Andrew Wallace MP
Andrew Wallace MP
Andrew Wallace MP
Andrew Wallace is the Federal Member for Fisher on Australia's beautiful Sunshine Coast. Authorised by Andrew Wallace, LNP, Bokarina.
Andrew Wallace MP on the CFMEU Demerger
21 день назад
2024 Rally for Israel Against Antisemitism
3 месяца назад
@NeoNoirX 11 часов назад
thats cause they look after you bob, hahahhaah. 8:08
@NeoNoirX 11 часов назад
australia has lost the script, its so cringe how an entrie nation can be blatently tricked like this lol
@markdoolan7282 2 дня назад
To be honest Andrew i doubt the Maritime union wanted to leave because they thought the CFMEU were so immoral and unethical. The old MUA were worse and are dirty that the CFMEU are not even more renegade. The unions attract deadshit personalities. Lazy , good for nothing, free loading grifters. Human scunge. I too worked on construction sites for decades and had a front row seat at their bastardry.
@shaneclarence6696 2 дня назад
If isreal is an illegal occupation so is Australia.... Now comes the truth hey.... Cook broke European international law at the time of colonisation..... Pinkie pie its time you realise the facts
@Torana1974 2 дня назад
Wow yeah labor for the working man hey you corrupt dog’s destroying our democracy and people who work hard shame you
@user-pn9lb8sr2p 4 дня назад
I am a construction worker from 70s 80s and beyond,,, and I can tell you there is corruption and intimidation and financial kick backs in all the unions and to say there isn't is a lie,,,I have seen a lot and have seen cash exchange hands and kickbacks and bribes,,,, everybody knows this the challenge is wether the government has the guts to clean this up once and for all!! Has Albo and Tony Bourke got the guts??
@weldmachine 4 дня назад
Back when I was younger I was working in a Non Union Shop. The CFMEU was trying to establish itself to be a powerhouse of a Union. Talking tough about gaining control, that could bring the country to a standstill if they saw fit. That was basically the words from the CFMEU rep that pushed his way into the shop I was working in. Later going from person to person trying to gain the numbers to cause a vote for a Union Shop. The guys I was working with in my area saw what was going on, and we were all basically thinking the same thing. Don't want NO Unions in this shop, we could deal with the Management without the Unions. It seemed like the CFMEU rep had no hope of gaining the numbers. Later getting everyone in a group telling us we have a unanimous number for everyone to be a Member of the CFMEU ??? We were all looking at each other standing in this large circle all thinking the same thing ?? Who was say YES ??? Of course the CFMEU rep was super positive. He went away to get his paperwork to sign everyone up. We all walked away fairly pissed off thinking WTF is going on. Who were all the people voting YES ?? The rep came back getting everyones details and telling us how much we would be charged for something we never wanted. We never saw the CFMEU rep ever again ??? But, for the $ 390 per year ( fees at this time ) we paid per worker times 30 workers we got a voucher each year for $ 50.00 from management to go towards Safety Boots which we were entitled to as a UNION MEMBER ??????????? Later we got ourselves together for a secret ballot. Simply writing YES or NO on a small piece of paper and placing it in a box. 27 votes. 3 Votes for YES ??????????? How true were the numbers ?? Pretty saw they were accurate considering how many people in the shop were angry after the vote. We were of course feed BULLSHIT from the CFMEU rep, what a surprise.
@margarethennessey2583 5 дней назад
Good, Albanese is dwfermantly not leadership material
@barryryan4234 6 дней назад
I want to know why when there is a senate sitting that all senators are not there on both sides . Isn’t that what they are elected for and what we pay them a lot of doe .
@gregjenkins2925 6 дней назад
the unions and the public service seem to have the same work ideology, slow down, don't do to much per day, you will show us up, its been like this for over 40 years that I know of..
@user-rn4xw4ul6s 7 дней назад
Vote one nation
@dylanmarrapodi7035 7 дней назад
You idiots are worse then the union liars
@trentjorgensen4629 7 дней назад
And the private construction industry is the Wild West 😂 We work in the rain, never seen a safety inspector, I have to subcontract because to be employed by a builder is almost unheard of. Iv worked on commercial projects and I prefer the Wild West. Union sites are toxic.
@pkd6369 7 дней назад
i wonder how many jewish people ALBO &co are letting in Now ?bet its all goat farmers now from other areas ,compared to how many educated jewish people came here to unlock our industries and commerce. bet we will never know "secret and in competence"
@pkd6369 7 дней назад
betcha albo the brave isnt going to ask the union for the millions of OUR TAXEShe gave to his MATES!
