Greg Laurie Missionary
Greg Laurie Missionary
Greg Laurie Missionary
Greg Laurie on RU-vid seeks to present subscribers with biblical truth, hope, encouragement and spiritual answers to life’s tough questions. Through the use of live coverage, engaging videos, and shareable content.

Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America with over 15,000 attendees.

Greg Laurie is also the founder of the evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades with over nine million attendees and over half a million professions of faith. In addition Greg’s daily nationally syndicated radio program, A New Beginning which is heard on over 1000 radio stations.

Greg Laurie is the author of over 70 books including Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon and Lost Boy. Both of which have been adapted into award-winning films.

Greg is married to Cathe Laurie and has two sons and five grandchildren.
@judyswiderski2682 30 минут назад
Jesus said, You must be born again. John 3:3-8. "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of Spirit is spirit." Verses 3:5-6. Born again is regeneration. Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary online. 'Regeneration means; Reproduction, the act of producing anew. In theology, New birth by the grace of God, that change by which the will and natural enmity of man to God and his law are subdued, and a principle of supreme love to God and his law, or holy affections, are implanted in the heart.' Implanted. Humbling isn't it. We cannot do that. So who does God look to? the humble and contrite ones. Psalm 34:18 and Isaiah 57:15. Ask God to send the Holy Spirit to you, Luke 11:13. He will bring your sins to mind. As he does ask Jesus to forgive you. This will be painful, PRIDE HATES IT. When you see your desperate need (Jeremish 17:9) for a Saviour, call out to Jesus to save you. He came to save sinners. Then do as the risen Jesus commanded, be baptized. Matthew 28:18-20, in the water of repentance Mark 1:1-5, Matthew 3:6. Calling on the name of the Lord, Romans 10:9-13. How? As Peter preached Acts 2:21, 38 and as Paul did, Acts 22:16, Acts 19:1-5. Think on Mark 16:16, 2 Peter 3:9, Romans 6:3-11, 1 Corinthians 12:13 and Colossians 2:6-15. When He has regenerated you, you will desire Him. Read His inspired word, the Authorized Version, the King James Bible. The Spirit of truth will lead you into all truth. His word strengthens, washes (as does His powerful blood). His word reads you Hebrews 4:12. Daily bible reading and prayer is essential in building on the foundation which is Christ Jesus. PS. The other apostles were already baptized, they baptized others. John 4:1-2. Read His preserved word, the Authorized Version later called the King James Bible.
@roxyraber8931 15 часов назад
@garyowens5351 2 дня назад
Pastor Lauri, ib the Falling Away caused by the church being removed by rapture? Or is it because of apostasy?
@Julie-kb3mo 2 дня назад
🫤 What about Mark 10:18 ? (Jesus asks the rich young ruler why he refers to Him as 'good' as Jesus states 'There is no one good but God alone.') Uuuuuuh !!! 😩 The Trinity ALWAYS confuses me. I do believe Jesus was God in the flesh ... YET ... Why is Jesus so often referred to as a separate being ? (It makes it especially tough to dispute my LDS brother's claim that God, Jesus and the 'Holy Ghost' as he calls the 'Holy Spirit' are 3 separate entities) Jesus frequently refers to God as an individual apart from Himself. Why is Christ called 'the Son of God' when He IS God ? I just do not understand this. 😞
@lindagarris7861 2 дня назад
Why aren't there millions of views. An animal video gets millions. People need the Lord Also the powers here probably erase views for political purposes
@kensmith5810 2 дня назад
This must be the Christians ,persecution Chanel, If you are Christians why are you so angry about what we see in the Bible, it's funny how only a few people can see it, even when the Apostle Paul was teaching it to the Thessalonians,.soon after Satan tries to confuse them by saying in a letter or report it just happened and you missed it, why would they be upset about it and looking for Paul, if that didn't happen,.if he was teaching them about the LORD coming to the earth, they would know the report was a lie, read 2 Thessalonians again ,Remember, when the LORD says, I tell you the truth, I don't know you, and then shut the door, and we are with Him, you might find yourself wanting to take the mark, because it will be easier, then the torture, Repent, the LORD is coming in the air, in a flash in the twinkling of an eye we will all be changed first thoes who are in the grave and then us who remain ,..what do you think this is about?...Repent, there is still time for one more person to accept the truth,. if it happens at the end of the tribulation and we are all changed,.who will be left two populate the earth?
