Onisan Kai
Onisan Kai
Onisan Kai
I’m just a fan of cobra Kai and likes making videos about the show
@maxkelley2003 8 дней назад
Kreese likely ordered Kim Da-Eun to do it. He wouldn’t do it himself. He doesn’t attack or hurt women. If he ordered Tory’s moms death he likely felt remorse for it
@YvonneHinojoss Месяц назад
No Kreese did not kill her
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
We don’t know that until the next few parts come out
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
It is quite the couincidence, and I do see all the hints. I think Kreese cares too much about Tory to do this to her. He's basically her grandfather figure. Kreese is a bad guy sure, but he's not Walter White from Breaking Bad LOL. I think it's very possible that no one killed Tory's mom and she died from her sickness, and the doctors were unable to detect something, which can happen.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
I l understand that. but I just don’t believe her death was just coincidence, because of all of the hints and it was said by one of the writers that kreese will be more dangerous this season so taking that into account I just believe it’s kreese but I understand both sides
@Gingerwithasideofninja-qs2kq Месяц назад
If he does I want Devon to shit herself after finding out he knows what actually happened
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
I don’t think he’ll join cobra Kai but I do think he’ll find out and be mad at Devon for what she has done
@robbieanson1218 Месяц назад
if you want to know of what I think about this that the truth is, Kenny should never joined up with John and his version of cobra Kai if I was going to join cobra Kai, it would’ve been a lot earlier when John Lawrence had it when he had cobra Kai or they what again those who was being bullied and I’m going on the cobra Kai that I would join listen send a message back instead of been worse when Danielle Russo that his way is the only way what he thinks that and all the meditative way is the only way defense is not always the thing to do going all your defense always have to do that score points There is other ways you can go with karate anyways defensive and offensive way of doing things that is the true version of how pro is supposed to work and I know it just defense only Pat says that it is no life is not always that way and I know it if you fight for being defensive all that makes you look bad makes you weak, but it’s not the only way going on defense is not the always theme to do. I would know I have. To always say defense is the only way no you can’t strike first And sometimes we have to go not by defense, but your best defense is really your offense. You don’t always go back defense defense that know if you just keep doing that you will lose in a match I did and I know what I’m talking about. I have experience with the art of, self control and also knowing your around, but it’s not always defense. There is also offense when they say this about that. Your best defense is your offense It is a way to remind yourself that you can do these right but defense is not always the answer and I know it but if you go into your office, then there’s a defense because you know what you say you always say is only used for defense only you will give up in life defense only for karate I will call Paul on that and I know it because if you say defense is your offense then you would know when you’re doing because if you say no the only way is defense and nothing else and tell you that that when you screw up And karate tournament I know I was in one years ago in the 1990s that Ben to my Jean hires in high school years learn that from the YMCA before it shut down and not only that when they say your best defense is your offense because you have to go offense Defense kicks in they are in the same offense of offense you need to cure my clear about those. That’s all I want to say for this comment here and I hope that this helps out should perform and there can be a video about why Mr. Miyagi is wrong saying . Because your best defense is your offense, I believe Pat Marita, and his meditative waves is not always the answer and I do know it. I mean, you can do the meditative ways just not on the mat when you are getting ready to spar with someone no kick ass before you get done, it can happen and it would happen and it will. I’m thinking that one is better than the other so I like the way that shoe says best. There’s oh, the size of the story just heads and tails what she says the best by saying this Just eat your side on things and then there’s another side of the story put both of them together is the truth that comes together becomes the truth So she defended both of them which one is right she defended them both there is defense there is offense then there is the mediator in between so like I said is Patrita philosophy is either right or wrong I’m not saying the philosophy of mine at your mind center your body And I have Bon or say this there is defense there’s a mediator there is offense which one has the truth. Same thing when you say the person who says they’re better person to say that my way is the only way in is the only way for us to do things System off balance just like this space This about that there’s defense this offense and off-balance it’s the same cycle you’re saying the same morning about the different when you were it like this Defense offense off balance Sometimes we need to be balanced. Yes, Mr. me you will be right in that area but crying just for defense only sometimes you have to strike first not all the time but someti and I don’t mean to start a fight does that work strike? First means no way they look at that if you wanna try to get deal with girl strike first over gay if you wanna date a guy strike metaphorically there’s been ways to deter it. These kind of words. Strike first Strike hard No mercy To be used metaphorically, not literally when if you look at it both ways from my point of view of this I respect for Kai and his version of it when it is a form of taekwondo because I actually studied the art of what I’m gonna end here by saying this to you What is there right? What is the best way to say this is Mr. you right about is always defense only or is the other way better to say going into the meditative state and also going into the office and defense which way is it? When it’s not always, the defense is your faulty, understanding or offense helps the defense if you want defense with basketball there’s