Baker Book House
Baker Book House
Baker Book House
Baker Book House was founded in 1939, when Herman Baker started the store with 500 books from his personal library. Baker is known world-wide as the source for out-of-print Christian books, as well as having a wide selection of today's products.
House Rules: Book Trailer
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Amanda Cabot Author Interview
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Unshakable Kids by Lauren Gaines | Book Trailer
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Dr. Jeanne Porter King Interview
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Author Night with Thom S. Rainer
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Author Event with Dr. Amy Kenny
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@Biggestscrambledstatesfan 29 дней назад
I like this book
@wilmawatson5591 2 месяца назад
Will your books on kindle become listen too.
@ThisLittleLightLife 3 месяца назад
I just finished reading The Long March Home earlier this month. It was brutal, yet beautiful. Thank you so much, Baker Book House, for providing these author events. It is appreciated!
@Vmurph 5 месяцев назад
@GinnyNorton-r6d 9 месяцев назад
Having a dip this morning. But I do not lose hope- thanks Dr. Warren. Biblical hope is hope in Jesus - He cannot be taken from me❤
@BlaineMichael143 9 месяцев назад
@couponlover93 9 месяцев назад
I love Jody Hedlund’s books
@michaelodonnell824 11 месяцев назад
Regarding the assertion that if Women were hearing the Abuse stories, we would get different results - This is not bourn out by abuse allegations that happen outside of Religious environments. To recall just one example, when the young US gymnasts reported their abuse, the initial response from both US Gymnastics and from the US Olympic Committee was so poor that the heads of both, both Women, were forced to resign because of their failures to adequately address the allegations. Power corrupts and people in positions of power within institutions ALWAYS see their main role as "protecting the institution". So ALL institutions act identically, irrespective of whether the leadership is Male, Female or a mixture of both.....
Do you sell packagers bible
@cynthiacassel Год назад
And who made the decision about this being the tornado that would take me and little Toto back to Tulsa? Just commenting since my voice got taken from me in this process of torture.
@TheChris403 Год назад
4 libs in a circle jerk.
@TazHall Год назад
I enjoyed these as well for similar reasons. The culture of the Roman Empire was described in such a way that made me glad I did not live during that time. Marcus and Hadassah are definitely my favorite characters as individuals. Probably the only things I didn't like was that Atretes and Rizpa got married so soon when he just barely became a believer. It felt like they were unequally yoked and I hated how verbally and physically abusive he was towards Rizpa. He even back-handed her so hard that she spun. It's an unfortunate trend in women's literature that abuse from male characters is okay if they are hot. I also did not like that Hadassah was still so in love with Marcus even after he attempted to rape her... why? Because he was hot? As someone with a background in family abuse, I could never see God marrying me to someone abusive or immature in faith. Honestly, Atretes was not ready to get married. Atretes himself was well written and it's clear how damaged he was as an individual, not just from the violence but from the sexual exploitation and perversion from the Gladiator life. The individual characters are great but I'm not sure about how the romance is actually handled. I'm not understanding the attraction these women have despite sexual assault and physical abuse.
