Videos on anything software & tech related. Sometimes educational, sometimes exploratory. Whatever seems interesting.
@kmr_tl4509 6 часов назад
This is just an fzf showcase.
@Mr_exe32 2 дня назад
Thank you. My patience with D3 is growing quite thin. You saved me a laptop.
@keshavbansal6343 4 дня назад
A reallly good video, thanks man. :)
@Ouvii 9 дней назад
10:30 oh... That's why Ctrl+C doesn't copy
@asadmoosvi 9 дней назад
This has to be one of the most soothing videos I've ever watched.
@AppsTricksByNazakatUmrani 9 дней назад
When you started the video, it seemed like I am watching some noob tutorial, but in the last I became noob, 😂 you earned a subscriber, the knowledge you shared here is awesome, I will surely watch your bash scripting videos and other interesting linux related videos
@seansingh4421 9 дней назад
Taking a crap ❌ Sudo bash shit.sh ✅
@Miguelocod 10 дней назад
The fzf based commands are incredible. I use fzf every day but never thought of that. Gonna start making some alias tomorrow! Thanks!
@shawnmendrek3544 10 дней назад
To be fair the count of monte cristo was a good book indeed. I read it from annex.
@CODE_IS_EVERYTHING 5 дней назад
It is one of my favorites!
@NotableLawl 10 дней назад
Oh, a useful cmd for kube pods is describe pods. Great for troubleshooting a pod in an error state.
@NotableLawl 10 дней назад
Glad this showed up in my feed. Perfect for my needs at work. Thank you for the video.
@batchrocketproject4720 14 дней назад
Nice survey. I have to make a plug for AWK. Anyone who has to process any type of structured/semi-structured data files would be well advised to learn AWK. A few hours spent reading _Effective AWK Programming_ will allow easy processing of almost any data task required.
@CODE_IS_EVERYTHING 5 дней назад
Will have to give that a read, thanks for the tip
@user-gp4og3oq2s 19 дней назад
Thanks a lot!
@batchrocketproject4720 20 дней назад
Slay! Today I learned that my years of bumbling along struggling with bash were avoidable. This content is gold. Thank you. 💯👏
@waffleurr 23 дня назад
Well it’s all cool and dandy, but I doubt it’s gonna stick. And definitely such brief explanation is not enough for stuff like awk, or even grep, which is less hard. Making a script and expect people do understand it as they watch your video is pretty generous. Or absurd, rather.
@arashi5371 23 дня назад
Hook us up with your minimalist dot files 👀
@Haroombe 24 дня назад
Can’t wait to start using zeesh and not z s h
@perfect.stealth 24 дня назад
Man this video is relaxing
@Rikaisan 25 дней назад
The xargs command section was really good! Something as simple as aliasing 'logs' to open a fzf with all your docker containers and choose one to check the logs for is just so useful
@omidnajmi6019 26 дней назад
thank you what a great video
@nickp6857 26 дней назад
Thank you so much for this well explained and well structured tutorial, it is more than appreciated!
@kilianlindberg 27 дней назад
2:07 Thus far into this video the music is close to superb along 👏👏
@curiousmind1991 27 дней назад
Great radio voice and great content. Thx a bunch for this useful tutorial!
@LeoVS44 27 дней назад
premium content, very nice :)
@jhtaljaard 27 дней назад
Very useful video 🎉 For some reason I didn't know about `Ctrl+X` + `Ctrl+E` to edit a multi-line cmd -- that is so cool and definitely needed :D
@user-th8dj2vw3n 28 дней назад
@Li.Siyuan 28 дней назад
Way too fast and missing important information.
@IsayaOdongo 28 дней назад
You have covered alot in just 30 minutes ..Thank you.
@clep0clep23 29 дней назад
I absolutely hate asmr but the video was useful anyways...
@CODE_IS_EVERYTHING 28 дней назад
Thanks, though this is absolutely not an asmr video haha.
@paulkomini6678 Месяц назад
#This command will search for the a floder and cd into it ff() { local dir dir=$(find * -type d 2>/dev/null | fzf +m) && cd "$dir" || return } # This command will search for the a file and cd into the location of the file fcd() { local target_file target_file=$(fd --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git | fzf +m) && cd "$(dirname "$target_file")" || return } i made the and i cant without them now i dont known if they are other ways out there but idc YOU CAN ADD THEM TO YOUR .zshrc file
@Dalhax Месяц назад
hi, I really like how customizable these are. my question: these are typically embedded code on a website, right? Is there an option to export any of these charts as a non-interactive png and use them for some simple graphical social media projects? I'm a marketing generalist and would rather learn this than pay $500 monthly for a subscription.
