Archives of 1420 by Daniil Orain
Archives of 1420 by Daniil Orain
Archives of 1420 by Daniil Orain

100 Russians choose between China and USA
3 месяца назад
Did Putin kill Navalny?
4 месяца назад
Has Putin made any mistakes over 24 years?
4 месяца назад
4 месяца назад
What if Ukraine wins?
5 месяцев назад
Yakov - the most dissenting Russian
5 месяцев назад
Why LGBT is illegal in our country?
6 месяцев назад
6 месяцев назад
We are still slaves... Aren't we?
6 месяцев назад
Putin is the richest man in the world
6 месяцев назад
European Union will send our money to Ukraine
6 месяцев назад
@n0namesowhatblerp362 День назад
are you still alive?
@paulschatz86 День назад
I love this guy
@aliasreco День назад
Maybe the have only one TV channel, paid by Putin.
@lashlarue7924 День назад
I'm a Yankee USA American from the poor part of Western Virginia and I have no issues with anyone being poor anywhere because I know where I came from. "Poor" is relative. I do have a problem with a dictatorship with nothing to offer trying to destroy its neighbor over petty jealousy, malice, spite, glory, empire, or desire for prestige, which is what Russia is now doing, and I have no use for anyone who thinks it's ok to do that.
@michjj9428 День назад
Ah yes Russia where 65 years go to die fighting a pointless war created by a ruthless dictator who sides with North Korea, has his political opponents jailed and executed, and where holding up a blank piece of paper gets you jailed and fined. What a beautiful place!
@UrsaBella День назад
такие молодые а уже 3,4,5...у меня до 23 не было никого
@bencawley853 День назад
Guy says he doesn't like England, Germany etc because we don't have Democracy, then says that in Belarus "You won't be in jail unless you're going to scream in the street: Demolish the President!" Hilarious, you can literally say anything you want in England and noone gives a fck as long as you are not hurting anyone you are fine. This is a truly free Nation and has been for hundreds of years.
@tiffanygrever8092 День назад
I pray no one will push the button, I hate that that bomb was ever created.
@bobace83 День назад
also, I’m tired of being the greatest country ever, why don’t you contribute something to the human race? Other than trying to destroy it
@bobace83 День назад
would rather be fat than in the gutter evil
@kenwongsa5273 День назад
What country do you hate ? ✖ Any country you don’t hate? ✔
@zephyrna6249 День назад
This video is very mean spirited and subversive. They ask insulting and loaded questions and splice up the audio. If some kid walked up to me and told me "Americans are richer than you and you look homeless by comparison" I would punch him then and there. That old guy said it well but too nicely. "What do you mean, I live right there" This video is more of a kid egging on random people into being defensively supportive of their country in response to rude accusations than any kind of real documentary. Shameful.
@kenwongsa5273 День назад
“We go to church, they can’t be gay”. Be sure the priests don’t turn them gay.
@kenwongsa5273 День назад
Russia is not a poor country, but the Russians are.
@bojidartodorov9274 День назад
Abou the part where he asks about a memorial of Alexander II - The liberator, the monument is in Bulgaria, at pl. Narodno sabranie 😂😂
@james.hodges День назад
Love Maria, the lady with ☮️
@james.hodges День назад
Angelina at 3:00 "We Russians have a unique trait. The more we are pushed and challenged, the stronger amd tougher we become, and the more we strive to prove others wrong no matter the odds." Ukrainians are also showing that trait.
@JustinMoss-bj9yu День назад
most would say why bother.
@petteroil День назад
Where is Daniil ?
@jeezim6746 День назад
No one can discuss nuclear weapons in public. The decision to use them rests solely with the heavens, it's called the Day of Judgment. If Russia one day decides to nuke Europe and the United States, this world will be completely destroyed and no one will survive. An inevitable tragedy that will be remembered for countless generations across the galaxies. All the prophecies of Scripture must be fulfilled. Cavemen as humans constitute the greatest tragic comedy that God has created, it's almost laughable. With the high level of technology, education, politics, science, etc., humans have never understood their most basic elements. So embarrassing... that I can't blame anyone for using nuclear weapons on this world. After all, humanity is a lost cause. But I'd rather give him a medal of honor for having balls of steel. God couldn't destroy this world even if He wanted to because He had made a covenant with this world. 📜 'I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations: I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.” ' (Genesis 9:11-17 ESV) A man who understood the heart of God is the one who'd have the will to destroy this world. But the problem is the burden of the aftermath itself... Moreover, the one who destroyed this world will be hated for eternity. This is why no one would dare to do this, so everyone would suffer in the face of incessant evil and its injustice. Agony in the pits of hell, where evil is considered good, is inevitable for everyone. Unless... humans take responsibility for all their sins. It's too easy to blame others rather than reconsider your actions. This is what God wanted, He didn't want to take all the responsibility when humans could just repeat the same mistakes without suffering the consequences. So if no one wants to take responsibility, then everyone shall suffer in eternal torments of hellfire. If you thought there was no life after death, oops... that was a really big lie... what comes after death could be extremely scary if you don't repent of your sins. Full of torture guaranteed. Your cries of pure agony will be heard everywhere in the heavens day and night. It'd sound like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..." Amen 🙏
@lgigi3079 День назад
i am from germany and i would rather live in this village than in any city here. money is not everything.
