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@cwkay6847 День назад
Judeo Christian principles are part of our country’s founding. This fact needs to be taught in school. Separation of church and state means no endorsement of a religion not no religion at all
@michaelryan2416 2 дня назад
I don’t think that Louisiana gives a sht about what people in NY think about how they run their schools. Bless their hearts!!
@DavidLS1 2 дня назад
Apparently, they don't give a sht about the Constitution either.
@MorahJudy 2 дня назад
Thank you so much. I grew up with Cantor Sol Mendelsohn, o"h, older brother of Jackie, and my dad, Samuel Alexander, z"l, grew up on Boro Park and was a protege of Cantor Moshe Nathanson. Dad had a beautiful voice and served as a Chazzan Sheini at our shul. I cherish the few recordings he made for me later in his life. Like Judith, I didn't appreciate the krekhst until I was an adult
@eliotschickler6948 4 дня назад
She's awesome!
@codyzimmer9257 4 дня назад
All these people are against it. Yet they prolly impose BLM and Trans stuff on kids in school
@Crabby303 4 дня назад
There's a Borscht Belt museum after opening, Frieda Vizel featured it recently on her channel, check it out, fascinating stuff.
@christophersansone2755 4 дня назад
A gay pride flag is religious symbol from those who define their whole being by and worship sodomy. No Ten Commandments then no gay pride religious proselytizing either.
@DavidLS1 5 дней назад
if you're going to teach the bible in public school, you have to teach every other religion, too. I guess there won't be any time left to teach reading, writing and arithmetic.
@michaelryan2416 2 дня назад
But we will have time for Drag Queen Story Hour
@DavidLS1 2 дня назад
@@michaelryan2416 They don't read stories in schools, only libraries. Children can opt to attend or not attend.
@michaelryan2416 2 дня назад
@@DavidLS1 kids don’t spend any class time at the library?? In my state they do. They are scheduled for library time during the school day
@DavidLS1 2 дня назад
@@michaelryan2416 Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Drag queens read to kids in public libraries, not public school libraries.
@majorlaff8682 5 дней назад
What a great idea! Boys and girls, just a reminder - don't steal, don't kill, don't lie, don't envy other people or their stuff, love and honor your parents, and love your neighbor. What a great idea.
@heidilady 3 дня назад
We teach that already. Do you think kids pay any attention to what we teachers put on the walls? 🤣🤣🤣
@josephmayfield945 5 дней назад
Christian fascists.
@samjosephson5218 5 дней назад
Really incredibly thorough; you picked wonderful practitioners of the Cantorial Art (let alone your incredible love and knowledge) making what has become so largely forgotten---come alive once more!
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
There should be mo religioys instruction in public schools outside of the context of the academic studies of history, sociology, antropology and literature. There is nothing holy about any religion and the concept of holiness is no more valid in the modern world then the concept of psychic phenomena. It is a fantasy that people who reject reality use to prop up their weak worldviews.
@user-ze8ty8ph2v 5 дней назад
Interesting program ..... especially the English transcription.
@gordey-salt 5 дней назад
א שיינעם און גרויסן דאנק!
@Jesusholmes64 6 дней назад
Why ask a new yorker?
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
Who asked you?
@Jesusholmes64 5 дней назад
@GrundyMcCall-1701D Bob actually
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
@@Jesusholmes64 Neil actually
@JasOkTiOk 6 дней назад
It's not important if the 10 commandments are part of a religion or not. They are the base of good comportement in the society. They should be learned and practiced.
@jacquelineortiz128 6 дней назад
"Love thy Neighbor" SIMPLE 👍
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
If all you're looking for is a "base of good comportment" then why not use the laws of Hamurabi, which the 10 commandments were based on? Why go that old though? Why not go with the posted rules of Kindergarten (don't hit, share, use your inside voice, say please and thank you, no running except at recess, clean up after yourself, don't tease, have fun)? Why go to a religious text for your rules of good comportment? _Because you want to force your religion on everyone else._ That's why.
@josephmayfield945 5 дней назад
Most of the commandments is god being a megalomaniac, and has no bases for educating children on morals.
