What is it to be righteous?
19 часов назад
Do not tolerate those two‼️
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What is his kingdom?
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do you "deny" him?
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The modern church is a whore‼️
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Are you a Pharisee⁉️
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Everyone loves church lady
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Are you really being persecuted?
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Would you die for a friend?
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What is Soul Worship?
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What "MYSTERY" babylon means.
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Pauls thorn explained
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1 Timothy 1:5-7...Vain Jangelers
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Are you under a curse?
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@Brittneyapeculiarwoman 12 часов назад
Praise Yah brother! For those who seek the most high Yehovah and the Messiah Yeshua!! Whether they hear 👂or forbear 🙉. Felt that in my very soul 💓🔥🙌
@Watchman4433 12 часов назад
@@Brittneyapeculiarwoman Amen sister!
@stevenschmitz8901 4 дня назад
You’re on the right track. Hey, have you tested all things? We rely on Paul’s epistles being in the canon since the mid 300’s. We are required to test doctrines, teachers, prophets, or spirits. Deuteronomy 13 is called the Punishment of Apostates passage. Does God test us with false prophets? How do we show we love God in Deut 13? Jesus could not contradict the Old Testament. Any teacher after Jesus must be consistent with Jesus. They must also not contradict themselves. There must be two or three witnesses to a matter. Can Paul be his only witness? In Matthew 24 Jesus says do not be deceived. Do not believe the one who says they meet Jesus in the wilderness or in an inner room. All eyes will see Jesus when he returns. Can Jesus pop in and out visiting any person in private? What does being a wolf in sheep’s clothing mean? It means that someone can speak sheep words (truth) but also speak as a wolf (lies). We have to discern if someone is a wolf by looking for their words that contradict Jesus. Should a teacher quote Jesus a lot? What are the qualifications of an apostle in the one example we have? Can there be 13 apostles if there are 12 apostles who judge the 12 tribes and they are the 12 pillars? Genesis 49 says a tribe will be a ravening wolf in the last days. Jesus warns of a ravening wolf in Matthew 7. Who could that be that murders in the beginning and divides the spoil later in life? Jesus said beware the leaven of the Pharisees, the scribes (writers) and Herod. Who was a Pharisee, a scribe and of the family of Herod, you know the ones who were trying to kill Jesus. Josephus says that Herod the great taught that angels gave the law. Who also said that? You quoted that verse in one of your videos. Can the Bible be corrupted? Would God test us by allowing a false message to be inserted into it? The Bible says there will be lying scribes. Look it up. Deuteronomy 13 says he allows prophets with lying signs and wonders to test people. All of Asia rejected this person. His letters even attest that they had returned to keeping the law as given to them by the 12 apostles and accused him of apostacy. The choice is to listen to Jesus only or to a suspect Pharisee who taught a mixture of truth and lies. God bless
@Watchman4433 4 дня назад
@@stevenschmitz8901 so it appears we have a Paul denier here? No?
@stevenschmitz8901 4 дня назад
@@Watchman4433 it doesn’t matter what I think. It’s your choice to look into it or not. You’re responsible for your own salvation.
@Watchman4433 4 дня назад
@stevenschmitz8901 I already know what prophecy says about what people will do in the last days. 2 Peter 3:16
@stevenschmitz8901 4 дня назад
@@Watchman4433 Another RU-vid channel. He really goes into depth on the doctrine. Each channel has a little different emphasis. youtube.com/@walkinginthegodgiven-jerem5502?si=VtJhZOwDeMAda7-H
@ElR-v2c 6 дней назад
Holy shit… this is going to be fun explaining to the christians… awesome work brother, praise Yah! 🙌
@Watchman4433 6 дней назад
@@ElR-v2c lol...praise Yah!
@michaelfollowsyah 6 дней назад
Praise Yah. Also, it's interesting that "mark" has the same greek root as charis "χάρ-". Then Ezekiel 9:4, the people cry for their abominations, likely because of the spirit of grace, therefore they receive the mark of God, which would be the holy Spirit. Sorry, I'm only 7 minutes it, but that greek word for mark caught my eye.
@Watchman4433 6 дней назад
@@michaelfollowsyah awesome info bro, thanks!
@MadiNicole-ew7fc 7 дней назад
Praise Yah brother Nikki!
@aservant-g3f 7 дней назад
Excellent teaching, thank you! Praise Yah!
