Daniel Roman
Daniel Roman
Daniel Roman
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, I greet you all in the name of Jesus Christ. Welcome to The Word Made Simple. This channel is all about bringing people closer to God through the Truth of God. All teachings come from Apostle Gino Jennings. If you have been looking for a place to get fed the word of God, then look no further. This is the greatest religious program in America. This program will make you analyze your life and will make you start living a Holy life unto The Lord.

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5 лет назад
@angelashell3903 51 минуту назад
I have repented for my sins old and new every day. I've been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. I am living the rest of my life on this earth obeying God. Apostle Pastor Gino Jennings Preaching Truth Holy Scriptures Of God From The Bible. God Called, Sent, Made, Taught, And Authorized To Save Souls From Hell PERIODT!🙏🏾
@EdwardRazorHandz 3 часа назад
The fallen angels taught mankind about make up
@AleksPatters 5 часов назад
Where Was This>?
@neisham1066 7 часов назад
He spoke to Joseph as well
@fettergraf 12 часов назад
It might sound crazy but I still want to ask What will happen to unbelievers or those who deny God and Jesus and don't accept his message? Will they immediately be thrown or stand before judgement?
@sdougl047 16 часов назад
So if I’m correct the Great White Throne of judgement is only for the people who died in their sins and didn’t accept Christ. They are the unsaved. Believers have an entirely separate judgment. So in other words the Great White Throne is a sight that nobody should ever want to see.
@nathanielwillex1359 16 часов назад
Tried getting this book for over 5years
@AphiweMabandla 19 часов назад
Brother Jennings did not even ask for money he said Repent if that is not proof then I don't what proof there is 🎉
@ikelocc100 День назад
Psalms 110:1 (A Psalm of David.) The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Matthew 22:41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, Matthew 22:42 Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The Son of David. Matthew 22:43 He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying, Matthew 22:44 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool? Matthew 22:45 If David then call him Lord, how is he his son? Matthew 22:46 And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions. Gino Jennings is a false prophet . LORD is the Father and Lord is Christ = master. Even Jesus referred to himself as Lord. Not the LORD GOD . 2 totally different things.
@JoeToomer-d8k День назад
Vegas mess with the bull and he got the horn
@JoeToomer-d8k День назад
He made a complete fool of him self
@RonnieMWAI День назад
cesare borgia a homosexual allegedly! DEFINITELY NOT THE CHRIST 100%
@JamesJones-tl4yy День назад
Why did he not just say what he wanted to say??
@ankyspon1701 День назад
No replies here from pastor Gino, he's obviously too busy spending his $3 million fortune! Jesus said, "give everything away and follow me" and rich man through eye of needle etc! What type of sorry example are all these millionaire preachers giving their ignorant followers! You cannot buy your way into heaven people! The amount you give doesn't save your soul! Also, if you tithe or donate money in the name of God, it should go directly to helping people, but if Gino or some other preacher squanders your money on high living, your act of giving was wasted and that's your own fault! All the needy you hope to help stay hungry, suffer pain or die! If you give money, but the pastor squanders that money buying land, houses, fancy cars, first class flights, 5 star hotels,. expensive dining and high living, you won't receive any benefit from God for any amount you give! You've squandered your money! Wake up people! Uploading church videos to youtube is free, it costs the pastor nothing! His congregation pay his monthly wages, he needs nothing more! He can also release 1000's of preaching videos on here all for free, there's nothing to pay for on RU-vid, in fact he earns money from views! So pastors don't need your money, the poor do? If you want to use your money to help others, then give it directly to the poor, sick and needy, that's the best thing you can do! Squander your 'talents' by giving it to millionaire preachers and you will be punished, because instead of helping others with your money, they squander it on a lavish lifestyle! Jesus gave us 2 commandments, workmon yourself and do your best to become a better person, that's the best thing you can do to be a better Christian!
@EzarakuSamson 2 дня назад
Homosexuality is the highest level of lust,its unthinkable
@inspiringcodetv3326 2 дня назад
You're also wrong buddy
@cliffogega2755 2 дня назад
One of the greatest sermons of a generation
@Playbackrm100 2 дня назад
It can't be denied that this was pretty-good. How many people can really admit that what he just taught about 'Morning' was well understood?
The father is god almighty in scripture
@CarlRowe-lq4vf 2 дня назад
The serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: …your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. These words from the the Bible .Amen.
@Brazil_United 2 дня назад
If the Jahovah witness interpretation is only 144k will make it to heaven why they still walking around knocking on doors haven't they reach that figure already.....???