Yeah you can definitely export them as a png. Depending on which library you go with, there may be a built in function for exporting the image. If you’re only ever going to generate images and don’t need the web page you can also checkout some python libraries like Seaborn that will directly generate the images.
@deflect3658 Месяц назад
such an awesome explaination! thank you for this
@viktorhabchak470 Месяц назад
years back i've built a simple custom dotfiles manager myself in ruby using erb templates and ansible playbook. don't have to maintain that anymore, this is a perfect find for me!
@mrhassell Месяц назад
To ZSH or be Bourne again?
@Daniel15au Месяц назад
Have you tried using this for UI config too, for example for GNOME or KDE settings, VS Code settings, etc? I've done something similar for regular dotfiles (like shell config) but I want to keep UI config in sync too.
The only challenge I’ve run into is that some UI tools don’t have a great file/cli based config interface. Like with GNOME you’ll probably end up using dconf to dump the current config values and then use dconf load as part of the dot files automation to keep those changes in sync. But other UI tools will just use a config file you can edit, so those are easier to jump in the repo.
@rayforever Месяц назад
What tool did ya use to visualise these ?
Nothing fancy, just used revealjs with some custom styling
@richardshalla Месяц назад
I got lost in the weeds pretty quickly, this is over my head. I should look for a longer video with a deeper explanation of each step. Thanks anyway. By the comments it looks like some were able to get it fairly quickly. I'm afraid that I am not one of those people. The search continues........
I’m sorry to hear that. Was there any part in particular that was causing trouble or was it just moving too fast in general? FYI I’m working on a site right now that will be a companion to my videos that’ll have exercises and such to help aid in the learning process, so once it is up and ready it’ll hopefully help.
@batchrocketproject4720 20 дней назад
I'm curious as to how you use videos like this? Personally, I massively benefited from it by actively trying and exploring each of the points raised. It took me well over an hour to get to 7 minutes. Even the opening use of env taught me tons because I stopped and ran env as a command, studied its output, discovered there was env at /bin and usr/bin, compared the output of env to the which bash command. I explored everything that way, making notes and creating working examples that illustrated variations of usage. This one hour video is a ten hour course that is worth 10 years of bumbling along (as I have spent the last decade doing). I agree the presentation has to engage and not grate your personal style preferences (in which regard it was a perfect fit for me) but style alone will not make you learn, exploration and discovery is the key to that, preferably with a pro guide like this fellow.
@davemeech Месяц назад
This was superb. The music choice was fantastic if conscious, because it helped immensely with focus. Also Bash Pro Shop merch when?
I’m glad you like it, I did spend some time trying to find the right tunes. And I’ve looked into it but I’ve been lazy about getting some samples. But I’ll do so, as it seems like a decent number of people are interested.
@DetlevObst Месяц назад
You've got a great way of explaining the structure & modularity of using bash and "glue" together its userland utilities. You'd be awesome for teaching python and rust I'd bet! Thanks so much for making the video. BTW, how did you get those lines of code to highlight while you're explaining? Also, never saw "#!/usr/bin/env" syntax before ... it even works in FBSD.
Thanks! And I’ve only dabbled with Rust, but I will have some more programming videos soon. And I used reveal.js which has a line highlight capability for code blocks.
@YTit69 Месяц назад
Perfect material, perfect music, perfect voice! One think, please a bit slower and pauses a bit longer, cuz content sounds squashed. Thank you so much!
@sujansinhthakor2314 Месяц назад
thanks,i was having trouble using ffmpeg and found out your vid and it worked like a charm
@ArnabGhosh-wi7pv Месяц назад
really useful video. I am using bash for a few years now, and only recently i am starting to realize how powerful the pipe command is
@GagikAvetisyan-hi9jh Месяц назад
Good Job !
@goohaver Месяц назад
Thank you :)
@mohamedkhalilloukhnati5759 Месяц назад
Cool video ! never came across fzf before, I will definitely try it, and thank you for the shortcuts at the end, some of them blow my mind, as I always try to do some work arounds, I am a bit ashamed that I never tried to look for them ^^'
@willd0g Месяц назад
Have been looking for this exact type of vid now for sometime now. Thank you it was done very well. The final wrap up at the end was perfect.
@mjc955 Месяц назад
and here i was thinking that gnu stow was a great solution
If all you need is to manage the dotfiles themselves stow is a solid option. But if you want to start getting fancy, I think chezmoi is a better pick.
@mjc955 Месяц назад
@@CODE_IS_EVERYTHING honestly i think the key takeaway from this video for me was “i should learn ansible”
@TheOnlyEpsilonAlpha Месяц назад
less is more
@LyubomyrSemkiv Месяц назад
20:21 is not working for me. for item in ${my_arr[@]}; do does.
@cognishn Месяц назад
Voice + command techniques + explanations are superb.❤