KUER 90.1
KUER 90.1
KUER 90.1
KUER is a public radio station located in Salt Lake City, Utah. We enrich the lives of people throughout our listening area with a signature blend of news, information and entertainment in an unbiased, non-commercial context. In so doing we represent an invaluable connection between the University of Utah and the greater community; an ongoing source of service and support to community organizations; and, for our staff, a satisfying place to work, learn and grow.
Peach Fuzz | TreeNote | KUER Podcasts
28 дней назад
Mulberry | TreeNote | KUER Podcasts
Месяц назад
@Pootycat8359 4 дня назад
43:44 Where DOES such "stuff" come from? How did Mozart write his first musical composition at the age of four? And I possess talents, the origin of which, I can't explain. Specifically. whence came my facility in the use of the English language---not in school, I had the ability before I entered the First Grade, and remember using a dictionary, when I was six. After studying religions, occultism, the paranormal, etc, I think I know. These abilities are hold-overs of skills we acquired in previous incarnations.
@Pootycat8359 4 дня назад
According to Franz Bardon, author of "Initiation into Hermetics," the "Practice of Magical Evocation," and "Key to the True Quaballah," you CAN'T "sell your soul," But you can contract with a spiritual entity, either positive or negative, to serve that being for a finite length of time. In return, he/she/it provides you with magical training & knowledge. Bardon, however, advises against entering such a relationship, even with a good spirit, because the magician, over time, may lose his uniquely human qualities ("tetrapolar" nature), and become more & more like the spirits of that particular "sphere."
@michaelparks5669 Месяц назад
@ericthefish01 2 месяца назад
@Living_Daylights 3 месяца назад
@imperialmotoring3789 11 месяцев назад
I hope this deluded child was kept from the transing cult.
@toriwade8073 Год назад
Just because a procedure is performed in a medical facility doesn’t automatically make it health care. Breast augmentation would be a good example of that
@AhJodie 4 года назад
Thats the kind of nurse I want to take care of me, BRAVO for her!!!!! Here is more of the story www.cnn.com/2017/11/01/health/utah-nurse-officer-arrest-settlement-trnd/index.html
@tradinwiznit 4 года назад
You are awesome Peter! I am a big fan!
@qp5524 5 лет назад
This is so sad that this happened to her. I was so angry watching this woman essentially get kidnapped in front of so many people for doing her job. I can still hear her screams and pleas for help!!! Many police do outstanding work and risk their lives to protect those in need, but unfortunately we have officers who are overzealous at times and abuse their appointed authority. Please give thought the next time a black man, woman, or any other minority relays a similar experience of injustice and don't just shrug it off as an exaggeration of the circumstances. This type of behavior happens way too often to people of color and the only way it's going to stop is if non people of color get just as appalled of our injustices as they do with situations such as this. Thanks for sharing this video and may GOD bless all those affected by this including the arresting officers family. Empathy goes a long way.
@YSTYoshiReacts 5 лет назад
We’re sorry
@oldmanvollox7793 5 лет назад
yea support the port i agree
@oldmanvollox7793 5 лет назад
and if you think this is funny wait till you see our underwear
@idobyte4308 5 лет назад
Obviously these cops don't know the laws and rights of the people they are supposed to "PROTECT AND SERVE".....sickening!!!
@christinatakesphotos 5 лет назад
isn't that illegal the statements made are all completely false trying to brainwash and change your vote isn't this some type of black mail?
@2kool4u_mac67 5 лет назад
Julie! Hell yeah for prop 2!!
@Wignut 6 лет назад
Apparently a yes or no answer takes hundreds of steps.
@Ctrl_Alt_Del_USA 6 лет назад
First of all, Julie King is AWESOME!!! Drug Safe Utah Has No Soul. They are LIARS and have broke rules/committed crimes in their campaign of ignorance. The canvasser is frustrated because they don't have a plan B after their lies fail. You idiots! People are going to be MOTIVATED to vote because you are PI$$IN@ THEM OFF! LOL! Members of your Church DO NOT LIKE GETTING LIED TO (I think), but Julie is a DEEPLY CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN who is Voting YES for Medical Marijuana in Utah.
@merillyhughes1865 7 лет назад
What a fu...kin JERK....She was only doing her JOB
@0003skye 7 лет назад
How are these idiots cops? And why in the world would they get PAID leave! He has been following "his" law for 22 years. Well obviously it's his own made up law because it is illegal to ask for blood unless there is an actual criminal investigation and they would provide a warrant. HIPPA is a federal privacy law between patients and their health care providers, that does not include cops. She did absolutely nothing wrong. This is a great example of cops inflated ego thinking they have all the power in the world to do what they want.
