Icons and Ideas
Icons and Ideas
Icons and Ideas
Here we discuss thought-provoking ideas and make connections to people you may not have predicted would have anything to do with the topic.

These people may range from political figures to hip hop artists to social media stars.

If this sounds interesting to you, please consider subscribing!


*We started this channel in hopes that we can use our video editing experience & love of personal development topics to spread knowledge in a simplistic video essay format for anyone who's interested :)

How to control YOUR World?
6 месяцев назад
A Zen Guide to Productivity
3 года назад
Big Sean's 7 Success Principles
3 года назад
Here’s What 6ix9ine Taught Us
3 года назад
@TheSouthParkVidsFTW 3 дня назад
lol why
@Diablo-ze1uu 6 дней назад
I never thought I'd ever comment on a RU-vid video however I felt I should comment since you started uploading again. I want to tell you how your content had changed the path of my life. I came across one of your videos when I was early 16 years old. At that point in my life I was going through many things. I fell into a deep depression/''realization phase'' and was trying to understand the entire point of life. I always felt there was much deeper meanings to life than simply ''hell and heaven''. I also wondered how few people reached unbelieve amounts of success and what I could learn from them. This was also the same time where I was incredibly disinterested with school and its mediocrity teachings and was considering dropping out. One school night around 2am I remember stumbling across one of your earlier videos and thought I'd give it a watch. From that night on I began watching all of your videos, studied every topic you talked about and guided me onto a much better idea of what I wanted to do, and what life actually had to offer. 2 weeks after watching your first video I dropped out of highschool. It was incredibly hard convincing my single mother on why however in the end she bought in. Looking back, I didn't really have a 100% plan. But I genuinely believed in the law of attraction and laws of the universe. Long story short to day. I'm 19 years of age, I mastered my skills, launched and operated my business from the ground up, employing 8 people (and growing) and hopefully have another store on the way. I have my own house, nice car and most of the physical rubbish I ever wanted for myself and my family. I know there are people my age far more successful than whatever I am, I am humble nonetheless. Of course this all came with incredible amounts of hard work, sleepless nights and emotional disasters but here we are today. Throughout the entire time I've given my credit to beliefs such as the Law of Attraction and Stoicism. It has always kept me rooted. It has genuinely changed my life. I write this because I'm sure you put hours into your content. And thanks to your content its changed my life. I hope this inspires anyone else who might be reading this. I stumbled across your channel as a lost 16 year old, and I come back a much wiser and far more successful 19 year old. I thank you for your work because it changed my life.
@IconsandIdeas 5 дней назад
Thanks a lot. I'm so glad you found your way. You have to know that to get something, you have to give something in return and in most cases it is time. RU-vid is a hobby for me, because I have never made money from it, but with the videos I make I try to help people get out of the place where they are and see life differently. Your message has made me very happy. Greetings.
@dylanmerrittt 6 дней назад
good video
@IconsandIdeas 6 дней назад
Thanks. If you leave me a like it would help me a lot. :D
@777BTC 6 дней назад
Stoicism+ laws of the universe>>>
@YouAreUnderMindControl 9 дней назад
All of them probly dont die for real but yall not ready for this ❤
@jaycee474 11 дней назад
I bet he didnt learn the laws of the universe
@CourageToTheTruth 13 дней назад
He is an old Soul, so smart and honest
thank you for making this explanation and the help man!
@michaelsuperstar606 17 дней назад
The truth is LOOSH!
@obinnaobilo4486 22 дня назад
@azaeladel 27 дней назад
Nah bro you're good, don't listen to these comments, you know what's best for this channel and at least I do like this new approach. Except you probably should've mentioned X more throughout the video since it's in the title 😂 all love peace and blessings
@user-ms4el4ne6r 27 дней назад
He’s old soul that had purpose, he’s gifted and he got fallowed by demons. He’s not a troubled soul stop labelling that he’s not. Trouble won’t know what they saying. Trouble soul is the people who watch him, that’s the point you knew him, not everyone knows what he knows. Is not only 7 natural laws, there are many
@leanstrong755 28 дней назад
so grateful that i came across this channel
@JesusDiedforU2 29 дней назад
You better stop following these people
@Kairoskhan11 Месяц назад
a real 33 lp
@zedrockiby Месяц назад
The real secret to creativity: not listening to videos that tell you there's a formula to creativity
@ciaraskeleton Месяц назад
I remember him saying that it's not about using it to become a rapper or copy others, it's about mastering these laws so you can flourish in YOUR area, whatever that is. We aren't all meant to be famous, but that does not mean that we can't self actualise/realise in our own lives, whatever we do. You can harness power and channel it into art, teaching, nursing, being a youth worker, volunteering, writing, whatever it is that you're called to in your own life. Doesn't always mean money and fame. I think that's important to note. The law of relativity enters you into gratitude which equals abundance. Only if you're able to actually whole heartedly feel and believe that you are blessed. This isn't magic, it is simply how the universe works. Parts of this are mentioned in so many religions or beliefs systems in one way or another, because over thousands of years, people have lived and learned and written it down. Even within therapy and mental health treatment, so many of these perspectives or truths are used. Which is borrowed from spirituality (specifically Hinduism+Buddhism). It's not about practising these laws and believing you're magic and all powerful, that leads to destruction of the self and others. It's about accepting that you are the universe in human form, so operate as the universe does and you are aligned.
@itsBloveswrld Месяц назад
I need a sign, someone give me one
@YangaLytBear47 Месяц назад
