Billie Rae Brandt
Billie Rae Brandt
Billie Rae Brandt
What’s up my guys?

Men's Dating & Self-Improvement
No B.S. Approach

TIKTOK & INSTAGRAM: @billieraebrandt
BUSINESS INQUIRES: business.billierae@gmail.com
STOP Taking Her Bikini Pics
5 дней назад
I Refuse to Be a Housewife
12 дней назад
Why Men REALLY Shut Down
21 день назад
I Hate When Men Solve MY Problems
26 дней назад
I Want A Man of STATUS
28 дней назад
“Chivalry is SO Dead”
Месяц назад
Why I LOVE Patriarchy
Месяц назад
Stay At Home vs Girl Boss
Месяц назад
@rockkandyplay5692 10 секунд назад
This...thank you. Men, we love and appreciate you. You are respected. Us women really do appreciate you.
@beamerball666 2 минуты назад
I mosh in Jordan's because I'm fundamentally broken as a person
@Itachi4477 10 минут назад
Men, would you rather share your feelings with a woman or a tree?
@SteveoGregg 10 минут назад
Finally , one that actually gets it.
@okas_art 16 минут назад
What a brilliant hook to give us advice on how to not kiss. It’s stupid huh?
@splintEight 16 минут назад
In short: be supportive and respectful when someone is going through something.
@valthenvega2434 16 минут назад
Sometimes you really need to provide basically the lore of a problem-solution scenario because that’s the way to find a more accurate diagnostic. It’s not that you’re an idi°t, it’s just that there are times where men & men as much as men & women need to sync into something to get out of it or find their different perspectives around an issue
@Jester232637 17 минут назад
Never talk, never cry, it always comes back to you in a negative way!
@mcgowd82 18 минут назад
@Tomkarp.slomski 19 минут назад
She kind of has a great sense of style.
@PaulScowen 22 минуты назад
‘Respect’. If a man opens up or shows vulnerability to his partner she loses respect for him so we have been sexually selected to be stoic. It’s toxic femininity not masculinity that’s made men this way.
@xfiles4792 24 минуты назад
Remind me again. What does the husband need her for?
@Pan_Handled 26 минут назад
Thank you from every ounce of my soul 🙏
@ItchyBurrito 28 минут назад
I'll be #139!
@olemanshavadoo7893 28 минут назад
Galco. They make awesome belts
@Mr_Motivated420 29 минут назад
Most of Chivalry was actually just battlefield etiquette and stuff like that
@endlessdesert3122 31 минуту назад
The green shirt is great but should be more revealing. There how was that!!!
@endlessdesert3122 32 минуты назад
No Don't worry about it. There are much harder times coming and we will only think of turmoil. Then simply you shall see a simple man protect the ones he loves. Trust me that these times of internal FRIVOLOUS monologue are soon to be over. Give it 12- 16 years.
@kylegeorgedavy2833 34 минуты назад
Im emotional and being autistic i talk about my feelings and problems all at once and im a man
@hordiihoruiko5397 37 минут назад
Pick me
@ericschmeiss3052 38 минут назад
This is my life explained to me. Where are more women like this? This has to be AI, right? Can't be real.
@NeoTribe1 45 минут назад
@rock2world4u 46 минут назад
Because if a man would show a struggle, the females are going to the next so sophisticated lier, as they choose respective to gain money, might, wealth and stability. Which isn‘t completely wrong, but it excludes the mans needs totally. Man: stay away from wimen! They aren‘t good for your health! At least as long they can take profit from it. Otherwise you will be dismissed like a Porta pottie.
@ShmEric 48 минут назад
Lol so you posted anyway??? Please keep reading your Bible or start a relationship with God.
@kaderloop785 50 минут назад
Hit the nail right on the head. Anticonformity is not freedom; you are still slaves of the patriarchy as you still let it dictate your every move, even if those moves are the exact opposite of what it wants!
@mikec3756 51 минуту назад
Pretty accurate. Lot of wisdom there. It's also important to remember that a lot of guys aren't necessarily denying or burying their feelings -- many just don't feel things as intensely as women, or their most intense feeling relate to the external world (like politics or their work), not their interior experience, their relationships, etc. Not all, but many.
@rohansharma9552 52 минуты назад
how can I find a girl like her
@VampireNoblesse 52 минуты назад
thank you!
@AzoiatheCobra 54 минуты назад
The biggest discutions in my household is who pay. "Leave it, i pay this one" "No, i pay" "No... I pay" "No" "No" "Love you" "Lkve you too, but no"
@netrox0072 58 минут назад
If the girl allows you to take photos of her, that's a good sign. If she is instructing you to help with her modelling photos and have multiple angles in revealing clothes, she is not doing it for you and you should dump her.
@Cyclonus12 58 минут назад
Lies! ... No man in history has ever cared if the bed was made! 😄😆😂🤣
@phil_jc_dev Час назад
Most women in my experience don’t know how to show mutual respect, in fact they shout as soon as the word is mentioned, as if it’s a toxic request.