@silverhills5684 3 дня назад
I watch a video of someone who interviewed one of Corey's friends right after Corey's funeral who said he spoke to Corey's brother who lamented that Corey and his family were not supposed to be in those particular seats on the bleachers, but they moved from their assigned seats to the fateful seats in order to be closer to Trump, and the interviewee went on to say if only Corey and his family had stayed in their assigned seats that Corey would still be alive today.😢 If only the Corey C. had stayed in the assigned seat on the bleachers, ... if only. 😭
@cc3775 3 дня назад
A disciple was a first century Israelite who followed the teachings of the man Jesus of Nazareth.
@mair18 3 дня назад
Why isn't the sermon being showed here ?
@Duck-xc1sy 4 дня назад
It is here and many have already taken it.
@AndyGonzales-s7u 4 дня назад
Matthew 24:7,8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
@ericgilbert8725 4 дня назад
Nooo, the rapture happens on "The Last Day." This is the same day as the Second Coming...
@ms.jenkinskbclassroom6066 5 дней назад
They will know we are Christians by our love. We need more sincere prayer from the ❤ in our country.
@caroleholmes9901 5 дней назад
I would like to focus on the question why was Trump saved but not the fireman. It seems whenever there is tragedy like fires, floods ,shootings etc, out of those tragedies are stories of redemption. But then there are those who say that’s fine for them but what about…Greg Laurie has a good answer but this is what I feel God showed me when I went to prayer about it. There is a lot of scripture about asking and receiving. God just doesn’t automatically save everyone. We have to ASK. We have not because we ASK not says scripture. That scripture does not stand alone. There are many more scriptures about asking and receiving. Prayer changes things. We say it all the time but then we expect everyone to be protected in tragedies. Maybe Greg Laurie’s answer is accurate concerning this mournful incident. I can’t speak about something I know nothing about. But I do know that with Trump he is covered with much prayer around the world. God hears our prayers 🙏 I guess it’s up to everyone to do their own God/soul searching on this. This is the answer I got
@silverhills5684 3 дня назад
God's thoughts are not our thoughts. God's ways are not our ways. That's where faith comes in to tragic scenarios. We must not doubt God's goodness. We must have faith in all of God's promises. Re-read the accounts in the Gospels of Jesus Christ's friend's Death, named Lazarus and what his sisters, Mary and Martha, said to Jesus and Jesus Christ's reply to them. Remember, Christ waited several days after he received word that His friend, Lazarus was ill before He left on His journey to Lazarus and his 2 sisters. By the time Jesus Christ had arrived, Lazarus had died and been in the grave for several days. ❤
@evelynvargas1870 5 дней назад
Our Lord Jesus Christ spared Trumps life for such a time as this and used a chart and the turning of the head so we the people of the world would come to Jesus Christ. God could have sent the bullet miraculous over Trump's head . He is God and He can do all things. He also knows what this fallen world needs to accept him as Lord and Savior. A visual aide was discerned. I say this all in the name of Jesus . I
@fernbarrett9038 6 дней назад
President Trump called for rhetoric to be turned down, but even though President Trump has called for unity, the left hasnt got the memo. The media, The View, Whoopie Goldberg is still inciting hate and violence. The media continues to report this vitriol .
@patriotgrammy8632 6 дней назад
Really enjoy the teachings of Pastor Greg. I’ve learned so much from him. He makes the Bible come alive and makes it easier to understand. Listening from Northern Idaho. God bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ and may your life be filled with many blessings. I almost forgot to say I love Pastor Greg’s sense of humor. Sometimes he just cracks me up. Laughter is so good for your health and soul.
@nancyschaeffer9884 7 дней назад
Trumpmwas also exposed to.scripture through his cabinet and through Franklin Graham and his father took.him to.Billy Grahams christsin rallies..we need to.pray that what ever God has planted in Trumps heart will take root and blossom rather then die and turn into.thistles. Claim.that God's word will bloom and not come back void.Gid is working I really do believe this
@nancyschaeffer9884 7 дней назад
Inthinkmfor.what.president Trump went through it has humbled him . He saw Jesus loved him.and as he declared.God saved his life. He acknowledged God in such a way that he knew it was God's grace. He knew Gid was present ,he saw Gods power. Let us pray that what God sowed him will take root in what the holy spirit planted in his heart and produces fruit. God is on the throne so.he knew.how to.touch President Trumps.heart
@nancyschaeffer9884 7 дней назад
It's a wake up call for God says confess your sins and pray and he will heal.our land ....God wants to get our attention . I believe he wants to save America from distruction and if we don't follow his word well he may not have mercy on our country.and we need to.pray for our leaders they need to.as well need to be ready for what's coming they need to know the lord as well. We have a job to.do as well Pray😊❤
@Romans_8.38-39 7 дней назад
Pastor, we need to pray for all of our nation's leadership, that they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, especially whoever becomes our president.
