tony leung talks to his belongings
16 лет назад
canned pineapple "Chungking Express"
16 лет назад
ending of "days of being wild"
16 лет назад
a scene in "days of being wild"
16 лет назад
a scene in "days of being wild"
16 лет назад
Kissing scene in "As Tears Go By"
16 лет назад
The ending of "Red"
16 лет назад
@davidmecoli3979 12 дней назад
One of the most emotionally devasting endings of all time. The couple still have so much to say but it’s too late , too late now. Guy understand that although it breaks his heart. The second he simply shakes his head saying no contains a lifetime of answers Genevieve will never forget,
@zitherprecious6043 20 дней назад
The theme song was just so gripping back then, 40 years ago. Now my only comment is: what’s wrong with these two adults to have gone inside for warmth but left a little girl all by herself in the car!!!
@candychen5108 22 дня назад
@rejeanmassie8764 29 дней назад
She didn't even pay the gas...lol
@kaztsuru2203 Месяц назад
I am Japanese, but no matter where I was born or raised, regardless of race or religion, the true essence of Michelgrand is his ability to bring tears to the eyes of his listeners with his music alone, regardless of the story.
@zarahycy Месяц назад
The improvisation omg🤌
@BoyzInTheHoo Месяц назад
The most beautiful Love movie of all time. Takes me back to a time i never lived in. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful 😢😊
@user-ky6vw5up9m Месяц назад
Lovely Christmas Tree - Yes my wife decorated it.
@user-ky6vw5up9m Месяц назад
A great film for improving one’s intermediate French because the sung dialogue is drawn out and clear with the powerful acting and context all helping
@arnoarno2908 Месяц назад
Quand on connait le film la fin est démentielle !!!
@jacksonpauls3495 2 месяца назад
The poor doggie 😭
@bowtoyoursensei554 2 месяца назад
I remember seeing this film as a little girl in the mid-60s. Even then I was overwhelmed with its emotional power. The wonderful 2016 film LaLa Land was greatly influenced by this film. From story themes to the employment of intensely-saturated color palettes to tell the story.
@robgabriel8900 2 месяца назад
there should have been a movie about the barman of the ferry
@natashapope3785 2 месяца назад
Parus paris. I LOVE YOU.
@natashapope3785 2 месяца назад
Plastic surgeons , I remember, Paris.❤ Not for me.
@fumi4443 3 месяца назад
いまではジュヌヴィエーブの辛さがよくわかります。 そうするしかなかったんですよね
@gattopardo710 3 месяца назад
probably one of the most emotionally crushing film endings
@robertoalsina3949 3 месяца назад
No vi la película, pero escucho el tema principal cuando él le dice que se van a separar y...es desgarrador se me hace un nudo en la garganta... Ahora bien, no creo que nadie haya traicionado a nadie. Es la vida..pasa.. así de simple y así de doloroso..por eso no hay prometer nada .. Las palabras: Nunca y Siempre...son muy fuertes y comprometedoras. Dos años en una época en donde las posibilidades de comunicación permanente eran nulas o por cartas que tardaban semanas en llegar o teléfono a larga distancia.. Era muy dificil mantener el fuego de la pasión. Si aún hoy con internet, con una pantalla, comunicación instantánea al otro lado del mundo, no todas las parejas duran... ¿Que se podía esperar en esa época con menos recursos??? Al contrario..si el final fuese con un reencuentro, con bombos y platillos... En donde ambos se hubiesen esperado y vivieron felices para siempre...hubiese sido una película más del montón. Por el contrario, tiene un final real, y por eso duele tanto... Porque la vida es así.Promesas hijas del corazón, de la pasión, la emoción.. del Amor... totalmente irracional, el Amor es asi..ciego, incoherente y muchas veces esas promesas lastiman... 👍🙋🏾‍♂️🇦🇷
@maryvonneseveno Месяц назад
@gladysramosgalarreta6701 17 дней назад
@bennysalomon1962 4 месяца назад
I love this movie
@christiancolliard625 4 месяца назад
Les parapluies de Cherbourg ont fait la célébrité de Catherine Deneuve et c'était franchement bien mérité ! Bravo 😘
@ianisguerin4075 4 месяца назад
Le résultat né de la cause de la cause. Madame Bülent çorak. Fascicule 1. le Livre du Savoir.
@pablojuega3312 4 месяца назад
Y Nino 😢😢😢😢 q.e.p.d .
