Travels, Reviews, Reactions, Star Wars, Dreams. Anything my heart desires.
@shaunjp2211 4 дня назад
Yes i do agree a story about Sith is brilliant but its execution wasn't done as well as it could've been. If the background story was told in real time no flashbacks, that would've better set up for the finale a Sith is born and why. However I do hope we get a season 2 as there's so much more to this story to expand upon.
@xyelle 13 часов назад
I agree, real time and it should have been planned better. if they have a season 2 it should be focused on the dark side of the force. Thank you and keep it cool!☺
@D0CBEE 5 дней назад
"I dont hate it, it's sh1t, but I can't say I hate it".
@xyelle 5 дней назад
@lbrett7054 5 дней назад
1:06 Toad
@xyelle 5 дней назад
I am loving all the cameos!!
@alexandermineev2111 5 дней назад
A million-dollar question to you: WHAT IS THE ROLE OF PLAGUEIS AND YODA IN THIS SERIES?
@xyelle 5 дней назад
Honestly, who knows. Yoda can be there because we know that he ages slower but purpose wise, good question. Plagueis being there is very disconcerning because it throws off tje time line but they tend to change it up at their pleasure.
@zerolegacy7821 7 дней назад
1) How did the senate find out about Jedi dying but not the High Council? 2) Why is the senate talking to Vernestra at all? Does she lead the high council now? All the Jedi? 3) What was that ridiculous Plagueis cameo? It makes no sense! Was he there all along? 4) Why did Sol go into the asteroids? Why not just follow her outside of it? 5) Why was Sol targetting her? Was he going to shoot her down? 6) Why did Basil rip those cords out? 7) Why didn’t Sol just kill Qimir? 8) How the fk did OSHA bleed the crystal that fast without a problem? This almost KILLED Darth Vader!! 9) Where did OSHA’s force powers come from all of a sudden? 10) Why did Sol give up to OSHA? She pulled a Sabine SUDDENLY being super powerful? If she had the power all along then why could she not pull PIP to her on the prison transport? 11) Why is the senate having a conversation with Vernestra about the Jedi? Why are they not speaking to the high council? 12) Why did Mae let herself get captured? What did that do for them? 13) Why did Vernestra solidify the senates belief that the Jedi can go bad with her lie? How does that "protect" the Jedi? 14) How did the high council NOT know that Vernestra was full of shit? 15) Am I suppose to believe all the Jedi that know the truth also chose to lie to the High Council? There are at least a dozen Jedi ALONE in the situation room watching Mae (not Sol) kill the Jedi. None of them talked? They ALL kept the secret?? 16) Mae spends 16 years feeding on hate and then suddenly does good? 17) OSHA spends 16 years being good and then suddenly becomes evil? 18) Why would Qimir all of a sudden be Dr Love to Osha? 19) How the fk can Yoda be a part of this lie? 20) If Qimir can wipe a persons mind with the flick of a wrist then why not ALWAYS do that? Why fight at all if you can just revert anyone to the age of 1? How was this powerful ability so easy to do? 21) How come the Jedi can sometimes sense people and sometimes need a tracker? 22) How did OSHA power the elevator? The power supply for that facility blew up 16 years prior! She didn't have an alternate power source so HOW?? Where did the power come from? Please explain any of this.
@hayvenb 6 дней назад
I can explain it. It's bad writing lol. The whole show is bad writing. But if you call it out its sexist or racist or whatever. Andor and Rouge One had a diverse cast bla bla bla. But they also had good writing.
@b1nfz 6 дней назад
well this could be the planet from the start of the plagueis novel where he kills darth tenebrous and becomes the master as they were on a planet looking at Cortosis mines so that could be an explanation on why he is there?
@zerolegacy7821 5 дней назад
@@b1nfz You're right, it could be. I just wish they would have confirmed it. Now we have to wait for an unlikely 2nd season years down the road ...
