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Ring of Fire 1
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Flippin Allie
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Allie Owwwwww!!
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Gandhi: It's time you left
16 лет назад
@nukedude 9 лет назад
Just line normal clothes with 3M static guard bags cut up. Look more normal and can take multiple hits in the same spot.
@dragonskinstudio 11 лет назад
fencing suits will work just fine as will any chain mail
@kcraigdc 11 лет назад
@kcraigdc 12 лет назад
@steelbreeze420 12 лет назад
@emreakinci6969 im sure its a metal mesh imbeeded....that give the current a shorter path to the other pole....
@VoxJoxx 12 лет назад
This will not be effective against the Plasma-Taser made by Rheinmetall.
@tippership 13 лет назад
Faraday may have discovered the trick to defeating electricity, but the rules say the cage /mesh has to be thin and interwoven enough. How in the hell could civillians or plain old joe create a mesh tiny enough to Faraday-circuit a Taser's Charge? it's well known that most (only one or two don't) Body armors fail massively to tasers- and the effect will go through them. It's a fact cops have tased and taken down people with body armor. Looks like tasers are the end all, unfortunately.
@tippership 13 лет назад
Serious Talk: This is the only sort of armor that exists of this type- for TASERS(Barbs and NMI, not drive stunning or stun guns) For those saying Guns beat Tasers- there are too many cases of someone with their taser freezing the other guy then holding it down(civvie models) so guy with gun cant do anything till opponent closes and steps on his head/takes gun. The effects of the charge penetrate 2 inches(talking about the e charge), so making something taser proof obviously isnt that easy.
@nukedude 13 лет назад
I have a video showing 3M ESD bags defeating a stun gun. Same concept as this. But as for microwaves, you need something containing water to dissipate the radiation somewhere besides your skin. Think a shield with wet diaper type material held in front of you. Then 3M bags in your clothes for the tazer/stun gun. Add hearing protection for the LRAD and a gas mask and have some fun.
@sapphirehits1 13 лет назад
what do you do if it's comming from inside the body?
@Commack08 13 лет назад
I have a question however, one of the tags for the video is "anti-microwave" -- Has there been a test done with the active denial system yet to show it protects against this kind of attack ?
@Commack08 13 лет назад
Lots of folks seem to be missing the point here. While wearing the THOR garment, act like your being stunned and then surprise attack with unleashed fury and strike to kill.
@HigherWaysWoman 14 лет назад
anyway you can show the Thor Shield blocking DET's/Psyhcotronics, etc attacks? If I were a criminal and my chances of getting tazed were much more likely than every day citizens...I wouldn't wear anything but Thor Shield garments!!! LOLOL!
@XomegaZ 14 лет назад
cops will deal with him and shoot him, it wont make him shoot proof..
@XomegaZ 14 лет назад
oh imagine if he was wearing it and had a taser, it doesnt make much differnece, whats she gonna do grab his taser off him...
@XomegaZ 14 лет назад
if shes wearing this shell at least be able to run away or hit him
@XomegaZ 14 лет назад
well whats the difference between the rapist wearing it with a taser or not, hes gonna b a few yards away killing her u dip crap, this things super good because it can save you from them if u choose to have it + theres nothing wrong or lethal about it. its a defence safety shirt
@ddogge1 14 лет назад
Although you bypass pain with metal/screen, there are also other different electronic attacks that can be used, which are more a nuisance, like loss of sleep. The polyester layers is the key to different solutions for different settings. But w/o polyester, terrorists ricochet angles off metal, and may be more painful; except it don't spike holes in your flesh (rather, it gives bruise-burns and edema, which can make you lose limbs - bastards!). Everyone should carry maser cannons to make it even!
@dankeschone 14 лет назад
It's a farraday cage/cloth. Nothing revolutionary about it. Meshed wires/conductors going through your clothes is all. You can buy the wallets/passport billfolds online with this now. It also disrupts RFID getting pelted at your credit cards- which is why it's good for wallets. I don't know why they released this. It's going to be made by civilians, and then your tazer becomes a paper weight. Oh well.
@ahayesm 15 лет назад
faraday cloth would short out a taser too
@ahayesm 15 лет назад
more like tin foil actually
@Edman275 15 лет назад
Maybe pepper spray?
@slovakzolee87 15 лет назад
whats your opinion on kevlar? kevlar protects against taser? thor shield trousers exist???????
@noonward 15 лет назад
idk probably get out of this hypothetical question and pack a concealed pistol also banning tinfoil jackets would be socialist as fuck
@noonward 15 лет назад
what about some woman who wears it when some crackhead rapist with a taser comes by
@bestSVMS 15 лет назад
its only for law enforcement and military
@bestSVMS 15 лет назад
rubber may protect you frum a handheld one but one that shoots darts, it wouldnt do anything because the darts easy pentrate it, touching your skin shocking the daylights out of you i think its rubber with a steel mech inside which shorts it out but i dont make it
@dogmusher 15 лет назад
I already have x26 taser too then SHUT UP
@dogmusher 15 лет назад
i told u I already made taser proof then SHUT UP
@slovakzolee87 15 лет назад
How much is it????/i think the thor shild/ there are protection for legs or arms??????????????
@dogmusher 15 лет назад
I already made taser proof clothes .. that company refuse to sell to cizition how is stupid !! who have problem with heart ... because cops dont know if security officer holding bad guy or what if cop shoot them and let bad guy run away how stupid??
@swirlcrop 15 лет назад
Where do you buy thor?
@organboi 16 лет назад
where may i get one of these?
@xapemanx 16 лет назад
google thor shield for more info
@Macanghaill 16 лет назад
Membrane 556: This is not faraday cloth. It is a newly patented product. Faraday cloth shields electromagnetic waves- it doesn't protect against electrical current.
@birdsarewild 16 лет назад
Okay, so this is only sold to military or police so why can't someone else start a company that only sells to other groups of people? There are several professions that require a license of some type so that could be used to show who was buying it.
@Membrane556 16 лет назад
Doesn't matter if she was being verbally abusive if she was not physically attacking then there was no reason to use force.
@Membrane556 16 лет назад
Umm it's called faraday cloth and yes you can buy it. It just cloth the has small wires woven into it and provides a low resistance path for the HV. Placing metal screen on the inside a jacket might give the same protection.
@EdBeardJrFantasyArtist 16 лет назад
So now if you are taking an emergency call and don't "snap to" when the fascist cop demands you to" or id you tall the cop to back off or anything that rubs the cop the wrong way you are committing " resistance to an officer without violence" cute name for a Fascist anti Constitutional free ride for a cop to taser you. Google- daytona Best Buy women tasered. Time for Ron Paul 2008 com
@EdBeardJrFantasyArtist 16 лет назад
Cop claimed she was verbally profane, abusive, loud and resisting in a non physical way cops demands to return inside imediately interupting the imergency call "Cheif- Beeland was using her own CC card and had committed no crime.
@EdBeardJrFantasyArtist 16 лет назад
Daytona FL, Police, Best Buy- women tasered while refusing to OBEY! black female renta-cop, Yoga instuctor Mrs. Beeland, was taking an emergency call (outside) about her child leaving CC at check out.
@SunsetSupermanRMB 16 лет назад
It's about time, we all have to fight back against the NWO and the coming police state, kill as many cops as you can.