March for Life UK
March for Life UK
March for Life UK
Promoting the dignity of every \u2029human life by working to end \u2029abortion - uniting, educating \u2029and mobilising pro-life people \u2029in the public square.\u2029

Claire Culwell - Abortion Survivor
День назад
Dr Haywood Robinson - Ex Abortionist
День назад
14 дней назад
Rethink Abortion Day : Crawley
14 дней назад
March for Life UK 2024: PROMO
2 месяца назад
Andrew Stephenson - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Robert Colquhoun - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Lynda Rose - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Madeline Page - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Eden McCourt - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Zuzana Revayova - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Alithea Williams - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Dr Dermot Kearney - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Lois McLatchie-Miller - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Clare McCullough - Say NO RALLY
3 месяца назад
Rachel Mackenzie - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce - Say NO Rally
3 месяца назад
Carla Lockhart MP
3 месяца назад
Ian Paisley MP
3 месяца назад
3 месяца назад
Clare McCullough: Prayer Vigil for Life
4 месяца назад
Fr Bernard Murphy: Prayer Vigil 2024
4 месяца назад
Rachel  Mackenzie:  Prayer Vigil 2024
4 месяца назад
@British_Tanker. 22 часа назад
...it was at this time when pro-abortion hecklers were shouting "liar" "abortion is healthcare"...
@clarefrenchum9696 День назад
Cried my eyes out for the missing family members.
@wendy6635 День назад
Listening again to Claire Culwell's testimony- its such a pity that the group of men ( albeit passionately well intentioned )who held a constant slogan shouting match agains the pro abortion group, actually prevented the women promoting abortion to hear and learn something from those who gave powerful talks on the stage.
@Greggers2627 16 часов назад
Its a pity that Catholics fail to respect other people's religious freedom when it comes to this particular issue. I'd say its you who has something to learn. 😉
@wendy6635 12 часов назад
@@Greggers2627 My comment has nothing whatsoever to do with religious freedom. Whilst I commend these men for having their hearts in the right place, I am sure they didn’t realise they were drowning out the powerful speeches from those who could have helped some of these women, all who have been swayed by misinformation propaganda from those who stand to gain financially from the murder of babies in the womb. It is rare that mothers have the opportunity to hear or understand the truth about abortion procedures ,the physical dangers for themselves, and the emotional effects for both fathers and mothers after their babies are killed. The March for Life is a precious opportunity for the truth to be told for those who desperately need to hear it.
@Salutaris13074 День назад
Powerful testimony.
@cykoelektryko1482 День назад
Great! Was waiting for that!
@iainmclaughlan1557 2 дня назад
It was a great March today. Thank you.
@key948 2 дня назад
Just picked this discussion on holiday in Napoli, a well presented discussion that all Catholics should listen to, and help us all be better informed
@grunewaj 2 дня назад
Regardless what one thinks about abortion, that any policeman in a free country would consider praying silently anywhere any kind of offense, is an outrage and that policeman should be fired immediately. But that won’t happen because sadly England is becoming a fascist police state.
@Greggers2627 3 дня назад
That's 3 Catholics and protester.
@elizabetamedvedeva 2 дня назад
4 Catholics.
@Greggers2627 День назад
​@@elizabetamedvedeva 4 bigots. 😉
@SpinningBirdFlip 4 дня назад
This is gonna be classed as terrorism in the uk.....imagine thinking babies in the wonb shouldnt be killed will get you arrested
@BeingCatholicMedia 6 дней назад
Thank you all for a great conversation and speaking the truth.. 🙏. CK
@anneneary2872 8 дней назад
A big 'thank you' to MFL for this deeply engaging, compassionate, informative, experiential and most encouraging discussion. How ironic to read the misleading "Abortion Health Information" insert by RU-vid.