@saintmichael1874 7 дней назад
I'm waitn for the Ben Born Again Watch to come out... I already have a paddleboard.
@barbrabakuhnlehner 7 дней назад
With somebody please start recognizing that there were two other people that were hurt it's really starting to annoy me that two other people were hurt and nobody seems to remember the other two victims
@happycook6737 7 дней назад
Donald Trump spoke in detail tonight at The Republican National Convention and acknowledged the victims. He had the uniform of the deceased firefighter and Trump hugged and kissed it. I was thankful to see this. He said the 2 injured people were doing well.
@hauntedcuriosities 7 дней назад
Donald Trump did and raised 7 million for them.
@barbrabakuhnlehner 7 дней назад
@@hauntedcuriosities thank you for that I didn't know that
@fernbarrett9038 6 дней назад
Yes, they have been mentioned. President Trump has mentioned them, and a couple news stations have mentioned them also
@jerz8289 8 дней назад
I believe the office of Pastor should only be held by those whom have completed at least 4-8 years of seminary and/or have a doctorate in Theology. Unless Donald Trump repented just recently, he is NOT a Christian. Repentance is signified by someone who understands they are a morally bankrupt sinner deserving God's Holy wrath and that the matchless grace of God through faith in Christ Jesus is their only way to heaven. There are some videos of interviews with Donald Trump saying he is a good person and doesn't need forgiveness. Also, no can be prayed into heaven. Your prayers over someone are important, but only God can bring them to faith, repentance, and change their heart. Greg, did I misunderstand you when you inferred you don't know if Joe Biden is a Christian? Our faith is evidenced by our actions. As The Holy Spirit said through James the brother of Jesus; "Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that-and shudder". Biden's works evidence zero faith in Christ Jesus. Anyone who supports homosexuality, killing of an unborn baby, and mutilation of the flesh is not a Christian, or they are new Christians and have yet to fully understand it all. "By their fruit you will know them" (Matt. 7:15-20) Finally, of the most condemning and sobering verses of them all, which Greg Laurie has seemed to overlook, are in the next verses in Matthew 7: "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’.
@happycook6737 7 дней назад
Anyone can become saved at anytime. We must pray for those in leadership. I pray that all Americans will repent and turn back to God.
@hauntedcuriosities 7 дней назад
Unless you know Donald Trump you don’t know if he’s a Christian. He believes in God and Jesus. We are all sinners. The difference is, no one sees what you do publicly. Biden is clearly demonic for the reasons you have already stated. Trump has done none of that!
@Romans_8.38-39 7 дней назад
Exactly, anyone can say, "Lord, Lord." But you are right, @jerz8289, Trump publicly denied Jesus, saying he doesn't think he needs forgiveness; he just tries to do better." Unless he has repented since then, he has not been saved. Also, people who wear MAGA hats and drink out of MAGA cups need to know they have a mark of the beast at their foreheads and palms. It's not the mark of the beast that you need to buy and sell with, but it IS a mark of the beast. On the church of satan website, it shows the ranks. The 5th and HIGHEST rank in that evil church is MAGA.
@SweetLife27 6 дней назад
President Trump HAS the fruit, he gives of himself in private, he has followed through with a platform of Christian values, and he has come a long way in his behavior over the past 8 years! It’s between he and God as to whether he has repented and is saved. President Biden has NO fruit and continues to go down the wrong path.
@ChildOfGodSavedByGrace 4 дня назад
No one knows what is between God & man about their heart or their conversation. So you can’t say whether they are saved or not.
@twitherspoon8954 8 дней назад
_"Are You His Disciple?"_ “No one can become my disciple unless you give up all of your possessions." (Luke 14:33) “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26-27)
@dm3132 8 дней назад
I'm curious why you went with Luke 14:33 as the first verse you quoted and didnt give any context to it? Do you really believe that a disciple is only someone who sells everything they have? If so, have you sold everything you have?
@twitherspoon8954 8 дней назад
@@dm3132 _" Do you really believe that a disciple is only someone who sells everything they have?"_ That's what your god told you to do, right?
@twitherspoon8954 8 дней назад
@@dm3132 _"If so, have you sold everything you have?"_ Jesus is a fictional character and I refuse to worship propitiatory human sacrifice. You agree that sacrificing humans to appease a god, or gods, is evil, right?
@twitherspoon8954 8 дней назад
@@dm3132 "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law - a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household." (Matthew 10:34-37)
@saintmichael1874 7 дней назад
You dint give up your computer.
@angloaust1575 9 дней назад
How to be holy is the command!
