Dong Taichi 董派太极拳
Dong Taichi 董派太极拳
Dong Taichi 董派太极拳
See www.dongtaichi.com for the latest.

This RU-vid site features historical video of Dong Zeng Chen and his students. Master Dong is the son of Tung Hu Ling, son of Tung Ying Jie, who was a top disciple of Yang Chen Fu, the creator of the traditional Yang Style Taijiquan made popular in the 1920's and 1930's in China. The Yang style is now practiced worldwide by many thousands of people.
Seventy Years Celebration V 2
6 лет назад
英杰快拳 董虎岭演示
6 лет назад
1985 Chinese New Year Taijiquan Demo
9 лет назад
1984 Taijiquan and Applications
9 лет назад
10-12-86 Taiji Jian 董氏剑法
9 лет назад
1984 Dong Qigong
9 лет назад
@spinningdragontao 2 месяца назад
This is pretty much our Kwonping Yang Long Form. Stylistically different but pretty much the same moves. 👍🏻
@JustinThorts 2 месяца назад
A great piece of history thanks for sharing
@beaglewong89 3 месяца назад
Springy, alive and looks powerful.
@tonytong126 4 месяца назад
@BramBramSyailendra 7 месяцев назад
@mikefuchs-sb8pv 10 месяцев назад
masterful, on sand!
@ReformedCriminalD Год назад
not bad
@theo9845 Год назад
Fantastic form.! His movement is unique in this style, the agility from bottom to middle and top section of the body are the points which distinguish his performance. I've been practicing the 85 form, from the school of Fu Zhong Wen for a number of years and I fully enjoy its practice, nevertheless, I do enjoy practicing this form with the alternative variations of master Dong Hu Ling, which makes it to my opinion a great way of adapting those two variations of the Yang form in ones practice of Taijiquan. You can also see the agility of his form, interpreted so elegantly in the push hands. Great !!!!!
@jerryy9447 Год назад
牛逼 确实是牛逼
@kellypeters8330 Год назад
What a treasure
@conradomscv2250 Год назад
If he's going that slow how is his breathing or is He in the "zone", perfect harmony?
@norbertociampi180 Год назад
@edboldt3769 Год назад
That was soo cool .. I know the 64 short form .. seeing this helped me understand .. a little better.. what I have been attempting to do. I am definitely going to begin my quest of the 108 using this man's casual approach. Makes it look easy... bet his training isnt easy. Impressed.
@spinningdragontao Год назад
A very interesting video.Thanks for sharing
@admiralbillom7559 Год назад
@georgemckenzie2525 2 года назад
She she
@jamesanagnos6123 2 года назад
Yang Chen Fu was the worst of the Yang family so called masters , his students all sucked too , nothing but an exersise for old people
@shirleyyam9592 2 года назад
@itinerantpoet1341 2 года назад
Thanks for posting this valuable footage. It's great to see how a real fighter practices taiji!
@barbaralerro7167 2 года назад
Beautiful technique, flow and control!
@mdubb4855 2 года назад
Does the "Yingjie" in Yingjie Fast form mean Xingyi? Or is the name of a Tung/Dong lineage holder?
@vanillaz 10 месяцев назад
I think it means this set came from Yang Family Fast Form.
@kaanapalibaby 10 месяцев назад
It's the name of Dong Zeng Chen's grandfather. He was Tung ( Dong) Ying Jie who was one of the top disciples of Yang Chen Fu. This form is sometimes called the Dong family fast set, or Dong Fa for short. It has fast and explosive fajin moves and some moves are deliberately done slower.
@hychan2377 2 года назад
@JustinThorts 2 месяца назад
I agree, this channel seems to have something positive to share on this subject: www.youtube.com/@spinningdragontao
@huzhang7980 2 года назад
@逍遙山人 2 года назад
This video is great. Could I clip some sections from it for my new website ~ that is being developed; not yet ready for public. And my website will be non-profit. I am an overseas Chinese from Taiwan currently living in Los Angeles. I have studied Yang, Chen and Bagua from various teachers during the past 60 years since college. And I learned Dong Taiji from the late Daniel Lee who was a student of Mary Chow. And Mary Chow was a student of Great Grandmaster Dong Yingjie.
@roninroshi44 2 года назад
Very nice! Concise but powerful and elegant.
@nkos918 3 года назад
Master T.y. pang has a 6 vhs instructional video from 1993 that teaches this precise form
@chonfeng9647 3 года назад
This is the best format of 85 Traditional Style of Yang Style Tai Chi Quan that is inherited from famous Master Chenpu Yang! Gorgeous!
@happylobsterpatatas 3 года назад
The partner's posture is really badly aligned, bad structure...
@kornellmo 3 года назад
Fantastic inspiration! Thank You very much!