always defense soccer. There’s always defense with Lester sports like them. There is a fact defense while the other one is going into their offense, it’s not always about defense, this is aware Pat Miyagi more than anything else so maybe there can be a video about this wouldn’t end it here and save this Do not be so quick to get to the end of the video by Russ through the fight or through the boy parts but as concerned, he should have with John Lawrence cobra Kai earlier not later on this is how you thinking how you feel yours can go your feelings because you can’t trust him But for the case of Kenny, yes that we get off that you can defend the opportunity for it with defense and offense they are the same thing But like what I said, don’t fast-forward through the fights that you see here as you will not get viewers and subscribers. Oh, they go into the event mode right there have I defended you defend your goalie and soccer defending goalie but yeah, I’m gonna end it here I hope that you stop fast forwarding through the fight parts in the bullying areas to make your points that is something that somebody who makes a video would do if you go into your offense to your video then you have to go in your defense by making the video not through everything all at once fast-forward through fights and the volume I’m going on that you will lose your view counts or I should say he’s not taking his video serious. He’s not showing the areas he’s not showing the fights. He’s not his he not just talking to us is either that or yourself to help you for future videos and all I’m gonna say is I’m in here now. I’m just saying all that Section of your comments just make sure the near future just talk to us. You don’t have to use footers and that’s ever necessary, but to fast-forwar or don’t be so quick to fast-forward through the fight in the bowling scenes trust me tortoise that’s how you get more people to one more of you. I am saying this to help you for future videos.
@TheJohnnyCotts Месяц назад
TBH, I get where both sides are coming from, but Tory was fighting so aggressively in that match there was a good chance she was going to injure Sam, which would cost them one of their top fighters. Personally, I think the solution would have been for Johnny to take Tory inside the dojo, away from everyone else, and tell her to fight him, as he would have been able to handle her aggression better. Once Tory has it all out of her system, then they can determine when she and Sam finish their match.
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
Yeah that could’ve worked too but Johnny said all he wanted to do as a kid was to fight through his mothers death in a 3 point match and Tory doing that against Johnny wouldn’t have really been fair so I think that’s why Johnny didn’t think to do that
@TheJohnnyCotts Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 My belief is that Johnny wouldn't try to win, but would just be an opponent who could handle the aggression Tory wanted/needed to let out. He would only provide enough resistance so she could get it ALL out of her system.
@mateoy3403 Месяц назад
There are leaks that show him in Miyagi Do but the director said they did a lot of fake shoots for the show so who knows
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
Yeah I don’t really like looking at spoilers for the show so please don’t tell any in the comments
@mateoy3403 Месяц назад
I think if he joins a dojo theres a theory that Silver creates his own dojo and he could join that ones.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
I don’t think Kenny would join silver because he disappointed him in season 5 maybe silver can manipulate Kenny but if he’s at the saikai taikai possibly then I don’t see it
@itsarzn Месяц назад
We already saw picture of him in a miyagi do ghee at set so why are we debating this? lol
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
First. Look at the date of the upload lol. Second. I don’t look at spoilers/leaks that much unless it’s officially released so please don’t be posting leaks/spoilers in the comments
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
To extend an olive branch, yes Tory was working through it, and she wanted let it out of her system. They could have found alternative ways for her to do that, other than using another human being as a grieving punching bag.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
You’re acting like Sam couldn’t hold her own against Tory yeah Tory might be stronger but Sam can hold her own against Tory it wasn’t a fight just so Sam can be a punching bag it was to find out who the captain should be for the tournament and it’s not like Tory just wanted to hurt people she gave reasons to why she wanted to fight and Johnny understood that Danial just brushed off her words until she said they just didn’t want her to beat Sam and knowing how Danial reacted to when Sam fell in the pond he would’ve done the same thing and lectured Tory like she did something wrong just like what he did to Mike Barnes when he complimented Kenny for showing his strength
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 Not underestimating Sam one bit, not even saying she's not as good as Tory. She has beaten Tory before and she is one of the most skilled young fighters. I'm also not suggesting Tory is willing to hurt anyone. Sometimes when you feel this type of pain, you're not always yourself. Sure you may not want to hurt anybody, but you loose control of your own actions. A really good example, when Robby sends Miguel over a railing in season 2, he was not himself. In that moment, he felt anger, resentment and heartbreak, which took control over his own actions. It's very similar with Tory here, she's in a state of mind where she's not herself. Sam is more than capable in giving Tory a run for her money and even beating her. The problem is, Sam is going into this fight thinking everythings going to be ok, and when Tory scores she gives Sam another kick, and Sam's not expecting that because it's a 3 point match. Tory was indeed going to land a point on Sam, but it looked like she was going to smash her face in with more than one punch. Again Tory isn't herself in that fight so she's not in control of her actions. She deosn't want to hurt Sam, when you're in that state of mind you do things you would easily regret later. Sam wouldn't be expecting Tory to give her more than one punch, because again it's a 3 point match. And that justifies Daniel stopping the fight.