@bethmaxey2326 Год назад
In talking about telling someone their loved one passing away, I remember what happened when I found out that my Daddy had died. A couple weeks before he died, I was really mad at him and refused to see him or go on my weekend to be with him because I'd nearly drowned and he didn't answer the phone when my Mom called to tell him. Then came July 6, 1999. My Grandpa came over with a somber look on his face and said he needed to talk with my Mom. As they were emerging from her bedroom and almost to the living room, my Mom said that we (my little brother and I) needed to pray. She prayed then told us that our Dad died. At that instant my whole world was flipped upside down and I became suicidal. I used to feel, that because I wasn't there, that I could've saved him. God saw me through all of that and I'm grateful! Then I'm reminded of the day I had to be rushed to the emergency room, December 15th, 2009. I'd had the worst headache of my entire life and my best friend insisted I get to the hospital immediately. I got there, had a CT scan and when the Dr. came in, she asked if she could pray with us. She did, and it gave me an overwhelming sense of peace. When she concluded, she told us that I had a massive hemorrhage in my brain and I was immediately taken into ICU. I was only in 6 days. In that time, I was diagnosed with an Arteriovenous Malformation. I was given a slim chance and they said nothing could be done until I had my son. I was 4½ months pregnant with our first son, and I was told by Dr.'s that I had less than a 10% chance of even getting pregnant, let alone carrying to term. (But GOD!) I left the hospital on hard core narcotic pain medication because it was still bleeding. Then at 33 weeks and 3 days gestation our miracle child William Jay David was born perfectly healthy at 4 pounds and 14 ounces. His initials stand for What Jesus Did. A year later I had an embolization that was only 70% successful and a year later ended up having gamma knife radiation surgery. God has moved what seemed to be immovable and proved Himself over and over again. Now here I am with 3 miracles of being (3 wildly wonderful boys.) This year I just turned 39, the same age as my Dad was when he died. I'm looking forward to seeing what God does in the future and how else he moves the mountains in my life. Just wanted to share those testimonies. Be encouraged and have a fantastic day!
@natalieeverts5305 Год назад
This really is powerfully helpful to think about how it is possible for me that I have to move forward and become unstuck from tragedies in my life. Thank you for sharing! Natalie
@janeloftus3090 Год назад
Yyy😢ttyetttttrrrrrr ER
@mmundle941 Год назад
Accidentally stumbled upon this, pretty great
@carmenbrewer502 Год назад
@jeanniebeck2651 Год назад
Really enjoyed this - three wonderful authors together!!
@lelawhite7296 Год назад
What a fun event!
@funkichar Год назад
Love this!!!!!
@patricialarge3176 Год назад
Baker Book House, thanks for recording and sharing this Lenten event with Sharon Garlough Brown. It is very much appreciated.
@yvonnekneeshaw2784 Год назад
Just heard about this author & sensible shoes. Enjoyed video & would have appreciated improved sound. Difficult to hear properly.
@Cynthia-vw9ov Год назад
It's sitting in my book reading stack as I write.
@RannaghorBDMAMUN Год назад
@concernedkermit8190 Год назад
Evangelicals new pragmatists love these two, the future is concerning to say the least with us handing our faith to Du Mez and Beth Barr.
@katiemarion84 2 года назад
what about people with disabled bodies due to abuse? is she saying God does not heal and restore them?
@nancygrooms9045 2 года назад
Loved this.Feel better.Hugs
@marymiller3569 2 года назад
This is one of the best books I have ever read! I so thoroughly enjoyed it! I'm so glad I have a paper copy so I can read it again! It's exceptional and I loved it!
@halimsk1186 2 года назад
🙏🙏🙏 Why aren't your video views increasing? And not reaching people? The reason is 1. Your video is not being SEO properly 2. Your video is not reaching the right people 3. Not using video hashtags properly 4. Not sharing the video on social media There are a few more reasons. That's why your videos are limited to your channel. Can't get out In a word, your video is awesome. such videos are in great demand. If you do these things correctly. Hopefully you will get a lot of visitors. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have. If i can help a wonderful person like you. Feel lucky. I will cooperate with you in all kinds. I am waiting your reply,,,,,,,.,
@stevebeasley8526 2 года назад
I think women like this should move to another country if they hate America and those who built it so much !!
@stevebeasley8526 2 года назад
This is clearly just CRT and feminism now couched in Christian terminology!! She cherry picks stories and builds a false narrative using proof texting scripture .
@michaeldunigan1067 2 года назад
Politics comes before theology. But politics is all about economics. You have to consider the money. Christian capitalism is the root of the problem. And the love of money is the root of Christian capitalism. It's very rooted in the Cold war. And especially Reaganomics and the struggle against communism.