@YourHostIrwin Час назад
Honestly thank you, but another reason we don’t open up is because it just comes back and hits us in the jaw in some way. Most of the time it’s better to suck it up and deal with it than be knocked down
@matthewanderson1105 Час назад
Yeah so confusing at my expense
@damin9913 Час назад
We love to talk we just hate when women talk they won't shut up once they start
@Staremperor Час назад
I'm in a happy marriage for 13 years, we have 3 children. And I say: if my wife wants do go out dressed like whatever... that's her bussiness. I'm not insecure. I'm not owner of my wife. She is a person who can decide for herself. She could even walk down the street naked if she chooses to. It's her bussiness, it doesn't have to do anything with me or our relationship. AND it doesn't mean that anyone is allowed to do anything to her. She decides what happens to her. I usually like your sketches, but this one, I don't
@claussanta2341 Час назад
Men: Try to find solution. Women: Try to find emotion.
@Ricardofromage Час назад
Sadly in my experience (im 48) a lot of women will weaponise any kind of honesty from men. It may not be immediate, but sooner or later theyll drag you for it, next day or a decade later, its easier to be stoic and just get on, "society" has ruined relationships....
@windfallthomas676 Час назад
When I shut down it's because I want to gather and organize my thoughts and not let my emotions dictate my actions and words. I know myself well enough that I know how I am when emotions are running high. Let me just cool down a bit and I'll talk to you. Otherwise you'll just annoy me because you're interrupting my proccess of self reflection.
@alphadeltaarts5180 Час назад
Its not about you wearing dress or sweatpants. Its about how much effort u put for the other
@damienjstepick Час назад
Why can’t I find a woman like this? I found one so many years ago, and I had to walk away because she had to fix parts of her that I couldn’t. All I wanted to do was treat that woman like a queen for the rest of her life. Better than a queen. Treat her like she should be treated… As the most important thing in my life. I have children. My youngest is in high school. I’ve had people tell me that I’m bad for wanting a relationship while I should be concentrating on my kids. I love my kids to the moon. I have sacrificed my career, my social life, I live in a place that I don’t want to and where I have no friends or family for my children, and I was so busy taking care of them I haven’t had a lot of time to make more friends and family here. The few I did moved away because they were from the East Coast like me and had a hard time living here too I just want to fall in love again. I want to find my one and only and I’m not too old yet. I do feel the years starting to creep up though… women like this, give me hope. As for anyone who’s going to try and say, I shouldn’t be looking for a relationship while I have children, screw off. I will never stop loving my children or doing everything they need, even if I find a woman who takes their place as number one. That last statement got some really upset. Your spouse should be your number one even if your children came first. My children and I have open, honest and respect filled relationships. They already know that I’m seeking my one true love. They also know that my love for them is completely different and I can love a woman and have her be my number one without abandoning my children. I don’t know why people find these concepts so difficult or offensive. Just my opinion.
@jonathanwright3679 Час назад
DAMN STRAIGHT!!!! Where have you been all my life!?!?!?❤
@williamTobith Час назад
I'm 16 and i got stubble kinda thin and few thick goatee or whatever you called and damn i look ugly as hell my stubble and goatee is so orange and i am southeast asian
@soulspeaker1650 Час назад
I wish she respected me enough to not Nash the relationship online I hate that shit.
@soulspeaker1650 Час назад
@damienjstepick Час назад
There are very few women like you left in the world. I tried online dating for a while, didn’t meet anyone like you. I would say you missed out on one small point and that is women often weaponize their frustrations against their men. They don’t forgive and forget, rather, remember and bring it up on a regular basis often leading them to filling animosity. Men can feel animosity too. It starts with communication. A man who understands romance, understands it because he recognizes that romance is an individual thing. He hast to take the time to listen to the woman he’s with. She will communicate to him what she needs. A man will do the same. if a woman takes the time to listen and offers her man the very things that he needs, she will be treated better than a queen. She will be treated as the one thing in that man’s life he cannot live without. Just one guy’s opinion.
@vvs7591 Час назад
Who the f**k are you? Lmao
@thomascraig6814 Час назад
I’m 6 foot 3 but live with my parents and am incompetent. Now what.
@cave.dweller.mediocrates Час назад
Thanks for this
@ermacjones4821 Час назад
I have no drive, I'm not interested in joining the hamster wheel bullshit where nothing is ever enough, especially not for some wack ass, pathetic modern chick who doesn't understand loyalty. I do have "permanent contentness", I'm grateful for what I have, because I've lost way more than most people, and that taught me a few things💁🏻‍♀️ I would never go through some chick's phone, because I don't care, and I already know she's talking to other dudes, because modern women are children. I would never allow a woman to ever touch my phone either, just on principle. With that being said, I'm 6'5", naturally athletic, a deep voice, I love to fight, and I have the jaw line of Superman. I'll do whatever, and whoever, the hell I want, and I'll take any of these girls seriously💁🏻‍♀️
@Dennis_Ryan_Lynch Час назад
Bro that dog is having a FEAST