Value of Bitcoin
Value of Bitcoin
Value of Bitcoin
Enabling a dialogue about Bitcoin

The VoB is a dialogue event that brings together skeptics, advocates, entrepreneurs and inquisitive decision makers. It is a platform to discuss the potential benefits and pitfalls of Bitcoin. Nobody knows how this socio-economic experiment will pan out but there are many who have strong differing opinions about it. The goal is to get a comprehensive understanding and enable all attendees to make well-informed decisions about Bitcoin related to their profession.

Get the essence of the current discussions and look deeper than mainstream information.
Why Invest In Bitcoin | Andrew Edstrom
3 года назад
Competing with Free | DerGigi
3 года назад
The Last Money | Jörg Hermsdorf
3 года назад
The Digital Euro | Cyrus De la Rubia
3 года назад
The Future of Payments - Marion Laboure
3 года назад
The Hierarchy of Money | Michel Rauchs
3 года назад
Bitcoin as a Startup: From Seed to SoV
3 года назад
Bitcoin vs. Fear | JW Weatherman
4 года назад
The Bitcoin Journey | Gigi
4 года назад
@davisboyd6644 21 день назад
Fantastic. Well done
@m.bender527 2 месяца назад
Looking back... who was right? 😂 Ridiculous this arrogance of DESTROY Value Sebag... best investing contraindicator in the world!
@dahlberry 2 месяца назад
Fantastic video
@sashabowman1 2 месяца назад
Roy has has my attention for over a year now … i Take a break them listen read again along with Bit and Roys Arguments make common Sense to me … Hope everyone finds theoretisch way safely and happily
@BTCNSDAP 4 месяца назад
The date this was uploaded: May 17, 2020 Bitcoin price 5/17/20: $9,400 Bitcoin price 3/17/24: $65,000 Bitcoin up 691% Gold price 5/17/20: $1744 Gold price 3/17/24: $2156 Gold up 23.6% You would be 3000% better off with bitcoin than with gold if you took action after this was published.
@ryanlasek4199 7 месяцев назад
Round 2
@geralds361 8 месяцев назад
3 years on, and only 7,522 views? What this tells me is that not only do most people not understand Bitcoin, but most Bitcoiners don't understand Bitcoin. And that's a pity, because this is probably the most profound introduction to Bitcoin that I have ever seen: everybody should study it, and keep on studying it until it really sinks in.
@SSJUFC 4 месяца назад
Very much agree 👏 still learning daily
@bipolarpunt5721 Год назад
No mention of Government using Central Bank system as a weapon against individuals they disagree with.
@terrj Год назад
If the public had the opportunity to have an account with the central bank and get a more robust form of their national currency in digital form, who would keep their money in a commercial bank? The minority, I would say. So as a consequence, CBDC would jeopardise today's commercial bank business model of money creation. Is that really what central banks want?
@danijelsan81 Год назад
Loved how Roy wanted to look like a grownup by smoking a cigarette, while it’s clear that he smokes once a year. 😂 I found it a bit theatrical. That being said, I think Roy is a wonderful thinker. Thanks for putting this together.
@felinskiroman Год назад
Giacomo always the best and a lot of fun too!!!!!!! I love him
@kyks6771 Год назад
Know your customer :: KYC0️⃣♾️🅾️ Know your king ::KYK⚛️
@adamzerafa8874 Год назад
Silver can't rust, it tarnishes. And Saif was also tarnished.
@BTCNSDAP 4 месяца назад
Your money has tarnished if you bought silver instead of bitcoin
@Brad-RB Год назад
Bitcoin can never provide a completely secure, intimate, untraceable one-on-one exchange. Because of that, coercive governments can and will control its use. Physical money is the only way to have a solid foundation of economic freedom. Bitcoin will have its place though.
@BTCNSDAP 4 месяца назад
Holding gold over bitcoin has proven to be disastrous since this debate was published
@Brad-RB 4 месяца назад
@@BTCNSDAP Both have done well. The disaster has been the US dollar.
@Brad-RB 4 месяца назад
@@BTCNSDAP Both have done well, and holding both is prudent. The disaster has been the US dollar.
@strongbrave Год назад
Will Burger King provide me change if i pay with 1 bitcoin? Will they offe me ETH, DOGE, maybe some JUP coin? I would prefer cash
@muhammadusama6040 Год назад
Yes, they will provide you change. Bitcoin is divisible down to a Satoshi.
