Nate Wallace
Nate Wallace
Nate Wallace
I like making videos.
Vining Christmas 2021
2 года назад
Hallie And Will
3 года назад
A dream I had
4 года назад
The Kitchens
5 лет назад
Nate Wallace Demo Reel 2019
5 лет назад
Nate Wallace Demo Reel 2018
6 лет назад
It is well
6 лет назад
Night Of Worship EP video
6 лет назад
Gratitude Gardens Sermon Bumper
6 лет назад
Top 6 experiences at Sundance 2017
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
College Students VS Bible Trivia
7 лет назад
Get ready for Tiger Tunes 2016
7 лет назад
@Bosco-gets-it-right 16 дней назад
I never tried or got a college "degree"...but..the ONLY question I missed was the Pres. during WW1, does that make me smarter than all these college graduates? WTF did I need college for if THEY cant answer questions I know EASILY?
@tartufo4870 24 дня назад
Finally some smart- ish 😉americans 😮‍💨🤭🤭🤭
@bullettube9863 Месяц назад
The cabinet does not advise the president, they are selected by the president to run the different departments of the Administration and must be approved by the Senate. The president is advised by different people such as the National Security Council, the Economic advisory board etc. The are 435 elected members of the House of Representatives, plus 16 non-voting representatives of the territories. Now I might be the only person here who took a Civics coursed in high school, but come on people!
@NoEgg4u 2 месяца назад
@6:23 -- Benjamin Franklin did not invent electricity. Rather, he discovered, experimented, harnessed, and educated people on the properties of electricity.
@garymiller4141 4 месяца назад
Now i have the answer to a question that has always perplexity me,that is ,where dose the Democratic party get its voting population from.ANSWER SOLVED and its absolutely no mystery why they want the taxpayers to pay for the student loans.
@gus1775 5 месяцев назад
Idiots! We knew these things in elementary school!!!
@christianflierl8570 5 месяцев назад
@jimprior5700 7 месяцев назад
Even when they answered correctly they didn't seem sure of themselves.
@JayTator 10 месяцев назад
I got 1 wrong. Still dont know how many house of reps there are.
@gusjones9388 Год назад
Well, a few teachers, but we are doomed. Where are the architects? Engineers? Accountants? Plumbers?
@gregm5775 Год назад
Funny or tragic, depending on viewpoint! (BTW, Franklin did not invent electricity, no one did. Electricity is a phsyical phenomenon)
@bigorange000 Год назад
My favorite had to be, what does the president's cabinet do? They dress the president, and get him lunch.
@MarcColten-us2pl Год назад
And these idiots get laid
@robertoseveno Год назад
All good fun
@kenbrownfield6584 Год назад
This was rigged.
@nobody6546 Год назад
👏🤣😬- Odd point- It is not ‘ Innocent until proven Guilty ‘, it’s ‘ Innocent until Proven Otherwise “. Basically considered & re-addressed because “ Otherwise “ dealt with the many possible Variables and Levels of Guilt/ Negligence/ Indifference/ Complacency, etc.. But DOES include Separate Additional Charges on “ Prejury “ in a Court of Law/ under Oath & Office- Filing False or Misleading & Consciously Knowing Erroneous Facts. “… I did NOT have SEX with THAT Woman!!..”- under Oath?
@22ergie Год назад
Ben Franklin didn't INVENT electricity, dummies! He may have DISCOVERED it though.
@lichotropical3350 Год назад
The book after Micha, the Book of Billy Graham, maybe?
@lichotropical3350 Год назад
I thought it was the Book of Billy Graham, almost.
@lichotropical3350 Год назад
Ben Franklen invented the American Turkey therefore Thanksgiving and the Indian costumes.
@keithwilson6060 Год назад
Ask your average “person of color” and you see the disparity in this country.
@nicolosito Год назад
Wow these kids are terrible in basic arithmetic.
@fredgervinm.p.3315 Год назад
There all from AR...
@Mike--Oxmall Год назад
This seemed like a very interesting video at first but it was actually very very boring.
@rogerknights857 Год назад
Ben invented the Franklin stove. He edited Poor Richard’s Almanac.
@paulziemba3718 Год назад
Who INVENTED electricity? I think it’s time for someone to go back to school.
@mirozen_ Год назад
I got all the answers correct despite the fact that it's been over 40 years since High School for me. It seems like these questions should be a breeze students currently in college. I'm seriously wondering why any of these folks missed any of these questions. Maybe it was the pressure of having a camera in their faces?
@jackx4311 Год назад
Benjamin Franklin did *NOT* "discover electricity"!! The Greeks were experimenting with static electricity about 3,000 years before Franklin was born!
@storolisg 2 года назад
Worse is they May vote.
@christopher9727 2 года назад
John 3:16-21 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
@aaronwhite556 2 года назад
A better question that would almost certainly unanimously stump is “what is electricity?” The flow of electrons by oscillation. Pretty cool physics
@aaronwhite556 2 года назад
6:25 Ben Franklin didn’t invent electricity. Saying he invented it is akin to saying Isaac newton invented gravity. Ben Franklin conjured a societal use as newton discovered how to use nature beneficially, like calculus for space exploration
@dbsti3006 2 года назад
They're the first ones to want and push for change in the world and as usual...they're dumb as F. These campuses are Marxist breeding grounds now.
@cameltanker1286 2 года назад
The parents of some of these kids need to stop paying their college tuition because they have no business being in college.
@montanacowboy523 2 года назад
Collage kids are one thing Dumb AF
@memeshen2444 2 года назад
There is a major for an elementary education?? yikes
@whoaminow 2 года назад
I had to learn 100 questions for the citizenship test. They can only ask you 10 and you must get 6 right to pass that portion of the interview. It’s kinda sad that most Americans do not know the answers.
@jimwolaver9375 2 года назад
WRONG! At 2:06, the Declaration of Independence does not grant any rights. It points out that a self evident truth is "that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." If you are going to ambush people with these questions, at least word the questions correctly. Yeah, I get testy when it comes to people not understanding the founding of the United States.
@SVSky 2 года назад
Passing the US Citizenship test as a High School exit exam please.
@YAEteddy 2 года назад
The dood's laugh at 1:01 kills me
@niceperson6412 2 года назад
- What is the name of the new album of Kanye West? - East!! LOL
@Dolphinvideoproductions 2 года назад
They love the Declaration of Independence when it’s in a protest yet have no idea where it’s written
@jodyguilbeaux8225 2 года назад
3 million criminals cross our southern border and a lot more crossing now. this test should be banned, it means nothing.
@jbrisby 2 года назад
I got almost all of these, but I've never heard that Paul was a tentmaker.
@nicolosito 2 года назад
Most of these kids are pretty good, so much smarter than the kids whom Jay Leno interviews.
@hellohandsome9875 2 года назад
I'm a brit, I couldn't tell you how many mp's we have, neither do I care, I don't vote, cos they're all self seeking nest featherers who don't give a toss about the people or the position they hold, except how much it pays,,,,, same the world over
@jwad297 2 года назад
Where do young women find men these days?
@kingofnothing1433 2 года назад
If the president and vice president cannot perform the functions of President of the United States then who becomes president Answer: Donald Trump? Hey that sounds good to me, should piss off the Democrats again. 😩😱😡🤯🤕 *Benjamin Franklin did not invent electricity.* Electricity existed in the form of lightning long before Franklin was born.
@orangegorilla7550 2 года назад
Ah yes, Benjy Franklin, the *inventor* of electricity... as did Einstein *invent* the speed of light and Newton gravity
@patsheppard2616 2 года назад
This was fun . I laughed so much. I still knew the answers from when I went to school.