Step into the melancholic world of lost love and bittersweet nostalgia with our curated Dark Academia playlist. Each haunting melody and poignant lyric takes you on a journey through the depths of introspection, capturing the essence of that pivotal moment when you realize it was the last time with someone you held dear. From ethereal piano compositions to soul-stirring ballads, immerse yourself in the haunting beauty of longing and reflection. Whether you're seeking solace in solitude or simply yearning to explore the complexities of the human heart, let our playlist be your companion on this evocative journey through the corridors of memory and emotion. Join us as we delve into the captivating allure of Dark Academia and discover the transformative power of music to heal and inspire.
@Ozarkwhitey День назад
Excellent playlist today. Greetings from the Ozarks, Missouri on a cool autumn morning.
@bartdilks3589 2 дня назад
Your music amazes me and touches my soul!!! Thank you!!!
@Homie-jp1ll 2 дня назад
Thank you so much, i truly appreciate your support! Hopefully we can talk more on other videos as well ❤️
@mrozek3893 2 дня назад
I wonder for how long
@mrozek3893 4 дня назад
Thank you 🖤
@Homie-jp1ll 4 дня назад
Any time ❤️
@mrozek3893 6 дней назад
If I were closer we would have already arranged it.. oh
@mrozek3893 7 дней назад
Why should it remain just a thought and not become a reality.. and why would it be a bad idea Oh , Homie tell me what's on your mind now besides sadness... tell me whatever you're thinkin' I'll put it in the spotlight in my head.. so that I can be closer to you
@mrozek3893 7 дней назад
and the thought of bringing them to life is only more brutal...oh
@Melissae369 8 дней назад
@mrozek3893 8 дней назад
Maybe Maybe NoT Your thoughts keep wanting to return to your sorrows as if they really missed them sometimes I wonder if the aches heart can yearn more for pain or love
@MagdolnaKatalin 9 дней назад
This question is wrong, the word love has everything in it. We need to ask again what it is, LOVE
@MagdolnaKatalin 9 дней назад
It doesn't matter what date it is, it doesn't matter if you're not for me...!! 🖤
@MagdolnaKatalin 9 дней назад
... You don't even have to ask, you're where you are because you deserve so much,... Simple no?.. Did you understand...?! 🤍
@MagdolnaKatalin 9 дней назад
Yes, yes, we have fun on this day,... But beware , because the field between the Celestial and Earth boundaries is thinning, you can easily "enjoy" the visits of spirits..!
@Homie-jp1ll 9 дней назад
What character are you gonna become this Halloween? 👻
@mrozek3893 10 дней назад
this question is out of place... no one can deserve it more or less than you... going into details is a matter of perspective... a pure objective figure is this sheet of paper (life) on which you draw your own scheme... you color... and sometimes you just tear... is there any difference between a sheet of paper torn in half and a whole beautifully painted one... someone may say that there is but in fact it is still the same... and the one who colored it does not deserve it at all more than the one who simply tore it into pieces... all these are just images to which we return... or we create new ones.... a better question would be whether you still have some finesse in you to be able to create something fantastic
@BobSchofield-el4hj 10 дней назад
Yes dear you are...another fine performance..Thanks
@Homie-jp1ll 9 дней назад
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy other videos too ❤️
@MagdolnaKatalin 12 дней назад
... to live in the world of innocence, when colored pencils were the World for Us 👀✏️🖍️
@BobSchofield-el4hj 12 дней назад
Homie..your music is...? I'll leave it at that for now...🤔
@Homie-jp1ll 12 дней назад
Is it good or bad in your opinion? Should i change anything? I appreciate all the suggestion ❤️
@mrozek3893 13 дней назад
choose childhood unconsciousness just because consciousness is too painful, oh there are many people who try at all costs to be unconscious and everything (every lie) is better for them than the truth... just like there are many stars in the sky that fade away... and how many of them are just beginning to form... when you look at it closely it must be a cruel and chaotic event... to arise from nothingness... surrounded only by emptiness... to toss and turn constantly and shape itself... it is certainly not easy... no one appreciates the path a star has to go through to come into being... they only appreciate the effect... how beautifully it shines at night... and it seems to me that this path is more important than anything else in the world... you can always deviate from the path... it would certainly bring relief in its own way... but is that what you really want ✨ I deeply believe that if love has only two paths, it will either arise from nothingness or fade away in it The question is whether we can help it on it way or just wait for the effect..