@strongbrave Год назад
@@muhammadusama6040 will they offer cash? Seriously, get over the Satoshi crap. It's monopoly money. It's not real
@suninarnhem8738 Год назад
2023 now and the BTC network coninues to get stronger by the day
@GavinMawson Год назад
Still under 10k views. This will have millions one day
@alexpetrov9911 Год назад
huh ?! Alex de Vries is WRONG and useless (excluding hyping on Hirsch indexing tops). Banking is inefficient - Banking and FinTech consumption is close to 15% of world electricity. Only ATM/POS Machines is consuming 25x over all mining including bitcoin. Banking PC/Servers are not efficient by power, there year no optimization, Baking offices is 🙂 during years bitcoin decreasing power consumption & Banking - increasing power consumption, no talk about efficiency at all.
@Satssetyoufree Год назад
Gigi is possibly the best all round educator in Bitcoin.
@bitkillerjones. Год назад
Wow, incredible video. Mind blowing the more I think about this.
@Ariel-rf7yx Год назад
@bullynator Год назад
Wow, great presentation! It’s mind-blowing to watch you make the case and scientifically explain why Bitcoin isn’t just magic internet money but element 0 in the periodic table. I mean, imagine you’ve got a money that is a commodity that exists everywhere in our universe because of simple physical principles. Even alien societies would understand and recognize its value.
@ReneKluyskens Год назад
@chrismale9976 2 года назад
Saifaden wins again
@chrisvassallo2372 2 года назад
Alex de Vries should be nominated for an oscar in stupidity. This self-proclaimed expert should focus on Christmas lights to improve his non-existant credibility.
@yuzhan8676 2 года назад
The cryptocurrency’s wild price swings are fertile territory for momentum day trading. the questions investors/traders ask themselves now is what is the *solution* to gain or recover from this market dip. before jumping into conclusion i think one should evaluate things first. for weeks the price of cryptocurrencies have been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable. while others are being patient and waiting for price to skyrocket, i continue to take advantage of the market by using copy trading system from a US regulated trader, Marcus Chun. My crypto portfolio is currently up at 6.4 BTC, 25% higher than my old balance. it all depends on the pattern with which you trade and also the source of your signals. No one can see the future thats why emphasis should be laid on day trading. trading crypto has made so much impact to many and am proud to be one of this process..
@kovalski6237 2 года назад
Great idea, exactly what I'm personally planning on doing now the market is down. i know about crypto trading but can't quite wrap my head around it. pls fix me up with marcus..
@yuzhan8676 2 года назад
@@kovalski6237 <Connect with Marcus VlA ͲeIєɠɾαm> mchun9
@kovalski6237 2 года назад
@@yuzhan8676 Thank you. i was able to find his handle. i will reach out to him and start up right away .👍
@yeop_lim3150 2 года назад
You said it all . the solution to recover from this dip is what we really need to know. just as you have mentioned, bitcoin trading is the way forward
@sejin__3198 2 года назад
I'm very glad I stumbled on this info today. i’ll surely reach out to him and start learning the right way, tired of loosing from trades and price drops.... 🤕
@bryanlongley7117 2 года назад
delusional btc maxis
@Riffs88 2 года назад
@PieterLeclerc 2 года назад
Who is this jackamo that is referenced many times?
@IThinkImGonnaBust 2 года назад
This is a fundamental difference in views of what money is and what it means to be money. Saif believes money can be a digital scorecard tally where Roy believes money actually has to be valuable in and of itself to store the value into the future. Saif is hung up on the medium of exchange part of money and fundamentally misunderstands the store of value function money has to have. Roy is correct here. Saif unfortunately doesn’t have the attention span to absorb any of the lessons that got sent his way…..attention deficit disorder + cognitive dissonance.
@iulianserban10 2 года назад
gold has a market cap of 11T. out of which let's say 2T is industrial use case. what is the other 9T??????
@craigmacleod5296 2 года назад
@@iulianserban10 This is a major sticking point people make against gold. You need to understand that gold's industrial applications have been substituted because of it's history as money. It is significant that any form of money have a stable above ground supply, i.e not consumed. Substitute gold with any of the other noble metals , Rhodium, platinum, palladium , silver all of which are intrinsic stores of value as industrial metals , are resistant to decay and entropy and are precious rare materials. Oil is far closer to a store of value money. Bitcoin is a superior form of currency than fiat but is nothing resembling money.
