I make videos on Roblox game development! 🤯

My channel pretty much ranges from all kinds of Roblox game development-related stuff and I have a huge list of things I want to do with this channel and the community I want to build!

I'm primarily focused on teaching my viewers how to script on Roblox to create the games that they are passionate about and make videos as a way for me to teach what I know to help them.
Can I Make a Roblox Plugin in 1 Hour?
2 месяца назад
Teams - Roblox Advanced Scripting #27 (2024)
5 месяцев назад
@Kush-p4v 18 минут назад
print("Hey rando wanna play blox fruits") print("Nah i gotta study") print("Why nerd") print("Bruh exams are close come study with me") print("OMG i rolled a kitsune") print("how?") print(true) print(false) print(false) print(true) print(false) print(100) print(-100) print(100.50) print(5000000) print(2533286) print("This is a string.") print('This is a string.')
@Fonras. Час назад
I built a bunch of walls that will fall on me and execute this script, Now I know what DIO feels like. local function TimeStop() wait(4) print("ZA WARUDOOOO!!!!!") workspace.Sol.Anchored = true workspace.Dol.Anchored = true workspace.Zol.Anchored = true workspace.Kol.Anchored = true workspace.Pol.Anchored = true workspace.Rol.Anchored = true workspace.Tol.Anchored = true workspace.Yol.Anchored = true wait(5) print("Soshi te wa kiwa mokidasu") workspace.Sol.Anchored = false workspace.Dol.Anchored = false workspace.Zol.Anchored = false workspace.Kol.Anchored = false workspace.Pol.Anchored = false workspace.Rol.Anchored = false workspace.Tol.Anchored = false workspace.Yol.Anchored = false end TimeStop()
@rytcat Час назад
If you get a small number you lose but if you get hight you win local rnb = math.random(1, 1000) local rnd = 1 game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) task.wait(2) while rnd <5 do print(plr) task.wait(1) print(rnb) rnd = rnd + 1 end end)
@MEMBOXY-o4w 2 часа назад
local function Addition(number1, number2) local result = number1 + number2 if result == 4 then print("The result is 4!") elseif result == 5 then print("The result is 5!") else print("The result is not 4 or 5!") end end Addition(2, 2)
@playsmart8658 2 часа назад
BrawlDev, I really enjoy your tutorials! They actually teach me how to code by myself instead of just telling me what coding is... 🤗🤗 local touchPart = game.Workspace.TouchingGrass local partIsIndeedTouched = false touchPart.Touched:Connect(function(otherPart) if partIsIndeedTouched == false then partIsIndeedTouched = true touchPart.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Black metallic") task.wait(1) partIsIndeedTouched = false end if partIsIndeedTouched == false then partIsIndeedTouched = true touchPart.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Hot pink") partIsIndeedTouched = false end end)
@frostingice 2 часа назад
print("You are a really good youtuber!") print("Thx") print("i learnt alot from you! tysm")
@Ben0xT 6 часов назад
i just started coding and you videos helped me alot thank you local function additon(numb1, numb2, numb3, numb4) local result = numb1 + numb2 + numb3 / numb4 return result end local superadditon = additon(3, 7, 3, 5) print(superadditon)
@aidandoesanimations 7 часов назад
Ive come a long way, heres the script: local furniture = { ["Table"] = 10, ["Chair"] = 5, ["Fridge"] = 30, ["Microwave"] = 25 } for furniture, price in pairs(furniture) do local cp = game.Workspace.CheckPrices cp.Touched:Connect(function(otherpart) local humanoid = otherpart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid then print(furniture) end end) end
@LightPlayzz 7 часов назад
What is the difference between Return and print then? Seems like return result just asks it to return a result for 'result'
@smilweyboi9936 8 часов назад
Hey are you making a video on ray casts? if not I'd recommend you do. There incredibly important for things like FPS games. Also, for a long time I was stuck in this "beginner phase". I only knew the basics and couldn't find any way to learn more. These videos helped me learn WAY more than I would've ever learned and really boosted my motivation to make Roblox games. Ty so much. I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for you <3
@BrawlDevRBLX 7 часов назад
raycasting will be in this playlist, that's all I'll say. Glad I've motivated you!
@LightPlayzz 8 часов назад
local baseplate = game.Workspace.Baseplate local function changeTransparency() baseplate.Transparency = 1 wait(1) baseplate.Transparency = 0.8 wait(1) baseplate.Transparency = 0.6 wait(1) baseplate.Transparency = 0.4 wait(1) baseplate.Transparency = 0.2 wait(1) baseplate.Transparency = 0 wait(1) end local function printABC() print("A") wait(1) print("B") wait(1) print("C") end changeTransparency() wait(1) printABC() This code, this code is the beginning of the best Doctor Who game roblox has seen.