@saintphoenix6723 8 дней назад
Your heart is circumsised when you are born again. You are born again when you believe in Jesus Christ. That's John 3 and many other places. When you are born again, you are grafted into the body of Christ, which is Israel. You become akin to a Israelite proselyte. But its real in a spiritual way. Your body is the temple of God. When you are born again, God's Spirit dwells in you. This began in Acts 2, Pentacost. This wasn't even true during Gospel time, or before. Very, very, very different, and something that must be comprehended. Because... Becoming born again is the first step. The second step is walking in the Spirit, not after the flesh. This is where obedience in your salvation comes into play. But it isn't obeying the ten commandments. Good luck with that. Paul explains in Romans 7 that because you are born again, you will always break the commandments so long as you walk in the flesh. But if you walk after the Spirit, you are always fulfilling the ten commandments, the law, always. No sin, no sinning. You are perfect and golden. This is a learning you need to comprehend what you are saying. Instead of preaching it, its best to be an example first. Then preach it. God bless you in Jesus Christ
@Watchman4433 8 дней назад
@saintphoenix6723 wrong bro, you circumcise your heart by agreeing to follow the holy covenant. When you are born again is when you have decided to do the same thing. You become born again by obedience to the Holy covenant.
@Watchman4433 8 дней назад
@@saintphoenix6723 why don't you watch the other videos if you don't understand this
@saintphoenix6723 8 дней назад
@@Watchman4433 Unfortunately, you missed the whole point of salvation. Why bother with the new testament anymore. Just go pick up the Torah.
@saintphoenix6723 8 дней назад
@@Watchman4433 I understand you. So I don't need to watch any more videos. You are speaking a truth but its all out of context. That's what I'm reaching you about. You do not understand me. Its best to take more time reading scripture to grow in it. You'll eventually grow in its truth. What I see you doing is falling into the Galatian trap. The trap Peter fell into in book of Acts.
@Watchman4433 8 дней назад
@saintphoenix6723 do you know what the testimony of Jesus is?
@saintphoenix6723 8 дней назад
One more comment for you: the thing with churches.. Its a disaster. I've been to several churches in my area, and they are a fleshy mess. It doesn't take away a lot of the people are saved, in my eyes, its just they are going through what I consider shenanigans and false doctrine at time. Its sad. So I comprehend when you speak about the feelings you experience. You can't justify those feelings, my friend. This tells me God is trying you. You have to have those emotions in God, and simply grow in your knowledge of God. The churches will slow you down in your growth. Besides, scripture commands you to work out your own salvation. Not other people's salvation. You can do preach and do deliverance, but that's all you can do. Its not your job to produce conversions. That's God's job. You'll see that all over the old testament prophets. They just need to preach, that's it. So if you see the church members sinning, or the church pastor preaching false doctrine, you can walk away, or you can approach them and give them a word. Its not your job to succeed. Only to give the word.
@Watchman4433 8 дней назад
@saintphoenix6723 are you not commanded to rebuke the sin in your neighbor according to Leviticus 19:15-18 fulfilling the royal law of "loving your neighbor as yourself? Weren't you command to rebuke the fables sharply in the church?(1 Titus 1:13) Were you not commanded to rebuke in front of all so they fear(1 Timothy 5:20) Doesn't proverbs say a sharp rebuke is better than secret love? (proverbs 27:5) Doesn't it say an open rebuke is better than flatteries(proverbs 28:23) You really have no idea who you dealing with do you? I'm not some apostate emotionally driven Christian. The Father himself raised me up and opened my eyes to the truth to be a watchman for him. Just like he called many others, but as it says...many are called and few are chosen. You need to search out the royal law according to Leviticus 19. I don't speak flattering words, I speak the words of my Fahter. I have no guile in mouth. All glory to the Most High for what he has done. I'm nothing. I'm a pile of dirt and know nothing without him. You have a choice, repent back to the Holy covenant, obeying his commands, and do what he told you to do or go through the tribulation.
@saintphoenix6723 8 дней назад
@@Watchman4433 All of that is true. What prevents you from doing it? Is it because its not your church building and you are not the pastor? Do you not see me rebuking you?
@Watchman4433 12 часов назад
@@saintphoenix6723 you rebuke in unrighteous judgment. Righteous judgment is according to the commandments, not what you "feel" like it is or dream up what the scriptures mean by your own thinking. Let scripture define scripture.