@xyelle 13 часов назад
Hello there! Apologies for taking so long to respond. Lets get started shall we. 1. Good question, plot hole that needs to be adressed. But, since Plagueis made an appearance perhaps he is already playing his chess pieces. 2. Venestra is as far as we know she is a liason, the jedi rep among the senate. a position kinda like anakin had with palpatine, his rep on the council. 3. There were indications that someone higher was pulling the strings but...it is widely speculated that he is in fact the one that has created the twins and not the witches. just let em think so. 4.cause he is dumb....or to copy what han did....you are right made no sens. 5. i think to keep following, i dont think he was gonna shoot her....again plot hole 6. basil is a sith...joking....the character makes no sense. why would 10 jedis need a tracker when they could have used the force and not a beaver....to create a toy. kids 7. because he followed the jedi oath....duh 8. yeah....why couldnt anakin do it like that....and further why didnt her eyes turn evil too? ahaaaa. see plot holes left and right 9.well um the are force sensitive so it was just repressed, like luke did in the last jedi.....darn i said it. 10.again repressed.......but lets try this one: fear leads to the dark side....fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.... 11. didnt we answer this already 12. did we watch the same episode? if its in the end she got a memory wipe by Qimir left her at 8 years old 13. eventually that obviously didnt help.....hello prequels... 14. did we see the high council at any moment? 15. venerstra is the cover up, they knew nothing, as far as they know qimir unalived the jedi. Sol dying gave her the opportunity to lie to the senate. jedi are cunning in their planning. 16. technically mae was still bad, she just manipulated osha's feelings but we saw the 360 coming, its not as if she is a jedi now, she unalived sol without a weapon so she completed her process. 17. same explanation. 18.sweet bare chested manipulation. jejeje 19. we dont know what venestra told him but yoda did know about the sith because in legends there was a renegade jedi that knew of the sith and that is how he found out about the rule of 2. weird i know...but it doesnt compute either....but the lovely people at lucasfilm were against it. you know who did the deed. 20. because when a plot hole is good you go with it.....apparently 21. yes!!!! why do we need a badge, beaver or whatever....reason, to appeal to the kids...toys incoming...and funkos... 22. so....she made a bet on a pod race and got the parts....kidding....your guess is as good as mine but they want to correlate to anakin because he was good at fixing thing Thank you and hope we keep up the discourse. hope i answered something...probably not...staw awesome friend.☺
@zerolegacy7821 13 часов назад
@@xyelle Thank you for attempting to answer my questions. Very much appreciated. Lots of plot holes I think. I understand that they have to save something for a possible 2nd season but I think a lot of my questions needed answers this season. I wish I had a good time watching this but I didn’t. Honestly, they could of left out the twins and the witches and just concentrated on Qimir and his Sith ties as the big bad for the season and I think they would of had a much more solid story to tell. I almost feel like the twins were just a waste to focus on. Again, thank you very much for the answers.
@randyrodriguez2398 7 дней назад
SW Theory is the master of hate of everything George Lucas didn't do or wasn't done as he thinks things should be, not saying that the doesn't know a lot, he does, but he must knows hate, controversy, searching for mistakes that he only finds for not accepting de difference between legends and canon, and nit picking brings more views, it's his opinions but if people hate this after seeing it (not with the prejudice it had before it started) that is ok because not everybody has to like it, but ashoka, kenobi or bobba were worst in quality and coherence by far and they had showrunners better prepared according swt, i repeat, good you came to the end to say you didn't like it and not went with the hate wave from the beginning
@zerolegacy7821 7 дней назад
What? Dude is literally giving his opinion? He can't do that? And why you attacking him when there are PLENTY of actual hate channels out there. Theory is always telling people to be respectful and constructive. To be honest, you comment here is full of hate for a channel you know little about and probably got information on from another Theory hater. Maybe actually check out his channel and form an opinion of your own instead of listening to the shill army.
@sw-gs 7 дней назад
​@@zerolegacy7821Maybe if he wouldn't be friends with Geek+Gamers, Nerdrotic, JK etc. some people would stop attacking him.
@zerolegacy7821 6 дней назад
@@sw-gs So you are hating a person, not for who they are or how they act but because they are not hating the same people you do? Clearly you don’t actually watch his channel and are just buying into what other haters say about him. And honestly… doesn’t surprise me at all. Way to show your true colors.
@xyelle 6 дней назад
Thank you. Theory has every right to have his opinion. I agree. He does not condone hate and is very dedicated to giving constructive critisim on a topic we all love. That is why we do what we do. When you love something like Theory and I love Star Wars and see it being dismantled and not given the proper treatment, we are going to say something, but we will do it with respect.
@sw-gs 6 дней назад
@@zerolegacy7821 You are zero.
@marioulises5978 7 дней назад
Ill say it we all hate it. Disney star wars sucks. Keep being honest.
@xyelle 7 дней назад
@@marioulises5978 you rock!! 😉
@TH3GUYCAST 6 дней назад
@chpeaks 7 дней назад
They didn't want to let people know who is really pulling the strings.