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
Also dude, Daniel was not in anyway favouring Sam, he just wanted her to be safe, because that's his daughter. As I said before, Daniel's reason for stopping the fight was because Tory was not able to control herself to fight safely where nobody get hurt. It had absolutly nothing to do with favouritism. Johnny hit the nail in the coffin by saying are sure about, fueling Tory's false beliefs. God forbid if Tory goes to far in that fight and Sam gets so badly injured to the point where she can't perticipate in the tourniment. Sam wouldn't be there and you'd be adding regret to Tory's grief, making her feel even worse, than she already does.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
Ok you’re right about Tory not being in the right headspace but no Tory wouldn’t have hurt Sam badly because 1. She doesn’t hate Sam she couldn’t forgive herself for what she’s done to Sam’s arm 2. Tory isn’t aiming to hurt Sam all she wanted was to have a 3 point match to deal with the lost of her mother Ok let’s say Tory did want to try and hurt Sam there were 2 sensei’s who could’ve stopped it the Same way Danial did when she was going to land a point and my argument in that part of the video was that the whole season Danial was favoring his children over the other students I wasn’t just targeting him just because like for example in season 4 Miguel and Johnny fell in the same pond Sam did in season 6 did he show concerns for them? No he laughed at them now what did he do when Sam fell in he yelled for Sam and helped her like she couldn’t do it on her own that’s just one example of many of Danial showing favoritism and overreacting
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 Daniel had his short comings sure, especially in season 4 when he wanted to double down on Miyagi Do. Because Robby was on the otherside giving away his playbook, and that was a mistake on Daniel's part. Besides his silly decision in picking Anthony as his top 6 so far this season I just didn't see anymore favouritism from him.
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 Also Sam fell in the pond with shattered bear bottles, which is why Daniel was concered, he was concered about all 4 of them
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
Yeah, as I said before, Daniel's initial desision in picking Anthony was biased, however, in episode 4 all he did was incourage Anthony. He didn't go as far as pestering Barnes to make sure he makes the cut. Yeah, he defended Anthony, because he got punched in the face, but wouldn't you if you had a kid? Johnny on the other hand wouldn't shut up about Devon and even went as far as starting a fight with Barnes to get what he wants. And it didn't seemed like he cared when Hawk gets screwed. As long as Devon's in, he's happy.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
No Johnny just wanted to make sure Barnes actually saw Devon fight she told Johnny that she feels like she’s being outshined by the others which is why he went to Barnes and when he got there Barnes talked bad about miyagi do which lead to him starting the fight it wasn’t Johnny that started it. And my whole point with Anthony is that he’s clearly below All of the other fighters I don’t have a problem with Danial encouraging Anthony and Anthony’s one of my favorite characters I would’ve liked to see him fight but he’s clearly not as strong as the other students so he shouldn’t have been picked and Danial overreacted over Anthony getting punched accidents happen in sports and karate it’s not like you’re playing with bears stuff like getting punched in the nose and bleeding will happen sometimes you just have to power through it I don’t have a problem with Danial helping Anthony that’s what he’s supposed to do but yelling at Mike Barnes and Kenny for what happened to Anthony was just stupid it’s a competitive sport that happens and the thing with hawk yeah he didn’t care because the others won they outsmarted hawk and took the flag ok he’s the champion I get that but he just can’t judge and underplay the students who won (like imagine you’re in a sport like basket ball and you win in a game against the best player how would you feel if your coach told you that you didn’t win because the top player is the best player surely you’ll feel some kind of way) and it’s not like Johnny hates Danial’s students or something he didn’t say oh Sam shouldn’t be in the saikai taikai or got mad or insult Danial about his son getting in he just gave a little smile to Anthony and clapped while when Devon was chosen he Danial gave a salty look and looked at Johnny I understand though Danial must be one of your favorite characters and he’s one of mine too but I cannot say what Johnny was more biased than Danial cause the scenes shows that he’s clearly not