@nann-xu9ik 11 месяцев назад
I was born in a communist country. I invited to experience communism first hand I grew up in communist Romania and I can tell you this Capitalist country with All her flaws is a Million times better. I'm considered Below poverty line and I live better than most average people in former communist Romania
@michaeldunigan1067 11 месяцев назад
@@nann-xu9ik It's okay for people who meet the standard of capitalism. Which is self reliance. But for those who do not meet the standard it is deteriorating quickly. We need to fix and strengthen the social safety net. There are too many people homeless. And the mentally disabled are too likely to be homeless or in prison. Simply because that's all that capitalism has for them. There are almost a million homeless and over ten thousand homeless children. Surely we can do better. It's become profits over people. God is not pleased.
@drums3269 2 года назад
The minute I saw Kristin Du Mez was on, I knew this was going to be an insightful conversation. She exposes how the Church has lost it's way, and aligns itself with a political ideology rather than about the true message.
@treycarmichael3605 2 года назад
Thank you for this. I am so happy i ran across a clip of Kristin and Beth in another forum discussing these topics and I was/am greatly heartened by their work and perspectives. I am a white man in his 50's who did not grow up in the church, whose dad well-taught him whatever he knows about God, Jesus, the holy ghost and the Golden Rule, but who has always felt a deep distrust of organized religious organization and practice, both micro and macro levels. My number one concern in the current political climate is the co-opting of fundamental evangelism by the Republican party to use as a cudgel to further gain control over this country and turn it into a one-party system with a Putinesque figure at the top. I know it will come to be unless more people seek their own enlightenment via common sense, empathic development, and a restoration of good will. That is why i am listening and why i will share these ideas (and video clips) with more people who may get an even bigger boost and learn more than i have.
@philipdonovan6510 2 года назад
Is there anything that can be done to improve the audio quality? This will be non-intelligible for many listening, and the works of such awesome people should be heard with good clarity!
@stevebeasley8526 2 года назад
The guy in video is a fool
@stevebeasley8526 2 года назад
This book is a bias view of his seen through the lens of CRT and radical left progressive biblical garbage she is not an authority on scripture and runs from all debates and from traditional theologians who are well equipped to refute the garbage she spews in her book it’s so delusional and so sad they will destroy all women have worked for !!!! Sheeps in wolves clothing so obvious just ask a hard question like so you think homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of GOD
@Himmiefan 2 года назад
This guy follows Kristin from video to video and leaves multiple negative comments.
@annakimborahpa 2 года назад
If white evangelicals did such, as Dr. Du Mez asserts, might the roots for such corruption and fracturing be found in their particular Reformation origins, maybe that of John Calvin in this excerpt from his Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book III, Chapter 21, Paragraph 7? "We say, then, that Scripture clearly proves this much, that God by his eternal and immutable counsel determined once for all those whom it was his PLEASURE one day to admit to salvation, and those whom, on the other hand, it was his PLEASURE to doom to destruction." For biblical reference, Ezekiel, Chapter 18, Verses 23, 32 (ESV): "Have I any PLEASURE in the death of the wicked, declares the Lord GOD, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live? ... For I have NO PLEASURE in the death of anyone, declares the Lord GOD; so turn, and live.” OR HOW ABOUT? Calvin's Institutes, III, 21, 5: "By predestination we mean the eternal decree of God, by which he determined with himself whatever he wished to happen with regard to every man. ALL ARE NOT CREATED ON EQUAL TERMS, but some are preordained to eternal life, others to eternal damnation; and, accordingly, as each has been created for one or other of these ends, we say that he has been predestinated to life or to death." For national reference: 1. The Declaration of Independence, IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 2. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., at Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C., August 28, 1963: "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident: THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.'"
@johntobey1558 2 года назад
Another good read: "Gender Roles and the People of God: Rethinking What we were taught about Men and Women in the Church" by Alice Mathews who taught at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
@constantiahonora829 2 года назад
@DefenderoftheCross 2 года назад
This discussion among three women, one of them bald, is what we get from an effeminate, limp-wristed, whimpy, feckless, apostate Church. They fall all over themselves to kiss the backside of pagan culture and have become enemies of God.