@sergef5037 Год назад
How did you get to the conclusion that BTC does not represent a store of value ? if we look at the timeslot 3 years ago when this interview took place versus today, BTC is up over 150% in value. Gold is much less. So how come BTC is not a store of value ?
@shaneninai2022 2 года назад
This man is really smoking a cigarette mid-debate. Roy is too damn nuanced and insightful - it's beautiful.
@robertmarsh1338 2 года назад
I think people should just be discussing the technology behind bitcoin and whether it actually works. The problem is as more transactions are required more GPU/bitcoin mines are required but the potential to mine a bitcoin goes down as more bitcoins are mined meaning there is no incentive to run a GPU mine unless the price of Bitcoin continues to exponentially rise year after year to infinity. If at any point the price of bitcoin stops rising, mining bitcoin will mean you run your operation at a loss or transaction fees will have to rise astronomically to make up for it since no more bitcoins can be awarded. Either way bitcoin is going to hit a wall when miners no longer profit from running the network, people stop buying it with USD, the transaction fees become too high and people left on the network aren't going to be able to use it. At that point and it will go away.
@saintwolfcrypto 2 года назад
Very interesting but complicated - this re-explained in simple terms would be helpful thanks
@TomRauhe 2 года назад
The "incentive for rogue mining" always royally underestimates the incentive of nations and central banks to undermine the system. It's always viewed upon from a game theory perspective of "you own bitcoin and mining hardware and put a lot of money into it, therefore you are disincentivized to rogue mining" instead of "I can throw as much "money" at mining hardware as I want to destroy the system, because my incentive IS to destroy the system, which is MUCH more valuable than those bitcoin or mining rigs".
@andymagic5662 2 года назад
Hermsdorf eloquently lifts monetary economics in the sphere of quantum mechanics. Very impressive! This might also be of interest: Faust, Part II - how Mephistopheles invents paper money. (Hans Christoph Binswanger: Money and Magic) Peter Boehringer: Gold and Silver as natural money. ("Silber als natürliches Geld")
@BTCNSDAP 2 года назад
@snedz10 2 года назад
@MrJonnasson 2 года назад
Who is watching this in 2021? :D I wonder if the two banking guys are still thinking that Bitcoin is a bubble
@Riffs88 2 года назад
@davidsparks1181 2 года назад
Cry harder?
@qwerty6574 2 года назад
Beat me to it
@royinafrica 2 года назад
15:47 boomer had enough? haha Awesome talk. Nothing but fact.
@liberty1981 2 года назад
There is only one thing more fake than Sebag's inhales, and that's Ammous' arguments.
@fusion9619 2 года назад
Did the it actually become less "green" after China banned it?
@WhataDubHead 3 года назад
In Roy’s argument, technically no digital currency can be money, as it by definition becomes a service…..
@herrmannscryptoguide9364 3 года назад
2021 halfway in, Lighting did not progress much On chain solutions like dash or bitcoin cash are far more usable even on a non custodial way
@herrmannscryptoguide9364 3 года назад
@fusion9619 3 года назад
11 months and no comments? It was a good presentation. Is this part of a university project?
@angelamadison1652 3 года назад
I make huge profits on my investment since I started trading with Lisa Platt, her trading strategies are top notch coupled with the little commission she charges on her trade..
@kennethmacclellan9451 3 года назад
Wow, amazing to see others who trade with Miss Lisa Platt. I'm currently on my 5th trade with her and my portfolio has grown tremendously.
@cassieanderson9748 3 года назад
With the consistent weekly profits I'm getting investing with Mrs Lisa Platt, there's no doubt, she is the most reliable in the market. Such a genius.
@cassiebrown6895 3 года назад
Amazing I also just started trading with Mrs Lisa Platt, she is the best at what he does with an initial investment of $1600 I made up to $5230 in just a week of trading with her, her strategies are mind blowing!.
@angelamadison1652 3 года назад
you can reach her through her teIegram @Investmentwithlisa
@williamsanford1399 3 года назад
As a first time investor I started trading with Mrs Lisa Platt with just a thousand bucks. my portfolio is worth much more that now within just weeks of trading with her.
@Skaz1hiphop 3 года назад
Solid video, thanks!
@MarkKerwin 3 года назад
Wow - money streaming - what a concept
@VG_SVG 3 года назад
Great video!! 💯
@bitstamp7112 3 года назад