@BobSchofield-el4hj 12 дней назад
Goodness..I've read your comment four times...I can't wrap my head around it..but I wish you well
@mrozek3893 14 дней назад
Can you find anything in the dark except darkness? will something come to illuminate my heart I don't know they say that hope comes from light but I only see neon lights at night and that's definitely not it
@oakguyrivers7646 15 дней назад
If you had a discord server i would join it
@Homie-jp1ll 15 дней назад
I haven't really thought of creating any discord server, but i'll consider it ❤️ Thank you for supporting ❤️
@MagdolnaKatalin 15 дней назад
... in an exciting-thrilling-fanciful journey, but just as damn Real...
@mrozek3893 15 дней назад
Can you really leave it all behind and start over? I don't want what happened to become just a torn memory
@MagdolnaKatalin 15 дней назад
.... But nothing is over for me at all, you only asked for time, after the past turned you upside down and you It caused you pain, you were left with only no air. you're always Home with me!!
@mrozek3893 15 дней назад
The neon 24 shines above my head like a halo For some time now I don't mince my means I don't mince my words This world is not for me I guess I don't want to adapt to it Today I close my eyes and fly where the road takes me So please find me Because I've lost myself, and I'm looking for myself every day Time is a waste, so I need your protection next to me Let the Zodiac guide me, because I'm crashing again at life's crossroads Looped in words, I don't feel like starting over From this reverie I am awakened by the station And the night air
@MagdolnaKatalin 15 дней назад
We are already above the stars and any type of zodiac, we have already crossed them far and wide and we have come out of their circle of chains and spiders
@mrozek3893 15 дней назад
Cause is it possible to cherish something in yourself that has long since died?... like poetry in its last era of existence and all the sighs about it
@MagdolnaKatalin 16 дней назад
.... only madness and tears, no fresh air... so much coveted... 🖤🖤🖤
@MagdolnaKatalin 16 дней назад
... trying to exit.. 🖤
@mrozek3893 15 дней назад
And sometimes I look at the stars and think that this is not my place any more
@MagdolnaKatalin 15 дней назад
​@@mrozek3893You know, I started to like "cats"...
@mrozek3893 15 дней назад
@@MagdolnaKatalin is there still a place for me in your heart or have I been condemned to eternal damnation by you?
@Ania-fp4rm 15 дней назад
​@@mrozek3893 only for You there is room in my heart, with me You will be forever Home!!
@MagdolnaKatalin 15 дней назад
​. Only for You is there room in my heart, with me You will be Home Forever!!!❤
@rusoturisto3994 16 дней назад
Пожалуйста не блокируйте видео для Украины. Они и так не слушают такую музыку, а вот мне приходится использовать разные ВПНы
@mrozek3893 17 дней назад
maybe you don't miss the person at all just a specific feeling.. And nothing more than that
@alyssareeter4148 17 дней назад
The picture is giving Pride and Prejudice ❤
@mrozek3893 17 дней назад
More pain and madness than happiness and joy.. So U know
@mrozek3893 18 дней назад
They always come back
@_dreamer_25 14 дней назад
What if they were never truly there🥹
@mrozek3893 14 дней назад
@@_dreamer_25 then it's not worth thinking about them anymore
@_dreamer_25 14 дней назад
@@mrozek3893 i hope that i can stop thinking about them one day because the thought of longing for someone who isn't there is ruining my life🥹
@BobSchofield-el4hj 18 дней назад
An old man's fantasy...this young lady and I met in 1972 or maybe it was 1980? My memory is not good anymore...but I remember how kind and gentle she was to me...see you soon..😍😍
@mrozek3893 18 дней назад
maybe everyone has a monster inside them but is afraid to let him go out cause can opposites really attract each other?
@xladyx3391 18 дней назад
@Homie-jp1ll 18 дней назад
@BobSchofield-el4hj 18 дней назад
I really don't know if you are female or male..and I really don't care I LOVE you for the relaxing music..😍😍
@Homie-jp1ll 18 дней назад
I really appreciate that ❤️ Thank you so much!