@annaeverythingishere День назад
People... Russia is more free than Europe. I am russian and I am living in Germany, trust me, here they follow everything you do and tell. So don't be so silly and don't compare Russia with Nord Korea because your tv told you to. Almost all goverments are the same. In Germany they give us show (we call it "Protest", "Freedom"), but at the end of the day only goverment decides everything, without asking people what they really want. Nobody listen us. Nowhere. P.S.: mostly their answers were not serious, because the question is dumb. Those who told Ukraine als didn't want to tell why, that's why the mam told "I don't know". Oh, trust me, he knows why he dislike it. The woman doesn't like it because of the hate from Ukrainians, so it has nothing to do with propaganda. Russians is a very smart nation (that is statistically proved), so you have to think before writing dumb comment judjung people without understanding what they really mean.
@HZram День назад
As an Iranian I never thought about Russia as a peace nation. They are always looking for more land in any direction.
@jacopobriano9834 День назад
Well, just encountered your channel today and saw some other videos of yours before this. This video is more relieving than others, where much more people are filled with hatred, which gives me concern much more than putin's or medvedev's words. Poor us, people of the same earth, at war with each other for a supremacy that most of us do not seek. Anyway, thanks for your interviews, I do really hope they are true and not fake or generated. From Italy.
@mmasterton6527 День назад
Age gives freedom!
@mariobotti1952 День назад
Few ideas and well confused.....
@peterbedford2610 День назад
Controlling media
@legikgeo День назад
"Ведёт страну куда-то не туда, где будет хорошо". Интересно послушать людей, которые не понимают ничегошеньки в жизни. Интересно было бы послушать их при других обстоятельствах, но, к счастью, разумных людей больше и этой ерунды не будет.
@Oldfanglednomad День назад
maybe most so yes cause theyre on camera
@Veganasty День назад
Finally an honest Russian!
@dabass438 День назад
The Evil Empire (US, UK, EU, NATO) is about to reap its karma!
@dormoisjean-pierre1436 День назад
So "Khokhol" is not really an insult?
@sliceanderson7766 День назад
So in Russia i can sell my car to you, then 15 years later i have right to steal it back from you because historically that car belonged to me? i like that logic.
@haroldpeckenpaugh9305 День назад
Lol ! Sounds like they are extremely jealous of Americans ,
@roblox737mbll5 День назад
Americans has honor and will never wants Russian oil that will just make Putin rich instead of its people hahahaha
@DuskoJovic День назад
How many poor and homeless people living in USA or any other west country? It is not about Putin. It is about his country, his land, his nation. All this anti-Russian propaganda is insane and some brainless people are okay with that.
@roblox737mbll5 День назад
Imgine how bad a country would be if Putin is the only competent leader only for them haahhaha
@Gary-lz5eb День назад
One beautiful smart elder man
@Gary-lz5eb День назад
All old people. Where’s the youth? Do they have any?
@Gary-lz5eb День назад
They are all totally brainwashed throughout thier lives. Poor people sad
@rob78n83 День назад
nu i kak ix vylecit,esli cesno mne uze etix banditov stanovitsa zalko.....
@antoncvetkov8602 День назад
ruzzia: we are attacking Ukraine because we fear NATO expansion what do you think about Finland joining NATO, is it dangerous for us most people in ruzzia: I dont know, I am apolitical, no they pose no threat LMAO
@user-cp5ei3kl6d День назад
Ærlig kvinde og sandheden kommer frem. Så mangler vi bare 144 mil russer.
@Tobias.Harris День назад
as a proud Europoor (Croat) we don't even have Pakistanis that would work for 550 a month, like double that and then im sure they would not live in a climate such as that in rural russia. The propaganda is in full effect
@giuseppeLizzi-rj3er День назад
WE can’t keep on repeating history
@giuseppeLizzi-rj3er День назад
Not a good idea
@olegmelnichuk-allen2723 День назад
Повезло пу з тупорилим бидлом на мокшанських болотах . 👍👍👍😆😆😆😀😀😀
@Mazzawak День назад
The uglier they are the higher they rate themselves
@FunFails День назад
At least he can say this without fearing consequences, which proves that they (unlike Ukraine) live in a free country. You criticize Zelensky in Ukraine, you end up like Gonzalo Lira, tortured to death.