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 Yeah man I get what you're saying, it was unfair for Barnes to say that about Miyagi Do, and about Devon studying the "wrong thing". He should have just said, Devon isn't ready for a world class torniment yet
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
Johnny had a point, but I don't think daniel made the wrong call. Tory was not in the right head space to fight safely where there are rules. Yes Tory might have been working though it, but if they let the fight continue there is a good chance Sam would have ended up in critical condition, leaving her in critical condition. Alternatively one of the sensais could have volanteered to sparr with Tory to let her get it of her system. Johnny wasn't exactly helping matters and was actually more biased, pushing for Devon to make the cut
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
Yes both sides had reasonings I’m not saying Danial was completely wrong but I believe Danial should’ve listened to Johnny more instead of pushing what he was saying aside and no Johnny wasn’t “more biased” lol yeah he pushed Devon to be in the saikai taikai but look at what Danial did he put demitri and anthony Tory 😂😂 so no Johnny wasn’t more biased lol ok Devon yeah I get that but he made sure to include Tory and agreed with Danial’s top picks he was thinking of best fighters overall while Danial was picking all miyagi do (and before Kenny’s even brought up it made sense why Danial nor Johnny really picked him for their top 6 yeah Kenny is a strong fighter but not Johnny nor Danial has really trained with Kenny so they don’t really know his strengths and weaknesses and only know he trained in cobra Kai and under Robby so from that Kenny wasn’t picked either)
@costasnikolakis-mouchas7691 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 Yeah man, I totally agree about the Anthony and Demitri stuff, that was a biased move from Daniel. However, as the season progressed, he was more or less ok with Anthony not making it. Johnny couldn't let the whole Devon thing go, and even when she finally makes it and Hawk doesn't, to be fair Daniel was the first to adress that they don't have their strongest possible team.
@cmlmonstar007 Месяц назад
Leaks showed that Kenny will be fighting for Miyagi-Do.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
I don’t look at leaks that much I like to go into the show blind and find out what happens
@hickross87 Месяц назад
if it was Kreese he is gonna lose it when he finds out he killed his own daughter
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@hickross87 Tory is not kreese’s grandfather 😂😂😂 the only reason why they called each other grandfather and granddaughter was so Tory can see him in prison lol they’re not actually related (to our knowledge at least it’s not confirmed that he is and I don’t think he is)
@hickross87 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 Excuse me i should have said my theory that im sticking to is Kreese child who should be alive is in fact torys mother i think they been hinting to it since kreese flashback when he was told she was dead i believe she was actually letting him know she was pregnant i have a feeling its gonna be reviled that anyway and when it does ill be laughing
@jayvin7110 Месяц назад
If anything it was silver
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
I don’t think so it wouldn’t really make sense at least to me
@jayvin7110 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 Side note. How would you feel about spin-off following Kenny and Anthony continuing on the legacy?
@jayvin7110 Месяц назад
All the challenges got on my nerves personally they shoulda js went w the main 6 kids. Like how is hawk not automatically in
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@jayvin7110 he was actually picked automatically if you watched the beginning of episode 4 the only reason he wasn’t picked later on was because he tied with Devon Kenny and demitri in Mike Barnes exercise and he showed mercy to demitri (though I don’t think it would’ve mattered cause I’m pretty sure hawk would’ve been an substitute for demitri if Tory stayed so he would’ve been able to fight anyways)
@jayvin7110 Месяц назад
I’m w Daniel Johnny did push for Devon a lil too much
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@jayvin7110 nah the reason why Johnny pushed for Devon is because the team needed offense yeah there’s Kenny and he should’ve been on the team yeah but Danial nor Johnny had a relationship with Kenny as a student like they have with the other students which is also why Tory was picked when Johnny suggested her not only did they see her power in the all valley where she won but Johnny actually trained her in season 2 while with Danial he was just miyagi do and defense with his top 6 like he’s put Anthony and demitri over Tory 😂😂😂 I can’t get over that 😭😭😭
@Superchick2 Месяц назад
What I am curious about is, who is taking care of Tory's younger brother. while Tory is in Barcelona?
