Featured videos from the Mises Institute. The Mises Institute promotes Austrian economics, freedom, and peace in the liberal intellectual tradition of Ludwig von Mises through research, publishing, and education.
The Montaigne Fallacy | Mark Thornton
11 часов назад
Fight Inflation Now | Mark Thornton
День назад
The Problem with Public Schools
День назад
Doctor Copper | Mark Thornton
14 дней назад
Republican Party: Old and New
14 дней назад
Joseph Stiglitz: Stupid or Sinister?
21 день назад
@dwaindibley4137 6 часов назад
Mr. Newman, the Federal Reserve does not print US money, it has no money-creating powers whatsoever. It is even against the law (12 USC 411) for the Fed to use US money in any of its market operations. US money is very specific, a product of US law (31 USC 5103). Learning what US money is and, more importantly, what it is not will help you better understand how the Federal Reserve and the banking system operate. You may also learn why maintaining asset values is a paramount concern for them.
@grahammitchell4142 9 часов назад
WELL WHAT D'YA KNOW ?? Everybody thought the recent Wars started by the USA in Iraq, Afghanistan and NOW Ukraine were orchestrated Conflicts supposedly in the name of DEMOCRACY !!! But it's the same old same old American Bully Boy tactics which they've callously enacted throughout the World ever since the end of WW2. Lest we should forget !!! America is the ONLY NATION on Earth to have detonated Nuclear Bombs on the Civilian Population, not just the once ?? BUT TWICE !! PURE EVIL !!
@truthtransistorradio6716 11 часов назад
As a Ron Paul supporter, there is absolutely no similarities with Donald Trump! The guy that gave authority to the states to have lockdowns? The constitution is above the state! Then he signed a $2.2 trillion stimulus check! Completely against the Ron Paul philosophy! I believe Trump is just trying to get the votes of Libertarians by speaking at the rally. The fact a socialist won the Libertarian party will only help Donald Trump win. Yes, Biden is bad, too. But this recent inflation and economic problem was caused by the lockdowns and stimulus checks! Trump started it, and Biden added to it!
@Richard-ki4nk 11 часов назад
Good talk
@Wonderwall627 14 часов назад
You have it backwards. School was a place for deep learning first in ancient times. Then it was hijacked for job training
@dhippstarr 16 часов назад
After having labored getting 500k signatures obtaining ballot access, I am ashamed. Fuck the big L. The libertarian party has been infuriated. I am going to change my afilation unaffiliated asap
@skog44 19 часов назад
Brilliant woman, AND she can do stand up 😄😄☘️☘️🙏🙏
@antebellum1 День назад
Thank you so much for this. The MMTers confuse me for how nonsensical their word games are. I don't understand why the first statement you make, that if you print infinite money you will have infinite inflation, isn't accepted by them as a counterargument. They seem to assume that money is just something that exists and will always exist. The possibility that a money can lose so much value that people will eventually return to barter as bread, shoes, and other objects become more reliable media of exchange than notes with the word "money" printed on them simply can;t happen in their world. That is exactly what happened in Germany after World War One. Also, thank you for the free Rothbard books. I am getting one for my grandpa and making a donation to the Mises Institute. You guys do so much more with so little resources compared to other political organizations. 100,000 books for free? That is just amazing!
@Richest_Person_in_the_World 16 часов назад
We dispute that inflation is something that can "take on a life of its own"
@willnitschke 16 часов назад
@@Richest_Person_in_the_World Nobody cares about your opinion, and you're not a MMTer either. You're a child who has listened to a couple podcasts about MMT and afterwards confused yourself. 😉
@antebellum1 15 часов назад
@@Richest_Person_in_the_World I did not say that inflation "takes on a life of its own." The government gives inflation life by printing money. Do you agree that there is a relationship between the amount of money the government creates and the rate of inflation? Anything which affects the supply/demand of money can cause inflation/deflation, and one of those things (which is by far the most dominant today) is government creating money.
@reilysmith5187 День назад
What's absurd is that you can tell a robber to stay hidden and then receive the same punishment as him because you're guilty by association. But the Fed and government can force investors to buy treasuries, and because this happens through an intermediary claim these things are totally separate.
@reilysmith5187 День назад
Anyone know if the leatherbound version is availbe for sale online? Can only find an older version of it on secondhand markets.
