Naledi Rewired
Naledi Rewired
Naledi Rewired
@keaganisaacs2113 14 дней назад
Khoi and San people was not started through colonization we were here years before they came here first indigenous people of South Africa
@beautifulcrazy 16 дней назад
@pieterspeelman4938 27 дней назад
Trevor is not coloured and don't him want to identify as one.
@liamkissinger 10 дней назад
dom poes🤣🤣🤣
@slarvadain188 27 дней назад
I am so happy an African is speaking about slavery or mentioned slavery on the African continent. Many Africans deny they are slave descendants
@Gerrardboss-v2g 27 дней назад
The Bantu did similar things to the indigenous first nation of SA . Khoi and San men were killed and women rped . The woman and children were taken into the bantu tribes and kept as servants/ slaves . These forced assimilations resulted in language adaptations and also lighter skin tones among the Bantu . The bushmen SAN had to eventually escape to undesirable desert regions , while the KHOI herders migrated away south westerly to avoid further loses .
@tes5033 26 дней назад
From my reading of publications there is no historical or anthropological evidence of Bantu people enslaving "Khoisan" people. Which studies are you quoting? There was significant interaction and conflict between these groups.
@ryanswano 19 дней назад
@Gerrardboss-v2g this is a falacy. I am someone of Khoi descent classified as Coloured and I have made a point of studying relations between Khoikhoi and amaXhosa and there is clear evidence that though there were sometimes skirmishes, there is no evidence of pre-colonial or colonial era enslavement of Khoikhoi & San by Xhosa people. During the colonial era there was in fact more cooperation between Khoikhoi and Xhosa than there was fighting between them. A huge example is the Cape Frontier Wars between Khoikhoi and Xhosa joining forces againsts the Brits and the Boers. There are various clans among the amaXhosa and they do not all descend from one tribe/clan. Among those are also a few clans that originate from Khoikhoi / Kwe. It is of course a lot more complicated than I am explaining here, but your insinuation of the Xhosa enslaving Khoi & San is ahistorical and malicious.
@Gerrardboss-v2g 19 дней назад
@@ryanswano the earliest skirmishes between the stone age Khoi clans did result in deaths , with the women and children being taken captive . As I indicated their position in the Bantu tribe would have equalled servant hood status and that can be a form of slavery but not in the conventional understanding of the term . This present pro black historical narrative overly romanticizes and distorts reality to support a particular agenda . I would encourage you to get a further historical perspective from the earliest maps of the time . Google maps by Isaak Tirion and Pieter van der Aa .
@Gerrardboss-v2g 19 дней назад
My comment is servant / slave not slave in the conventional understanding. Earliest encounters between the nomadic Khoi and San and the iron age Bantu resulted in deaths . The foreign culture , ethnicity, language, religion and permanent villages lifestyles of the central Africans could never be easily accepted or accommodated . The Bantu have ALWAYS held the smaller browned skinned strange speaking people in contempt . History shows and even today the bantu still seperate themselves in matters of power , land and resources , nothing has changed . Old maps of 1713 and 1740 indicated SA as the land of the Hottentots . Gonaqua KHOI were present in Natal . Portuguese sailors recorded a tribe of Gorinqua Khoi in Tete Mozambique . Those were still times of few Bantu in southern Africa . The nomadic Khoi and San roamed unhindered back then . This overly romanticized pro black Bantu version of history is incorrect and distorted .
@reynoldrouse1599 28 дней назад
Thanks for the excellent explanation. Very edictional.
@gregvdm9434 28 дней назад
There were 15 types of coloureds during apartheid This was to supress the khoi , Nama, San people The so called coloureds called themselves Oorlams Afrikaners & Griekwas The Cape coloureds were kept in bo kaap & district six The Khoi & san had to hide amongst the so called coloureds because they were slaughtered they cud not teach they indigenous languages to they kids they wud be thrown in jail The khoi created afrikaans 55 years before Colonialism they started the refreshment route before jan van Riebeek set foot in Africa The English came to the cape & tested 23 peoples DNA then painted millions with the Coloured tag thats a crime against humanity but it's being exploited by the new regime The Colonizers still sit with all they land they pump drugs & guns in the communities The history for the fight for freedom started in 1652
@fredbantu3694 28 дней назад
All of africas seacoast countries and cities have high mixed populations. So whenever invaders came into africa rape was always a weapon of conquest. ie East africa high mixture of Indian/Arab mixture in Ethiopia called Habesha.
@nassergabriel4778 27 дней назад
You are right about the first two points, but there is a significant error regarding the Habesha people. The Habesha, representing ethnic groups like the Tigray, Tigrinya, and Amhara within the ancient Northern Abyssinian Christian Orthodox Empire, who read scriptures in Ge'ez, but they are not a mix of Indians and Bedouin Arabs. Unlike the Swahili Coast Bantu tribes, who are primarily agricultural Bantu people that migrated to the coast and intermingled with Arab, Persian merchants, seamen, and slave traders, the Habesha are ancient Cushitic people with historical Sabean admixture (the Sabeans being an extinct group). Additionally, it is important to mention that Bantu agriculturalists are not indigenous to the Horn of Africa, East Africa, or the Great Lakes region. These areas were originally inhabited by hunter-gatherers in tropical forests and by Nilotic and Cushitic pastoralists in what is now South Sudan, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, the Northern Frontier District (NFD), Somalia, and Ethiopia long before the Bantu migration. Every Tutsi, Kalenjin, Maasai, Somali, Bahima, Turkana and so on are aware of this.
