Lake Avenue Church
Lake Avenue Church
Lake Avenue Church
“Following Jesus, we participate in God’s reconciling work by making disciples of all peoples and generations.” - Matt. 28:18-20; Col. 1:19-20

Sunday Worship Schedule:
9:30 am Sundays in our Worship Center and online on RU-vid & Facebook
11:00 am Spanish Service in our Chapel and Online

Comunidad de las Américas, Sundays
Visit our website at comunidadamericas.org for more information about our outdoor gatherings.

website: www.lakeave.org
The Third Son | Matt. 21:28-31 | July 7, 2024
2 месяца назад
Warrior's Choice | Luke 17:7-10 | Apr. 14, 2024
5 месяцев назад
Q8. What is Holy Spirit Baptism?
6 месяцев назад
@Milagros-dl9do 5 месяцев назад
Si beautiful ❤❤❤🩵🩵🩵
@mariamjohnson6226 2 года назад
Praise God. Wonderful revelation. Very nice Meaningful message
@michaelbohenek272 2 года назад
Bill Mead is a Pastor in the true sense of the word. He has been a faithful servant to the congregation for decades. He lives out the great commandment and teaches others to do the same. I am happy to say that when we all depart this world it will be great to enjoy being in heaven with Bill. But, for now be sure to spend time with Bill and see for yourself his God given qualities that will give you the peace we all prefer.
@janicegaypowers3953 2 года назад
Loved your sermon yesterday, Annie!😊🙏
@janicegaypowers3953 2 года назад
I’ll miss you!😢 I love your sermons.💟✝️🙏
@eribertosalmo2497 2 года назад
Very sad you're leaving us soon. God bless you abundantly.
@janicegaypowers3953 2 года назад
Thank you so much, Duane. This brings me to tears. You are so insightful! Blending with all the “A”s is such an insightful analogy, for me, regarding our choir, both musically and belief and opinion wise, plus cooperation!
@EternalDestiny48 2 года назад
Great thank you for sharing this
@BruceCruise 2 года назад
Thank you, Chuck. That was an exciting and informative update!
@susansarahshiju9964 3 года назад
@62102mwret 3 года назад
Nice job on sound on the choir number...I really appreciated being able to hear every note the bass viol musician played. Nice job tech guys.
@russellmattesich9200 3 года назад
@lilwalker3543 3 года назад
Praise God for answering our prayers for you. And blessings to you Roger and Lili as you enter a new season. Will keep on praying for you. Lil Walker
@daviserah 3 года назад
Wonderful message Pastor Mathew! Thank you!
@sportsabe 3 года назад
Praise God! Thanks for sharing this wonderful revelation that God gave you from these verses. Hallelujah!! May the Lord continually use you for His Glory.
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
Thank you so much, Pastor Jeff. So glad you had time off camping with your family. Will look into Philippians. Your sharing has brightened up my day. Blessings.🙏❤️
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
Going to the 11 am service. See you then, Pastor Jeff!
@schwan44 3 года назад
Oh, that plant had me fooled 😅
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
Thanks so much, Jeff, for your encouraging words!
@hpreston360 3 года назад
Are you going to allow memorial services for more than 100 people?? 500 in the main sanctuary would still be only 25% occupancy.
@HWCalligraphy 3 года назад
Hellow ❤🇧🇩
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
I can’t begin to tell you, Jeff, how much your sermons not only uplift me, but cause me to think about how I as a Christian can think about my thinking, my behavior, conviction about my use of language, my tendency to be judgmental in my thoughts, and my need to be in prayer, as a church member and as a member of society. I love what you share from Nehemiah’s strength and his honoring God by going to the King to help rebuild the walls and the temple that were decimated. Thank you.🙏✝️
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
I liked the way Annie summarized Jeff’s sermon on Nehemiah, Chapters 1 and 2.🤗🙏
@62102mwret 3 года назад
I'm new to watching your services online during this time that we have covid illness. Why do you broadcast the same service twice on the same day?
@amck4648 3 года назад
Rose Parade prayer walk - great, creative, inspired idea!
@byronmiro4535 3 года назад
Nice Message Pastor Matthew, God Bless
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
Loved the Christmas Eve Lake Avenue Rose Bowl Drive In Service.🎄🤗
@pandacwc 3 года назад
I go to a Chinese church in Alhambra. As my tradition, I attend Lake Avenue church's Christmas service. I am so glad that the online service led me to here. Thank you pastor Mattesich! I was super stressed with a heated discussion between T.U.L.I.P (calvinism) and P.E.A.R.L (arminianism) inmy recent Sunday School class . Thank God that I got to listen to your sermon Thank you for the clear and simple explanation of the gift of salvation. All of God, for all of you, for all time and all times. Thank you for your challenging question: What are we putting in front of people for them to accept God?
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
Sounds great about Christmas Eve, Jeff! Thanks for all of your great updates and awesome sermons.🙏🙏
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
@vickimejia-gewe499 3 года назад
Where is the link to the sermon Jeff kept referencing?
@peteranderson8778 3 года назад
I Care for Your Soul more than all the thing of this world. Our Soul may be in danger of eternal H*ll judgement. May GOD Give You the Wisdom to search/watch "Jonathan Cahn: Warning for Election Day & Call for Day of Prayer & Fasting" on You Tube (before heading to the poll). Thank you.
