The Strong Stoic Podcast
The Strong Stoic Podcast
The Strong Stoic Podcast
The Strong Stoic Podcast is a raw, honest, and unapologetically deep podcast about philosophy and self-improvement. Join your host, Brandon Tumblin, as he breaks down a wide variety of complex and difficult topics while bringing together different philosophies, sciences, and perspectives.
The Philosophy of the Dark Knight
3 месяца назад
A Guide to Stoic Happiness
3 месяца назад
Confronting the Lies You Tell Yourself
4 месяца назад
Chaos and Order in Stoicism
4 месяца назад
Managing Jealousy As A Stoic
5 месяцев назад
How to Stop Wasting Time (Stoicism)
5 месяцев назад
Trauma: A Stoic Perspective
5 месяцев назад
Changing Ourselves Using Stoicism
5 месяцев назад
What is a Stoic Sage?
7 месяцев назад
Living in Tension With Nature in Stoicism
7 месяцев назад
Designing Your Environment for Success in 2024
8 месяцев назад
How to Become & Stay Resilient in a Soft World
9 месяцев назад
@pazuzil 8 дней назад
I really love Chris Fisher's podcast, Stocism on Fire, but he seems clueless about atheism. While a religious worldview offers answers to some existential questions, these answers are not necessarily superior or more coherent than those provided by atheism. Atheistic worldviews can account for morality, meaning, and the origins of the universe through secular and naturalistic frameworks, without the need for a divine being. Moreover, the problems that religion claims to solve-such as the problem of suffering or the need for ultimate purpose-often raise further philosophical challenges, making the theistic solution no more satisfactory than its atheistic counterpart.
@Creedio90 24 дня назад
ryan gosling is literally me, i love buying crypto currency
@HalfTuber81 Месяц назад
You are able ❤❤
@thomasjensen7526 Месяц назад
Ever read the book: Romes last citizen? I highly recommend it, its about Cato
@Bondanalloy 2 месяца назад
That toxic masculinity that brought us from the Stone Age to the world we live in… imagine
@_liqour_ 2 месяца назад
I don’t think constantly being harsh and unempathetic to yourself and others brought us from the Stone Age lol
@thesqueak5474 2 месяца назад
Jordan Peterson Viewer belike
@albaarch 3 месяца назад
Pleade keep this going sir, I already suscribed and Im incredibly happy you got that much content on your channel I can dig on. This came really handy since for the last years I have been afraid of starting my own yt channel because of what other people might say about me. But i believe it is time for me to follow my dreams and make them come true
@strongstoic 3 месяца назад
Very happy to hear that! Thanks 🙏
@ferida6841 3 месяца назад
If you are unable to take any criticism , you are unwilling to be challenged. Those who are never criticized become socially invisible. If you matter you collect criticism like trophies.
@strongstoic 3 месяца назад
@AT-dx9pf 3 месяца назад
It's not really your fault. It's your responsibility to do something about it tho. Ignorance is the root of all prolonged suffering in this world. We never are aware of the consequences of our actions fully until we see them. Having seen them, one is faced with the choice of improvement or suffering without the ignorance anymore which is truly deep suffering as one knows one IS at fault now for not changing. Tho even that is not REALLY ones fault arguably because if one had the motivation and presence of mind to change on would do so. But one is likely resisting going into the truth of their suffering. They are avoidant. They plug their ears half-consciously. Again, HALF-consciously. Ignorance is still at play. There is no sense in blaming yourself. That is a philosophy of obsession (a fixation/inability to see the root of your suffering has stemmed from ignorance from others and yourself) and is ultimately self-torture imo. Ultimately it's almost semantics as both are just two sides of a coin-two ways of viewing your life that are polar opposites. Opposites are never ultimately true. They are extremes. The view encompassing both views is generally beyond intellect and comprehension; intellect being based on separating things and hence seeing only opposing ends of a spectrum.
@strongstoic 3 месяца назад
A great perspective for sure. There are different ways of looking at things and it does seem to influence reality. For me, I try and look at what’s philosophically true over what’s literally true. For example, if you act in the world assuming you are at least somewhat to blame for everything that happens, problems seem to get fixed. But that’s totally a belief and doesn’t work for everyone. Thanks for the thoughtful response!
@r.jennings5228 3 месяца назад
" Be angry, and sin not" St. Paul
@grantthoren6383 3 месяца назад
Cato is the Gold Standard for us aspiring Stoics.
@strongstoic 3 месяца назад
Hell yea!
@NilsLindstrand 4 месяца назад
I think that the emphasis in stoicism on not being phase by anything you can’t control is ofter misconstrued as a disregard of emotion altogether. Which is sad! Because the very modern definition of a “stoic” is often someone who is stone cold and has no emotion and only act in reason. I feel this puts a lot of people off from stoicism, which is a shame, because as you said this interpretation is not accurate.