@chrisfarrell9894 10 дней назад
God tells us there will be another Temple in which the abomination of desolation will be brought by the person of the anti-christ after he is possessed by Satan. What is the abomination of desolation? My thought is that it is just as what brought desolation the first time in the Garden: That it will be the anti-christ claiming that he knows what is good and what is evil and that he, and by association those who embrace him, may be as gods knowing good and evil and that they will never die. Could it be that the A of D will be Artificial Intelligence wired into this guy? Could that be why after his deadly head wound he comes back? If I'm wrong--and I usually am wrong--no big deal, 'cause I"m putting all my chips on the Lord Jesus Christ, but you must admit my contemplations would make a good sequel to those Left Behind books and movies that made a pretty penny. 'Terminator' meets 'Left Behind!' Good platform to share the Gospel! Let me play a role if you do a movie, Pastor Laurie. I'm featured in Spielberg's new film 'Carry On' right now. That's the highlight of my working on movies! Hah! You might see me for two seconds! Actually, I'd love to work with you on the script! Do you remember a young man who went to Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa who was on the cover of Sports Illustrated--a runner. I stayed with him and his roommates for a month. Went to Calvary and praised the Lord. Chuck Smith preached the Word of God. My journey in the current chapter of reality has not been exemplary. But I'm a work in progress, thanks be to God. Got a lot of story in me. They all wind up leading back to praising the Lord--even the sad ones. I even served in the French Foreign Legion. No shit. Seriously. I deserted! When you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ but you cling to your 'Self' obstinately life can be brutally hard. I figured it out that it's because I left myself wide open to destruction in the spiritual battle that is transpiring around us. Which reminds me: A guy named Jack Poso posted that Trump was shot at 6:11pm and then he took the liberty of connecting that fact with Ephesians 6:11; the Verses about putting on the full armor of God. Tell them about that, Pastor. Tell the young ones to put on the full armor of God lest they become horrifically wounded casualties in this war. Love in Christ Jesus, Chris Farrell, aka Legionnaire James Foster. (They actually gave me a new name! In fact, if I were to go anywhere the European Union could take me into custody they would cuff me saying, 'Legionnaire Foster, you are under arrest!) Misfire. I'm not done yet. Pastor Scott Lively has a Bible Study on Saturdays on Fascistbook. I like it because it is only a few people, but you can come if you like. If there was one thing I'd like to get your feedback on, it would be the amazing exegesis of the Bible by the late Dr. Michael Heiser. I must admit I don't know if he goes off the rails or conducts extremely brilliant biblical exegesis in his 'Unseen Realm.' Which reminds me: The late Chuck Missler was brilliant. I still sometimes watch RU-vid videos of him teaching. But your mentor, Chuck Smith, was the real deal. I want to say, 'They don't make them like him anymore.' but then I heard you! Maranatha! Chris Farrell
@michellefitzer888 11 дней назад
I eememñnmmvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
@michellefitzer888 11 дней назад
Thank u
@kristinegibboney4088 11 дней назад
I, honestly believe that Gavin Newsom could possibly be this! If you have ever seen him speak, or how much he just lies about most anything he says, makes me wonder! 🧐
@user-gb9cd3ly8u 12 дней назад
MEN OF Genesis 2:1 began to multiply ❌✖️✖️ and daughters born unto them - The FALLEN SON OF GOD 🧬 ADAM and his sons went unto them. ----- And took to themselves ALL that they wanted. ---- ADAM 🧬 FIRST 🥇 POSITION FALLEN ANGELIC NEPHILIM GARDENER SON OF GOD 🧬 (LUKE 3:38) TEACHING the world 🌎 the FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE OF ROOT CUTTING ✂️>>> LONG BEFORE those fictional fallen angels from the BOOK 📖 OF ENOCH. ----- EVE = A BEAUTIFUL FEMALE ♀️ 👠 👠 ANGEL ---- PROVE THIS TENACIOUS 💢🔥😡🔥💢 THORN LEON >>> MISTAKEN ---- PROVE it's not 🚫 BIBLICALLY CORRECT
@seatedabove 13 дней назад
Jesus i choose to believe in you and i open the door of my heart and life to save me and come in ......jim
@sue1657 13 дней назад
robot armies
@TheMrodla 13 дней назад
@moonbeammimi 13 дней назад
Doomsday Clock is now 90 seconds to midnight. 😮
@mckennakelly1513 13 дней назад
two prophecies are being almost fulfilled right now and one that was fulfilled. 1. the euphrates river is to dry up..... it almost is. 2. there will be new water in dry places....... there are four new rivers in the middle east. 3. Ebrahim Raisi crashing into the mountain was a prophecy THAT IS FULFILLED. repent
@wallflower8212 13 дней назад
Is this a spam channel
@jimmattson8008 13 дней назад
I find no scriptures that say Jesus is coming two more times. There is no pre Trib rapture theory. No scriptures support that. Matthew 24: 29-31 is clear to read. And there's more. Jesus comes on the last day and the end of time and the Last Trumpet. Not 7 years before those things. None, no scriptures. Sorry to disappoint you all. But I'm wide open to correction by scriptures.