@slarvadain188 27 дней назад
@@nassergabriel4778 Well what are they a mixture of ? Many of you love to deny mixture but the early dna tests showed many Horn of African people with mixtures of Middle East, mainly Yemen ancestry. Even one of the Somali clans is said to come from an Arab or Yemeni guy.
@Gerrardboss-v2g 19 дней назад
@@fredbantu3694 rape also occurred when the central African Bantu invaded South Africa . The small brown people of strange language were forever displaced by the war like Bantu . Skirmishes occurred and Khoi -San men were killed, the woman rped and together with the children taken captive. This resulted in language adaptations and lighter skin tones among the newcomers.
@fredbantu3694 18 дней назад
@@Gerrardboss-v2g Where did you get that information ? Any reference that dont have European ancetory please. Amazing a settler wanting to teach me African history.
@Gerrardboss-v2g 18 дней назад
@@fredbantu3694 you getting the facts from the first nation now
@patrickrichards6000 28 дней назад
So true girl and white stil 1410 was great as you set 1652 shame ne and den the 30 year's black for got the koi san Africacoloured shame ne God is watching as 2024 / 1955 NP and ANC so set all af as💎💎💎💎💎💎
@jobangharekhan2601 2 месяца назад
S2 was better. Anthony did chase Kate on more than one instance
@ellenmogensen5698 3 месяца назад
Great video... i agree with your points. S3 was all about sex and not about romance... and that is the fault of the new showrunner who loves 3-ways and prostitutes. You would also expect much less misogyny from a female showrunner... but of course not. Very disappointing!
@kirielbranson4843 3 месяца назад
What about all the videos I have seen that point out their friendship? Do you not agree with those? They have clips from all seasons. Also, when you put up the text can you read that out loud while displaying it? A lot of us listen to these videos while doing other things with occasionally pulling out our phone to see the video.
@EmilyFoxSeaton 3 месяца назад
Yes, I agree with everything you said, in particular the "he just isn't that into you" part of him. Colin just was into Pen for no apparent reason. I didn't buy them at all. It also saddened me that Colin went after her like he did Marina.... without thinking just to get married. What does he even know of love? I didn't even buy the lust. He seemed much more lusting after Marina. I won't be back to this show because IMHO they didn't even try. They just knew that the audience would turn in.
@udesivaliheg 3 месяца назад
Very interesting video and very good observations! I also couldn't believe their love story, and was bothered that it was Penelope who had to chase Colin and begging for his love. Colin didn't have any charisma (I wonder if it is the actor or the bad writing or the bad direction?), Penelope was overshadowed by the plot about the identity of Lady Whistledown. They didn't have enough time and intimacy together. Hardly any romance, just drama and angst. This season was supposed to spread body positivity also, but Colin didn't cherish Penelope's body enough and didn't help her to overcome her insecurities. This whole season was a mess and I blame it to the new showrunner. I'm not convinced that the next season will be better.
@naledi_thuto 3 месяца назад
People are already complaining about Francesca's possible queer love story. It's a mess.
@susannapapagno7996 3 месяца назад
I agree with you that they could’ve done more to spread body positivity. I recently watched season one, and I had forgotten how many sex scenes it had. And for almost all of them, both Simon and Daphne were completely nude. Why did Colin and Penelope have a sheet covering them? At one point in the lovemaking scene, Colin even pulls the sheet up to cover her even more. This season was a mess because they had no faith in their lead characters , that’s why Colin and Pen didn’t get the screen time they deserved, instead we got a bunch of other side plots.
@princepretzel 3 месяца назад
I am so glad that youtube recommended your video to me. It was such a satisying watch, because no one else seems to be talking about this show with a sharp eye for good storytelling and character development, and you touched on so many things that have been running through my head. I really felt that Colin/Pen were so mismatched, and no work was put in to showing us why they would end up together. The season didn't seem to know what it was about, and was filled with recycled drama.
@naledi_thuto 3 месяца назад
Yes, and recycled tropes.
@nicolema7120 3 месяца назад
They failed colin and pen
@Amanda-xr4nw 3 месяца назад
Very interesting - For season 4, it would be nice to see a man desperately wanting to marry - and SHE wants her freedom and independence. For the next season, let HIM convince HER to marry - just as a refreshing change. It would be nice to see a real old fashioned courtship, where the man needs to put in work. What are the women's options, other than marriage though? It's not like they can go to art school or go travel the world- they have to marry, I think that's the issue. There are only two men in the series who have had to make a (slight) effort - the german prince, in season 1, and Lord Sterling, in season 3. Don't expect anything romantic from this new show runner though - judging from season 3, she seems to HATE romance. I'll go rewatch Pride and Prejudice - Darcy had to make an effort
@naledi_thuto 3 месяца назад
It seems Bridgerton is going downhill from here. I'll go watch Pride and Prejudice for the first time. Thanks for watching 💛.
@udesivaliheg 3 месяца назад
In Benedict's book it is him who has to fight for his love interest and convince her to be with him, so it changes the dynamics between the main characters. But seeing this season, I'm not convinced that this showrunner will be able to handle his story.
@samuelo8976 7 месяцев назад