Great picture / to sit humbly at his feet and listen to his teaching & then come Faith with obedience, to his Torah=Law. ❤
@saintphoenix6723 8 дней назад
That is the Gospel summed up. The Gospel are the four books that begin the new Testament. The important thing in the four Gospels, was the Messiah was identified, and it includes his acts and words. Paul summed up those four Gospels. You believe every word of those Gospels. Paul summed them up in one verse. If you proclaim with your mouth and believe in your heart that jesus resurrected from the dead, you will be saved. That's a clear cut salvation statement, with a clear cut way of explaining what the person does, and a summarized clear cut statement of what the Gospel boils down to. I'm not of any church. I just read a King James bible. All you do is believe in Jesus Christ, as John 3 clearly says. But please please keep in mind, Gods thoughts are above your thoughts and Gods ways are above your ways. One could theorize that the reason you have to believe in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus, specifically, is because God saw ahead of time the Islam nation, and all of the Jesus' that the future would bring forth. So to believe specifically in the death burial and resurrection is very specific, and separates Jesus of Nazareth from all other Jesus'. You tack on Love your enemy, and you have the only Jesus that matters. You might not see these things, but as you grow, you will. Comprehend things doctrinally--in context--first. The context doesn't mean for it to be applied today. It will help you grasp what's going on in the story, in the book, and afterward, you can then apply what is written to today, to you.
@Watchman4433 8 дней назад
@saintphoenix6723 and yet it seems you.missed the entire message that the gospel the messiah preached was the refreshed Holy covenant made at Mt horeb, the 10 commandments. It was repentance back to the covenant. That is what Yeshua preached. Did you even watch the video or just see the title and comment? Because by the looks of your answer, you didn't watch it.
@saintphoenix6723 8 дней назад
@@Watchman4433 I listened to it all and commented as I paused. Hence why there are three separate comments. No one can fulfill the ten commandments. Its impossible. You try. Good luck. If you read the fine print, it says if you break one of those ten commandments, you are guilty, and punishment is everlasting death. Good luck following the commandments. But truly, lets get serious here. Jesus didn't give you two new commandments to tack on to the ten already at play. He summed up the ten commandments into two commandments. And you will find those two commandments are consistent among Israelites and gentiles.
@Watchman4433 8 дней назад
@saintphoenix6723 🤣🤣🤦...you have no idea how indoctrinated you are into the apostate beliefs bro. I spent 40yrs in the church. I KNOW ALL their doctrine. One verse shuts down your argument completely..... 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of YHVH, that we keep his commandments: 👉and his commandments are not grievous.👈 Are you calling God's commands grevious, a burden, impossible? Scripture disagrees with you. Wake up bro, the churc is apostate(the great falling away, departing from sound doctrine...aka the 10 commandments) And is full blown retard just like prophecy said it would be. You've been sold a bill of lies, the same I was. All of them have departed from the commandments and teach lawlessness. "Depart from me you worker of iniquity".....iniquity = lawlessness. Look it up in the strongs. It's all there.
@saintphoenix6723 8 дней назад
@@Watchman4433 Wow, you just took 1 John 5:3 out of context. You decided to rip that blip of the sentence right out and shove it in my face as if it exists on its own, out of context, as some form of righteous rebuke. You are lost. How about you try that again, but this time, give me the whole passage with that verse in context. So you can see how grievously in error you are with your interpretation of it linking to the ten commandments. What you did is a serpent move, or to be polite, what an immature man of God does. In other words, a baby. As Peter wrote, just keep crawling back to the breast that is the word of God, and you keep sucking on it, okay? You'';ll grow. Peter promises you.
@TwinMomPower1007 13 дней назад
Amen Brother! I’m loving these short videos and the new way is perfect for me since I like to take notes as well as watch so I thank you and Praise Yah for your work🙌🏼
@Watchman4433 13 дней назад
@@TwinMomPower1007 praise Yah! I'm so glad it helps you and hope it helps others!
@TwinMomPower1007 13 дней назад
Me too! May they have ears to hear His truth. I pray He pricks their hearts into repentance. Time is of the essence🙏🏼
@Crown-pv4li 13 дней назад
when i gave account of every idle word i had spoken one thing not mentioned was if i keep the Sabbath so i found out all about it. and nobody actually keeps the Sabbath the bible way with no fire or cooking. and i know the day of the Sabbath i was shown in a very unique fun way the day. we go beyond the law in other ways like now we love our enemies and pray for them, we give God our whole lives and souls, offer our bodies a living sacrifice to Him daily, the law says dont commit adultery now we cant look at another person with lust,
@noahabbott25 14 дней назад
This is perfect! I just did a similar video on this yesterday about those gnashing their teeth outside the kingdom. What an amazing confirmation. Great video brother!