@reilysmith5187 День назад
Ah it's the 75th anniversary edition. Searching for that will yield results on their site, searching for human action, leather, or human action leather didn't work for some reason.
@deathevokation1017 День назад
The same people that think Lincoln was great think the same of Churchill.
@suzannesherman5040 День назад
This was very well done and I appreciate the clarification for what exactly happened at the convention
@MengerMania День назад
Dollars, no matter what form, cannot act as reserves and money at the same time. The Fed, therefore, does not create "money dollars." Banks create the dollars used as money. Also, you did not take into consideration that The Fed's leverage on banks has been greatly reduced, or eliminated, by the zero reserve requirement. Sell The Fed's assets and close it tomorrow. Let the market eliminate the real culprit, fractional reserves.
@darrylkraatz1482 День назад
Glad to hear the voice of one of the inspirations for the Pacific. What this man went through and seen is almost unbelievable. Thank you for posting.
@bernardoferrero6072 День назад
At Friedman’s 90th birthday
@bernardoferrero6072 День назад
@graemeverryt618 День назад
the fed is the most heiress crime ever committed in history , on the general population of the realm
@aslkdjfzxcv9779 День назад
camt wait for balkanization
@trevordowney6425 День назад
We're going to get one either way. The fed only prolongs and worsens it.
@destroya3303 День назад
It certainly wouldn't depress me.
@shahub5 День назад
Very good video thank you
@SilverSeraph100 2 дня назад
It seems like it would be easier to get a bill passed that allowed market competition in currency. I.e. as Ron Paul said many times, repeal legal tender laws and capital gains taxes on precious metals. The Fed doesn't need to be abolished if it is forced out of business.
@graemeverryt618 День назад
better to have the people have their government do the work of the fed and keep their profit from ever leaving your pocket, debt based fiat is a farce so efen forget fed reserve currency... why do they assassinate presidents ???
@zg-it 2 дня назад
Yes, there will be a lot of depressed people at Goldman Sachs and the treasury Department
@jeffreylonigro4081 2 дня назад
Absolutely mind-boggling speech. The Founders of course, had the solution: well-regulated militias. With a proper functioning second amendment, America would need no military. And in fact, this is precisely what our Founders attempted to give us as the constitution prohibits a standing army. Only a Navy is authorized by the constitution.
@Psalms20A21 2 дня назад
🤨IT'S A RACKET🤨 🤣Finding humor in Knowledge! Will Share! 📜TRUST NO man [IT'S BIBLICAL]
@natangmail6405 2 дня назад
10:08 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
@bungeebones 2 дня назад
I'm launching a web that only uses crypto. Advertisers have to pay with it and so are the commissions with it. Since web traffic is a digital commodity, the system might be called a "DCBDC" (i.e a Digital COMMODITY Backed Digital Currency.
@bungeebones 2 дня назад
How does a note from the fed (which "once upon a time" promised to pay dollars) become the "dollars"? It would be like me issuing a note to pay one cow and when they present the note for redemption I tell them the note IS A COW. No, it's all just a bunch of bull.
@graemeverryt618 День назад
its a history essay
@bungeebones День назад
@@graemeverryt618 Huh?
@kellylough1569 2 дня назад
Bob and Johnathan, have you watched Rocco Galati CBC on youtube videos ? He being a Constitutional Lawyer in Canada attempted to have the Bank of Canada revert back to its mandated origin of being a Public Bank from present day, a Central Bank. Public Bank's loan money interest free for infrastructure projects with only paying back the principal loan amounts, no interest added...whereas Central Banks add interest to the loans that the public is responsible through taxation to pay back, a bottomless pit of higher taxation
@robertwilkinson8421 2 дня назад
Bernie Sanders has never had to work for a living, therefore He can spout his beliefs in Socialism. Leftists are all Delusional.
@julianvijarro22 2 дня назад
A gold standard sets us up for failure. A silver, gold and even copper standard enriches far more people. Gold as insurance/savings, silver for daily transactions due to larger liquidity and copper as change for daily transactions. It is a checks and balances system preventing cornering of the market. There is a reason silver was taken away in the 1870s. It would spread wealth the quickest due to its larger liquidity and needs in industry. Anyone who held silver would in theory hold a stock in companies who use silver. That means a better balance between corporate power and the power of the public.