@dermotkearney251 8 дней назад
Brilliant discussion. Highly educational 👏👏👏
@melissadonovan8231 9 дней назад
Alot of time has past but hi from the Donovan who once you stayed with and fr. Stan fortuna at our home in wichita kansas...I still keep you and all cfr's in my prayers😊
@tessa3236 10 дней назад
I’m so so sorry none of your friends said they’d help you and stuck by your side, but encouraged you to abort. Terrible. Please know you’re loved and forgiven by Jesus and He’s longing to heal your heart. Your baby is waiting with eagerness to meet you in heaven one day. I pray healing and joy for you, dear Natalia …you are Gods daughter. 🙏🏼🤍✝️
@kiron4209 11 дней назад
I watch all your videos, and I'm impressed, really great videos. But I feel bad that this video has no views. If you want I can give you good advice on what to do with the view. How can I contact you?
@mariajones1660 13 дней назад
Fabulous studio and interview thank you!
@sebwilkins 15 дней назад
Thankfully, abortion is healthcare.
@monikapatki 15 дней назад
She is a living saint!! Smart brave woman!!!
@dermotkearney251 16 дней назад
Excellent interview. Tremendous insight from two wonderful women with a vast amount of experience in compassionately helping other women and men who are suffering from the scourge of abortion experiences.
@silvershield2342 19 дней назад
Police forces? More like Police States. Victory! Keep moving forward!
@aceraphael 20 дней назад
@steppenwolfliest3947 20 дней назад
Congratulations and God bless you!!!
@lesliekriel6498 20 дней назад
@paddyearly 20 дней назад
A wonderful interview with this great holy Priest🙏 I have met him and am deeply impressed by his inspirational holiness🙏
@Salutaris13074 20 дней назад
Praise God. Brilliant news! Well don Isabel.
@MichaelPetek 21 день назад
Congratulations, isabel.
@neilvincent5571 21 день назад
Well done Isabel for your courage and to see through this fiasco. May the prolife witness and prayer be allowed, may goodness always prevail. May the Lord be with you and all those who witness to the unborn and bring victory to your witness and struggle.
@thesisterhoodhub 21 день назад
Thank you Isabel for being a voice for the voiceless! It hasn’t gone unnoticed that people of the Christian faith are not included in treating people with dignity, respect and inclusion. We are all equal as human beings, and what is pertained for one individual should be across the board for all people, not just the chosen few, who are in vogue. “Better a millstone be hung around your neck and you be cast into the sea than you should ever hurt one of these little ones.” ~ Luke 17:2 Each one of us have been given a free will to choose right from wrong at any given moment, and these choices affect others, for good or bad! Every life matters and we are very much loved by our Heavenly Father, but He doesn’t condone sin! He cares for each one of us from the womb to the tomb, the body and spirit, but it’s the spirit that lives on for eternity, so please note that Jesus our Saviour, will be returning soon and we all will need to give an account of our lives: the thoughts, deeds, actions, words and motives done in the flesh, and who can stand before God? If you did not know, Jesus is our redeemer who came to save us from our fallen and sinful nature. If you don’t know Him yet and how He came to restore our relationship with God in heaven, who loves you and wants you to be reconciled to Him, I say to you today: Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes unto the Father but by Him, Jesus is the only one mediator between God and man, and only God can forgive sins. What is sin? It is knowing the right thing to do and not doing it. Sin includes things like sexual immorality, addictions, drunkenness, drugs, watching porn, lying, stealing, unforgiveness, hate, anger, gossiping, and much more. These separate us from God, who is holy and righteous and just. He weighs the motives of our hearts and all of us have missed the mark. The call to salvation is for everyone. Regardless of your wealth, status, sexual orientation or religious background, Jesus invites you to turn from sin and accept His gift of salvation. No amount of money, social standing, or religious observance can save you. It’s not about comparing yourself to others; the only comparison that matters is with God, and we all fall short, we all have sinned. God doesn’t want our religion; He wants a relationship with us. Good works cannot save you; there is nothing you can do to earn salvation. It’s by grace alone, so no one can boast. Our works are like filthy rags to a holy God. The Bible says the wages of sin is death, eternal separation from God in hell-a fate you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. We are created with a God-shaped vacuum that nothing else can fill but Him. Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins on the Cross so we can be restored to God, our heavenly Father. There needed to be a sacrifice, and God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, who was sinless, to take our place. It’s like a mother giving away her new-born baby or you giving away your only child to pay someone else’s debt, someone who couldn’t care less about you or love you back. God was willing to do that for you and me. Jesus Christ was crucified, with nails driven through His hands and feet and a crown of thorns pressed onto His head. He was whipped until His skin was torn off, becoming unrecognizable. As He hung on that Cross, He did it for your sins. He took our sins upon Himself, including the very sins that have destroyed our lives. He was destroyed for those sins on that Cross. He bled and died for our sins, which were buried with Him in the grave. Three days later, Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. Jesus is alive! Now is the time to respond. Romans 10:9 says, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” This declaration and belief bring salvation. John 3:36 warns, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” Embrace this good news today and pray: “Dear God, thank you for loving me. I confess that I have sinned against you. I believe that Jesus, Your Son, died on the cross to pay for my sins. I believe that Jesus was raised from the dead. I ask that you forgive all my sins. I confess that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Thank you for Your gift of eternal life! I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.” Remember, it’s not the prayer that saves you; it’s the heartfelt belief and confession, repentance and choosing to trust in Jesus for a righteous life, from now on. Now is the time for salvation. Turn from darkness to light, from sin to salvation, and follow Jesus. Ask God for forgiveness of the wrong things you have done, repent (turn from them) and leave your old sinful ways behind, and begin a new and righteous life trusting in Christ Jesus, every single day, ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit to help you, and read your Bible and obey it, repent to God daily, connect to God through prayer and ask the Holy Spirit for revelation, guidance, wisdom and discernment.
@bellabebad Месяц назад
God bless you
@symstilo1 2 месяца назад
Take it up with the holy father? God the almighty? The pope is a man. The bible says only call the heavenly father father when it comes to the faith.
@user-oc7mi8yz1e 2 месяца назад
Pax et Bonum to Fr Bernard and all his colleagues! I remember him preaching to us about his ministry in Haiti during the St Anthony Novena at Wexford Friary a number of years ago (when I was a "little guy")! Fr responded in-kind to my letter of thanks afterwards! Prayers and Best Wishes to Bernard Murphy from Ibar Quirke
@faisalahmad3309 3 месяца назад
@BibiBitesBack 3 месяца назад
I grew up in a Catholic Controlled Country, All Birth Control Banned, Abortion Illegal until 2019, Divorce Not an Option This was hell on earth for women & children..I knew several families with 22/23 children each, large families lived in poverty & hardship. My Mother was abducted from a garden party & R#ped by 2 P#ed#ph#les, she suffered the further truma of the R#pe of her womb by forcible impregnation & suffered a life threatening miscarriage Abortion for female victims of r#pe & mothers to be who's life is threatened by a pregnancy have the right To Choose.
@tammyspurdle9208 3 месяца назад
@elizabeth.601 3 месяца назад
Please keep fighting for the unborn! We were all babies once. Life is a precious gift ❤
@dmg1866 3 месяца назад
Thank you Fr Bernard Murphy and may God bless you, for leading us along the narrow path. 🙏✝️🙏
@rachaelpoulston904 3 месяца назад
Oh my gosh I could cry right now
@woeandbetide5566 3 месяца назад
Save the babies
@ThomasPrior-wv6zn 3 месяца назад
i was THERE MARSHALING joy and sadness joy for all who belive ABORTION IS WRONG sadnes for the UN BORN KILLED IN THE WOMB SEE YOU ALL IN 2024 GOD BLES ALL
@tammyspurdle9208 3 месяца назад
@tammyspurdle9208 3 месяца назад
@tammyspurdle9208 3 месяца назад
@tammyspurdle9208 3 месяца назад
@tammyspurdle9208 3 месяца назад
@tammyspurdle9208 3 месяца назад
@tammyspurdle9208 3 месяца назад
@christopherwieczorek2604 3 месяца назад
Dear Isobel. Thanks for all you do. I so No to abortion anytime especially up to birth.
@mariaelenacandilio7267 4 месяца назад
Excellent Speach. 👶
@CIDACUK 4 месяца назад