@xyelle 7 дней назад
@@chpeaks its a too little too late scenario. Thank you for watching.😉
@stevencuffee8115 7 дней назад
I love your reaction so much dear ❤
@xyelle 7 дней назад
Thank you sir.😊
@toychambing 7 дней назад
@xyelle 7 дней назад
@ViridisAmbrosia 9 дней назад
I found this episode interesting. It actually increased my interest in Sol as a character because I was surprised at his behavior. I had expected Indara to turn out to be the main instigator of the group. This was probably because she was the first one Mae went after and when she said the Jedi don't attack the unarmed, Mae called BS on it. It made me think indara in particular had done something in the past that Mae saw as unforgivable. Sol has been kinda overly emotional at times in the previous episodes, but it was also at times that would make the typical person emotional, so i just thought it's human even if it's less stoic than i interpret the typical Jedi to be. When "qimir" asks him what he's done with his darkness or when he says "you tell me" to Sol's question about what kind of master hides their face from their student, i thought qimir was messing with him, trying to twist his mind. And he is, but he's also zeroed in on something in Sol. He knows the dark truth of what happened on Brendock. And it's true sol hid this from osha, he hid the part of himself that did this from her. She doesn't know he killed her mother, or why. Sol makes a lot of assumptions about what he's seeing with the twins and the coven. Back in episode 3 i didn't think the twins were in danger from their people. I thought koril was kinda toxic and i understood why osha might long to see the world beyond their coven and meet other children, and i thought mae seemed really possessive of osha. In ep 7, Sol immediately starts thinking the twins are in danger and like nearly instantly starts thinking osha is supposed to be his padawan, and although he spies on the witches he doesn't see enough to understand much of anything about them (and it's not his business anyway). This is where the episode kinda gets into the authority the Jedi have. They are backed by the Republic and they have a lot of power. This is why the witches are afraid of them. They are on a planet outside of the Republic but the Jedi find them there and start making demands - they break into their home and start calling dibs on their children. They overstep their bounds (even the Jedi council thinks so). And all this because Sol has been flying away with his assumptions. They are witches so he assumes they must be on the verge of performing some dark ritual on the girls. He doesn't consider or see the love aniseya might have for her children until after he has killed her. I really thought Torbin was influenced by Aniseya. She wanted the Jedi to leave the planet because she was trying to protect her children from them. So she invaded the mind of the Jedi who wanted to go home and i think she was trying to intensify that desire (using the dark side). Before this encounter torbin is whining about how he wants to go home, but after he is singularly obsessed with the idea. This backfired for aniseya. Torbin is terrified of the witches afterwards and ends up seeing the twins as his ticket home (because they couldn't have been created without the vergence and are therefore proof of it). Ironically, torbin pushes things from testing the kids to taking the kids (which again, the Jedi have no right to do). Koril imo is another instigator. She's been butting heads with aniseya this whole time about how to raise the kids and how to deal with the Jedi. She suggested killing the jedi and grudgingly accepted aniseya's judgment that they can't use violence until aniseya is actually considering letting osha go and sol and torbin come back. These are koril's moments to do things her way. She eggs little Mae on towards the dark side (which proves disastrous) and finally she can try to kill the Jedi as she's been longing to do this whole time. But still imo the witches on the whole are acting in self defense. It's the Jedi who broke into their home and threaten to take their kids. And cooler heads didn't prevail on either side. But the Jedi had a responsibility not to abuse the authority and the power they held, and they didn't fulfill that responsibility. Anyway I am hoping we will learn more about Sol in the last episode - why he had this deep need to have a padawan (it reminds me of the hole Anakin has inside him from the separation from his mother that he later tries to fill with padme and then falls to the dark side when he's afraid he might lose her). Anyway when one tries to covet or possess another person to fill a hole like that in star wars, the dark side is in operation. There's so much to cover i don't know how they can cover it all in just one more episode. I feel like the show didn't give itself enough time to tell this story. The story has come off as kinda choppy and missing things to me. I think the show is very star wars because it's about the interplay of the light and the dark. It's the light side in Sol for instance who wants to save and protect. It's the dark side in Sol who wants to take and possess. I really wonder what he has to say to Mae since she saw what happened. Does he want to save her, or does he need to save her to save himself? I understand mae much better after this episode.