@Watchman4433 14 дней назад
@noahabbott25 ah man, amen bro! Praise Yah, like one man! So awesome.
@Glory2Yeshua 14 дней назад
Praise Yah!
@camillelanier7417 16 дней назад
@Watchman4433 16 дней назад
@camillelanier7417 what's u saying?
@camillelanier7417 16 дней назад
@@Watchman4433 Sorry! Fumble at the elliptical machine 😂
@user-ed9rj5mw7j 18 дней назад
Now why are you putting one of the last verses in the Bible before the ten commandments. The commandments weren't even mentioned in revelation.
@user-ed9rj5mw7j 18 дней назад
God walked among the sinners. And first a new believer has child like faith. And the churches here in my country has celebrated Christmas I don't remember trees in my church. We did the nativity Play when I was real young till after I was 18. I don't remember the tree in church maybe in other churches I don't know. I went to that church all My life. And when I went back in 2010 there was no tree in the church or the parsonage.
@user-ed9rj5mw7j 18 дней назад
Yes in present time all over the world. Have idols and images . they probably committed a few of the commandments.
@user-ed9rj5mw7j 18 дней назад
Have you ever watched Kirk cameron.when he asked people on the street if they knew if they were going to heaven? He also asked them ,do you follow the ten commandments? If you are wanting to get your point across. Do you think you will be without sin when going to heaven? Only Christ son of God is sinless.
@noahabbott25 19 дней назад
Not a single lie. Well done brother thank you for this!
@Watchman4433 19 дней назад
@@noahabbott25 amen brother, praise Yah!
@oftheolivebranch5815 19 дней назад
This is 🔥🔥🔥🔥, brother. Praise Yahovah!!
@Watchman4433 19 дней назад
@@oftheolivebranch5815 praise Yah!
@michaelfollowsyah 20 дней назад
If I had some popcorn, I would be pulling it out. 🍿
@edwardvandoorn7803 20 дней назад
Great new approach. Are you able to share your document so that I can use it to show others?
@Watchman4433 20 дней назад
@edwardvandoorn7803 just posted it but it won't have the pictures because of the transfer to Google docs
@StillLearningYAHUAH 20 дней назад
Yup! We were all taught lies!! HalleluYah for people waking up. Praise Yahuah!!❤
@SpiritofTruth.Remnant 20 дней назад
Amazing teaching bro!!
@Watchman4433 20 дней назад
@SpiritofTruth.Remnant amen bro!
@AnthonySepulveda-ge4cz 27 дней назад
Amen brotha
@womenrepent Месяц назад
Amen, brother!! And the music makes it even more effective!!
@michaelfollowsyah Месяц назад
Deuteronomy 32:29 O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!
@Watchman4433 Месяц назад
@michaelfollowsyah hey, do you know about aka watchmen wake up here on RU-vid? If not check him out. There's a group of us watchmen raised up and by the appearance, you are too!
@SpiritofTruth.Remnant Месяц назад
Spot on bro!!!
When I first started reading my Bible when I got to Matthew chapter 23 it blew my mind the corruption I saw in the church system, and that was the first time reading it. And then I remember reading Acts 17:11!! And my spiritual warfare had begun. I found out out within a year and a half. And here we are today…. Hallelu-YAH Amen.
@Watchman4433 Месяц назад
@IN-YHUH-LYES-THEY-ANSWER it is such a difference from what the church co.es up with isn't it? Praise Yah he opened your eyes!
@robertsmiczsmiczamplificat593 Месяц назад
Amen. Thank you for speaking the truth. No one else seems to want to? All we hear outside of our group of true believers, Is traditions of man non sense. I hear it everyday. Unfortunately, much of it from within my own house hold. Praise Yah. Thank you heavenly father for showing us the truth and Giving us understanding.
@robertsmiczsmiczamplificat593 Месяц назад
That was awesome brothers. It cracked me up. A great delivery of such important information. 👍🏻❤️🙏🏻
@DhanaRickey Месяц назад
I dont have any social media except you tube. I truly appreciate your videos i am learning more from you than the churchs today.
@Watchman4433 Месяц назад
@DhanaRickey all glory to the Most High, praise Yah!
@DhanaRickey Месяц назад
Im so glad Yeshua brought me to your channel thank you.
@DhanaRickey Месяц назад
I have a serious question. I had stopped working on Saturdays because I began living for the Lord and slowly I had stopped doing things without realizing why. (Almost 3 years now) BUT what can be done that day I am still new (babe) in the truth please help me find in scripture what I am able to do... rest? Is that rest (sleep) all day, or just rest of mind.