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@Superchick2 exactly that’s something I been questioning too because why would she just leave her brother and just visit other country’s to learn karate and participate in a global tournament 😂😂 I just hope part 2 tells us where her brother is because that’s wild she leaves California and basically abandon her brother
@Jaylen-fc9iv Месяц назад
He’s not unfortunately because there is a new leaked photo of cobra Kai with all six with no Kenny
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@Jaylen-fc9iv I don’t think it’s a bad thing that Kenny isn’t in cobra Kai because I think it would be better for him to stay in miyagi do because of what I said in the video and I don’t really look at leaks that much unless I’m unfortunate and get spoiled against my will so at the time of recording the video I didn’t see the leak
@Creed_AEP Месяц назад
I think i heard might join iron dragons
@DieselDuckFan2001 Месяц назад
Bruh Season 3 was peaaaaak!!!!
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@DieselDuckFan2001 don’t get me wrong season 3 was good no season of cobra Kai is bad in my opinion I just think the later seasons and season 1 is better
@paramtoor2590 Месяц назад
When I saw the fist and the sudden blood clots, I immediately thought it was Sensei Kreese.
@elenalaordenleira1641 Месяц назад
Es la me ha pasa en los últimos e# las últimas temporadas En cobra Kai es la mejor de las temporadas 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊. En los anteriores alumnos En las últimas final de serie es lo me veremos en que Tory ves la final ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂❤😂😂
@micahbell5572 Месяц назад
Nobody killed her she just died
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@micahbell5572 that’s not 100% confirmed I think the writers want you to think it was just a coincidence but I really do think it was kreese because of everything that was shown in part 1
@micahbell5572 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 Personally I doubtt they're going to start putting premeditated murder in The Karate Kid after all this time, as we know Tory's mum was critically ill for at least 3 seasons. I'll be the first to admit if i'm wrong though.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@micahbell5572 I mean cobra Kai is already taking the miyagi verse into new hights with the saikai taikai so I don’t really think it’s out there for premeditated murder to be a new high as well and yes Tory’s mom was critically ill but Tory said she gotten way better in episode 5 instead of just being In a bed barely being able to walk like I said in the video if it was a coincidence Tory would’ve caught on to the symptoms but once again that’s just my opinion and we don’t know fully until the rest of the season comes out
@valeriethompson5702 Месяц назад
kreese cobra kai stands for South Korean only Johnny Lawrence Cobra kai stands for U.S America only so technically the real cobra kai should belong to Johnny not Kreese because my Theory is. Right after Johnny won the all Valley tournament in Season 1. Afterwards the Season 1 was over Johnny ask Kreese to be a sensei in Season 2 then Kreese took over Cobra kai left Johnny to lose all of his students plus his income. Knowing Kreese took Cobra kai then ask Terry Silver to be the next Sensei. After that he become all over the world sensei in Cobra kai in season 5. Terry put Kreese in Jail. Johnny lost everything claimed to have new dojo on it's own named Eagle fang then Join up with Daniel in Miyagi Do. So Johnny train his students in Miyagi Do Dojo put Eagle fang in there so for a while. in Sensei 6 i think this theory Miguel and Robby went to face who's going to be captain then Tory and Sam fight who's going to be Captain so Sam got Captain Tory went and saw kreese who killed her mother it was Terry all along his backup partner is Kreese so they manipulate Tory. My opinion is That Johnny should reopen Cobra Kai.
@bobbynygaardchrisitansen6874 Месяц назад
A guess Kreese might have gone home to Tory and try to convince her again. Her mother opened the door and Kreese just walked in and wanted to stay till Tory came home. Tory mother tried to tell him to leave. She got so angry and scared that she got a blood clot and Kreese left as soon as she died. So he might not have intented it but it happened as a result of him. If that is the case maybe homeless Lynn saw it all.
@bobbynygaardchrisitansen6874 Месяц назад
Kreese is already a killer. He killed his superior sergant.
@micahbell5572 Месяц назад
That was war and he was forced into a kill or be killed situation with him.
@bobbynygaardchrisitansen6874 Месяц назад
@@micahbell5572 in war you don't kill you own.
@micahbell5572 Месяц назад
@@bobbynygaardchrisitansen6874 Like I said, he was forced into a kill or be killed situation with his captain.
@bobbynygaardchrisitansen6874 Месяц назад
@@micahbell5572 no the enemy was running away and he stepped on his hands to make sure he fell into the snake pit. He could have saved him.
@bobbynygaardchrisitansen6874 Месяц назад
@@micahbell5572 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-M_PpSZZFptg.html he wasn't forced.