@xyelle 8 дней назад
Wow and wow! Thank you for sharing your amazing perspective. I can def see all your points. I agree about the indepth look at Sol and the reasoning to all that transpired. It will be interestinf to see how it ends. Thank you!! 😊
@ViridisAmbrosia 7 дней назад
@@xyelle welp I don't feel I learned that much more about sol after the finale, I actually was surprised he still thought he was right and I'm not quite sure how to look at it in a dark side/light side way especially considering that he seemed to forgive Osha as she murdered him... it makes me think about the possibility that someone can do something harmful coming from a place of love and if it came from a place of love they will believe it right. I feel like something is missing about the vergence. I remember in one interview headland compared it to The Thing as though it brought destruction before and it would again. But I didn't understand why Sol believed the girls were in so much danger... I also don't understand why he would believe killing aniseya was the right thing to do even now. When I watched episode 7 I thought the witches could probably dematerialize and rematerialize and I thought aniseya was just trying to get Mae out of harm's way because what she feared the most was about to happen - the situation was going to escalate in violence. Anyway I'll have to think about it more. I haven't watched your last reaction vid yet.
@ArminaticsVoiceArtist 9 дней назад
Grievous our little Hero!
@xyelle 8 дней назад
I love seeing our characters in other environments outside the films😉
@deathstar9137 10 дней назад
Gender reveal Oreos 😂
@xyelle 10 дней назад
@jasonmarcy1313 12 дней назад
Oh no!! More fake fan tears!!😂😂😂😂
@KevinDaggerPR 12 дней назад
Oh look........someone with no clue on why 87% of ANYONE watching this thinks this is remotely even coherent. Nice try there kid.
@FelsvonDrago 12 дней назад
Thank you very much for your reactio and your smart analysis! And of course you're right: so much anti-Jedi, anti-canon, anti-Star Wars is almost unbearable! Thank you for your honesty! All the best from Germany!
@xyelle 12 дней назад
I am glad you understand my frustration. Thank you for the compliment. I try to be honest with my feelings. Thank you for watching!😊 keep in touch and stay awesome.
@ramontoro2891 14 дней назад
What just happen 🤔🤔🤔
@xyelle 14 дней назад
So much that my frustration level went from 0 to 100 like that.
@tjrbrownell 14 дней назад
Sweetie the jedi look like that only because the witches pushed. Or did you miss that part. Having the witch start first at fault. She took over Torbin's mind gave dark thoughts too. Also having the May talk about sacrifice help push the Assumption Sol made which help to the situation. Some would say funny how all these small but big mistakes is the dark side of the force pushing in on the light. Upsetting the balance since the witches messed with the force. Same reason Aniken was born.
@xyelle 14 дней назад
I did not miss that part. I did mention that they indeed started it. I said that simce the first flashback episode. My frustration came in those little pushes like you said, Torbin was manipulates and Sol let his emotions get the better of him, the darkside of the force is indeed powerful and you can see the influence, my view is that even though we see that it was all manipulation, it will not be received well and still puts the Jedi as merely puppets. Thank you for sharing.🙂 Lets see how the story ends together.
@randyrodriguez2398 14 дней назад
it's so silly to get mad when the show doesn't blame the Jedi, the fault is only torbin's and sol's, why all the Jedi have to fall in this if the council clearly said no and these 2 did what their emotions told them, this series is the one that has more sense among all of late stuff out except Andor, but at the end is a thing of opinions and taste, good of you to see it and like it or not, not everyone gives it that chance, i'd say if it angers you so much to not watch it anymore but we are only one episode away so let's finish it and see how everything is wrapped up, don't think that it will get another season with all the hate it had, i really wouldn't want it because there are more eras to work but no doubt this was something different and risky and that's good, finally a rest to the skywalker saga
@xyelle 14 дней назад
I can see your view point and yes it was the action of 2 but the repercussions of their actions is what will be highlighted and what will be interpreted. I do not have anger i have frustration but my love of star wars will help dissapate it and bring me back to balance. Yes i will finish this journey. Lets see how the circle is completed.
@tjrbrownell 14 дней назад
So remember how t v shows work cliffhangers.Especially at the end of the season. Don't fall into all the star wars fan hate
@xyelle 14 дней назад
@@tjrbrownell never star wars hate, being upset about the production of it and the missed opportunity is expressing frustration in hopes they realize the steering is off. Thanks for sharing as always. 😊 hugs for you.
@tjrbrownell 14 дней назад
Honey they are untrained, Why would you expect them to know soul was watching them?
@xyelle 14 дней назад
@@tjrbrownellnot completely untrained but we have a sense when we r being watched 😊
@kevindaggerwrestling 14 дней назад
I'm surprised you aren't self medicating at this point
@xyelle 14 дней назад
@kevindaggerwrestling thats what ice cream is for bud. 🍨🍦🍧 i got so mad i ignored my sandwhich🤣.