@michaelfollowsyah Месяц назад
@andrewrepent has a lot of videos on the sabbath that you can check out
@DhanaRickey Месяц назад
@@michaelfollowsyah thanks I will...
@Watchman4433 Месяц назад
Sorry, it didn't let me know this response. Here is some. Sabbath is a Sign Exodus 31:12-18
And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "Speak also to the children of Israel, saying: 'Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a 👉sign between Me and you throughout your generations👈, that you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you. You shall keep the Sabbath, therefore, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people. Work shall be done for six days, but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.'" And when He had made an end of speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of God. 
 Mark 2:27
And He said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. 
 Genesis 2:2-3
And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made. 
 Exodus 20:8-11
"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. 

 Ezekiel 20:11-13
And I gave them My statutes and showed them My judgments, 'which, if a man does, he shall live by them.' Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I am the LORD who sanctifies them. Yet the house of Israel rebelled against Me in the wilderness; they did not walk in My statutes; they despised My judgments, 'which, if a man does, he shall live by them'; and they greatly defiled My Sabbaths. Then I said I would pour out My fury on them in the wilderness, to consume them. 
 Deuteronomy 5:14-15
but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates, that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you. And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God brought you out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore the LORD your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day. 

 Ezekiel 20:16
because they despised My judgments and did not walk in My statutes, but profaned My Sabbaths; for their heart went after their idols. 
 Ezekiel 20:18-21
"But I said to their children in the wilderness, 'Do not walk in the statutes of your fathers, nor observe their judgments, nor defile yourselves with their idols. I am the LORD your God: Walk in My statutes, keep My judgments, and do them; hallow My Sabbaths, and they will be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am the LORD your God.' "Notwithstanding, the children rebelled against Me; they did not walk in My statutes, and were not careful to observe My judgments, 'which, if a man does, he shall live by them'; but they profaned My Sabbaths. Then I said I would pour out My fury on them and fulfill My anger against them in the wilderness. 
 Leviticus 23:3
'Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work on it; it is the Sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings. 
 Deuteronomy 5:12
"Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the LORD your God commanded you. 
 Isaiah 58:13-14
"If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, 
From doing your pleasure on My holy day, 
And call the Sabbath a delight, 
The holy day of the LORD honorable, 
And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways, 
Nor finding your own pleasure, 
Nor speaking your own words, 
Then you shall delight yourself in the LORD; 
And I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth, 
And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father. 
The mouth of the LORD has spoken."

 Ezekiel 20:24
because they had not executed My judgments, but had despised My statutes, profaned My Sabbaths, and their eyes were fixed on their fathers' idols. 
 Matthew 5:19
Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 
 Luke 4:16
So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. 
 1 John 2:6
He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.
@DhanaRickey Месяц назад
@@Watchman4433 thank you so much for this.
@Enoch275 Месяц назад
Praise yah!! brother! 🙌❤️
They don’t understand the passage where it says if you’re righteousness shall not succeed that of the Pharisees, you shall know wise into the kingdom. Because they broke the 10 Commandments and made their commandments superior to YAHUAHS!
@kristinaciminillo9908 Месяц назад
No. Jesus already did that.
@Watchman4433 Месяц назад
@kristinaciminillo9908 church indoctrination at its finest. You just proved my point of the video.
@Loved-84 Месяц назад
Foolish women
@kristinaciminillo9908 Месяц назад
I would encourage that person to eat healthy, not smoke or drink. How? By example. If they do not wish to follow my example that is their choice. Now, if i were in an emergency situation and could save a young child by giving up my life i would do that. Like taking a burn or a drowning or other deadly thing. But if i could not, i would not. That is the Truth. I have had loved ones die and i could do nothing to save them. It is not helpful to call someone to hypothetical death to get views on a video. @@Watchman4433
@kristinaciminillo9908 Месяц назад
​​@@Watchman4433 do not go to church. I quit going to church about 2 years ago. Be careful with "Wedding vows to your father."
@Watchman4433 Месяц назад
@kristinaciminillo9908 sounds to me like you are trying to rebuke me no?
@lisakossik7777 Месяц назад
That makes sense
@lisakossik7777 Месяц назад
What about Matthew 15:11 and Acts chapter 10?
