I am your friendly neighborhood RageArmor. I do Let's Plays in my free time. Occasionally i will upload various other videos, mostly based around glitches, exploits, or how to obtain specific outcomes in certain games.

Cheers Mates

Let's Play Dark Souls Part 83: Poor Puppy
8 часов назад
@PrasannaKumar-ry2dl День назад
@almeidachannel7121 5 дней назад
Nice Video ! Sub & Like ! And Love Castlevania Games !
@RageArmor 4 дня назад
I do enjoy the occasional castlevania myself.
@jakemorgendorffer7310 5 дней назад
Every playthough I dread fight the Bed of Chaos
@RageArmor 4 дня назад
Yeah it was certainly one a fight in the game. Not a particularly good one but still.
@stephenhowe4107 6 дней назад
I am reasonably certain that an Icon of the Defender won't defend you against a spike: you will die
@stephenhowe4107 10 дней назад
Korax in the finale, teleports between 5 points in same order each time: his throne, right of his throne, left of his throne, front left in first room, front right in first room and then he repeats. I like to leave 1 ettin alive so I can use a disk of repulsion through the door where the centaurs are. They start infighting one another, so they are weaker when they appear. Also ettins and centaurs can be pushed against the dirt spots by disks. If you do so, they die. I dont usually WAIT until ettins and centaurs advance. Instead I fight straight away. I have beaten Korax and all other monsters with wand only.
@RageArmor 10 дней назад
Hey appreciate your commenting so much pretty obvious you were doing it as you watched my videos. Which of-course nice to know that at-least someone watches them all the way through.
@stephenhowe4107 9 дней назад
@@RageArmor : Your welcome. A bit about me: I live London, UK. I am 62. I do C++ programming for a living. I am autistic (Aspergers Syndrome) and Alexithymic (Alexithymia) I have played most of ID Software and Raven Games: Heretic (all 48 levels on hardest difficulty) Hexen (all 3 classes to the maximum) Death Kings of the Dark Citadel (all 3 classes to the maximum) Hexen 2 (yet to play) Portal of Praveus (yet to play) Heretic 2 (yet to play) Mageslayer (yet to play) Commander Keen ( all 7 versions) Wolfenstein (all levels, hardest difficulty) Ultimate Doom (on Ultraviolence, all levels) Doom2 (on Ultraviolence, all levels) Doom Master Levels Final Doom (on Ultraviolence, all levels) numerous Doom Megawads (Momento Mori 1 & 2, Requiem, Eternal Doom, Alien Vendetta) Quake 1 (on Nightmare) Quake 1 Scourge of Armagon, Dissolution of Eternity)(on Nightmare) Quake 2 (on Nightmare) Quake 2 add on packs (yet to play) Quake 3 (yet to play) Rage (yet to play) Doom 3 (yet to play) Doom 4 (yet to play) There are other games like Alice and Unreal that i have yet to play. I have played Myst.
@stephenhowe4107 10 дней назад
The Death Kings of the Dark Citadel is worth playing. There are 2 music tracks not used in original Hexen and one of them figures in DKofDC (Market Place) DKofDC is buggy in places. The monster refresh is very fierce including Wendigo's. There is a map (called IceHold) which has nothing but Wendigos. Slaughterer's are everywhere. There are many extra goods that can only be got with Wings of Wrath at the end. 3 Hubs. Iti definitetly more intense than the original Hexen. All the puzzle items and keys figure. You get your 2nd weapon right at the start. And if you tackle Hub 1 carefully, you can get your 3rd weapon and assemble your 4th weapon before Hub 1 is finished. The order in which you tackle the levels depends on which class you are. You might want to be the cleric as WraithVerge makes fighting easier. Mage is a good choice. Fighter is harder but enjoyable. There are 2 maps which have the Heresiarch
@RageArmor 10 дней назад
Oh i've played it, and will certainly get around to playing it for the channel eventually.
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
Menelkir's tomb has some manna but not much
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
Fighting Traductus: Why do you think there are so many Disks of Repulsion about his tomb? And if you use Bloodscourge, dont FIRE - PAUSE - FIRE - PAUSE -FIRE but FIRE-FIRE-FIRE
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
I would not swear to it, but on the easiest difficulty, the Bosses use their 3rd weapon not their Super Weapon. Perhaps with Hexen 1.0? I am certain I have seen this but it is a long time ago
@RageArmor 11 дней назад
Interesting. I would test it out, but I just don't get joy out of playing on the easiest difficulty.
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
Traductus Tomb: When you walk down the start of the corridor, you come across the first pair of stained glass windows to the left and right. There is a secret but IT IS NOT the stained glass . It is the wall to the left of the right stained glass window. It opens up and there is dark bishops and some goody within.