@Ania-fp4rm 19 дней назад
... And do your thoughts make you happy? , or sad?. Think about the answer because it can help shape your present!!! ⭕
@MagdolnaKatalin 19 дней назад
Maybe your present is not right??? 😒
@Homie-jp1ll 18 дней назад
Idk what do you think then 😊
@Ania-fp4rm 19 дней назад
I'm going to take a break and listen to music!! 🎶🎹🎻
@MagdolnaKatalin 19 дней назад
We are always learning until the end of our lives, it is always good if you hunger with an open heart for the desire to always renew what will ensure your development 👁️
@SeleKatalin 21 день назад
...Thank you for the invitation tonight and the contemplation led me to that revelation of not having attachments to any earthly object, which you can always lose with all the care you have. What you have for sure in your Life is only BLOOD, any other part of the body you can lose. I continue this idea: The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, and the Blood are the most stable in your Life, and they are also Real. They can form a Stable and Reliable Alliance that You always have them at hand and as long as you live they are not lost these remain the basis of my works and not the important objects that LIFE took care to lose and create a series of ordeals and misfortunes for me,, of which many Time i didn't know... 👁️ mulțumesc de invitația din această noapte, și contemplația m-a dus la acea revelație să nu am atașament față de nici un obiect pământean, pe care oricând poți s-o pierzi cu toată grija ce ai avea. Ce ai sigur în Viața TA, E doar SÂNGELE, orice altă parte din corp poți pierde. continui această idee, Soarele, Luna, Stelele și Sângele sunt cele mai stabile în Viața ta, care sunt și reale. Ele pot forma o Alianță Stabilă și de Încredere care Întotdeauna e la Îndemână și cât Trăiești nu se Pierde. acestea rămân baza lucrărilor mele și obiectele importante pe care VIAȚA a avut grijă să le pierd și să-mi creeze o lungă serie de calvar și nenorociri, de care mult timp n-am știut cauza, Da, asta au fost de-a dreptul bântuitoare, romane în șir aș putea scrie despre ele. Și în mod sigur mulți au ajuns în această situație și încă nici acum nu și-au dat seama. este o noapte bântuitoare când îți dai seama de asta... .
@SeleKatalin 21 день назад
... Let your tears be no more than the drops of rain... 🖤
@Ania-fp4rm 21 день назад
Two days of rain and cool weather, and I already miss the hot summer, the beach, the bathing, and the warm nights, when you could stay all night in the parks under the starry sky, dreaming and enjoying the silence of the night under the moonlight. I'm not a fan of autumn 🍁😑
@Homie-jp1ll 19 дней назад
Then let's wait till the next summer ❤️
@anejahos 21 день назад
.. I have returned, the pleasure of the nights is found in the theorems and equations of the illustrious former scholars of Alchemy that are coded hidden in the old shabby volumes. ⚗️
@MagdolnaKatalin 22 дня назад
I begin to make a recap of the year, what it brought, what experiences it enriched wisdom, We are always continuously learning 👁️
@Homie-jp1ll 18 дней назад
That's so great! I hope you've reached your goals ❤️
@mrozek3893 22 дня назад
may your mood be as beautiful as the landscape outside the window that I pass by
@Homie-jp1ll 22 дня назад
Thank you so much ❤️
@yac2617 22 дня назад
@Homie-jp1ll 22 дня назад
Lovely ❤️
@SeleKatalin 22 дня назад
... to avoid the reverse case of Lovers Becoming in Enemies 💔🖤
@Homie-jp1ll 22 дня назад
That's a new perspective i didn't think of ❤️
@sohaj-xb6ie 23 дня назад
a beautiful statement, which indicates the Innocent desire to continue the relationship. This noble gesture is to be applauded even if the other person is also partly to blame, no matter how much, less or more than yours. I'm sure between two people not only one is only perfection embodied, and the other vice versa, just full of guilt. ... is an example to follow this confession... deserves my applause!! 🤍⭕
@sohaj-xb6ie 23 дня назад
When for days, weeks in a row your life goes on in silence and harmony, yes then all the days of this period are like the title, "Another quiet morning" 🤍
@sohaj-xb6ie 23 дня назад
Many times when you are absorbed by the scenery in front of you, at some point you feel a silence, when your thoughts seem to stop, you don't feel a commotion in them. And the moments of silence pass without your eyes even blinking. These are long-awaited moments, you just don't succeed even by challenging them, they come only instantly and are very pleasant, after you realize that you have passed the "lost in thought" phase, so you have lost your thoughts, you don't have them anymore, What a joy!!!! 🌟