Computer Gaming Yesterday
Computer Gaming Yesterday
Computer Gaming Yesterday
A look into PC gaming’s past
Homeworld 3 is good, actually...
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@torredchc1768 9 часов назад
Story is garbage the camera controls are bad and the gameplay is a spam fest. Its the worst homeworld game. Huge letdown.
@andriyvasilchenko3783 12 часов назад
City Skylines is not better then SimCity 4: Rush Hour, just the modern view. I played both games, but I plays SimCity 4 now, and I don't play Skylines... today. Just too many physics and inbalance in Skylines... Some mechanics is no annoying...
@jakesdaysoff4683 17 часов назад
I tried to play it a month or so ago and couldn't understand what the f was going on. I like Ultima online though
@tristinbulko6786 11 часов назад
Gotta find a guild bro or just ask people what you should be doing at your level etc, EQ community is usually very helpful since most of the game counts on it
@kjvail 17 часов назад
I love EQ so much. Played for 5 years, addictively.
@Moribunnd День назад
Because trying to play them is like trying to navigate a fucking Mobius Strip.
@tusk1142 День назад
This is just depressing. By the sounds of it; Westwood studios got it so right the first few times around that there was practically no room for any evolution apart from splintering the genre into several (which is what happened in the end) the genre came, it went 3D, and then it was all over for the most part...
@97McLuvin 2 дня назад
16:58 For blood and for Sanguinius!
@amygeorgopoulos1400 2 дня назад
I was obsessed with this game when it came out! So happy to have found your video about it.
@anothergol 3 дня назад
It's funny that Dune 2 was totally unrelated to Cryo's Dune game, both released the same year, because Dune also was a realtime strategy game, or at least partly. More primitive for sure, but also a pretty good game.
@StigPrice 3 дня назад
Rts died because it devolved into who can click hotkeys the fastest lol Who gets to their broken win condition build the fastest.
@hoylematt1 4 дня назад
I have a story of my deepest addiction experience with EverQuest. I had been keeping my eye on trying to camp this off hand wisdom book, and finally found a stretch of time to do it, the week where I got my wisdom teeth out. I’ll make the story shorter, but I spent 40 hours straight killing the same creature every 15 minutes and even talked my friend into coming online and watch the spawn so I could get much needed sleep without missing out on the possibility of the wisdom book dropping. When the book finally dropped, the sense of accomplishment at the time was a badge of honor, but the more I tell the story decades later, the more I realize the game was an insane addiction for me masquerading as a video game.
@hoylematt1 4 дня назад
Everquest’s biggest weakness and its most unique feature, was how hopelessly useless it was to have more than one of certain class in your 80 man raid group. My first character was a Druid- excellent solo character but I found out later that they were abysmal for raiding, and the top guilds on my server had no room for me. I still remember my friend who had leveled with his Cleric, getting the invite to one of the top guilds, and I was iced out based upon my class selection months earlier. All that being said, it’s still such an important game and one of my favorites in my gaming history.
@TheGoddamnBacon 4 дня назад
I second reviewing Cataclysm. I didn't know both games were from Northern Cascadia, but gi en I live nearby now that makes me happy.
@yearofthegarden 5 дней назад
As a player of asherons call, who joined daoc for a few weeks but never got past 20, because I was a adhd kid, I really enjoyed faoc, it was hard and very linear in progression, which is why I probably left, because asherons call required being in a monarchy of people who helped me in locations all over the map, while daoc was more based around your proximity and harder to travel around. Great game, wish I got to experience end game.
@tandepasta7716 6 дней назад
I want to add something really important, especially about Mechcommander2 : the fact that as you use a higher difficulty, you had to adapt your strategy every time for every level. On elite mode I can guarantee you that you had to think out great strategies and often had to split up your forces or use a fast mech as a decoy to draw away the fire. I finished all levels of play and the elite level was only there because as a beta tester I kept complaining the game was too easy. I swear I got rewarded.
@TheDAZ1001 7 дней назад
Back when passion trumped sales
@sloo6425 7 дней назад
At least there was Homeworld, a place to call home... Hi.... oh wait ...Jokes aside, here's hoping.