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
On Traductus's Tomb: This place is devoid of manna, so you need to be on maximum when you go in. And you want go sparingly on secondary monsters, saving the fight for Traductus himself. Mage is best here. Disk of Repulsion used correctly can defeat Traductus's ghosts by bouncing them back at him
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
With Zedek: Why not when his pyramid is rising and him last, position yourself behind him? You can then get in first shot
@RageArmor 11 дней назад
Because I am stubborn, and will bash my head against a brick wall until that brick wall comes down. lol.
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
I think at the start of Castle of Grief, some monsters are like statues. Attacking them makes no difference. What makes them non-statues is crossing the water-land divide (or crossing the flattened stairs). Then they burst into life and can be attacked.
@RageArmor 11 дней назад
makes sense.
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
Last visit to Wolf Chapel: There is that room with 3 short circular pillars and sa disk of repulsion bobbing above each one, and dark bishops inside. If you had 22 or less disks of repulsion on you ard picked up the 3 disks in this room, on picking up the 3rd, more dark bishops would teleport within
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
Cant remember if I covered this: Once you kill the Heresiarch, the Axe Door will open for 6 seconds. So you have time to grab the wings of wrath, exit out of the room (move fast) and go check out other parts of the hub if you want flying around before finally exiting. It is not a bad idea as you might want to restock up on health, quartz flasks, manna before moving onto Necropolis
@RageArmor 11 дней назад
Did not know that, but usually for the second Heresiarch fight I already grabbed everything i care about anyway.
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
Effluvium : In that 4 sinks of bronze rooms (with portal to Castle Grief, Falcon Shield, corridor to room with portal to Forsaken Outpost and empty sink (but has Serpent Staff if palying as cleric)), you come initially down a staircase. That staircase on the right has a ring set in the wall. Activating that reveals a brown serpent and a Krater of Might.
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
Dungeons Level : Apparently there are exactly 34 sitting corpses in Dungeons. If you destroy every one of them (break them apart) then a dark servant will spawn right between the staircase arriving from Gibbet and the Laval pool
@RageArmor 11 дней назад
Quite interesting. I'll have to test it out when I do a Ps1 run of this.
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
In DeathWind Chapel, there is a point where you save the game as you are about to jump to the pillar where the platinum helmet is. If instead you rotate left, so you are facing the wall and jump forward, the wall is an illusion with an alcove with many quartz flasks. You can jump back and get the platinum helmet
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
Also in the exit area to next hub at 23:53, that white rimmed wall is a hidden door leading southwards to the outside
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
You missed a major part of Heresiarch's Seminary You know as you go into the Seminary from the start, there is that room with all the Chaos Serpents and a pool on the east? If you glance at the pool, there is a Icon of the Defender. You never got that. Moreover there is a massive square room with lots of pots and the 3rd part of every super weapon for all classes - you did not find that. The key to it is the portal to Orchard of Lamentations in Heresiarch's Seminary - directly opposite the portal are two destructible trees. Destroy those and behind is a half moon switch, If you press that, the 4 dragon head walls further up the corridor to Orchard portal start rotating. 2 of them lead to the projections where chaos serpents fired on you above portal to Orchard of Lamentations The 3rd leads to the big square room with pots with the 3rd piece of the super weapon and a exit opens to the start area The 4th leads to a lower corridor around the square room with pool and Icon of Defender and many Chaos Serpents. Pressing on any "2 Griffins holding a purple gem" lower lifts up to the room. Eventually after you have fought all monsters, doors lower and open to the main part of Heresiarch's Seminary
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
The axe key room in Gibbet: There is that structure that has 4 posts with flechettes. If you try and grab the flechette the upper part of the post will try to crush you. You tried that. Well the grey structure in the middle of the posts: One of the 4 walls opens. The wall further from the river. You either shoot it or press space. And inside are some goodies, I think, with some afrits
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
Fun little fact on Gibbet and Necropolis: Gibbet has the axe key room. And a window showing outside with a stream. And every now and then, lightning flashes outside. If you save the game while the lighting has flashed and then restore it => outside will be permanently lit up. The same is true for the level Necropolis.
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
That 4th clock gear: You can escape being damaged by the fire trap by using a Disk of Repulsion. It pushes the fireballs outwards, away from you
@stephenhowe4107 11 дней назад
As said, Sacred Grove does not open until all 6 key switches are pulled...
@stephenhowe4107 12 дней назад
8:14 : You are looking at a half-moon switch that is not pressed. You did not notice
@RageArmor 11 дней назад
No I saw it, just didn't want to go in there yet.