@charlesmorris6476 18 дней назад
Smilo Ren is what they’re calling him. Period.
@xyelle 18 дней назад
Its got a nice ring to it.😄
@EthanBSide 18 дней назад
I'm not allowed to speak because I'm a ist or phobe. I'm glad to see a female StarWars fan
@xyelle 18 дней назад
For me Star Wars is a way of life.😉 Thank you for watching! Stay awesome!😊
@EthanBSide 17 дней назад
@@xyelle Fuck yeah! Sorry for cussing
@josuerivas786 18 дней назад
Hi xyelle I miss you I. Josue Rivas I just hope I will see you again
@xyelle 18 дней назад
Me too!😊
@rebemtz1 19 дней назад
12:20 is a call back to the comics about her not liking hyperspace.
@xyelle 19 дней назад
Thats cool!😁 Thanks for sharing.
@randyrodriguez2398 19 дней назад
I see a little difficult Mae becoming a Jedi just because she already killed 2 Jedi, so i don't sse that happening lol, but she has to get maybe a wayout depending on Sol confession, at the end is when all conclusions about the series can be made, i've enjoyed the ride, hope to enjoy the destination as well, keep rocking and stay safe....
@xyelle 19 дней назад
@@randyrodriguez2398 true but just theories, it could go in so many directions. I am very intrigued to hear Sol's confession. I still think Qimir is the beginning of the Knights of Ren. Thank for taking the ride with me.😊 will always be rocking and stay safe too.
@randyrodriguez2398 18 дней назад
@@xyelle yep, knights of ren is a good way to be connecting things, i don't like fan service when they just put in there for no reason or sense, but this is a part of story that has been told very poorly so if they can make something better with it it will be fine, keep rocking and stay safe....
@xyelle 18 дней назад
@@randyrodriguez2398 i agree, it would fix some of the misgivings and plot holes.😉
@titus.iscariot3760 19 дней назад
Great reaction.
@xyelle 19 дней назад
@@titus.iscariot3760 Thank you!!
@AXSofHFDS 21 день назад
I think Oshe will see everything as Sol is telling her sister the backstory.
@xyelle 21 день назад
The plot def took the lean into the skid😁
@AXSofHFDS 21 день назад
that light whip was introduced in a comic from 1979.
@xyelle 21 день назад
I soooo need one.☺
@joshuabarnett6158 23 дня назад
They can skirt the sith situation. Notice Sol and the other master are trying to keep this quiet. Either everyone dies completely by the end, or as in the phantom menace the Jedi are blinded by their own arrogance and refuse to admit that they encountered a sith. They are very narrow in their view on them coming back. But they never left, just stayed in the shadows. They were never truly extinct
@xyelle 22 дня назад
Great view point. I think you are right. Keep it quiet and it doesnt exist. Looks bad though foe the Jedi.😒
@joshuabarnett6158 22 дня назад
@@xyelle very much a bad look for them. It makes me think of Ki Adi being so sure Dooku could never fall. The fact they were so convinced in the prequels that the sith were gone. All the while Palp chit chatting with them on the daily I know this show isn’t perfect but I’m finding more and more to like as the story unfolds
@swamppifi6186 24 дня назад
he is the apprentice......the master is yet to show them selves
@xyelle 24 дня назад
Yes!!!! I keep saying there is someone else behind the curtain.😁
@ChristianTucker-94 25 дней назад
nice awesome cool reaction video i can,t wait to see it real soon!
@xyelle 24 дня назад
Thanks, I am counting down the days.😊
@ChristianTucker-94 24 дня назад
@@xyelle same here me too
@tomasjasiunas1911 25 дней назад
One thing I thought was that the choreography was sick, story very mid so far
@xyelle 24 дня назад
It was very interesting to see.😉
@ramontoro2891 25 дней назад
Nice one, really un expected...
@xyelle 25 дней назад
I second the motion.🙂
@metaltera86 25 дней назад
This series has sucked horribly but episode 5 was great. Simple as that
@xyelle 25 дней назад
Thanks for sharing.🙂
@justinlugo3732 26 дней назад
This episode was INSANE
@xyelle 25 дней назад
We are in agreement.🙂
@miguelgalarga 26 дней назад
Can’t wait to see it!