@Himmiefan 2 года назад
You might want to read about Christ in the Gospels.
@DefenderoftheCross 2 года назад
@@Himmiefan That's a very childish insult that pretends to be serious advice. Jesus never kissed the backside of the pagan culture like progressive "Christians" do.
@Sanddollar1 2 года назад
Ugh, this is painful to listen to. These women are so ridiculously delusional. In a word-they are godless and false, yet cloth themselves with credentials and well-oiled speech. They sound like planned parenthood feminists.
@Himmiefan 2 года назад
You might want to lean about Christ in the Gospels. What is taught in complementarian, neo-Reformed churches is a sinful, worldly male-entitlement mentality that is non-Christian and attracts low-quality men.
@kimsteinke713 2 года назад
And don't forget nobody likes to talk about this but we must deal with all truths if they're truth if they're not then they can be proven not true. I went to these churches back in the day and most of the Albert mohler's and John Piper's Church and all the preachers in that section. Taught ex gay repair big time and the more extreme. So many pastors and preachers are repressed thier homosexual identity and I know what that does to a person it's extremely dangerous and it's extremely debilitating and you cannot make sense of the world like that until you're dealing in truth ,,so keep this in mind they're in this reparative therapy and they've taught it to their children and their children's children so it's hard to accept that truth. Keep up the good work. 🌈🙏
@Himmiefan 2 года назад
I've always thought that if you scratch a die-hard complementarian male hard enough, you'll uncover a closeted homosexual.
@kimsteinke713 2 года назад
@chelseal654 2 года назад
Once more: the 3/5ths rule meant that they only counted 3/5ths of enslaved people in censuses, not that they viewed them as 3/5ths of a person.
@HashimWarren 2 года назад
Yes, the law did view them as less of a person, and the 3/5 compromise put a number on it. The Plessy opinion makes the less of a person argument clear
@micahbush5397 Год назад
True, that was not the original intention of the Constitution's writers, but even as far back as 1861, Jefferson Davis asserted in his farewell address to Congress that the Three-Fifths Compromise was a reflection of the nation's founders' assessment of Blacks as lower than Whites, so it's not just a modern misconception.
@trishakoury-stoops2372 2 года назад
thank you soooo much for this!
@augusleenchanson9621 3 года назад
LOVE LOVE LOVE these reviews!! I would be honored if you checked out my children's workbook for anxiety. It's a great tool for parents and teachers to teach their kids about anxiety as they return to the normal flow of school. Here is the amazon link, I hope you enjoy! www.amazon.com/Im-Stronger-Than-Think-workbook/dp/0578964864/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=I%27m+stronger+than+I+think+book&qid=1633287534&sr=8-2
@johntobey1558 3 года назад
How is a life of momastocism consistent with the great comission?
@marycollis6900 2 года назад
By teaching people to do all Jesus commanded. To learn to live in the Way. We are not called to make converts but to make disciples.
@marycollis6900 2 года назад
By teaching people to do all Jesus commanded. To learn to live in the Way. We are not called to make converts but to make disciples.
@johntobey1558 3 года назад
What about Churches who do not have an apostle office. How does it fit together with ecclesiologies that are cessationist?
@johntobey1558 3 года назад
Christian feminism sound a lot like second wave feminism. But perhaps different from third wave.
@Coach-Daisy 2 года назад
yes but this isn't feminism, this is fact and can be verified
@johntobey1558 2 года назад
Tell that to Gilbert Bilzekian, it is an opinion. It lacks exegesis of any kind.
@johntobey1558 3 года назад
This movement of deconstructing Biblical Patriarchy began with Christiiams for Biblical Equality. The Gender Justice Christiam movement is neither new, or faithful to Hostiric Christianity. CBE started in the 1980's @ GCTS. This is not new. Gener inclusive language in the NIV translation committee over 35 years ago. Come on ladies this is not new. This is self promotion in the highest form.