Red Beard Rants
Red Beard Rants
Red Beard Rants
@saadk8905 14 часов назад
Not give a dam? This black guy has no idea lmao.
@saadk8905 14 часов назад
Bro wtf is this lol
@saadk8905 16 часов назад
Instead of debate Alex should shave his head or hair transplant
@felipedacruz3670 18 часов назад
Great video brother… I’ve been in this situation for many years… in the US I go months lonely… then I take a trip over seas and date / bang beautiful ladies… so the key is to take trips to Latin America or Asia guys 🫡
@thedarkestknight8381 День назад
What wm find attractive is more objective than what men do our window is way wider they are more strict especially things like height we are way more subjective
@thedarkestknight8381 День назад
I don’t agree with you but really impressive impersonation I don’t think they’d be attracted to his voice though lol
@jefferyburch9877 День назад
You were kicked out of Colombia for illegal activity so you're really not qualified.
@TheGrimFoot День назад
You should stay overseas. America is imploding. Economically, financially, socially, and demographically. # done for
@radvlad1431 День назад
1) you don't see that in Latino clubs because the man won't allow it 2) This generation of white men are very weak and allow it 3) to fix the problem whites need to act more like Latino men when it comes to claiming their women (But it'll never happen. It takes a group effort, four or five guys need to back each other up but for some reason we never do it while other races always do it) 4) I'm white and have a very high success rate with beautiful black women. They also see what's going on and they are very happy to betray their race the same way 5) there's certain qualities blacks have that this new generation of white men lost. For example as a man you have to have an aura of danger. You have to appear and BE tough and dangerous, like if someone messes with you they'll regret it 5) we have to ditch the name "white boy". I never refer to myself as a white boy and I don't allow anyone else to do it either. If they do call me a white boy I immediately correct them. Would a black ever allow himself to be called a "black boy" or Latino a "latino boy" ? Never. You weak little white boys really need to toughen up
@strongbad2016 День назад
I experienced the difference between not being good looking and being an okay looking. The difference of dating life is night and day. Looks matter a lot.
@redbeardrants День назад
Water is wet....
@anthonygaydotcom День назад
Just because they are beautiful doesnt make them quality women.
@amandaburleson2035 2 дня назад
bro not all women want you to take care of them, you just get low quality dumb women who respond to your instagram ads, . try dating doctors. plastic surgeons. try dating attractive women with businesses, well paying careers.try dating women who will be the ones inviting you out to eat. and be the ones paying for hotels.try dating high profile women who buy you gifts. they love their careers. they love to make money. they just want to please a hot man. they want a man who can plan a good weekend trip for them. they want good sex with a hot guy(not you) ...they want to come home from work to give a hot guy a nice BJ,,,, they are highly educated. intelligent. classsy. wholesome girls. but they dont want to be taken care of, they just want a hot confident guy who can make em laugh, and orgasm.
@amandaburleson2035 2 дня назад
his body frame is really bad, his shoulders droop down. yikes, no chest. and his belly button looks liek a frowney face smile. he is kinda slim but sadly he has no good asesthetics body wise... he literally has nothing going for him other than blue eyes. and an american passport. women get turned off when they see that in the bedroom, they have to keep reminding themselves "at least he has blue eyes"
@amandaburleson2035 2 дня назад
redbeard just needs to do plastic surgery already. 75-100k he will become the man he alwasy wanted to be. leg lengehtning surgery andother 100k to become at least 6'2 6'3'', for a quater of a million dollars he can become a million dollars.
@amandaburleson2035 2 дня назад
girls will sleep with redbeard, but the high caliber girls he tries to pursue are already in love with guys in their countrys. who already got buisnesses, connections ,and probably better genes than redbeaird
@laprechaun12 2 дня назад
This guy’s eyes literally separated 😂
@TyeMitchell-s5s 2 дня назад
These guys with million dollar cars and abs that were hitting up your 0 out of 10 on tinder are scamming “her”
@GQ1921 2 дня назад
American woman are true beasts. Definitely not for me 😂😂😂😂😂 i dont even try to get laid anrin the usa because its become a mission. Its so much easier in the Philippines
@JohnMcAfee-se9ms 2 дня назад
I laughed at your bit on brazilian music. But why go to a latin american country and compare about the rates of pfp? I dont know if youre agnostic or atheist, but you may have to consider and seek for the existence of God, and then go to those countries known to be spiritual, religious and have low divorce rates. Every country has beautiful women (except Papua new guinea). You just have to be in their biggest cities. Many post soviet and Asian countries are religious and spiritual, have low divorce rates, yet are still highly secular in their government.
@Effitall650 3 дня назад
Without a doubt American females are disgusting head to toe, inside and out. Foul, all deserving of the backhand. My late teens and throughout my 20s I spent all my time with Brazilians. As soon as i started hanging out with Americans again I was appalled and not attracted to american girls. If they would only get over themselves and take a look at how they come across MAYBE things would improve but i am not putting one penny on that bet.