@stuoak8984 8 дней назад
I'm blacklisted from the cfmeu have been for over 15 years, it a badge of honour for me
@user-be5ov6su2p 8 дней назад
I remember the days of the BLF. And the Labor Party was in bed with those thugs in those days. So tell me what has changed.
@user-pn9lb8sr2p 4 дня назад
I am with you mate,,,I am the same,,the government's don't have the guts to stand up to the unions because of the donations and kickbacks especially the Labor party,,, Albo hasn't got the guts!!
@ArchieLea-ft7dr 8 дней назад
To the Australian fairdinkum people Say s IAM that Iam Amen and amen
@ArchieLea-ft7dr 9 дней назад
To the Australian fairdinkum people Say s IAM that Iam Amen and amen
@beniluv3250 9 дней назад
Mr Wallace, Australia doesn't have a history of anti semitism, it is unique in that respect. The movement we see on our universities and streets are funded by the Muslim Brotherhood, as head of intelligence I'm sure you're aware of that. The MB motivation is insidious and distorted and wishes no good on Australian land. Hizb al Tahrir share their ideology, and have no place here.
@jasonbendeich7864 10 дней назад
Well said Andrew, much respect from me.
@lesleyosborne9319 10 дней назад
Its Disgusting and Disgraceful. There is NO Leadership, a PM Missing in action with NO Values, Morals and has NO Australian Spirit
@suanseetan7946 12 дней назад
The politics of the day!
@freespirit4162 12 дней назад
This conflict didn't start October 7.. Decades of Apartheid..Human rights Violation.. Reported by EVERY humanitarian Organisations on the Planet..🤔 internationally recognised ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS..ongoing.. Torture .. Unlawful Arrest imprisonment... Don't think this is October 7 issue
@k4ngk0ng74 14 дней назад
Wow! way to attempt to capitalize, just stop funding it. No money no bombs. too much blood has been spilled full stop.
@liamcrow784 14 дней назад
Facts?? Where are they
@liamcrow784 14 дней назад
It's not 1986/87 You have no idea of building sites and how much woman are supported in the construction industry, your a joke
@fredbear-sf9st 15 дней назад
Some history the ignorant politicians. Before Israel, there was a British Mandate, not a Palestinian state. - Before the British Mandate It was the Ottoman Empire, not the Palestinian State. - Before the Ottoman Empire, there was an Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, and not a Palestinian state. - Before the Islamic State of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was an Ayyubid empire, not a Palestinian state. Geoffrey IV of Boulogne, known as Godfrey of Bouillon, conqueror of Jerusalem in 1099 - Before the Ayyubid Empire, there was a Franc and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state. - Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there were the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state. - Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine Empire, not the Palestinian state. - Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not the Palestinian state. - Before the Roman Empire, there was a Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state. - Before the Hasmonean state there was a Seleucid state, not a Palestinian state. - Before the Seleucid Empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not the Palestinian state. - Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was a Persian Empire, not a Palestinian state. - Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not the Palestinian State. - Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not the Palestinian State. - Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not the Palestinian state. - Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not the Palestinian state. - Before the Kingdom of Israel, there was a theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, and not a Palestinian state. - Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state. In fact, there was everything on this piece of land EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE. This a history lesson for lobotomised left tards in our parliament.
@freespirit4162 12 дней назад
But Earlier PAID Jewish Settlers Had Palestinian authority Passport.. Palestinian Pound...😂
@fredbear-sf9st 12 дней назад
@@freespirit4162 The point is there never has or been a Palestinian race. They are predominantly Arabs from Syria, Iran and Egypt. In 135 CE, after stamping out the province of Judea's second insurrection, the Romans renamed the province Syria Palaestina-that is, “Palestinian Syria.” They did so resentfully, as a punishment, to obliterate the link between the Jews. The Jewish kingdoms had been in this area for more than 3500 years at this point. There are no Palestinians from history. The most recent is Yasser Arafat. Arafat was born in Cairo, Egypt, where he spent most of his youth. He studied at the University of King Fuad I. He was Egyptian. The Jews defeated the Canaanite’s and that culture was all but wiped out. Then there was the Philistines who fought the Jews. Remember David and Goliath. The philistines were essentially from the Mediterranean, namely Crete and other areas so essentially Greeks. The were obliterated by the Jews over 3000 years ago. Your point about passports is in Palestine was a British invention.Between 1924 and 1948, the term "Palestinian passport" referred to the travel documents that were available to residents of British Mandate Palestine. Issued by the High Commissioner for Palestine, they were officially titled, "British passport, Palestine". This was the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the re-establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine as had existed there from 3500BCE. ,
@LeatherCladVegan 15 дней назад
Thank you Member for Berowra, and thank you Andrew Wallace.