@remorselesscuckslayer2318 2 дня назад
If you can debate a JW's arguments of Christs Deity yo can deal with Muslim. Muslims even their top debaters are actually very ignorant what Christians believe with very clumsy exegesis. Sam Shamoun eats these characters up.
@dollysmith2596 2 дня назад
@dollysmith2596 2 дня назад
👸🏽 proof the 👹 wrong and trust in God . 👸🏽 a living witness.
@dollysmith2596 2 дня назад
Amen X’S 3 ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 Peach ! Preach ! Preach ! Teach ! Teach ! Teach ! Thank you for real man of God
@dollysmith2596 2 дня назад
Thank you God ! Thank you God ! Thank you God ! 👸🏽 don’t play 🏩 and 👸🏽 don’t play with God ! God answer 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽.
@dollysmith2596 2 дня назад
❤❤❤😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉 ✍🏽👨🏽📖
@dollysmith2596 2 дня назад
👸🏽 don’t play 🏩 and 👸🏽 don’t play with God. Amen X’S 3 ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 God 👀👀👀📖✍🏽
@berniceedwards7087 2 дня назад
Amen glory be the guy wonderful teacher you preached this service
@DavidTaufa-n6b 2 дня назад
When the word is preached faithfully, the devil is not happy.
@LorraineMosikari 2 дня назад
Glory to God
@MaryLynch-kz8sm 3 дня назад
In my comment I would like to ask a question ⁉️ concerning Mr Vegas, I see 👀 him on the pulpit in this video 📸, my question ⁉️ is do Mr Vegas believe in Acts chapter 2) verse 38) number 1) have Mr Vegas receive forgiveness of sin according to the scripture 📖⁉️, number 2) have Mr Vegas been baptized) in water 💦 in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin,⁉️ number 3) have Mr Vegas receive the gift 🎁 of the holy Ghost,⁉️ with the evidence of speaking in other tongues 🤪 as the spirit gave utterance,)⁉️ if the answer is know, this bring me to another question,⁉️ why ⁉️ is Mr Vegas on the pulpit, I thought the pulpit was for the ministers preaching teaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, now don't get me wrong I'm not pulpit trucked meaning I believe you can do ministry anywhere God send you and without being in the pulpit in a church 🏫, sometime ministry will be out of the church 🏫, is that clear ⁉️ saints of God 🙏🏽, my question ⁉️ is again, how can a unbeliever speak 🗣️ to the saints of God from the pulpit, ⁉️ know if this be the case I can't judge it until I know that Mr Vegas believe on the scripture 📖 in Acts chapter 2) verse 38) that's why ⁉️ I'm asking the question has he been baptized in water 💦 in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin, and have you received the gift 🎁 of the holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking 🗣️ in other tongues 🤪, if Mr Vegas has has obeyed this scripture 📖 then I can understand why he's in the pulpit and speaking to the saints of God in the congregation, because that means he has the spirit of God 🙏🏽, because anyone that has the spirit of God you will be against sin, this is how you know them by their fruit 🍓🍑 and I'm talking about spiritual fruit, this is how you can judge people whether they have the spirit of God or not by listening to the things they say that's not of God 🙏🏽, but my point ☝🏽 in my comment is anyone does not have the spirit of God should not be in the pulpit speaking to the saints of God now should they, ⁉️ let's be honest saints of God, the Bible told the saints of God to know them that labor among you, is that clear ⁉️ saints of God, thats why the pastures have to be very wise and careful who they let in the pulpit, a pastor in the ministry should seek after the spirit of God for who to speak 🗣️ God's word of Truth in the pulpit, that way it will not be confusing in the church 🏫, why ⁉️ because that pastor and the one he chose to speak 🗣️ is there a church should come together with one mind, and that should be the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ, because everybody don't have the holy Ghost that say they in the ministry, some of them don't even know what the holy Ghost is, because they need it their self, please feel free 🗽 to email ✉️ Mary Myles Lynch @gmail. Come) if you have any questions concerning my comment, please forgive me if there's any misspelling words in that comment,
@MaryLynch-kz8sm 3 дня назад