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
Great and moving service. Thank you.
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
Candy 🌽
@LakeAvenueChurch 3 года назад
PRAYER PROMPTS God has established government and delegates this authority to mankind to accomplish His will on earth: “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” - Romans 13:1 God calls believers to influence our society through involvement as citizens and through intercession: “I urge…that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority - that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” - 1 Timothy 2:1-2 + + + + + + + REPENTANCE 2 Chronicles 7:14 ”If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” • Make a personal confession of repentance from sins that continue in our lives - Romans 7:15 • Confess a spirit of un-forgiveness that negatively impacts personal relationships and stands in the way of reconciliation - especially those who hold a different political perspective than our own. - Ephesians 4:32 • Ask the Lord to pour out a spirit of repentance on our nation, that we might become a nation committed to following His ways. - Jeremiah 29:13 + + + + + + + THE VOTERS James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” • Wisdom will be sought from God - James 1:5 • God’s word would be used as the plumb-line for truth - Psalm 119 and Hebrews 4:12 • Informed decisions for voters - Proverbs 3:13-18 • Self-interest will be laid aside for the common good. - Philippians 2:3 • Discernment between truth and falsehood will be clear - Hebrews 5:14 • That ungodly fear does not motivate voters - 1 John 4:18 + + + + + + + SPIRITUAL COVERING Ephesians 6:12 ”For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” • Great awareness and discernment for the Lord’s praying people as they pray over the election. - Ephesians 5:15-17 • A strong hedge of protection around the nation itself during this time of decision - Psalm 33:22 • The unleashing of the sword of the Spirit throughout the nation, judging the thoughts and intents of the heart - Hebrews 4:12 • Preserve the unity of the Body of Christ where we battle spiritual forces not each other despite our political differences. - Ephesians 4:1-3 + + + + + + + CANDIDATES AND LEADERS Psalm 111:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.” • Show righteous character. - James 3:16 • Candidates families will be protected from harm and unnecessary scrutiny - Psalm 12:7-8 • Surround them with godly advisors - Psalm 111:10 • Each candidate will focus on the issues we face as a nation-and not on personal attacks on other candidates - Galatians 5:15 • That God will change the hearts of the candidates somehow through the process. - Proverbs 21:1 + + + + + + + THE PURPOSES OF GOD Matthew 6:10 ”Your Kingdom come; your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” • U.S. will turn and seek first the Kingdom of God. - Matthew 6:33 • God will be glorified in the midst of this election campaign. - 1 Samuel 2:30 • Opportunities for Christians to humbly and lovingly share their faith and their values in the midst of this election process. - 1 Peter 3:15 • Another Great Awakening to sweep the nation as the Lord’s people learn to humble themselves with a contrite spirit, and to tremble at the Word of the Lord - Psalm 85:6 • Lord to bring revival to the Church in America - Isaiah 64:1-4 + + + + + + + THE CHURCH Romans 12:2 ”Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” • Our eyes will be opened to see the hope to which we are called - Ephesians 3:10 • A spirit of compassion to come over the Church in this nation so that we will begin seriously to live out the lifestyle of Jesus in our communities - Philippians 2:1-4 • God would raise up a strong prophetic voice for America - Ephesians 6:19 • Awaken the Church to the temporary nature of the nations and to the eternal nature of the reign of God - Psalm 37:20 & Matthew 6:33 + + + + + + + THE ELECTION PROCESS 2 Corinthians 8:21 ”For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but in the eyes of men.” • A safe and fair election - Proverbs 3:21-23 • That discourse in the nation would be civil and respectful during this time of polarizing views - Ephesians 4:32 • Accessibility for voters to polls and safety at election booths. • The Lord’s intervention to thwart those who might try to unjustly and illegally change the outcome of the voting - Proverbs 21:15 and Isaiah 28:17 • A huge turnout of voters who use wisdom in their decisions. - Proverbs 4:5-6 + + + + + + + OUTCOME & FUTURE Daniel 2:21 “It is God who changes the times and seasons; He sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” • Unity of the nation behind the winner and for the loser to humbly concede defeat in a spirit of fairness and respect for the process. • God would unify his people for the glory of His Name and that believers everywhere would rise up and stand together in unity - Colossians 3:12-14 • A movement of the Spirit that creates a dramatic transformation in the United States, bringing about a nation that has learned to put its hope in the Word of God - Romans 12:2
@janicegaypowers3953 3 года назад
Great prayer.🙏
@drewpierce7781 4 года назад
Why is there a waiting period for this to start when it streamed live more than 5 hours ago???
@bettylui3045 4 года назад
Thank you for your courage in speaking God's truth, Pastor Jeff! It's been my prayer that the LAC family remember that our identity is found in Jesus, not in the world! God bless you!