@Watchman4433 Месяц назад
@@lisakossik7777 matt 15=the wickedness in the heart that was already there...read verse 28 in Acts 10
@lisakossik7777 Месяц назад
@Watchman4433 explanations accepted. My other question is do you believe someone that is saved and has the Holy Spirit in them become possessed?
@Watchman4433 Месяц назад
@lisakossik7777 so you have to understand.hpw this works first, then it'll make sense. Devils are cast out by the finger of God(10 commandments, Luke 11). If you are in covenant, following the 10c, your house is swept clean. This is being born again. Once you follow the Holy covenant, you recieve the spirit of truth(John 14v15-17) Salvation only comes if you endure, at the 7th trumpet, the millennial reign. So it's not a matter of being saved with the spirit, because the spirit can depart from you...THEN, 7 more worst than itself enter....you become an evil servant. Amd the reason it would depart is because you broke covenant for long enough and didn't repent back to his commandments.
@lisakossik7777 Месяц назад
@@Watchman4433 I understand what you're saying
@lisakossik7777 Месяц назад
@@Watchman4433 thank you for your time and explanation. God bless
@lisakossik7777 Месяц назад
@lisakossik7777 Месяц назад
@teresaover7555 Месяц назад
Hello this is off topic … referring to another topic you had touched on I was wondering if you saw Judges 2v3 referring to the thorn in the side
@Watchman4433 Месяц назад
@teresaover7555 hmmmm...very interesting. There is a bit different speech and wording used here but it's possible. We know thorns and briars are the gentile nations throughout prophecy
@teresaover7555 Месяц назад
@@Watchman4433 👍
@jaylinameryca4847 Месяц назад
It makes perfect sense, Especially explaining how literally "ALL OF CREATION KNOWS WHEN THE SUNRISES THE DAY BEGINS..." THAT IS TRUTH!!!
@SpiritofTruth.Remnant Месяц назад
Amen brother! Amazing message. Truth right here!
@Isaiah-jq5is Месяц назад
I just started watching your content yesterday. I'm sooo glad that so many people are starting to wake up spiritually about Yehushas real name. I was saying Jesus for many years until I started watching the Davis Ministries and he was saying Jesus Christ the picture people have on their wall is Caesar Borgia and saying Lord is really worshipping BAAL . One thing I've noticed is that so many people who have been struggling with certain sins like homosexuality, ADHD , schizophrenia, Bipolar, alcoholism, obesity etc. Say they are Christians and they go to church and let a pastor pray for them. However I didn't realize that many pastors are freemason's and freemasons worship the baphomit and they have signed those 401 contracts to get paid by the government to not speak out against certain topics . Many have not gotten fully delivered from certain sins because they are letting certain pastors put their hands on their forehead to pray for them and many pastors are the struggling with the same sins they are struggling with.
@Watchman4433 Месяц назад
@@Isaiah-jq5is amen! PraisenYah! Check out "aka watchmen wake up" on RU-vid. Good stuff there. My name is Nikolai Lanier on FB if you want to look me up.
@Isaiah-jq5is Месяц назад
@@Watchman4433 ok
@robertsmiczsmiczamplificat593 Месяц назад
Short, sweet, yet precise. Amen.
@robertsmiczsmiczamplificat593 Месяц назад
Thank you brother. I have always thought about the sole (self) worship? It’s so prominent in Hollywood and the TV and music business. It’s all about the Endorphin high. I have watched this for years. I knew early that Hollywood was not right. I have never been into movies. I worked in TELL A LIE VISION for 30+ years and saw it all. Amen brother. Praise Yah.
@Firmamentisdome Месяц назад
Except Babylon is Rome. Babylon: G897: allegorically, of Rome as the most corrupt seat of idolatry and the enemy of Christianity: Revelation 14:8 [here Rec.elz Βαβουλών]; Rev 16:19; 17:5; 18:2,10,21 (in the opinion of some 1 Peter 5:13 also; [cf. 1 at the end, above]). The US is the beast that rises from the earth. The image of the beast is likeness to Rome when the merge church and state which is what the papacy had for 42 months (prophecy day for year ; 1260 years, 538-1798) They already look alike because of Churchianity, SUNgodday worship, Catholic mystery (their words not mine)of the (pagan) trinity.
@robertsmiczsmiczamplificat593 Месяц назад
Insanity. I can’t believe how many products have pork in them? Some breads, Doritos, Cheetos, string cheese,toothpaste, marshmallows, jelly, doughnuts, kool-aid. Crazy. A bunch of stuff hides pork and pork byproducts in them. Look closely! Praise Yah.