@strongstoic 4 месяца назад
Couldn’t agree more :)
@prithviphoenix2 4 месяца назад
@strongstoic 4 месяца назад
Thanks :) Any thoughts you'd like to share?
@OneReagan 4 месяца назад
Nah good video 👍 good message
@strongstoic 4 месяца назад
Thanks 🙏
@AgnesWitman-qk2qw 4 месяца назад
Awesome 🙏
@strongstoic 4 месяца назад
@Birthdaycakesmom 4 месяца назад
Can women be stoics? I’m surrounded by all these images of men. They have so many ways to look at themselves in the mirror and that’s how these behaviors take root: through direct eye contact rather than lying. This stuff all seems so cool. I guess my period gets in the way. Perception isn’t based in fault; you’re propagating the idea that recognizing fault begets control. Examining where the defensive belief comes from makes it clear you’re limited in your perspective, which could arise from any number of sources. We can’t always control our thoughts or our actions until we learn how.
@strongstoic 4 месяца назад
Of course women can be Stoics. Character is gender neutral. I wouldn’t say that recognizing fault begets control, but it is the first step in positive change. Much isn’t up to us. Fortunately, Stoicism 101 is understanding what’s up to you and what’s not. What has been your experience with Stoicism? :)
@Madamex369 4 месяца назад
you’re way ahead of the curve just being here, listening to this video mature woman here to let you know that studying stoicism for the past two years has positively changed my life, exponentially things that interfere with learning / practicing stoicism … • excuses • impatience • preconceived notions • people pleasing • justifications • guilt • fear plenty of YT videos on stoicism for women but because women tend to be more emotional than men, it may be a little tougher to embrace this philosophy / behavior like all worthwhile endeavors, stoicism is difficult for everyone but so very useful and peaceful
@Birthdaycakesmom 4 месяца назад
@@Madamex369 I struggle with BPD, and stoicism is like an image of the synthesis of all the DBT skills we learn. Like, “who would I become.” Growing up I loved being alone, building and experimenting. The super social world of public school threw me for a curve, and my twenties were also very difficult, and eventually I gave up on boyfriends, marriage, and children. I’m now 37, working through the paranoia, and leading a spiritual life. I haven’t been on a date in 5 years, and haven’t had sex in 6. I plan to wait another year on sex and dating, and hopefully by age 40 I’ll be ready to start a family and adopt children. I’ve always been told I am wiser than my years. I think stoicism may be complimented by isophillia, or the love of being alone.
@dotdashdotdash 3 месяца назад
Women 1:30
@commentmaster_666 3 месяца назад
Women can never be stoics. They only destroy Men.
@zeeyeds 4 месяца назад
really love the podcast bro
@strongstoic 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much! 🙏
@Earlcharles-jz8zy 4 месяца назад
Thank you for such an amazing insight of life
@strongstoic 4 месяца назад
thanks for the kind words! :)
@jeulihonodel7626 4 месяца назад
You dont even say this is enough for me. Consider this is wonderful for now.
@MarkSHogan 4 месяца назад
Nice work.
@strongstoic 4 месяца назад
Thank you :)
@sneezln 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for the material I enjoyed listening to you put it down stoically. Love you bro!!.
@strongstoic 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the kind words! Glad you’re enjoying the content :)
@lamecommenter 5 месяцев назад
Number one time waster. Your job. Quit it. Now you have lots of time.
@strongstoic 5 месяцев назад
😂 may not be the most practical. And I’d say work can be the best use of time.
@tireturd7333 5 месяцев назад
Time is only good if you make it good, whether it be cleaning, or working, it is the matter of being present and enjoying your time.
@strongstoic 5 месяцев назад
Amen to that!
@traceybugg2884 5 месяцев назад
@MrMojo13ification 6 месяцев назад
Traditional stoicism aka REAL Stoicism
@scottponce4067 6 месяцев назад
I'm just a blue collar ironworker and I love my career. Not that i want to go every day, but i so enjoy it most of the time.
@bobxbaker 6 месяцев назад
well there's plenty of ways to see it, it depends what kinda work you do and there is legit soul crushing work, but i'd say a lot of work related negativity can be due to work environment and the people you are around, you don't get to choose your coworkers etc. but the way i get around it is to see it as a lesser evil, as in it still has to be done and i'd rather do that kind of work than for example go out hunting with a wooden spear trying to catch something just to survive. so work in itself don't seem so bad knowing that it's something that is a constant thing you have to do no matter what, and what else are you gonna do with your time? so in that process work becomes more of a joy to do knowing that it's not that tough and if i can't replace it with anything else to get money from then why would i feel bad doing it.