@anacatarina1388 Месяц назад
I think it was Tory's aunt. She had a strong reason by claiming her sister's disability check.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@anacatarina1388 I don’t think it was her cause she could’ve been done it before then in like season 4 or something
@jg3000 Месяц назад
Yes, but he'll join the Stingray version.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@jg3000 😂 lol that would honestly just ruin his character being apart of a dojo with preschoolers 😂😂
@jg3000 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 No he'd just be practicing. The main thing is fighting Anthony Larusso.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@jg3000 even if he joined stingrays cobra Kai daycare I don’t think stingray will have anything to teach Kenny and stingray and Kenny never really interacted with each other so it wouldn’t really make sense in my opinion for Kenny to join stingrays cobra Kai
@c.p.scorner4251 Месяц назад
Stingray isn't at the Seikai Taikai. That's a fake dojo. Stingray should focus really only on trying to market Dungeon & Dojos rather than try to be a sensei: it works.
@GothamKnight84661 Месяц назад
Ill keep this short and sweet. No, he won't re-join. Y'all need to get more creative with your videos.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@GothamKnight84661 not everyone’s seen cobra Kai into the dojo or deep dive into the season enough to think he won’t this was just a theory I saw a few times and I wanted to debunk it with reasonings
@isaiahsturgis5037 Месяц назад
To be honest I somewhat believe this theory, but at the same time I don’t believe it. In part 1 in the season, we saw Kreese finally get rid of the thing that was holding him back, and that was his genuine concern for Johnny, so I’m sure that he does have the same feelings that he has with Tory, relating to a mother who died of terminal illness. But we can tell that Tory’s mother’s death as a convenience or Kreese may have probably killed her by putting something in her system that’s fatal. But we can’t just jump ahead of ourselves cuz we all know Kreese is evil but he’s not that evil.
@Superchick2 Месяц назад
Kreese's mother did not d!e of a terminal illness, unless Depression can be counted as a terminal illness. We learned very early on in Cobra Kai that Kreese's mother committed $uicide.
@politicalrot3449 Месяц назад
Daniel has been like this thought the show. A lot of the shows biggest problems are because of Daniel getting involved.
@manuellim6284 Месяц назад
I assume it was Terry Silver and Kim Da Eun
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@manuellim6284 I just don’t think it was any of them because I don’t really think it’ll make sense
@manuellim6284 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 I just saw S4 deleted scene when Sensei Kim Da Eun confronts Tory for ditching her representative match with Sam and she tells Kim her mom is sick
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@manuellim6284 yeah but she didn’t tell Kim da eun her address she just said her mom was sick and I don’t really think we should bring deleted scenes into this discussion because those are deleted scenes and they’re not really apart of the show
@manuellim6284 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 silver has every students informations files
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@manuellim6284 maybe but i don’t think silver would’ve memorized Tory’s address while he was the sensei of cobra Kai because of everything else he was doing in season 5 and once he found out Tory actually betrayed cobra Kai he was arrested right after and the dojo was destroyed so I still don’t think he done it but that’s just my opinion
@bluezendra3546 Месяц назад
it's hard to tell if knees did it you never know anything is possible I just can't imagine krees killing someone out of anger or selfish reasons ya know 🫤
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
Yes I completely understand where you’re coming from but kreese is basically heartless in this season from what we’ve seen from his training so I don’t think he’ll show that much mercy to Tory which is why I think he killed Tory’s mother but that’s just my opinion at the end of the day and I respect yours we’ll just have to find out what really happened once the whole season comes out
@shawol289lee3 Месяц назад
Yoon do Jin and a random female student are the other two members in Cobra Kai. So no, Kenny’s not joining Cobra Kai.
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@shawol289lee3 yeah I saw that as well but not everyone saw cobra Kai inside the dojo so I still wanted to make this video giving reasons as to why Kenny shouldn’t be joining cobra Kai
@c.p.scorner4251 Месяц назад
I thought that he could rejoin as another betrayal of Robby's trust, but Devon Lee would be a better theory for this, right? After all, she DID cheat in order to get into the Seikai Taikai. And SHE is now more likely that Kenny to feel that urge.