@pablojuega3312 4 месяца назад
Este final, el de " Splendour....." y " an homne et an femme" 😢😢😢😢
@pablojuega3312 4 месяца назад
Contiene toda la belleza y la melancolia de la vida....sublime
@pablojuega3312 4 месяца назад
La actuacion es sobervia ...ambos 😢😢😢
@pablojuega3312 4 месяца назад
Tremenda, bellisima....duro y hermoso ese mundo, este es horrible, una broma dd mal gusto 😢😢😢❤
@claudiam2474 4 месяца назад
What happened to the kid? She obvi not im the car at 5.40 😅
@IoannisD-j5g 5 месяцев назад
This is the whole point and one should be a bit familiar with French society to grasp all this. Genevieve knew very well that Guy was not dead when she married Roland. In fact, she has a desperate conversation with her mummy in which she states that she is "knocked up" and she would be an idiot if, despite this, Roland accepts to marry her and she refuses. Given their financial situation and the abortion issue in France back then, the societal norms for unmarried mothers and her lost hopes of an ever estranging Guy, who rarely wrote her anymore (probably due to him fighting in the front, but you know how young lovers can perceive this as ignorance) she decides to get married to Cassard and leave the town for good. She knew that this constituted and act of deception against her big love, but it is society, despair, and her mummy who pushed her towards that decision. It is not a decision she made easily but she had sadly no other choice. She did not know if Guy would ever come back and being unmarried, destitute and pregnant with his child was crucial to her decisions in life. Also, we might remember the wedding scene, it reminds rather of a funeral (also masterfully reflected in the actual funeral scene of tante Elise). Guy knew she was pregnant judging from his letters and he knows very well that the kid in the car is his daughter. However much heartbreaking it is that he does not want to meet the child, we can understand this. He has another family already which he needs to protect - if he did meet Françoise, he would start getting attached to her and would probably try to meet her again. Of course, for that to happen, he would probably have to meet her mother, Genevieve, again. Guy is trying to avoid that though, he can barely look at her in the eyes while they have this insignificant small talk; let alone meeting her again someday. He never forgot but wants to forget and all this is pouring already salt into his wounds. The tragic irony here is that at some point in the film, Genevieve sings "Why is absence so cruel to bear? Why is he becoming estranged from me?". And in the end, it was actually she who abandoned him, as Guy, the very moment he comes back to town from the war, he tries to find her in her shop. It is all in all a genius and moving story of two star-crossed lovers, that life itself was too cruel on both of them.
@drrodz4968 5 месяцев назад
He sure move on..
@MinkaSchlossberger4ever 5 месяцев назад
Sometimes love is not enough...allthough we wish it to be
@katerinacha4330 5 месяцев назад
Magic music and very sad ending .......
@gladysramosgalarreta6701 17 дней назад
@lepetitchat123 5 месяцев назад
2:06 start of the finale
@elkefaber8873 6 месяцев назад
Die Frisur ist etwas übertrieben.
@ipaserbez3597 6 месяцев назад
@chaseroberts3111 6 месяцев назад
So, you leave the most beautiful girl in the world to fight in a colonial war, your village called they want their idiot back
@ipaserbez3597 6 месяцев назад
@domagojgreguric6957 6 месяцев назад
No wonder Damien Chazelle went with that heartbreaking, realistic, gut-punching ending in La La Land - this is his favourite movie. You can see it clearly.