Wtf??!! I just got a toyota camry
@natessa7365 Месяц назад
Truly a masterpiece
@Abdurrahman1353 Месяц назад
Brother I was wondering to ask this when visualising should your eyes be open or closed
@michaelmerriam9735 Месяц назад
Cause he literally SOLD OUT to the god of this world!
@robvanderwell5695 Месяц назад
So, in short, this AI created post is a call for the marxist New World Order. Satan has taken over RU-vid..
@nickcrawford2 Месяц назад
idk who might read this talk to God or Jesus its not your job to control the universe manifestation is self centered prayer is christ centered i was a fan of x too might play a song or 2 now but that stuff he did was not of God if you want to believe that or not
@LoveAlex1999 Месяц назад
On YAH. LLJ 🕊️
@galyxxii Месяц назад
Bros voice is so soothing
@hamnon7905 Месяц назад
Promo SM 😉
@crashb6355 Месяц назад
bros back!
@SinnerNus-Topic Месяц назад
ill make my momma proud one day!
@User-pm5tp Месяц назад
This Video is beautiful
@titotheminiwolf6780 Месяц назад
Thank you for this. I have the pdf but hearing helps implant it deeper into my subconscious. I will post in 6 months my update of where I am compared to today. Much love
@nicolarobak2073 Месяц назад
thank you
@felinefokus Месяц назад
When you mentioned the Master Key System book I immediately thought of the book, "Three Magic Words" by U.S. Anderson. Originally published by Thomas Nelson under the title, "The Key to power and personal peace". Although I've heard this before this video was still helpful. There's something about hearing things said in a different way that finally turns on the light switch in your mind. *#WeAreThoughtEvolvedBeings*
@bluebandit4708 Месяц назад
What amazes me all these videos on laws the attraction are not doing very well themselves In order for people to watch your content, it needs to be more exciting. Your visuals are very lacking just some constructive criticism. Don’t take personally, one has to persevere. Take a page from the RU-vid videos that have millions of subscribers
@facegotheat5837 Месяц назад
Would you recommend using these laws everyday and the master key ?
@27-9-81 Месяц назад
I was here last year at the same time. Listen to this video., I’m proud of you, brother. This video has changed my life. This year I start $100,000 business ! Thank you again !❤❤❤❤❤❤
@jamesadamgleason9471 6 дней назад
My man read one classic self help book and felt the urge to shove it down ppls throat as a means of redemption for some questionable life decisions beforehand.
@penmanshipeb Месяц назад
Just listened to this vid . . . It's humanism. ‭Revelation 12:9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, Who Deceives The Whole World; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Don't be deceived. That stuff sounds good, innocent, and befitting, "positive," but it's Humanism. Humanism sort of got it's beginning with Nimrod (really Cain) but more really during the Renaissance. Humanism goes into Astrology. That Master Key system specifically is magic. Magic is the undertone of it all but mentally focusing hard to make your mental become the physical in essence is what is magic . Magic teaches mental will. . . All that stuff is humanism -- doctrines of devil. The objective of these devils is to omit God. The same aim of the serpent when he got Adam and Eve to eat off the tree: "Nevermind what God is talking about . . . Be your own god . . . Become a god . . . I got you." Humanism has nothing to do with God although it appears not hostile towards him. That's why Astrology is so evil or wicked. It belittles God. Its basis is a lie: "Pantheism depersonalizes God to a universal life force, to an impersonal energy. The universal life force is pure energy and believed to be the father of creation, allegoried as God, Bhudda, the Force, Yahweh, and others; it is the singularity and the unicity point that sparked the Big Bang . . . Pantheism is not compatible with monotheistic religions." "Astrology is pantheism for the public consumption of the lesser mysteries, leading people to the stars and false gods associated with those stars. It is idolatry designed to coax people into placing their faith in the stars (gods), instead of placing their faith in God. It is the denial of the power of the true God and the recognition of the false power of Satan and his fallen angels."
@heathstreet827 2 месяца назад
This content is so true, amazes me how it hasn't blown up. I first learn't about this through Andrew Tate, he woke my mind up to what is actually happening. Your only enslaved if you can't control your mind. "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today"
@agostinhojosealexandre5594 2 месяца назад
Thank you.
@SongOfLife_ 2 месяца назад
Previous videos were goated because of calm shiloh music oand your authentic voice Now you using Ai and the video is boring as hell ....
@IconsandIdeas 2 месяца назад
I had a voice over that no longer works with me. I do my best to create quality videos and the data tells me that people like this. I have grown 50% compared to last month. People watch my videos more minutes than before. I will try to improve, but right now I don't have money for a professional voice over. Still, thanks for your constructive criticism. Greetings @SongOfLife_
@NAWW._2 2 месяца назад
add Spanish translations please
@r.davidsen 2 месяца назад
When the word "troubled soul" equates to: stabbing, assault with a deadly weapon, home invasion, robbery and generally beating up pregnant women. Ya'll some delusional people for idolizing this guy.
@diegoalexis4209 2 месяца назад
Name one person in life who didn’t make mistakes. Go on
@Rich116 2 месяца назад
listen to those who got killed.....thats how fucked up the world is
@kngtanner6471 2 месяца назад
Yeah okay bud
@kngtanner6471 2 месяца назад
Learn ur 12 laws of the universe
@facegotheat5837 Месяц назад
People have followed the ideologies of people who were killed for generations
@IconsandIdeas 2 месяца назад
I want to thank everyone who is here watching my videos and liking them. If you don't have the bell activated, activate it, because this way you won't miss the next video. Greetings to all and don't forget that I respond to all messages, so don't hesitate to leave a comment. Greetings to all. From now on we are going full speed 🏎💨.
@daydrip 2 месяца назад
man i cant lie. this sht would be an amazing game mechanic... wait...
@phillipesmith5401 2 месяца назад
...... that's not luck luck is person c tripping into the space and acquiring the achievement 😅