@michaelchaos857 Месяц назад
@michaelchaos857 Месяц назад
@senseileo4829 Месяц назад
No he won't, they already leaked some of part 2 and Kenny was in miyagi do sekai taikai instead of Devon
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@senseileo4829 yeah I saw that two I was just late to uploading this video lol
@AFRO-GAMING-1000 Месяц назад
I would if I was humiliated in front of everyone
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@AFRO-GAMING-1000 yeah I do understand but from a story standpoint it wouldn’t make sense for Kenny to join because of everything we seen and heard from part 1
@AFRO-GAMING-1000 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 it wouldn’t make sense to you but everyone has their own opinion
@GothamKnight84661 Месяц назад
Then you're weak!
@jg3000 Месяц назад
​@@Onisan940Unless he joins Stingray's version.
@AFRO-GAMING-1000 Месяц назад
@@jg3000 You’re kidding right why would Kenny would join Stingray’s complete joke karate?
@XavierPowell-uu7hk Месяц назад
No he shouldn’t!
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@XavierPowell-uu7hk I agree it wouldn’t make sense for him to join from what we heard and seen in season6 part 1
@elddder Месяц назад
Yes, they showed only 4 it should be 6 members per dojo
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
Those spaces can easily be filled with random students
@xxx-funandtheories8337 Месяц назад
I just thought if silver really is involved then maybe he used torys aunt to but something in that dinner . And of course he paid her well since she needed cash. But kim maybe did it with a special technique that made the blood vessels explode and when kreese finds out he will leave CK for good. Chozen might see that technique in the scroll 📜 or kim says something that makes kreese understand what really happened
@hvdiv17 Месяц назад
Kreese already killed 2 people his co and when he broke out of prison and during the last scene Kreese was talking about missing the last piece his champion. Kreese was involved even if he didnt do it.
@blacjackdaniels200 Месяц назад
I think the series should end with Daniel and Amanda separating and Johnny smashes…and when confronted by Daniel he says “Well, she wasn’t really your girl anymore..right?” Followed by a crane kick to the face and then driving away in his car that has been repainted to say “Cobra Kai never dies” The End Roll credits
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@blacjackdaniels200 wait what? 😂😂😭😭
@blacjackdaniels200 Месяц назад
@@Onisan940 Yes. 100%. This entire thing…the war between two dojos, the forever ongoing saga of John Kreese and Pony Tail Silver still trying to destroy Daniel, and now an entire county of kids running around like ninjas which nearly left one of them wheelchair bound for Life has ALL spawned from the Love triangle between Johnny Allie and Daniel. Women are at the root of everything, and You don’t steal another man’s woman without repercussions. It may take 30 years, but it’ll happen. Johnny steals Amanda. That’s how my story ends :)
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@blacjackdaniels200 Ali wasn’t with Johnny when she got with Danial lol they were broken up but Johnny didn’t accept it which’s why he confronted Danial I see what you mean though Danial moved in on Ali right after she broke up with Johnny and even though this comment was funny as hell it’s not going to happen Johnny has a wife and is going to have 3 kids to take care of he ain’t doing that 😂😂
@TankMasterZ Месяц назад
@TankMasterZ Месяц назад
i dont think he did i think its a coincidence but maybe he did who knows :)
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
I still believe kreese did it because of all the hints that were shown throughout season 6 part 1 but we’ll just have to find out in part 2
@rafsanjanee1481 Месяц назад
Kreese would never do it , Tory is the reflection of kreese himself . Thats why he always protected her like his own daughter .
@DawsonDeLoach-hx9ow Месяц назад
Who's to say he wasn't pissed at her ya know? I mean it also could've been silver but idk
@rafsanjanee1481 Месяц назад
@@DawsonDeLoach-hx9ow absolute pointless theory to kill torys mother so that she turns to cobra kai. Kreese would not do it. After johny, torry was the only pereon he genuinely cared for. And Silver was never a killer. So unnecessary conspiracy theory.