@YabbaDabbaDoTime 6 месяцев назад
Take up an apprenticeship in a trade. In 3-4 years you'll become a journeyman earning above minimum wage the whole time. Once you're a journeyman, you'll have tons of work. If you want to go to college, take some night classes and pay for it yourself without a student loan. There are a number of trades in North America that the majority of the tradesmen are aging out and there's no one to replace them, if you learn those trades now, in 10 years you'll be able to name your price and people will have no choice but to pay it. Right now I know bricklayers earning $75-90 an hour.
@strongstoic 6 месяцев назад
I do see the same trend in my industry as well. It's hard to find good contractors to handle machining, welding, etc. They are fewer every decade it seems. There's nothing wrong with getting into a trade! My only caution would be to be aware that the work can come and go. A high hourly rate is great but it has to be matched with consistency in work.
@mattlane5784 6 месяцев назад
A tip for you. Fix your mic setup bro. I'm wearing a headset and its only going through the left earpiece lol. Try this yourself you'll see what I mean
@strongstoic 6 месяцев назад
Thanks man, it's actually an editing issue! I just started using a new editor. Thanks for the feedback!
@quantumq9725 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much i needed to hear this!
@johnhenry15 6 месяцев назад
Interesting ideas. Will mull on them further but at the moment makes perfect sense.
@strongstoic 6 месяцев назад
@twixnitup42 6 месяцев назад
Your just speaking common sense, what we need is a stronger push for the young ones to work hard prove your valuable and get your foot in the dorr and go from there.
@strongstoic 6 месяцев назад
I don't disagree. But that idea is not mutually exclusive from the one presented here :)
@twixnitup42 6 месяцев назад
@strongstoic so what is it?
@Paula_A_bdul 6 месяцев назад
I can be happy at just about any job. Im a Landscaper. Not glorious by any means. That being said it pays the bills, I love the outdoors. The smell of fresh cut grass, oil and gas. Super Blue Collar.
@strongstoic 6 месяцев назад
I work with lots of blue collars, and I'm something in between. I do love the "realness" of it, too.
@mariannebraun2839 6 месяцев назад
😆 Promo SM
@joshuabertolotti2937 6 месяцев назад
Interesting conversation, thanks for sharing it!
@Crackerbarrelkid56 6 месяцев назад
I am the one you speak of. And the depths I've gone to aquire such position would scare any human being.
@houssemmannaii 7 месяцев назад
this helps <3
@strongstoic 6 месяцев назад
@joshuabertolotti2937 7 месяцев назад
Interesting conversation, thanks for sharing!
@strongstoic 7 месяцев назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@AnonymousPerson-cu7yz 7 месяцев назад
You are completely misconstructing the argument. You are taking an exercise in logic, and making it look like a belief. It is not. Atheists do not act virtuously because they believe that there is a god or any supernatural being. That is not a source of motivation for us. "I have a set of values I deem divine" - that is correct, all people have their set of morals they deem right. "because I know his nature" - that is where you start imagining things. No atheist has ever claimed to know the nature of any god, because atheists do not believe in gods. Therefore, whenever I make any decision in my daily life, I do not think about any gods, and I do not use them as a source of inspiration for anything. What you are referring to, is an exercise of logic, similar to what religious people do ("what if there is no god?"), but inversed. If there is a god (contrary to my belief that there is no god), then there are two possibilities. If that god's values align with my own, then I will go to heaven, valhalla, elysium, or whatever fairytale people believe in anyway. If that god's values do not align with my own, then I should not go to heaven, valhalla, elysium, or whatever the fairytale you believe in, because why in the world would I want to go live with the god who believes that my morals are wrong? If the god has ego infinitely greater than that of modern politicians, if that god requires my constant praise, then it would be insufferable to live with him. If the god believes that my morals of not killing, not stealing, and being kind and good to people are wrong, then I would rather not live with that god. And shame on everyone who is ready to praise such a god in order to get into heaven or whatever.
@strongstoic 7 месяцев назад
You said: ""I have a set of values I deem divine" - that is correct, all people have their set of morals they deem right." If you deem this statement correct, that all people "deem something right", then there is a belief there. Period. Facts cannot give you values, so whichever values we deem right are beliefs.