@yogasamrat 3 года назад
Very strong and excellent performance of Master Dong.His stance and alignment are immaculate.Power emits from every movement.One can understand the opening and closing of every form with focussed energy.Bravo to see such excellent taiji!
@timbushnell8964 3 года назад
Wow! Absolute mastery.
@wasansiwarungsan4294 3 года назад
Always remember our Master Jasmine Tung.
@micgomac 3 года назад
@phuahhsiung3441 3 года назад
@oviliatam7540 3 года назад
@sunlau4818 3 года назад
this is basically 108 Wu style
@marceloilari9539 3 года назад
@happylobsterpatatas 3 года назад
The flavor is somehow close to Quanyou old form
@edwardhayes6113 3 года назад
Who plays as he was taught by etc etc etc. see other Dong stable yang comments to understand
@edwardhayes6113 3 года назад
Bingo as I was saying ever changing the way it should be. He was a true Tai Chi master. This is how I see myself in my mind but the body is not willing, but I am new to Tai Chi only been playing for thirty years starting in 1990 at the young age of 57. Any way I still believe most true masters kept trying to improve the forms and kept them alive. Only experts are dogmatic and do not change. Not releasing that the form they do is what their teacher learned at one point in their teachers teaching of their teachers teaching all the way back Yang Lu Chan who changed what he was taught by his teacher who taught what he was taught at a period of time.
@kohchyang5130 3 года назад
Is it true only Dong Taichu got fast Taichu?
@dorisling-cohan2819 3 года назад
This is Sword, Dong Family style.v
@alexandrataylor1768 3 года назад
Just started to expand my practice to the long form. This is an excellent video. Thank you!
@andrewtrip8617 4 года назад
Ahh bless, looks like he’s forgotten how to do his form .
@專念南無阿彌陀佛 4 года назад
【佛號聲中奇特往生 】 蔡國蘅居士,虔修淨土,以下是一段由他記錄有關董夫人劉慧君命終時往生的奇異事蹟。 太極拳楊派傳人董英傑師傅之夫人(劉慧君),於一九九四年四月十六日凌晨四時逝世,享年七十七歲。 劉慧君與女兒董茉莉(現適陳瓊攀醫生),本來不住在一起。約半年前董母因摔碎了腳骨,行動不便,董女非常孝順,即將其母接到她家居住,以便隨時照料。董母上下床及移動坐位均需要其女或傭人相助,自己已無法自由行動了。 在四月十二日董母即感不適,董女搬到董母房間就寢,以便夜間親自照料。 我四月十五日去董女處學太極拳,親自見到董母嘔吐及非常不適,經常呻吟,因此送了六個專念阿彌陀佛的念佛機給董女,著她開給董母聽。董母本人並不太信佛,再加上因為身體不適,大發脾氣,不要聽。那時我勸董女將念佛機聲量盡量減低,但不可間斷,於此董母才漸漸平靜下來。 等到四月十六日晨九時,董女來電話,告訴我她母親已於該日晨四時去世。她說十五日晚她人已睡,至半夜,突然覺得眼前有極亮的光照耀而驚醒了她。她下意識的先向她母親睡處看,發覺她生母不在床上。及她開燈再找(那時還末天亮),才看見她生母跪在地下床跟前,向觀世音菩薩像面前而捨報。董女趕緊跑過去探看,發覺她母已無鼻息,但手腳尚是溫暖的,那時正是凌晨四時。董女說我送她的六部念佛機一直在輪流開著末停,直至她母大殮後仍擺了兩隻裝滿電的念佛機在棺材內倍葬。 董女亦因此而皈依了永惺法師。 注:照董母往生時情況,她本人實無此體力下床及下跪的,這豈不是神蹟。(香港)
@user-vr1wk2py5o 4 года назад
@igorrakar8310 4 года назад
Would be nice to see the video of th whole Hao form.
@nckbruno 4 года назад
😀 👍 Prendre le Temps de pratique
@mns8732 4 года назад
The best hands down
@danielwong7012 4 года назад
@tongtungt2010 3 года назад
@larsboc1 4 года назад
This is not Dong style. This is the hard hands Wu style of Wu Yuxiang, taught by Hao Weizhen to Li Xiangyuan an then to Tung Ying Chieh.
@MithShrike 4 года назад
Thank you for the information. I encountered this at the park earlier this week. The hand method was very painful.
@leekondo9107 4 года назад
I saw this video over 40 years ago. It brings back fond memories! Mr. Wu and Dong Kai Ying taught in Northern California at that time.
@KenSJBA 3 года назад
Was there in the back of a church with mr. Wu and Karna Thulin (1981)
@charlesyu6014 4 года назад
very good video. Thanks for sharing!
@edwardhayes6113 3 года назад
Not a video but a film