@omarshabaneh4016 16 дней назад
Recognising a Palestinian state should be immediate and unconditional. Imagine if countries were putting multiple conditions on Australian self-determination and recognition. Who governs them ultimately is a matter for the Palestinian people just the same way Israel elected a far right extremist government.
@tjsurname119 16 дней назад
Why are we looking at activist foreign divisive flags next to our Australian Flag? In our Parliament. If you believe that the worst of the "unions" involvement in the Australian professions and industry was in the 1980's you are wrong. The foreign led totalitarian communist thugs have gone corporate and white collar and now enforce workplace blackbans on Australian workers. Physical intimidation is nothing compared to what they are doing now. They are targeting Australians in their workplace who are not 'on board" with their radical leftist agenda. They now control every profession and industry in Australia and extract their "fees" by a different method through their "professional bodies" who profess to be "for the members" They no longer take a few dollars out of your pay, they demand hundreds of dollars before you can earn a dime in many industries because of "professional membership fees", and then their affiliates cash in on compulsory "training" which is useless a waste of time and add to the cost of being in every profession in Australia. The blackbans are now rife through many professions, including engineering and the legal profession but you have to "pay up" before they will even grant you a yearly licence to work in your own profession in your own Country. They profess they are the "voice of the profession". No they represent their foreign masters and impose foreign agendas in all workplaces including encouraging people to bring their sexual orientations into their professional workplaces, and if you object to their unprofessional conduct they will exclude you from your profession. They are not "for members" they are compulsory extortionists who wear suits but are only "political lobbyists" who can secure political power. Anyone who objects to their radical workplace agendas is targeted. Anyone who speaks out is harmed. They do not make threats anymore. They harm Australians. Thousands have been forced out of the workforce in Australia from their own professions.
@dawndouglas7904 16 дней назад
Anyone that stands for Hamas Palestines is an enemy to Australia.
@JjjYyyy-xl5so 16 дней назад
Если боль других твоей не стала , прожита напрасно жизнь Твоя
@garystig2830 16 дней назад
Who cares about Palestine where in Australia 🇦🇺,worry about Australia and Australian's families living in cars, tents sick of politicians telling the rest of the world how to live when they can't even run this country properly
@robertmenendez3493 16 дней назад
@fahimasharifi786 16 дней назад
Are you serious????????
@lindalane1166 17 дней назад
The greens are a disgrace to Australia. Pity their political party can't be dissolved, nothing but domestic terrorists and trots!
@margaretkobier 17 дней назад
Read the Greens Manifesto!
@bensheridan7907 17 дней назад
Surrender 🏳️ Great call
@The_Last_Rick 18 дней назад
@kurianmathew9440 18 дней назад
Basic common sense! I guess common is not common anymore
@blueberry3168 18 дней назад
Thank you Andrew for supporting Jews and Israel 🇮🇱
@blueberry3168 18 дней назад
There is no role for labor in deciding what Israel does once humus is defeated and the hostages returned. Furthermore now the labor government has told the Israeli ambassador that Australia will not support Israel in their defence against hezbolah, labor has lost the Jewish vote! Thanks for bringing this up and visiting Israel in their time of need. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼✡️🎗️🇮🇱
@swanl.422 18 дней назад
The Palestinian issue is not our problem . We have bigger issues here at home that need to be addressed than the nonsense created by these Muslims fanatics and their supporters. Let the Arabs solve their problem, not the western nation .
@user-ie8ob6vd8x 18 дней назад
Some people need to be TAUGHT some respect!!
@bertockhuisen3584 18 дней назад
Thank you for standing up for the truth, we cannot afford to lose the blessings of the Lord. Which we will if we persecute the Jewish people, one only has to look at the UK to see how far they have fallen.
@torrespearls381 18 дней назад
Thank you for this. I appreciate the fact we have some in Canberra aware of the facts.
@DisgustedAussie 18 дней назад
So true, well said. Please keep supporting our allies and Australia in parliament on our behalf
@jamiegriffiths3939 18 дней назад
greens are against everything good Australia’s enjoy and i totally agree with you .
@patrussell8917 18 дней назад
Recall that this concerned war is not ours & should not incur in our politics or others terrorist group gaining too much consideration while holding hostages