@Random56136 8 часов назад
local function addition (num1, num2) local result = num1 + num2 if result == 4 then game. Workspace.Baseplate.Material = "Brick" game. Workspace. Baseplate. Transparency = 0.5 elseif result == 6 then game. Workspace. Baseplate Material = "Wood" game. Workspace. Baseplate. Transparency = 0 else print ("ERROR") end end addition (3, 2) wait 5) addition (3, 3) wait (5) addition (2, 2)
@DeyTabz 9 часов назад
local function lol (n, b) local math = n+b if math == 4 then print("this is number 4") elseif math == 8 then print("this is number 8") else print("this is not number 4 or 8") end end lol(2, 2) lol(6, 4) lol(4, 4) -- Hello
@tylertu5419 9 часов назад
print("What are you doing?")
@Eysa-Movies 9 часов назад
print("hello") print("how are you?") print("i'm doing very well") print("I want to speak with you about your car insurance?") print("Well who do you want to talk to?")
@viberz5559 9 часов назад
i made a grey shack
@2k30_is-him 10 часов назад
What i did!! print("I will be a dev soon!") print("How are you doing?") print("I'm doing good!")
@mvpower0212 10 часов назад
at first i´m trying to do the tutorial in roblox studio documentation, but i´m not sure at all why it doesnt work, i readed the tutorial many times and i dont find a part that i skipped or something
@chills8028 10 часов назад
local Part2 = game.Workspace[" Part2"] Part2.Transparency = 0.55 Part2.Material = "Plastic" Part2.CastShadow = false local Part1 = game.Workspace.Part1 Part1.Transparency = 0.17 Part1.CastShadow = true Part1.Material = "Grass" local Part3 = game.Workspace.Part3 Part3.CastShadow = false Part3.Transparency = 0.66 Part3.Material = "Wood"
@lionliam6221 10 часов назад
how long does the function run?
@chills8028 11 часов назад
local iLikeBloxFruits = true print(iLikeBloxFruits) print(iLikeBloxFruits) local iHateBloxFruits = false print(iHateBloxFruits) print(iHateBloxFruits) local brawlDevIsAwesome = ("Correct!") print(brawlDevIsAwesome) print(brawlDevIsAwesome)
@influxional 11 часов назад
im so fucking slow 😭😭😭😭 ive watched this 2-3 times already and yet i still dont understand everything
@chills8028 12 часов назад
print(777) print(true) print('I am learning how to script!') print(false) print(-656.8) print(-75) print(true)
@senh0rsticko497 12 часов назад
function tabuada(num1) for cont = 1 , 10, 1 do local result = num1 * cont; local part = workspace.Part print(num1.." x ".. cont .." = "..result ) part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0,255)); task.wait(3) end end tabuada(1)
@chills8028 12 часов назад
print("Hello!") print("How are you doing?") print("I'm doing very well!") print("What do you want to do today?") print("Uh...play Roblox!") print("Alright, lets go!") print("Yeah!") print(" But, what game should we play?") print("Hmm...") print("Murder Mystery 2?") print("Ok, meet you there!")
@pedrobrandao2768 12 часов назад
1:52 for you to redo your actions quicker u cant also do ctrl+y for those that don't know
@RNC-o6u 13 часов назад
This helped a lot, this is what I got for my code: local function Division(num1, num2, num3) local result = (num1 / num2) + num3 return result end local printResult = Division(8, 2, 4) print(printResult) local function Subtraction(num10, num9, num8, num7) local answer = (num10 - num9 - num8) / num7 return answer end local AnswerResult = Subtraction(8, 2, 4, 2) print(AnswerResult)
@Alyssababes 14 часов назад
im learning alot thank u soo much!