@mr.g1758 2 дня назад
That's pretty good analysis.
@cypherpunk7675 2 дня назад
I don't think the gold standard was ever real. It was always fractional money printing all the way down, and when the US gov got caught with their hand in the cookie jar they just unilaterally changed the rules.
@albionicamerican8806 2 дня назад
Historically most people suffered from mass poverty & starvation back when they used gold & silver for money. The Bible shows us this destitution in the story where the Jewish authorities were able to bribe Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus with what by our standards was a trivial amount of silver, probably comparable to one of Costco's $700 or so rolls of silver Canadian Maple Leaf coins. At the time that was written, and for generations afterwards, that pocket-change payment looked like winning the lottery.
@jonyD143 День назад
Interesting. I want to find out more about this.
@fitsodafun 2 дня назад
What if you need to crap but cannot pay for private toilets because you forgot to bring change ? Crap in your pants or on the private road ?
@fitsodafun 2 дня назад
Privatization of everything has been eloquently summarized by an emeritus HEC professor. " Tu veux respirer ? Tu PAYES ! " ; " Wanna breathe ? Pay UP ! " -- Omar Aktouf
@iCanSeeWhatMostCant 2 дня назад
Ending the Fed would not cause a depression, it would cause nuclear war. They would vaporize all of their human livestock and start a new farm from scratch before they let the livestock out of the gate.
@dekzzx 2 дня назад
no matter what the short term consequences it needs to be done.
@libertycoffeehouse3944 2 дня назад
The Federal Reserve is a criminal organization.
@libertycoffeehouse3944 2 дня назад
We have been in a depression. The government lies about unemployment and inflation. We have huge peaks and valleys ever since we have had that devil worshipping institution.
@cryptoemcee 2 дня назад
Thanks, gentlemen.
@albionicamerican8806 2 дня назад
Restoring the gold standard isn't going to work. The world's per capita refined gold supply is literally about an ounce, which means the overwhelming majority of people aren't going to have any gold. In case you don't understand, consider that if own 10 ounces of gold, then 9 other people won't have any.
@dekzzx 2 дня назад
There are plenty of people who have no money despite all those dollars out there but somehow that system is still working. pricing things in a commodity does not mean everyone needs to have some.
@swilliams937 2 дня назад
Bimetallic. Gold, silver, copper, and nickel can make it work.
@TheSummersilk 2 дня назад
I don't know if you noticed, but you no longer have to physically host a commodity to trade it.
@cypherpunk7675 2 дня назад
@@swilliams937 That also requires the abolition of legal tender laws to prevent exchange rate manipulation, which is essentially the same as controlling interest rates.
@connoisseurofcookies2047 День назад
​@@cypherpunk7675¿Por qué no los dos?
@TimedNonTides 2 дня назад
Chase Oliver, a woke progressive, cannot force the Covid Agenda like Trump. Look how he's charmed you. Oliver couldn't charm many. Look at this big talk you're devoting to Trump w/o even mentioning much, the donkey in the room, Trump made America into China. If it's not a big deal, come force a mask on my family & see what you get. I shouldn't have to but Trump, his promoters & supporters, will make me, will make the best Americans among us while you peaceniks hide your gold. We trusted libertarians like Argentine president Milei, to guide the freedom movement, & they advocated peace over justice if not compliance such as in when lp candidate Jorgenson, Kato, & others advocated for the Govt's Covid Agenda against us. More specifically, Milei trumpets anarcho~capitalism yet stakeholder capitalism & public private partnership while seeming fascist from an American view, appears to be good enough for them, for libertarians, ancaps, & objectivists, & that's a real problem. Milei sounds like another pied piper, in other words. Indeed, it is starting to look like Objectivist, Libertarian, & Ancaps have a major blind spot when it comes to fascism as well as when & how individuals, a people, ought to respond to tyrannical governance. Yaron Brook, ARI Dir & most popular Objectivist, doesn't say Americans should fight back, He does say we ought fight for another country though, further empowering our own, fighting for another even more turnkey totalitarian to their own. Tbc, all these ill gotten gains from money printing, from govt, both foreign & domestic, or from other schemes such a ponzi whether fostered by govt or not, is fascistic in its effect on the market, in its effect on individuals, yet Brooks nor other Objectivist channels argue near enough