@stephenhowe4107 12 дней назад
You keep running past the the parts that would make a difference in Castle of Grief. You saw a half moon switch on the outside wall that you pressed => so why not check the entire outside wall see if there are any unpressed half moon switches (there will be)? You entered the central circular structure in Castle of Grief. It has a raised structure to one side, inside. So why not check it carefully? Instead you zoomed out of the window, not paying it any attention.
@RageArmor 11 дней назад
I mean, i'll admit. Eventhough this is my favorite game ever made most days. I don't know everything about it.
@Phuong.Nguyen- 12 дней назад
Good image ❤😊
@RageArmor 11 дней назад
Thank ya kindly. This is quite a hauntingly beautiful game.
@stephenhowe4107 12 дней назад
Maki8ng through the moving wall puzzle in Griffin: 1) You are wise to save outside. Dont ever save inside because the walls are moved using action scripts. If you restore while the action scripts are running => you can get crushed. 2) Running as fast as you can down the long straight hall before being crushed by the ceiling is wrong. Instead, in the 4 corners of the start of the moving puzzle section, there are 4 "2 griffins holding a purple gem" walls. If you open these, there is a lantern switch in each one. You are safe in each room (but don't save). When you have pressed all 4 lantern switches, you can safely WALK down the long straight hall and you won't be crushed by the ceiling.
@stephenhowe4107 12 дней назад
You dont have to strike the watery wall in Dragon chapel, then run fast to descend, Instead just strike the green wall with your wand while in front. It will descend then
@stephenhowe4107 12 дней назад
On getting the blue Gem in the Silent Refectory: if you observe the dining room, one wall has the 2 griffin holding a purple gem texture. If you push against that, the wall goes backwards and a banishment device is revealed. Generally, anywhere there is a "2 griffin holding a purple gem texture" in Hub 3- some secret or action can be done on the wall.
@stephenhowe4107 12 дней назад
The Hypostyle puzzle in the South: You jumped into the water, then pressed the half moon switch. If you press the half moon switch FIRST then look in the water area, it will have the symbol that needs pressing at the far end, SECOND
@stephenhowe4107 12 дней назад
The door to the portal to Sacred Grove only opens when all 6 puzzle switches are pulled on Darkmere, Wastelands and Caves of Circe
@stephenhowe4107 12 дней назад
Entrance to DarkMere: You can sharply pull the central switch to start the bronze pillars to rise and if you are really quick jump on the 3rd pillar before it has ascended too much and get a rid up. No poison darts. Or Pull the switch that raises the bars to exit back to rest of ShadowWood FIRST, then central switch. Now run back out, up the staircase at the start of the area and jump onto 1st, 2nd and 3rd pillar whille they are still rising. Again you avoid the poison darts.
@stephenhowe4107 13 дней назад
In Sacred Grove, hidden at the West, North & East corners are 3 Mystic Urns through the vine leaf walls
@RageArmor 12 дней назад
always nice to learn new things about an old game you love.
@stephenhowe4107 13 дней назад
When entering that grey cave, just go in and immediately back out. Wait until the cave stops changing. Now there is a half moon switch on the left, not far from the entrance. Find that and press that and wait. The half moon switch faces the entrance, so you have round corners and peer back towards the entrance to see it. It shows up on the automap. What that will do is change the cave so all that death abysses disappear. The cave floor becomes normal again with some depressions but they are very shallow. You can now wonder round and collect what you like. No jumps necessary. There is also a mystic urn in the middle
@RageArmor 12 дней назад
@stephenhowe4107 13 дней назад
Icon of the Defender for all clases makes them immune to damage, That is true for fighter, cleric & mage. That is the primary effect. For cleric, the secondary effect is they phase between partial and total invisibility For mage, the secondary effect is all incoming missiles are deflected back, like a disk of repulsion For fighter, there is no secondary effect
@RageArmor 12 дней назад
I didn't mention the invisibility cus it was pretty useless. At-least to me anyway.
@stephenhowe4107 13 дней назад
You pulled a switch at the top of left stairs on Guardian of Ice, But you did not pull the switch on top of RIGHT stairs. You need to pull both. If you had, that pillar would have opened and potential goody would have appeared behind the pillar.
@stephenhowe4107 13 дней назад
Also before going to the portal to Seven Portals, have a look at the bars separating you from the silver key - they are now gone
@RageArmor 13 дней назад
I think i remember something about that.
@stephenhowe4107 14 дней назад
Where you pickup the emerald key: In death Match, a gold dragon door opens behind which is a teleporter. This teleports you to that gap you pointed out at the end of Winnowing Hall
@RageArmor 14 дней назад
hu, learn something new every day. Thank you.