@donqueen1048 7 лет назад
That is one asshole of a cop who needs to fine another line of work. He thinks he is the law an can do as he pleases. Would somebody put his fat ass in jail.
@periesicsd 7 лет назад
You clearly hear it's not his first time he loses control. In the hospital, a cop yells his name and tried to calm him. That nurse is more than right, or she loses her job! And the way the other cop puts her under pressure, while she was cuffed and in the car, that's also disgusting. They overstepped a line right there. How dumb are these 'guys'? All high on adrenaline?
@JimRobinson-gr4fm 10 месяцев назад
@jjohal5068 7 лет назад
Police officer kneeling down is talking shit,, there job is not arrest criminals, hospital employee job is to protect there patients guilty or not.....stale mate....fuck them.....straight out of Compton
@jjohal5068 7 лет назад
He is fat,old, out of shape police officer, who clearly has a shit home life prob divorced who's kids hate him....a very poor excuse of a police officer. Prob a bent copper as well.....
@birdeyes200 7 лет назад
Bullies. That's all they are. Plain BULLIES
@andealkeyriver3829 7 лет назад
She was protecting a patient! As she should be
@garychen8063 7 лет назад
no blood! urine? what do I know?
@crystalstewart7124 7 лет назад
The officer keeps saying if they had known there was a blood draw obtained upon the patient's arrival they could have used that sample. So why wasn't that their initial question when they requested blood in the first place? Instead these officers were so caught up in proving who was right and wrong and comparing hospital policy against the law! Because of HIPPA, nurse's are required to protect patients' information; therefore, how would she assume she should just offer information regarding whether a blood draw had or had not occurred. It was not her duty to tell but it was the duty of these officers to inquire. Are they not to serve and protect all, using as minimal force as possible to effectively uphold the law? Asking about the initial blood draw in the first place would have eliminated this whole situation, right? At least that's what I understand the officer saying as he was blaming her for obstructing an investigation.
@jimsmith1506 7 лет назад
that cop needs to be punched in the face
@ben41281 7 лет назад
These "officers" have forgotten their oaths! And should be immediately fired! And never get a job in law enforcement ever again! Maybe a job in food service, would suite them better.
@drekdrek2023 7 лет назад
Protect and serve my ASS. Terrorizing a nurse for doing her job right when you cant do yours correctly. Coward!
@Tipsproshop 7 лет назад
What garbage police officers... They are the reason why real criminals get away with murder. Who is the other idiot cop anyways? Sounds like he is the one ordering Alex's arrest. The story just doesn't work. Why would they be so adamant about getting this guy's blood. Hope she sues them all. That is the only way they will learn.
@TeriMaddy 7 лет назад
this seemed staged to me... I don't know......just seems ......
@iflick7235 7 лет назад
The police officer's partner realizes the nurse was about to be beaten to death and places a calming hand on his shoulder. This says "we can't kill her here, everyone is watching. We'll get her locked up and say she tried to escape"
@iflick7235 7 лет назад
This is a very fortunate trauma nurse. Had she stumbled or fallen down while being rushed out, the arresting officer would have shouted the magic words "stop resisting me" At that point, he would have justified executing her there on the spot. That is procedure. They've been doing this to black people. When they do it this to a white woman, tell me White America, how does that feel?
@birdeyes200 7 лет назад
I Flick it's not a "color" thing, it's a Tyrant thing.
@englishlanguagewithnina5965 7 лет назад
This cop kneeling down is totally talking bullshit about the law. HE IS WRONG ABOUT THE LAW AND SAYS HE KNOWS THE LAW FOR TWENTY YEARS. I HATE THEM.
@englishlanguagewithnina5965 7 лет назад
Meanwhile one of these fat bastards could have been trying to get a warrant to legally get blood. They don't even know the law.
@Sunastar4D 8 лет назад
Donate now, KUER can't even afford ink! :-7
@johnnyrocket1443 9 лет назад
where is the rest of the video
@nwobatakero 9 лет назад
I dont live in the united states. Can someone explay why they switch handcufs ?
@jbrewster4577 9 лет назад
Chuck testa Sometimes they'll switch handcuffs when another officer transports the prisoner, because it can be a pain in the butt to retrieve their handcuffs later. However the replacement cuffs should be applied prior to removing the initial arresting officer's cuffs (this video is an obvious example as to why it's a bad idea to leave a prisoner uncuffed) .