against it. Not by the standards Americans are supposed to, as I reason it. In short, Milei & those of his ilk may be exactly the influence that is debilitating us in the face of this terifying tyranny. Did I mention he, Brooks, tries to insinuate only luddites are concerned... Of course, he can deny & squirm around my condemnation, but it is about fighting time, & he leading the way, has Ayn Rand's people as of yet on the wrong side of history. It's a major disappointment, to say the least. A note about Ancaps: Ancap bitcoiners self censored their comment sections for covid & climate Agendas to keep making money on social media. Simply stated, these false ideas, Objectivism, Libertarianism & Anarchism, do not enough teach people to claim the space/land/terrotory, that it's worth dying better yet killing for, that the space is not under any circumstances for sell nor to be sold or even lost, & that those who betray that, that idea/position, such as Israel, as Yaron Brook representing the Ayn Rand Institute, & Objectivists, Libertarians, & Anarchists more broadly have, ought be held accountable which includes yourself. Simply stated, stop supporting these fascist who are selling out our country & are unwilling to fight for it. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-SByjfbOUvWc.htmlsi=Qcu-yyYploI16IuE
@merlepatterson 2 дня назад
They really need a name change to "The Fred" since the Federal Reserve Bank has nothing to do with being a "Federal" bank. It was privately formed by billionaires and has private shareholders and cannot be audited by the American People. Full stop. "Fred" would be a good name for a Rockefeller.
@robertgraham5619 2 дня назад
Wow! How refreshing to hear the truth from all sides, no more of those secret meetings!! Thank you!
@1Skeptik1 2 дня назад
I dabbled in the market just long enough to learn that if the price of a commodity can be manipulated for profit it will be and that includes the price of the money commodity itself. Inflation is by design, the government profits (capital gains tax) and the citizen loses.
@AirionKosak 2 дня назад
Man so many of these capital gains are really just inflation and no real gain at all!!
@AirionKosak 2 дня назад
I can sure the homes in dayton ohio where I live are not going up because the demand for people to move to dayton is so high....a lot of people are actually moving closer to Columbus and Cincinnati if anything
@billmelater6470 2 дня назад
The MMT'ers whole argument is always "this is how it works". Like, yes, no shit, that's the problem. Imagine someone in Zimbabwe just sitting on their hands going "This is how it is". It's like they just take for granted that money printing is as natural as gravity instead of something utterly man made and arbitrary. It's not good theory. Having said that, I can't wait for the "You just don't understand MMT!" defense, like some edgy teen arguing with their parent.
@swilliams937 2 дня назад
NOT ending the Fed certainly will bring a depression.
@graemeverryt618 День назад
omg really
@cryptoemcee 2 дня назад
Thanks, Mark.
@daryoushr9191 2 дня назад
My one and only concern or opinion against homeschooling kids has been the lack of social skills or the experience of the social hierarchy that you will gain in schools. Homeschooled kids will not experience this at its truest form. Cause they must be in place within an enviroment with a big population of kids their age. You cannot merely place them in an eviroment within 'people' or adults. Cause they already know where they are placed in that circle of hierarchy. But when you are around kids your age you will learn or find out how you as an individual react to this struggles with finding your self in a social life. And the only place where kids are gathered at that much of a number is in schools. I completly agree with everything said about the video of how bulsh$T the system is about kids learning any actual knowledge and teaching them critical thinking skills.
@francescomalvetani2679 2 дня назад
Human Action!❤
@ZomboJoe 2 дня назад
Chase being the nominee is excellent for Trump anyway, no self respecting libertarian should be voting for a queer democrat over Trump lol.
@monopolymoney2703 День назад
What makes him a democrat?
@KingRat54 2 дня назад
The members of the Mises Caucus have failed as members of the Libertarian Party because: 1. They have acted rudely. 2. They have acted arrogantly. 3. They have acted as 'know it alls'. 4. They have disrespected the longtime leaders of the party. 5. They have no appreciation of party history and tradition. 6. They spend inordinately more time promoting philosophy than candidates. 7. They must have everything done their way. 8. They never tried to 'blend in' to the party, but instead tried to take it over!