@geeknoid 6 дней назад
All across the world Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christians along with hundreds of denominations believe in the 10 Commandments. The words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the U.S. Constitution. The First Amendment prohibits the government from creating an official religion or favoring one religion (or nonreligion) over another. The 10 Commandments are universally accepted by most religions so it does not favor one religion over another. The separation of church and state enables all Americans to practice their deeply held beliefs in private and in public and last I checked public schools are part of the public we are allowed to uphold our religious beliefs
@bigboy9693 7 дней назад
While we have all the woke BS jammed down our necks in schools.
@ronaldfleig4404 7 дней назад
I would not waste one minute trying to reason with most of those New Yorkers.
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
Good. They have more productive uses for their time than wasting it listening to you mouth breathe
@josephmayfield945 5 дней назад
“I’m easily manipulated by outrage culture to hate other people in my country.”
@user-vl8qw8hp1g 7 дней назад
New Yorkers weighing in on something that is happening in Louisiana makes no sense. Of course, they have freedom of speech. They can say whatever they want. That said, it's no concern of a New Yorker what is going on in Louisiana because it has no impact on the daily lives of New Yorkers. Stay in your lane, NYC.
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
Right, so by your argument, if Colorado mandated felatio instruction in schools, it would be no one's business but folks in Colorado. Or, if California mandated that public schools teach the superiority of Latino culture over all others (not saying the others are bad, just not as good), everyone in other states should shut up about it? As Americans we are all entitled to speak out and have opinions about every place in America. It is _our_ country. States, counties, cities and neighborhoods included. All of it is everyone's business.
@josephmayfield945 5 дней назад
No man is an island. People who are raised in other states go out into the world and affect change. New Yorkers can talk about it - because it can affect them.
@heidilady 3 дня назад
It affects all of us.
@Eyeris625 7 дней назад
Not for nothing, but now ask the mid west states the same question...
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
As the Pacific Northwest.
@aidanflanagan4953 7 дней назад
Some of the first U.S. states were literal theocracies. More complicated than that muh “separation of church and state”. You have to swear an oath on a Bible in almost every court of the U.S. for testimony. How is this any different?.
@Eyeris625 7 дней назад
Nobody swears to the Bible any more, it is an oath to "Almighty God" which can be any god that the person follows or an Affirmation which states that the person will only tell the truth.
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
​@@Eyeris625 There is no such thing as God. Not in any sense. By no definition. The path is simply an oath. "Do you swear...?" It is legally binding. That's the only thing that matters in a court of law. There is no mention of God or the Bible when swearing an oath in court.
@josephmayfield945 5 дней назад
So many fallacies said with so much confidence.😂
@aidanflanagan4953 5 дней назад
@@josephmayfield945 the only fallacy is your idealogical head.
@heidilady 3 дня назад
You can swear on any holy book or none at all.
@kickywicky4616 7 дней назад
Is it the joke with the punchline "Look who thinks he's nothing"?
@tonipaslay2539 7 дней назад
That was just crazy! History??? It’s real young lady. You better read your history then and save yourself
@devilmonkey427 6 дней назад
Says the person who's never really read any history.
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
Says the person who's -knowledge- misunderstanding of history ends at 1776.
@Keithrrr 7 дней назад
“I had Christmas celebrations imposed on me”, seriously? That poor lady had it so rough. She should move to pakistan or afghanistan
@geeknoid 6 дней назад
if she did she would realize even Muslims believe the 10 commandments.
@user-zn7he5rm5t 7 дней назад
that gentleman who mentioned the pledge of allegiance in schools, I would believe anything he says
@bananaboat1808 7 дней назад
I think schools should teach a world religions class about different faiths, instead of just one religious view. That's the problem I have with this new law. Only one religion is represented.
@geeknoid 6 дней назад
Are you sure about that? Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christians along with hundreds of denominations believe in the 10 Commandments.
@DavidLS1 2 дня назад
They could teach religion along with Greek and Roman mythology.
@papabradsog4727 7 дней назад
This nation was founded on our Christian faith. People arrived here fleeing religious persecution in Europe. Separation of church and state has lead to the ansrchy and marxist system we now must endure
@devilmonkey427 6 дней назад
You do know that several of our founding fathers were diests, right? Thomas Jefferson even has his own version of the Bible.