@elgrifolorian 7 дней назад
Does wb still own it? If i had the money id buy it to make a remake.
@user-tx9np9ih9t 7 дней назад
It's very very bad
@ammcknockiter 7 дней назад
1st game we had on the pc
@sathdk79 8 дней назад
Developed DAOC in 18 months. Can't get Camelot Unchained together with a massive kickstarter and something like a decade of development
@gppaula 9 дней назад
I played for many years. It was primitive by today's standards but did many innovative things not seen even in modern games.
@JuicyBruceFlaps 10 дней назад
I'm back after taking 12 years off. Tried Vanguard when it came out for a month. Tried WoW 3 or 4 times, can't do the cartoony stuff. EQ will always be the soft spot for me.
@Ballistic-vn6em 14 дней назад
Thanks for the video, i love this franchise
@terrencegartland 14 дней назад
Someone with amazingly high actions per minute will beat someone with vastly more game knowledge who cannot move their units quick enough. The genre favored the hyper focus on APM and micro and increasingly gave people more units, even though the genre was far slower back in the 90s and early 00s. It's a clumsy way of doing strategy after XCOM showed how brilliant and fair turn-based can be.
@ReginaldArthurWolfe 14 дней назад
@yaboiash5822 15 дней назад
And guess what.. my name is Asheron lol
@JeremyJohnson27 15 дней назад
Watched your video essay on the creation of Homeworld and really enjoyed it. Fantastic work there. I saw in the comments that you've changed your take on HW3 at this point - what do you think of it now after the June patch and mod updates? I'm hoping it's the start of a good direction... and I've still been having a lot of fun in War Games. You made a good point in your video that HW2 didn't really have a great campaign, either... Noah Gervais has a great video essay on the HW series and had a similar thing to say about HW2's story. Between all three, though, I'd still put HW3's campaign story in last place (so it'd go HW1 -> Cat -> 3 for me). It feels rushed and from what I've been reading, that's probably the case. BBI has been really responsive to feedback and I take that as a good indication that they'll be doing their best to course correct. There may even be new cutscenes (we can hope), or at least new story arc expansions in the traditional art direction. Here's hoping for the best. In the meanwhile, keep up the great channel.
@Kodiak1293 16 дней назад
Lol, was one of the few to battle the original mistimoor being run by one of the creators. Atleast that was the story we were told. Never had so much fun having my ass handed to me. Was only 2 of us in the zone, me and a friend that I still keep tabs on. Right outside the castle entrance. He come across that bridge and made quick work of my pally and my buds ranger. We blasted guild chat for a long time, then the real fun. Finding a cleric who could get to us for a rez. Oh the fun and the stories.
@MrPrincepop 17 дней назад
Highly reccomend reading all of the Michael Stackpole Battletech novels! I played the hell out MechCommander back then.
@mirrannda 17 дней назад
All they need to do is take this game, improve the graphics and re-release it as DAOC 2. I'm sure many people would be eager to play it.
@bwhasse 18 дней назад
Homeworld is burning. There is nothing left.
@sfabok 18 дней назад
has anyone ever interviewed the original character artist and discussed the development process? all of the original sneak peeks of the game have character models that ALL look absolutely different. Id love to know what happened behind the scenes that got us the most iconic character designs of all time
@Rubiktron 18 дней назад
8:20 is that Linus Torvalds at the far right?
@sammy-gd7hw 19 дней назад
My favorite of all mmo's . Its the original that started it all.
@JimX218 19 дней назад
My favorite game.... damn I wish they'd do a remake.
@galicredstone 20 дней назад
Yun-Fat of Thistledown here. AC was by fart the best game I've ever played. The community made it so. The game itself was wonderful, with unique features such as researchable-spells and deep lore. The Alliance system built wonderful freiendships both inside and outside the game. I miss it daily.
@true_xander 20 дней назад
Herzog Zwei - The Count 2
@skudlugs 21 день назад
EQ was tough but look at todays mmorpgs, wtf happened? your handed things! too easy = pointless, like life. I raged at dying in EQ, I mean RAGED! The loss was brutal but success was ohh so sweet!