@mckennakelly1513 13 дней назад
how wrong you are.... keep researching though. you will get there.
@NaneeH63 13 дней назад
@jimmattson8008 I absolutely agree with you. Pre tribulation/ persecution is a false doctrine. Many people will fall because of the persecution and not understanding why they are still here. The devil's deceit to cause many to be lost. Can only pray their eyes be opened to truth. He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved.
@elizabethmitchell1882 12 дней назад
Read the entire Biblical scriptures, including the old testament prophets. If you do not understand, be open and contact Calvary Chapel. They will patiently teach you about the end times. But even if you do not want to study anything further, you are still part of the family of God, and well-loved. All that really matters, eternally, is that you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and dedicate your life to serving Him. We stand together in Christ and He loves us all uniquely. Sending much love your way.
@jimmattson8008 12 дней назад
@@elizabethmitchell1882 Reading has no meaning without understanding. I have learned far more after my eyes were opened up. Do you understand the meaning of Mark 13:28+29? Those who don't understand have closed eyes. Ask God for knowledge and repent so even the angels in heaven will rejoice. Luke 15:7
@johnpeterson4868 7 дней назад
Jn.6,39,40,44,54 Jesus said All on the last and and Paul said at the last trumpet Rev 11,15.
@user-qi2rz2kr2r 14 дней назад
@seatedabove 14 дней назад
Jesus Christ i know i am a sinner and believe you died on the cross and rose again i called on you thousands of times and you never save me Jesus i a sinner save me i believe come into my life .thank you Jesus this is Jim
@Regularguy1798 14 дней назад
Tube sock really??? So where's the Scriptures, the Holliness???
@duket5 14 дней назад
There are two nations who could build a 200 million army with india being the other. No one considers them a threat now, but with china's help in the future, india could be a military player.
@mckennakelly1513 13 дней назад
china has a huge army.
@duket5 13 дней назад
China has been building a strong military for 30 years.
@Kaitlin24247 14 дней назад
Will those who miss the rapture have a 2nd chance.....
@kmetzz1 13 дней назад
People who haven’t accepted Jesus when the rapture happens, unfortunately will have to live through the worst time the world has ever known. The Bible does say some people will come to a saving relationship with Jesus after the rapture but those who do will experience a lot of horrible things. But Jesus in His love and Amazing grace will still save some people. But let us not wait until after the rapture!!!
@knowledgetracker 13 дней назад
Yes. But you'll be living through the tribulation, which is unimaginably horrific. Like nothing that has ever happened. All evil and cataclysmic events at once.
@doloresmarie4517 12 дней назад
Yes they will but it will be unbearable
@debraderoxtro8342 9 дней назад
@rocky2w435 14 дней назад
Cats will be in heaven. Isaiah 11:6 The leopard shall lie down with the young goat. The calf and the young lion and the fatling together, And a little child shall lead them. Cool cats!!
@TheSimpleTruthOne 15 дней назад
No sane individual rejoices when they hear of wars and rumors of wars, pestilence and famines, nobody, but the church of “God”. The church gives thanks, and praises God in fulfilling His “prophecies” of death upon His creation… The book of “Revelation” is mostly plagiarism from books of Exodus and Daniel. This book is as phony as all other Bible books.
@juanitazaring2601 15 дней назад
This is not a laughing matter folks nor a joke to be made of Pastor Laurie it's real
@debbieblue5856 15 дней назад
I am now 10 years post that accident. I worked so hard to get back everything. I still have "battle wounds,". Only one in my brain that is aphasia! The wrong word comes out.
@debbieblue5856 15 дней назад
That is me! God has saved me sooo many times! The last time. Nov 6, 2013! I was in a Propane Gas explosion and severe Traumatic Brain injury! In a coma. I woke up. 18% of my body had18% of 3rd and 4th degree burns!❤❤ At that time, your organs shut down, and you die. God would not have that. In my coma, he soke to me. "It is not your time." There are things for you to do!
@debbieblue5856 15 дней назад
No God has forever with me!
@debbieblue5856 15 дней назад
That will be great!