@thedarkestknight8381 3 дня назад
Looks wins cause most guys won’t be making huge amounts of money or have a lot of status that’s why they matter more looks height
@thedarkestknight8381 3 дня назад
Pulling off money status no different actually worse than a guy who pays for it you just get to rent longer your not only paying with those two things but your time attention emotions for something that isn’t genuine
@thedarkestknight8381 3 дня назад
Money status doesn’t trigger genuine attraction it’s basically pay for play longterm at that point another thing height is a huge factor just not being short matters a lot like at least being 5’9” most guys won’t get to making a lot of money high hundreds thousands yearly or even high status like b c tier celeb
@matthewnelson3893 3 дня назад
The best way to not get robed in Medellín is to not visit there. Seriously it's super overrated and expensive. Colombia is big and has plenty of other cities where the women actually are excited to see Gringos
@redbeardrants 3 дня назад
@markthesing5693 3 дня назад
You’re 100% correct. Spend three weeks there with my beautiful Colombian fiancé and the Piasas were not nice to her either. They are sick of everyone and generally crabby. They are very mad at rise in the cost of living due to the foreigners.
@redbeardrants 3 дня назад
Spot on.
@emilytreu2312 3 дня назад
And men aren’t men either. Feminism has feminized men. So has modern society. Most men are children unfortunately. As a tomboy woman, I’d say I’m a mix of a man and a woman. I feel like I’m living in a sea of childish idiotic “adults”
@stephaniepersin4222 3 дня назад
This dude grows an ape like looking beard believing it's a real man when it's a scared little boy that insults women because it can't control us as a gender.
@GringoTravels-hd4wo 3 дня назад
Bro stop saying you suffered a matrix attack. That makes you sound slow and behind the times.
@redbeardrants 3 дня назад
Huh? Do you even know what that means?
@GringoTravels-hd4wo 11 часов назад
@redbeardrants yea it means you've been targeted by media or whatever. It sounds dumb and makes you sound like a discounted Andrew Tate which you are but I'm sure you don't want to come across like one
@Supbro14 4 дня назад
Sounds like he has a small c0ck and insecure.
@semaifirtes 4 дня назад
The Gender identity 'woman' doesn't seem the set of roles and expectations that many adult female Americans seem to have taken. It just fits my theory everybody is non-binary 👍
@andre1987eph 4 дня назад
Most importantly they are not making babies.
@andrews3642 4 дня назад
You don't even talk a good game and you make money off this? LMFAO! I'd be willing to bet that unless you paid for it you're a virgin.
@capbruhcorn 4 дня назад
Been going to Rio since 2018 and it peaked in late 2021. Started to go downhill in 2022. The Passport Bros raised the prices. Airbnb’s, termas, restaurants, and of course the girls. The new guys think it’s normal to pay 700-1000rs for 1hr. Not even savvy enough to negotiate and can’t speak a lick of Portuguese. This has created entitlement and snobby attitudes that said passport bros are allegedly trying to escape in America.
@redbeardrants 3 дня назад
@ronaldgmaster5782 4 дня назад
Is Casey in his mom’s bedroom?
@JOHNOTNAC 4 дня назад
Sir, to speak as fast as you do is that a sign of being very intelligent.If thar the case Congratulations. But Chat gpt does it much better
@JOHNOTNAC 4 дня назад
To speak as fast as do is that a sign of intelligence? Chat gpt does it better
@lukasjezek9404 4 дня назад
Such beautiful women they are unbelievable and they probably weren't the top ones and yet they are beautiful. You speak great Portuguese... I had no idea that there could be shy girls in Brazil.,.. A beautiful place....
@redbeardrants 4 дня назад
@masteryoda498 5 дней назад
Sorry, but vvomen are way more visual than men, by a country mile, yes some men can be very visual, but overall vvomen are more concerned with looks, than men. The B.lackpill is the truth on how male-female intimate work, and that is LOOKS is the number thing vvomen care about, and that you have to pass the LOOKS test with a vvoman first for any chance of intimacy happening. You can dismiss the B.lackpill all you want, but the B.lackpill always comes to collect.
@thedarkestknight8381 4 дня назад
Master yoda brother tell them
@wolfemode 5 дней назад
@thedarkestknight8381 5 дней назад
Blonde dude had him rethinking his whole career he made valid points you can’t rebuttal
@thedarkestknight8381 5 дней назад
Dudes 31! What actually f this guy has the fountain of youth better than all those celebs I thought dude was maybe late teens early 20s
@thedarkestknight8381 5 дней назад
The thing is men have to work harder cause wm look at looks height money status but wm just only have to look good which almost all of them can achieve but men have to work on all four and money status is hard even if you achieve it won’t be genuine
@thedarkestknight8381 5 дней назад
It baffles me to believe a guy that literally makes money off of dating and Men’s hope in dating this industry is literally like a gold mine cause it branches off into self improvement guru, gym rats bodybuilding, mental health, making more money or side hustling Men’s drive in this society is the biggest money maker ever period that’s why they bank in on everything men do to get wm or anything involving men’s sexuality of course they will cover their footsteps and lie do anything to protect it and not let the truth of looks and height mattering the most and genuine way of attraction real attraction
@DaveG-qd6ug 5 дней назад
The hair plugs lookin good now ! 💪
@brentmagnano3808 5 дней назад
This man speaks the truth.
@Mobev1 5 дней назад
Bs.. white women are least likely to date or marry outside race.
@sczr1186 5 дней назад
This guy wants to believe so bad us passport bros comin down there for ugly women. And that no attractive women are gettin wit passport bros. And its really sad cause its akin to how some women do mental gymnastics to comfort themselves. Its a very feminine trait for a man to try to avoid the truth.
@Sdfghjtgy1 5 дней назад
People who sleep 20 women a month are mentally ill sex addicts. I don't see how one would need any more than one attractive and intelligent female on his side.
@keithbolding7915 5 дней назад
So basically what I'm getting is that Brazilian woman are very snooty & high maintenance.