@user-gn1jj1yf1w 21 день назад
I still play Dark Reign to this day. The only bit that troubles me is ports of it messing up advanced mechanics of units like the sniper, or that there is no modding community to further it today. Sniper units not being able to sit idly without auto-fire on passing units is annoying especially when you want to have them mask in and wait for enemies main force to pass before flanking or taking on specific targets. It's mechanical end was glorious. The ability to set paths and routes for your units to follow or set into an indefinite routine of patrolling was great and ahead of everything around it. Advanced controls for agro, ranges of target acquisition, and damage before returning to heal was also epic. Having phasing, temporal rifts, teleporting, seismic waves of destruction, terrain masking units, adopting enemy appearances for your units to sneak them about, desiccators(currency is water, destroying it is a chad move.) and things to depower or steal tech from their bases too, and land and air as well as hover units made it pretty replayable into the indefinite future. The only bit missing from it's war was naval or space anything. Which looking back would have been a fine expansion should the IP have wanted to advance something. Honestly I think Starcraft only got ahead of it for shinier graphics honestly. Why Zerg burrow when you could Phasing facility transport five units across the map unseen to unload them in a surprise, phase tank the same as burrowing critters, and even make your units look like trees and things to hide? Where Starcraft did a single feature in a moderate ability Dark Reign went all in and explored out various angles. As for Dark Reign 2... we wont talk about that 3d mess. It was neat but it's graphics and cinematics still leave me wanting. That game was so far ahead of it's time that it goddamn near set the bar for the next decade or more. Issue was that not many knew of it or it's release I think. Timing of it's advertisements and lack of convention interfacing let it wither on the vine. I remember picking up a 5$ cd of Starcraft prior to it's release at a computing convention in Ohio. Dark Reign on the other hand was about 20$ and was gotten from a game store with little or no fanfare shy an interesting package at the time.
@ByronC900 21 день назад
I had been trying to find the name of the game "Cyberstrike" for a LONG, LONG time. No one seemed to know what I was talking about. Thank you so much for this lol.
@krisdog88 21 день назад
I played the HECK outta this game. My first level 50 Highlander Paladin, Dafydd, was my absolute favorite. I've been trying to find an MMO that gave me the same same feeling, and it just doesn't exist. Someone, please, take the original ideas and gameplay style and make a new game. (Or don't - I don't have the same kind of time I used to !!)
@cory8619 21 день назад
Teek server going STRONK
@Nikitos253 22 дня назад
A crackhead could write a better campaing than what we got
@Lurch150 24 дня назад
I would love to see a HW1 total conversion mod for HW3, the modding scene would be a huge asset for the franchise and community. ..... you liked the story? Really? How? Why? Are you feeling ok? Are you confused about HW?
@Lurch150 24 дня назад
Alex Garden could be the true visionary behind the success of HW which is why HW3 was poorly received. That said, I think most HW fans approve of DoK so maybe Robb Cunningham still has what it takes to make the franchise work. It would be interesting if they could get Alex involved like old times, but it looks like he's moved on to much bigger and better things. Big fish in a little pond.
@apokal17 24 дня назад
Надеюсь, через годы вы сможете снять такой же подробный ролик о создание Homeworld 3. И ответить на сакральный вопрос, возникающий после прохождения игры "Почему?".
@TheGoddamnBacon 4 дня назад
The fact this comes from a person speaking Cyrillic (no offense intended, just noted for significance) says a lot about your statement. It isn't just us that saw what happened. I don't even hate all the game, but it might as well not be canon to me. Cataclysm is still the worthy successor.
@Arkham_UK 25 дней назад
Great video i enjoyed that. Nice work! 👍 The one thing about will wright i loved was that he competed in the canonball run in the 70s. That boy's free as a bird.
@computergamingyesterday 24 дня назад
Yes! Also an early battlebots competitor. He is an interesting guy.
@suddenimpulse030 26 дней назад
You have lost any and all credibility by posting this.
@williamcase426 26 дней назад
I'm gonna play this in vr