@PixelPit786 14 часов назад
dont know whats wrong with mine this is the script i put local Players = game:GetService("Players") local ReplicatedFirst = game:GetService("Replicated First") ReplicatedFirst:RemoveDefaultLoadingScreen() local player = Players.LocalPlayer local playerGui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") local loadingScreen = script:WaitForChild("LoadingScreen"):Clone() loadingScreen.Parent = playerGui local frame = loadingScreen:WaitForChild("Frame") local loadingText = frame:WaitForChild("TextLabel") local bar = frame:WaitForChild("Loading Bar"):WaitForChild("Bar") task.wait(5) loadingText.Text = "LOADING COMPLETE!" bar.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0) task.wait(2) loadingScreen:Destroy()
@eeScore 14 часов назад
i put a script in a part that makes the part disappear and reappear like in a timed jump minigame while true do script.Parent.Transparency = 0 script.Parent.CanCollide = true task.wait(0.35) script.Parent.Transparency = 1 script.Parent.CanCollide = false task.wait(0.35) end
@yamenalhawamdah3742 15 часов назад
thank you now i know to script
@MehirOfficial-v9y 15 часов назад
SO HERE'S WHAT I'VE COME WITH- print("hello!") print("how are you doing today?") print("the weather today is not ohio!") print("mewing is the key to success") print("subscribe to brawl dev")
@Tettzz 15 часов назад
Really nice explenation. Would recommend for any begginers
@pedrobrandao2768 15 часов назад
print("I love potatoes *Russian Accent") print("You look like you love potatoes *Russian Accent") print("I actually don't really like them") print("Bruh have you drank it with Vodka? *Russian Accent") print("Yes, still didn't like them") print("CYKA BLYAT *Russian Accent *violently beats other person")
@HD-fj7kd 16 часов назад
i tried a bunch now its making the whole value and its in the folder its just not next to the player like shown
@MontyBlues 16 часов назад
this hasn't been gone over yet but might be helpful, If you want to put a note for yourself or other developers within a script, maybe just to say what the script is doing (or supposed to be), you can put two dashes right next to each other and what you type after won't affect your script.
@eeScore 16 часов назад
local function ifStatement(number1, number2) local result = number1 + number2 if result == 10 then print("The result is 10!") elseif result == 15 then print("The result is 15!") elseif result == 20 then print("The result is 20!") else print("The result is none of the above!") end end ifStatement(5, 5) ifStatement(7.5, 7.5) ifStatement(10, 10) ifStatement(12.5, 12.5)
@sk9editz 16 часов назад
--a cool example of triggering events! local part = game.Workspace.TouchedPart local touchedpart = false part.Touched:Connect(function(TouchedPart) local humanoid = TouchedPart.Parent:GetFullName() if touchedpart == false then touchedpart = true print(TouchedPart.Parent) task.wait(2) touchedpart = false end end)
@SamuelKuder 17 часов назад
Made a petson with big forehead lol
@ramyamadhuri7612 17 часов назад
i made variable myString and prints "Hello"
@ZzzZzz-n6e 18 часов назад
print("Hello!") print("How are you doing?") print("I´m doing very well! what about you?") print("oh nothing much, school xd") print("Oh alr have a good day!") print("you too!") print("bye!") print("bye!")
@jaydecivillegas4821 19 часов назад
i did print("Figure") print("Seek") print("Guiding Light")
@coolkid7377 19 часов назад
FINALLY MADE IT TO THIS VIDEO AND FINISHED IT AFTER 2 MONTHS!(Second time rewatching this whole series)
@RandomFunk16 20 часов назад
Young little noobert is such a legend
@TheEggoBrando 20 часов назад
I never thought pairs can be used like that! So ridiculous, I make every script inside every button, gate, and coin. And the timer and the devouce is also manual lmao! I've learned a lot from this video, it's really clever hahaha! You can make more obstacle without changin the script again and again, that's very efficient👀
@bazerduck1234 20 часов назад
ur an amazing person brawldev! all thanks to you i went from a total noob to a guy who can make a proper functioning parkour map. i just started the advanced scripting series, and you make me understand the topics really well. congrats on 20k man u deserve it! u will grow a lot in the coming future!
@Azure_FN 20 часов назад
local function printABC() print("A") print("B") print("C") end printABC() local function materialChange() game.Workspace.Part.Material = "CrackedLava" end materialChange()
@farhancubingexpert 20 часов назад
local GOD = 1000000 local HACKER = 50000 local PRO = 20000 local NOOB = 10000 local BOT = 5000 --Bots are op respect them if GOD>=HACKER then print("WISDOM IS GOD") else print("W HACKER GOT HIS SEAT") end if PRO<= NOOB then print("W NOOB XD") else print("PRO IS ALWAYS A PRO") end if BOT == 5000 then print("RESPECT BOTS W CHATGPT") else print("GGS BUT STILL BOTS ARE GOOD") end -- MADE BY BLEACHGANGYT :)
@NolenHarrison 20 часов назад
so im learning how to make a game and i am wanting to make a usmc border game because i love the usmc