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
This nation was founded on the accumulation of wealth. Not one thing more. A bunch of guys with money wanted to give less of their money to England so they convinced a bunch of stupid, illiterate working class folks that _England bad!_ and started a war. Do some reading. There were a small handful of philosophical ideologues who had a boner for freedom and a massive pile of rich guys who wanted to get richer. Regular folks weren't allowed to vote (white, landowning hales only). Women couldn't inherit property. Blacks were enslaved. Native people were hunted down and murdered. The teachings of Christ are not in evidence _anywhere_ in the founding documents, but pre-christian Greek philosophy _is._
@josephmayfield945 5 дней назад
Come on now, we all know you don’t know shit about Marxism. Also, there’s plenty of letters from the founding fathers saying it’s not about Christianity. Also, slavery was introduced when people were more religious. I think you just hate our country and freedom. Maybe you should head over to the Middle East and get a look at what happens when you let the church run your country.
@jamesbeemer7855 7 дней назад
Hmm 🤔 , good question . Why no religion in PUBLIC schools ? Our constitution was developed with those rules in mind with out the literal engagement of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH . That narrative happened in England . Something happened with George and the church in England that the founders did not want happening here . So the church was left out . Progress to today , and if you have been following the news the last couple of years , you can see why . We are free of that mess , and i want keep it that way . The Middle East is full of PRIESTS running nations , and fighting among themselves . It’s rediculous ! All i know is I’m glad we are free from that kind of tyranny .
@RabbiKolakowski 7 дней назад
that prutzah thinks not murdering and not stealing are out-dated - and people wonder why the world is so messed up - we definitely need more Torah in the world, and having the most basic laws of Torah on display is a good thing and is timeless
@GrundyMcCall-1701D 5 дней назад
No, we need the 7 tenets of the Satanic Church.
@G5Nvm 10 дней назад
Lol, sometimes you just know if someone's jewish. I always knew that he was.
@karlschreiber9286 11 дней назад
I m packing my 🐪 going to this hill with the cloud on it . Making a frontiere and planting wine and so. But where are the people believing in this time nowadays ? If god gives me power in my old age. So I m staying alone on tve hill and i m happy. Thank You for the lesson. Said chesund. 😀
@kavadale 11 дней назад
TY Rukhl
@KellieEverts-ss8uz 12 дней назад
Yeah can you leave please 3:41
@PaulaZF 12 дней назад
Thank you so much for these! I have a terrible memory due to long COVID. It would help a lot, when you do the final review if you wrote the English under the words.
@dovidf4270 13 дней назад
In light of the news from Louisiana, it's also good to learn the words kniyok כניאָק, frumak פֿרומאַק, and hipokrit היפּאָקריט.
@luciacurtis2381 13 дней назад
I do enjoy your teaching but sometimes find it too fast. This isn't you it's me. I wish I could just have you in my home teaching me all day 😄if ever you fancy a holiday in the UK give me a shout.....hope you like animals though 😉 Thank you for your time xx
@curlygirly1355 13 дней назад
Stanley is the man !!
@michaelb1348 14 дней назад
Peter is completely in denial of the reality in the middle east.
@michaelb1348 15 дней назад
If Anti Zionism means opposition to Jews having their own state then clearly it is anti semitic.
@user-mf9mb5qh8x 16 дней назад
Another illustration of the banality of evil. Always stunning to see how people can justify evil. He totally avoids the reason why the Palestinians resort to violence. The reason and the original cause of the conflict: Israel is a state founded on ethnic superiority or privilege. It can never be democratic based on that advantage given to a group. It was inevitable that this would lead to a kind of fascism (i.e., extreme nativism leading to barbarism).
@submissivelover 18 дней назад
I knew Game of thrones couldn't have come from an Italian Brain
@joshgates8821 19 дней назад
There were also black Nazis as well
@joshgates8821 19 дней назад
Just remember guys not all Nazis are white. I’m Mexican in Spanish and my great grandfather which is still alive. Today was a Nazi and he fought for division. Azul was a Spanish Nazi division that fought against communism.
@williamstamper442 20 дней назад
Why does nearly every comment have the letter "i"
@harolds6227 24 дня назад
Kravat is Yiddish. It probably came from French .
@maisoonafaneh7831 27 дней назад
@sumansingha4882 27 дней назад
@rewschreijewschreier 27 дней назад
di blumyn. looks prettier with the more accurate ayin y.! :D
@rewschreijewschreier 27 дней назад