@rosefleur2007 6 месяцев назад
Je poste une analyse que j’avais déjà faite sur un autre site qui n’existe plus. Une fracture de classe sociale récurrente et irréconciliable entre Guy et Geneviève Dans la scène finale, tout oppose Geneviève et Guy. Il est resté simple et fidèle à ce qu’il était : même tenue vestimentaire sobre (tenue de pompiste), même métier : il est toujours garagiste mais chef d’entreprise de sa propre station-service conformément à son projet de vie depuis le début. C’est une promotion sociale certes mais il ne renie pas sa condition ouvrière. D’ailleurs, au début de la première séquence, trônait dans sa chambre une station-service Esso miniature toute blanche en guise de jouet. La station-service qu’il a acquise ici est la même que ce jouet et illustre la réussite de son projet, projet qui devait aboutir avec Geneviève au début de leur passion amoureuse. Cela la faisait d’ailleurs rire lorsqu’elle lui manifestait son amour avec un « tu sentiras l’essence toute la journée, Quel bonheur ! ». Geneviève, quant à elle, ne ressemble plus du tout à la jeune fille innocente du début du film. Elle a tout renié. : elle appartenait certes à la petite bourgeoisie provinciale mais une bourgeoisie « fauchée » puisque sa mère commerçante croulait sous les dettes. Son mariage avec Roland Cassard a tout arrangé et évité le déshonneur à sa famille puisqu’elle était enceinte de Guy sans être mariée. Elle apparaît, dans le final, comme une femme très BCBG ; elle incarne, à la perfection, l’intouchable bourgeoise : coiffure très sophistiquée (chignon choucroute), manteau de fourrure (vison ?), voiture grosse cylindrée…. Pour aller plus loin, on peut même imaginer qu’elle porte un parfum de luxe et qui ne dégage certainement pas une odeur d’essence. On peut, cependant, noter que Geneviève et Guy ont tout de même voulu garder une trace de leur passion amoureuse puisqu’ils ont tous les deux donné le même prénom à leur enfant respectif : Françoise et François, preuve qu’ils n’ont rien oublié : « Nous aurons des enfants, j’appellerai ma fille Françoise ». Au début de la scène, on observe la posture de Guy : il reste silencieux, son regard est grave, il tourne la tête pour allumer sa cigarette et observe Geneviève. Un gouffre social les sépare. Leur amour n’a pas résisté aux normes : c’est l’irréconciliable différence des classes sociales, c’est l’échec du bonheur face aux contraintes sociales. On relève aussi que Mme Emery, mère de Geneviève, décédée à l’automne, survit dans les choix effectués par sa fille. Elle reste omniprésente. I am posting an analysis that I had already done on another site that no longer exists. A recurring and irreconcilable social class divide between Guy and Geneviève In the final scene, everything is opposed to Geneviève and Guy. He remained simple and faithful to what he was : same sober clothing (pump attendant outfit), same job : he is still a mechanic but business manager of his own service station in accordance with his life project from the start. It is certainly a social advancement but he does not deny his working condition. Moreover, at the start of the first sequence, a miniature, all-white Esso service station sat in his room as a toy. The gas station he acquired here is the same as this toy and illustrates the success of his project, a project which was to culminate with Geneviève at the start of their romantic passion. It also made her laugh when she showed him her love with « you will smell the gasoline all day long, what a joy! ». Geneviève, for her part, no longer looks like the innocent young girl at the beginning of the film. She denied everything. : she certainly belonged to the provincial petty bourgeoisie but a « broke » bourgeoisie since her merchant mother was drowning in debt. Her marriage to Roland Cassard arranged everything and avoided dishonor to her family since she was pregnant with Guy without being married. She appears, in the finale, as a very preppy woman; she embodies, to perfection, the untouchable bourgeoisie: very sophisticated hairstyle (sauerkraut bun), fur coat (mink ?), large engine car…. To go further, we can even imagine that she is wearing a luxury perfume that certainly does not smell of gasoline. We can, however, note that Geneviève and Guy still wanted to keep a trace of their romantic passion since they both gave the same first name to their respective children : Françoise and François, proof that they have nothing forgotten : « We will have children, I will call my daughter Françoise ». At the beginning of the scene, we observe Guy's posture : he remains silent, his expression is serious, he turns his head to light his cigarette and observes Geneviève. A social gulf separates them. Their love did not resist the norms : it is the irreconcilable difference of social classes, it is the failure of happiness in the face of social constraints. We also note that Mrs. Emery, mother of Geneviève, who died in the fall, survives in the choices made by her daughter. She remains omnipresent.
@neolithic92 6 месяцев назад
A chaque fois c'est la même émotion, même maintenant à 70 ans
@mariamehes1436 7 месяцев назад
A régi idők egyik leg kedvesebb zenés filmje.❤❤
@OnTheOnlyShipButHalfWannaSink 7 месяцев назад
After all this time, Genevieve still doesn’t know whether she wants super or ordinaire. She sadly lets someone give her super.
@MariaNunez-gj2lq 7 месяцев назад
Esta película me trae recuerdos de mi primer enamorado quien me dejo malísimos recuerdos! Como este drama!
@Αικατερίνη-υ6β 7 месяцев назад
Un vraiment très beau film
@EndoftheTownProductions 7 месяцев назад
@Nastya-k9r8f 8 месяцев назад
Elle est tres bien... Il est tres bien ...why we re crying???😢(
@davegibbs6423 8 месяцев назад
Catherine Deneuve got all of the attention, but it was actually Ellen Farner's character who was the heroine.
@eviyunachang3985 8 месяцев назад
So Raw $ full of emotion 😭😶
@manuelcastro92 Год назад
One of my favorite scenes ever! Love it.
@flaviacardenasminaya2187 Год назад
Una de los mejores roles de Leslie cheung
@Sean-rawlins Год назад