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@mastriono5909 Год назад
CF Bsjgyuihtju hv
O Allah, bless our the beautiful Muslim worldwide and community forever and ever and our very beautiful religion Islam 💗🤲💖☝️💪☝️😊😊❤️😁😁😁
@HayaOwen Год назад
@HayaOwen 2 года назад
4 سبتمبر 2022
@arjohnmarinduque8757 2 года назад
@ayhamamer604 2 года назад
يالله يا رب العالمين
@iwankuswandi3054 2 года назад
mollooomlollllmolloolmomloomloollllmlloolollomlllmommmooollmmmlomlllmoolomlmoololllmlmmmllomllmolmolmmlommlommllooomllomoooooooo ooloooooooomomllllllolllollloollllllolmlllp oooooo9oooooooo org o
@harrisgila 2 года назад
The Four Sacred Months for pilgrimage are July, August, September and October every year since the creation of the Heaven and the Earth. Pilgrimage/Hajj is to be performed in Saudi Arabia where Mount Arafat, Muzdalifah and Mina are located, and not in Petra (Jordan) as falsely claimed by certain parties. And the one chosen and authorized by God to explain such prophecy and its authenticity is none other but Elias, the reincarnated Elijah. Moreover such fact is confirmed by God's Signature, the Mathematical Miracle Code 19, that bears God's attributes, the First(1) and the Last(9), Alpha(1) and Omega(9), the Beginning(1) and the End(9), the Outermost(1) and the Innermost(9). Ponder over God's Word from the Quran, and together with Proof from Him It was divine inspiration. (53:4) Made known by the Most Powerful. (53:5) Hajj shall be observed in the specified months*. Whoever sets out to observe Hajj shall refrain from sexual intercourse, misconduct, and arguments throughout Hajj. Whatever good you do, God is fully aware thereof. As you prepare your provisions for the journey, the best provision is righteousness. You shall observe Me, O you who possess intelligence. (2:197) * The Months of Hajj are the Four Sacred Months. They are July (Ramadhan) with 31 days, August with 31 days, September with 30 days and October with 31 days; = 7.0 0.31 8.0 0.31 9.0 0.30 10.0 0.31 You commit no error by seeking provisions from your Lord (through commerce). When you file from `Arafaat, you shall commemorate God at the Sacred Location (of Muzdalifah). You shall commemorate Him for guiding you; before this, you had gone astray. (2:198) * Coordinates for Mount Arafat = 21°21′17″N 39°59′02″E = 21°21′17″N(50) 39°59′02″E(10) = 21°21′17″50 39°59′02″10 * Coordinates for Muzdalifah = 21°23′33″N 39°56′16″E = 21°23′33″N(50) 39°56′16″E(10) = 21°23′33″50 39°56′16″10 You shall file together, with the rest of the people who file, and ask God for forgiveness. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful. (2:199) Once you complete your rites, you shall continue to commemorate God as you commemorate your own parents, or even better. Some people would say, "Our Lord, give us of this world," while having no share in the Hereafter. (2:200) Others would say, "Our Lord, grant us righteousness in this world, and righteousness in the Hereafter, and spare us the retribution of Hell." (2:201) Each of these will receive the share they have earned. God is most efficient in reckoning. (2:202) You shall commemorate God for a number of days (in Mena); whoever hastens to do this in two days commits no sin, and whoever stays longer commits no sin, so long as righteousness is maintained. You shall observe God, and know that before Him you will be gathered. (2:203) * Coordinates for Mina, Saudi Arabia = 21°24′48″N 39°53′36″E = 21°24′48″N(50) 39°53′36″E(10) = 21°24′48″50 39°53′36″10 God thus explains His revelations for you, that you may understand. (2:242) * 534 535 2197 7.0 0.31 8.0 0.31 9.0 0.30 10.0 0.31 2198 21°21′17″50 39°59′02″10 21°23′33″50 39°56′16″10 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 21°24′48″50 39°53′36″10 2242 = 19 x 2813343261 9475357911 5264742106 9063063795 6581031063 6953859738 9242952747 3273695795 8959054322 3413178701 900118.00 Peace from Elias.
@abdulmazumder8978 2 года назад
💗💗 hay allah mera jindage bodol dejia moulla ammin 🤲🤲 Allah 🌹🌹🌹🌹
@abdulmazumder8978 2 года назад
💓💓 allhamdu lillah massa allah subben allah 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
@innallaahaamaassaabireen5209 2 года назад
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين، سيدنا ونبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.ﷺ..
@suliyahsuliyah8295 2 года назад
@arjohnmarinduque8757 2 года назад
@arjohnmarinduque8757 2 года назад
@arjohnmarinduque8757 2 года назад
@arjohnmarinduque8757 2 года назад
@arjohnmarinduque8757 2 года назад
@fatemaakter9204 2 года назад
@sarahabdullah913 2 года назад
ًً ً ً روً وون ت
@mkachoura8420 2 года назад
@festimelutisoska3155 2 года назад
@tiyatiyawidianti2692 3 года назад
Masa Alloh mudahkan rejeki hamba mu ini rejeki yg melipah kekayaan yang berlimpah ruah untuk membahagiakan kedua orang tua ku amin amin 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
@yousafmughal789 3 года назад
Subhan ALLAH ❤️
@yousafmughal789 3 года назад
@yousafmughal789 3 года назад
ALLAH ho Akbar
@AZIZKhan-nl4jv 3 года назад
Mashallah 💕💕💕
@AZIZKhan-nl4jv 3 года назад
Mashallah ❣❣
@vaseemaansari7314 3 года назад
@vaseemaansari7314 3 года назад
MashaAllah alhamdolillah subhaanallah
@vaseemaansari7314 3 года назад
Allahumma Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik
@vaseemaansari7314 3 года назад
Aameen summa aameen Allahummaaameen aameen
@AbuSayed-gl2is 3 года назад
@Queen-ns1tt 3 года назад
یا الله
@kaziimon2452 3 года назад
@salallahallahatouasalamsup3163 3 года назад
Ceci est le tombeau d'Adam suprane allah gloire a allah seigneur de tout l'univers
@AZIZKhan-nl4jv 3 года назад
Mashallah 💕💕💕
@isaarisaar4827 3 года назад
@chimran5105 3 года назад
@MdJihad-rk3nt 3 года назад
@kaziimon2452 3 года назад
@innallaahaamaassaabireen5209 3 года назад
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين, ﷺ
@kaziimon2452 3 года назад
@kaziimon2452 3 года назад
@kaziimon2452 3 года назад
@kaziimon2452 3 года назад
@kaziimon2452 3 года назад
@kaziimon2452 3 года назад
@akberakber6644 3 года назад
Mashah Allah Pak ♥️
@akhtarkhan9114 3 года назад
@loveforever5783 3 года назад
আল্লাহ আকবার