@stephenhowe4107 14 дней назад
The Flechette for the mage does have uses. It can beat the Heresiarch even if he is invulnerable. You can walk up to him, lay 5 flechettes on him, rapidly retreat, and 1 second later they go off doing massive damage. I have seen also players use the mage flechettes to take out centaurs and slaughterers
@RageArmor 14 дней назад
I just hate how jank it feels when trying to actually hit something.
@stephenhowe4107 13 дней назад
@@RageArmor The really useless flechette is the fighters. It does not damage the Heresiarch in invulnerable mode. The clerics flechette is great and damages the Heresiarch in invulnerable mode. I have found some use for the fighters flechette for fighting Wendigo's in Seven Portals. There is some evidence that Timon's axe does damage to the Heresiarch in invulnerable mode. But I would like to see the source code to confirm that. I have decompiled ACS scripts that control Hexen & Death Kings of the Dark Citadel. Different players seem to love/hate flechettes, disk of repulsion, chaos devices, banishment devices, boots of speed - but I have found use for all of them. Dark Servants are of use but you have to make sure that in harming the enemy, they don't damage you. Everyone loves porkalators, kraters of might, icons of the defender. Dragon Bracers add to your armour class. When fighting the heresiarch, if he is invulnerable, just go away and hide from him and come back. Repeat until vulnerable. All classes have at least 1 weapon that does you no damage if you attack the Heresiarch while he is invulnerable: Gauntlets, Timons Axe, Mace of Contrition, Firestorm, Wand, Arc of Death All classes have at least 1 weapon that sets destructible trees alight: Hammer of Retribution, Firestorm, Bloodscourge, Flechette for Mage
@stephenhowe4107 14 дней назад
In Vivarium, if you fire at the yellow wall with your wand, the wall lowers, which makes exiting easy
@RageArmor 14 дней назад
Good to know.
@stephenhowe4107 14 дней назад
You do realise that when purple swirly things orbit his chest the Heresiarch is invulnerable? Only when there is none, he can be hit. There are 2 exceptions to this: The clerics flechette and mage's flechette. These can damage the Heresiarch even if he is invulnerable.
@RageArmor 14 дней назад
I stan playing games wrong, and refusing to learn lol.
@stephenhowe4107 14 дней назад
The room glitches out if you kill chaos serpents too fast. You must kill exactly 1. This is because an ActionScript and it starts the next part of the script if the number of serpents is 3. It should have been Less than or equal to 3. It is a bug. So kill 1 chaos serpent and wait for side room to open (and dark bishops). Once they do => now kill the rest of the chaos serpents
@RageArmor 14 дней назад
Make sense, thanks for the tip.
@xaralambosmavrofridis4961 18 дней назад
if you don't want the tip on where to go don't read this,however it is a small thing,preety sure if you have killed ornstein and smough and gotten the lordvesel from the mellon lady you have to speak to the turtle-snake guy in firelink shrine.hope this helps if youre stuck(and also I haven't watched your videos so I don't know if you already did this)
@RageArmor 18 дней назад
I record this stuff a good year in advance so tips like this don't make a difference to the playtrough. That being said, for this instance, I found it by accidentally falling into the pit that the turtle-snake dude was in.
@danielledewitt1 21 день назад
Gladys prounounced gladiss.
@RageArmor 21 день назад
WRONG! It's pronounced Fabulous!
@danielledewitt1 21 день назад
@@RageArmor Well my aunty Gladys certainly was fabulous.
@RageArmor 21 день назад
@@danielledewitt1 I bet she was : )
@danielledewitt1 20 дней назад
@@RageArmor She was.
@jakemorgendorffer7310 23 дня назад
This has been very refreshing to watch. Genuinely feels like going back in time.
@RageArmor 23 дня назад
Thank you very much, this is why I like blind runs. Yeah I do tend to meander a bit. But there is nothing quite like the first playthrough, and on games (such as dark souls) that I really want to play I do what I can to come into the playthrough completely sight unseen.
@nersy5392 Месяц назад
Great video 🤗
@RageArmor Месяц назад
Thank you kindly!
@nersy5392 Месяц назад
Keep going mate 😊
@RageArmor Месяц назад
I certainly did.
@jakemorgendorffer7310 Месяц назад
Hey man, if your crystal weapons are near breaking, you can upgrade them and that will repair it. Only upgrade them once they're almost broken though so you can get the most out of them.
@RageArmor Месяц назад
Yeah figured that out later after I finished the project.
@neerav10 Месяц назад
There's a bonfire at the lowest level of the moving staircase
@RageArmor Месяц назад
Yeah, i found it eventually when i stumbled into gwyndolin.