Praise 🙌🏽 the Lord 🙏🏽 pastor Gino Jennings, and in all the saints of God around the whole world 🌎, I just want you in part a little wisdom to the saints of God, and especially to all pastors, Bishop's, preachers, teachers prophets evangelist, Deacon in the church 🏫, and if there be any others that are in ministry especially ministering to people, I'm going to let the word talk to your spirit Romans chapter 1) verse 29) this scripture 📖 it let us people of the most high God know that it is (SIN) to debate) a believer or a unbeliever, please read this scripture 📖 and verses for yourself, and then examine yourself, and if you have (debating) anyone it's time to come out of (SIN,) why ⁉️ because we don't want God to turn us over to a reprobate) (mine) now do you, ⁉️ and this word of God is talking to the saint of God 🙏🏽, not the unbelievers because they have not came out of their sins) yet they are the ones that do such thing because they don't know who Jesus is, the saints of God they know who Jesus is and this is why ⁉️ we would not do such thing especially if we have knowledge that (debating) someone is a (SIN,) now let me prove to you that debate) is a (SIN,) Romans chapter 1) where is 28) and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,) God gave them over to a (reprobate mind,) to do those things which are not convenient;) where is 29) being filled with all unrighteousness,) fornication, weakness, coverousness, maliciousness; full of envy, (murderer,)(DEBATE,) now that you have it this is the word of Truth, now put it in your mouth 👄 and chew on it and now swallow it spiritually that it will enter into the your body so in your mind and especially in your heart ❤️, David said, the word he hid in his heart ❤️ that he might not (SIN) against the Lord, love 💖 from sister evangelist Mary Lynch doing the work of evangelist that souls might be saved according Acts chapter 2) verse 38) if you have not obeyed that scripture please obey it if your soul I want to be saved from sin, I hope someone of the saints of God your soul was blessed to know that debate is a sin, please feel free 🗽 to email ✉️ Mary Myles Lynch @gmail.com)
@violetking8647 3 дня назад
Thanks ❤
@ThulaniNkosinathi-jv8rh 3 дня назад
If people havent hear Mr Smith😂😂😂... Im sorry to call them foolish, or they dont care about learning anything... In God... We have... JESUS(THE SON, THE WORD,) we have(THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER) We have the Father (THE FATHER) AND THEY ARE ALL CALLED GOD... SO WHEN YOY SAY GOD YOU ARE CALLING THEM... 1 JOHN 5:7;8... JESUS EVEN I(THE SON) AND THE FATHER ARE ONE(GOD)
@ThulaniNkosinathi-jv8rh 3 дня назад
Sometimes people deny the truth just because a lie is shared by someone they love, just like Pstr Gino Jennings, he is denying the truth forcing to be right and people support him because they like him not because he us right... THEY DONT WANT THE TRUTH THEY WANT PASTOR GINO JENNINGS (1 JOHN5:7-8)... 😅😅😅
@bridgetanthony8599 3 дня назад
Amen. He sure is a great teacher that the lord send to teach us.🙏🏾
@UrbainHodge 4 дня назад
Br paul was a vi😢
@UrbainHodge 4 дня назад
You cause to preachers tell us STop this hate. We need a God .
@heatheryearwood9199 4 дня назад
What does the good Pastor think of AI.
@user-sl4qe5fb8p 4 дня назад
This man is so deceived
@eileenreid8413 4 дня назад
Sinful itchy ears. It's an abomination Sodom and Gomorrah was totally Destroyed ding dong knucklehead
@Eastsidenucca 4 дня назад
Its crazy these brothers cant explain the self creation. Although to explain this there are other factors these men didn't speak on that will prove the self creation. God doesnt beget nor is he begotten...yes, what is God? God is mind, spirit, in essence and that is neither begotten nor begets. But the spirit of God or the essense of God is in man. God means supreme knowledge and understanding. The only thing that seperates us from God is that God has supreme knowledge wisdom and understanding.
@user-ew5uc4wh2j 5 дней назад
What a dumb ignorant fool lol 😂
@user-ew5uc4wh2j 5 дней назад
This guy is a complete clown doesn’t know what his talking about!
@user-ew5uc4wh2j 5 дней назад
Is this Tyler Perry’s little brother lol😂
@thomaspipala7471 5 дней назад
The ordinance does not save anyone Being baptized by a man or a woman does not effect one's salvation. Accepting the Lord Jesus Christ in one's heart Is the only Way to Salvation. Preach the Cross and let the Word convict the unredeemed soul. Deny SELF and take up your cross and follow Him. I am not talking about a wooden beam, but the Finished Work of Christ. It is Finished Thus said the Lord Perhaps SELF is the problem We have too many Martha's in the church, and not many Mary's sitting at Jesus Feet.
@user-ug1sl3xy9r 5 дней назад
Gino is asking for a bible verse that states God has 3 distinct personalities. However, he cannot quote a bible verse that says Jesus or his Apostles collected tithe.
@masonkesslar8168 6 дней назад
Gino wouldn't let him talk. Just ignorant behavior