontheinternet8354 6 дней назад
Almost as if it was the bible authors making a failsafe, that they would then indoctrinate into Christians to prevent genuine criticism or genuine skepticism. Hmmmmmm 🤔
@clayjones553 7 дней назад
The most important question isnt whether you think the Christian doctrine of hell is just or unjust, its whether Jesus rose from the dead or not. Throwing away your faith based on your own perceived injustice is prideful and small- minded. Also, people arent separated from God because they dont follow him correctly. They are separated from God because they hate the true God. They may seek after a god, but its not The true God.
@xXEGPXx 7 дней назад
Hell is unjust, there is zero evidence anyone has risen from the dead. Easy
@clayjones553 7 дней назад
@@xXEGPXx zero evidence🤣 You really think all of human history was changed by "zero evidence".? No wonder you're an atheist
@xXEGPXx 7 дней назад
@@clayjones553 There is zero evidence for god. To say that there is is simply lying, even honest Christians will admit they have no proof, so why are you lying?