@johnrainsman6650 7 месяцев назад
Oh, yeah? Try me. Apparently I can't redeem myself. I was once taken to my boss's office--with her and her chef colleague--for touching my coworkers too much (CASUALLY on arms or shoulders). I was always very outgoing and tactile at work. The chef told me that we need the workers to be comfortable in a good work environment. That I shouldn't talk about anything other than work and school or tell my stories, because they may be inappropriate or upsetting (can't remember her exact words) to others. Now yeah, I pretty much didn't have a filter, but I don't think I said anything *_horrible._* I only meant to have fun with my crew. I really didn't get specific information from the chef about subjects and references. She liked that I was outgoing, but she made it sound risky and in need of limits. And again, that I shouldn't touch anyone without consent. But I didn't _mean_ any harm or discomfort. If I had known anyone would feel either, (though technically no one showed signs), I would not have touched them. And anyway, people casually do it to each other. But despite my side, whenever I expressed my story on YT videos, commenters would still make me feel bad, as if I didn't feel bad enough. "Well, you shouldn't be touching coworkers" or "You sound like a creep" or "The workplace is not where you act that way." I often think "Why can't someone just respond to my story and shame without talking about my wrongdoing or correcting me?" I own if I made anyone uncomfortable, and I would make it up to them if I knew whom. What's it gonna take to redeem myself? Am I permanently a bad person?
@strongstoic 7 месяцев назад
There's really no such thing as a "bad person" in Stoicism. We either act appropriately or we do not. In this case, of course, I do not know all of the details, but based on what you're saying I would say that you may have acted inappropriately to some degree. But "acted" is a past-tense. So it's in the past. And the past doesn't exist - only the now. So the only thing you can really do is to learn from your mistakes, act more appropriately in the future, and move on. We're all flawed. It's really okay. We just have to work on our ignorances so that we can become more wise and act more appropriately. I have a live talk today with a Q&A and discussion after - if you'd like to join, this would be an interesting topic. It's at 1200 EST today - head to my substack and the information is there.
@johnrainsman6650 7 месяцев назад
@@strongstoicOh, you don't mean sharing my story, do you? And remember, LOTS of people are causally "touchy-feely," in an innocent manner. It's happened to me before at work, like by middle-aged employees from the dining department. You have to understand that I meant it innocently. To this day, I still feel the chef mishandled the situation, and she was wrong in some ways.
@JBonaparte 7 месяцев назад
Why is this podcast ripping off Lex Fridman's thumbnails?
@MissGodsChild 7 месяцев назад
The heavens declares God's glory.
@kenwoolf 7 месяцев назад
Holy shit, I just had the greatest idea. We need to build bridges from muscles. The more it's used the stronger it gets. It's perfect.
@strongstoic 7 месяцев назад
😂 not a bad idea at all.
@hinamiravenroot7162 7 месяцев назад
Willpower isn't a muscle. It's a battery The only way to stretch it is by using less, not by "training" it. Training is draining when it comes to stress
@adsadsaddFQ 7 месяцев назад
Nope. Willpower can he trained. For example try taking cold showers daily. It requires lots of willpower at the beginning. You can adapt to this by gradually decrease temperature of water. That's how you adapt. There is not battery for willpower ot stress. What you saying about is our vital energy that's something else than willpower.
@hinamiravenroot7162 7 месяцев назад
@@adsadsaddFQ As you get used to it, it requires less and less willpower to go through with it. You aren't actively resisting it once it becomes routine. Your willpower isn't increasing, you're using less of it
@hinamiravenroot7162 7 месяцев назад
@@adsadsaddFQ my point is, if you overwork yourself every day, telling yourself you'll get more resistant to the stress if you just keep doing it, you'll burn out. You need rest periods and if your body is in constant fight or flight mode, it tips your hormonal balance until you can't work anymore. It's better to take a 1 hour break every now and then, then to push through and burn out for 2 years.
@adsadsaddFQ 7 месяцев назад
​@@hinamiravenroot7162but it's not a battery nor a limited energy.
@adsadsaddFQ 7 месяцев назад
@@hinamiravenroot7162 you just said above that if you keep doing something that requires willpower it gets easier and easier. That's the point of this video. Exposure to stress build resilience not exhaustion. Exhaustion is when you overburdened yourself with stress.
@AlbySilly 7 месяцев назад
I thought this was gonna go into something like bridge maintenance
@strongstoic 7 месяцев назад
😂 next time!
@sdf1990 7 месяцев назад
Love you coach
@FarjanaJerin-dv2ym 7 месяцев назад
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@joshuabertolotti2937 7 месяцев назад
Great video on a seldom discussed issue.
@dapperdudekyle 7 месяцев назад
Yes! Stellar brother 👏✌️
@steviewinder8478 7 месяцев назад
Nope it’s percentages. When you’re young say 10 then 1 year is a whole 10% of your life but when you’re my age near 50 then 1 year is only around the corner. 2% away.
@strongstoic 7 месяцев назад
Maybe. But we can certainly change our perception of how quickly time goes. The Buddhists and Stoics focused a lot on being present, and that seems to work well.