@xyelle 26 дней назад
Me too!!!!😉
@rs91268 26 дней назад
Awesome reaction video
@xyelle 26 дней назад
Thank you, and thanks for watching.😊
@ryanbullara5433 28 дней назад
I’m not caring for this show at all but to help this series at the end it will be cool if Darth Tenebrous or Darth Plagueis shows up at the last scene and kills Smiley because he almost ruined everything for the Sith return and saying it’s not the right time to reveal ourselves.
@xyelle 28 дней назад
That is the same thing I was thinking, what if there is someone else behind the curtain pulling the strings. There is still something that needsbto be revealed. Thanks for watching.😊
@ryanbullara5433 28 дней назад
I cheered when Jacki died!
@xyelle 28 дней назад
@stillplumbing1980 28 дней назад
The helmet is BESKAR!!!!!
@xyelle 28 дней назад
Nahhhh no way, low grade its been welded a few times i think.😁 and the smile? Like dude a smiling helmet 🙃
@Aeolusdallas 26 дней назад
it's cortosis not beskar
@joshuabarnett6158 23 дня назад
Cortosiss has been in legends. And has been in some comics. I do believe most recently in the Vader comics.
@yosi2142 23 дня назад
@@joshuabarnett6158 isnt it also in the canon thrawn comic?
@3rdNationInc Месяц назад
The Jedi showing up was the first strike and they knew it. If you watch the scene closely, Mother Annasaya only strikes after Master Sol approaches one her children and uses a low key mind trick on her, by giving her a very dangerous weapon to kind of tease her I think, because Osha asked Torbin, if all Jedi’s get a lightsaber. So the Jedi struck first!❤
@xyelle 28 дней назад
Interesting viewpoint. Defenitely makes you think about who struck first. I like it. 🙂 thanks for watching
@randyrodriguez2398 Месяц назад
Ki Adi doesn't have a birth date or a specie life span in canon, so he can be here, now they have to make sense in why he said what he said in episode 1.. so far they haven't mentioned a Sith and he hasn't seen one yet.... keep rocking and stay safe....
@xyelle 28 дней назад
It is a very sore topic of discussion for many. This seriez explores the unknown stories of star wars so yes in a way i can see what you are aaying. This is why i love the comments, a chance to connect and have real discussions. Thank you 😊
@stevencuffee8115 Месяц назад
I really enjoyed your video of episode 4 .Excellent dear ❤️
@xyelle Месяц назад
Hi!! Thank you, I am glad to know my video brings you enjoyment. 😊 Hope yoy continue to join me in my Star Wars adventures. Stay awesome.😊
@Darthdoodoo Месяц назад
This show is a breath of fresh ass 😂
@xyelle Месяц назад
That's a breath mint add right there.
@Darthdoodoo Месяц назад
Her name is smilo ren she will say "i am your mother" and everyone will scissor off into the sunset😂😂😂
@CT-7567_CPTNRex Месяц назад
It's a dude, we have heard the voice
@xyelle Месяц назад
Total dude and i have my suspicions on who...
@xyelle Месяц назад
@Oooyessbro Месяц назад
This show is ass
@xyelle Месяц назад
🤔 its got a lot of plot holes I know.
@carlosandres7006 Месяц назад
At the end: Come on!!!!! Me: My thoughts exactly
@xyelle Месяц назад
Its like, you have to be kidding me. At this point I think I know wherr its going.🤔
@randyrodriguez2398 Месяц назад
Good you are taking it in a positive way, im enjoying the mistery format, hope at the end it gives good results, not everything has to be the same way to be good.. keep rocking and stay safe!
@xyelle Месяц назад
Hello there! I can agree with you. There is def something more to this tory. I will be patient and watch and wait. Stay awesome and thanks for watching!😊
@wileecoyote57flh22 Месяц назад
I think this coven is one of many witch clans from Dathomir but exiled / on the run...I'm going to take a guess that some dark force wants to know how the twins were created...the witches are known to be able to reanimate the dead but not to create life so something or someone wants that secret..! Something shady did happen here and was covered up by the 4 Jedi and we've only seen Osha's perspective so far. I also think whatever transpired here is the reason that the Jedi only take kids when they are very young... 🤔
@xyelle Месяц назад
Very good points sir. Indeed there are many unknowns in the galaxy. This mystery is keeping me in tune to see what happena next. Who is the mystery figure? Thanks for sharing and for watching.😉
@3rdNationInc Месяц назад
I think the power to possess someone, with barely a movement, is also a reason for the Jedi returning. I think that scared them to the point that a confrontation we have yet to see occurred ❤