@goliathgar4985 Месяц назад
And yet, did Kreese even gave Tory a helping hand with her mother when she was still on the mend when we saw S3 with Tory on probation like giving food, pay for medical bills? No. All Kreese wanted was to get Tory back even if it meant threatening the landlord (yes is scum) to make the rent good
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
He also viewed Johnny as his own son that was shown and told to us plenty of times and kreese didn’t kill him but he killed him in his mind when he was poisoned by a sneak and he knew Johnny far longer than he knew Tory so I don’t think the excuse that Tory is like a daughter to kreese is a good one because kreese thought of Johnny the same way
@GamingSlideShowshorts Месяц назад
So true but her knuckles were in apunchingform
@MattsGamblingSlots Месяц назад
Kreese, Kim Da Une, or Silver are possibilities but they dont have to be the ones to physically do the killing. One of them could've sent someone to do it
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
I don’t think Kim da une would do that since she clearly dislike Tory so she wouldn’t go out of her way to do something that will get her in trouble with the law and I don’t think silver will do it either because it was said that with silvers reputation ruined no one will work for him again and they both don’t know where Tory lives kreese is the only person who knows where Tory lives besides miyagi do
@goliathgar4985 Месяц назад
@MattsGamblingSlots Kim Da Une was mad for Tory leaving Cobra Kai, but she has morals and wouldn't do anything bad like that. Silver many things, but being a psycho to kill is when he wants his plan to work and killing Grace Nichols is not part of his plan
@goliathgar4985 Месяц назад
Many say he did, other say he didn't and Grace died natural, Silver or Kim Da-Une killed Mama Nichols. But if Kreese did do it then someone is gonna make a video with his confession to anyone and if Tory heard it, that vid will go viral to make Kreese have no redemption. Let's face it: not all people in series have redemption arcs
@chrisbach1533 Месяц назад
Not all. But Martin Kove already gave a major spoiler to a female journalist who said she finally wants to see Kreese getting good and redeemd, and he said in part 3 she will get her wish. Never forget the antagonist of the Miyagi-verse is Kim, Suny-yung. And his style and legacy is Cobra Kai. Only because the show's name is _Cobra Kai_ , many people still think thats why Cobra Kai always has to win, or that Cobra Kai stands for something good. Even Johnny realized now its tainted and evil. And Stingray is at least now too dumb to see it, he doenst know anything about the origins of that style or name. The realitiy is the real bad people and antagonists in this universe arent Kreese, Silver, Johnny, Tory, Kenny etc., with Kwon we have now finally a real antagonist for the teenagers, and for the the adults its Sunyung and maybe Daeun too. Kreese and Silver were also both brainwashed by Sunyung and his teachings, they took the wrong route after their experiences in Vietnam, they both were good guys when they were young. And it makes sense if at least one of them gets redeemed, and according to Kreese's actor Martin Kove, it will be Kreese. PS: There exist a deleted scene from S5 when Tory tells Daeun about her sick mother, and Daeun says with ice-cold eyes: _"Mother???!!!! You are here to train Nichols!"_ . Underlines how cold Daeun is, and she knows about Tory's sick mother. The fact that this scene which is still available on YT wasnt shown in the final cut stinks a bit imo, so Daeun would be my prime suspect.
@goliathgar4985 Месяц назад
@@chrisbach1533 maybe he was bluffing or just like being in character
@maxkelley2003 8 дней назад
@@goliathgar4985 exactly that’s what I’m saying! Like Kreese’s redemption is not possible, he’s already proven to be irredeemable throughout the show
@Nathanjsd Месяц назад
What if it was silver cuz kreese is the obvious answer but i think it was silver because tory is the one who told everyone that he paid the ref and it lead up to him getting arrested and i think he killed her mom to get revenge and there is also picture of silver at the sekai taikai
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@Nathanjsd I don’t think it was silver because it wouldn’t make sense for silver to know where Tory lives kreese never told terry where she lives and it’ll not make sense for Tory to tell silver because she wasn’t close to silver like she was with kreese and there were hints to kreese doing it like getting poisoned by a sneak there could’ve easily just been a dream scene with kreese killing Johnny but instead there was focus on a venomous snake and later on in episode 5 there was focus on Tory’s mother cooking food so she could’ve been poisoned and in episode 3 there was a call back to when kreese let loose a wild sneak in Danial dealership with all of those hints I just can’t see it being any other character but kreese but that’s just my opinion
@miguelscserra Месяц назад
​​@@Onisan940good points but, remember what Kreese told Tory when he showed up at her house for the first time? He said he didn't have to look because her address was just in the books, so Terry would have found it easily too. Still don't think it was neither of them or just kreese
@LarsiHansen2784 Месяц назад
@@miguelscserra who do you think it was?🤔
@jaywith3letters447 Месяц назад
That's what I thought as well when I watched that scene.
@onmas909 Месяц назад
It might be obvious but the switch to Cobra Kai symbolizes Tory is still unbalanced and anyone would be unbalanced after what happened to her 😢
@Onisan940 Месяц назад
@@onmas909 yes it does symbolize that it showed that the most unexpected thing that can happen will lead to you becoming unbalanced and that’s what happened to Tory her mother died unexpectedly and that lead her to going back to her old cobra Kai ways and becoming unbalanced