Fernando Wi Channel
Fernando Wi Channel
Fernando Wi Channel
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I share Shaving Products, Strategies to prevent Hair Loss.
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Is Oneblade Beard Shaver Good?
2 месяца назад
Best Beard Shaver 4k Test 2024
2 месяца назад
Best electric beard shaver to buy in 2024
2 месяца назад
The Best Trimmer For Stubble Beard I Found
3 месяца назад
Haircut for Balding Man
3 месяца назад
Which shaver should I buy?
3 месяца назад
OneBlade Mower the Grass like a Boss!
4 месяца назад
Would You Shave Your Head?
7 месяцев назад
2mm or 1mm for YOUR Stubble Beard Size?
7 месяцев назад
How do you keep your stubble beard?
7 месяцев назад
Nose Hair Trimming Made Easy
7 месяцев назад
How to trim Your Stubble Beard
7 месяцев назад
How to Trim Chest Hair
7 месяцев назад
Self Haircut made using Cheap Trimmer
8 месяцев назад
Self Haircut made easy with this trimmer!
8 месяцев назад
@areejabdullah6656 2 часа назад
Good morning
@FernandoWiChannel 3 часа назад
These shavers are still available here: Best Beard Shaver to buy: amzn.to/3WlideX OneBlade 360 Face and Body at Amazon: amzn.to/3Q249TP Trimmer for Pubic area and Body OneBlade Unisex Groomer: amzn.to/3TYKMMH Replacement Blades for OneBlade: amzn.to/3U6zVAC Razor Blades for man at Amazon: amzn.to/3xBhZqd
@Senhor_pebleu День назад
Dude, let your beard grow
@alicealvesalmeida9101 День назад
Assisti tudo hahaha. Como corta bem essa maquina !!
@GilsonTorres-l6h День назад
@areejabdullah6656 День назад
Let's make a deal 🤝
@areejabdullah6656 День назад
You come to Africa and I will learn how to shave a beard , Deal?
@RodolfoGarcia-u8x 2 дня назад
Hola yo quiero una porfas😊
@alicealvesalmeida9101 День назад
El link está em bio de canal de elle
@MrAiShorts07 2 дня назад
Does it hurt
Greetings from Ukraine, man where is you safety razors? Cartridge using only schoolboy for me-)
@tadeasko 3 дня назад
Try shave with straight razor
@ToonVibesSKS 4 дня назад
Dude just returned from a jungle adventure 💀💀
@alicealvesalmeida9101 5 дней назад
Vi seu link lá na bio. Vou comprar pro meu esposo!
@Morihei80 5 дней назад
Хочу хочу хочу
@GoofyHistorynerd 6 дней назад
Where did you buy that?
@FernandoWi 3 дня назад
Link is in his Channel Bio
@UniqueOne-bn8ke 6 дней назад
@msjapan112 7 дней назад
Bold men are sexy. Don't worry about how much hair you have.
@Aaron-cj3do 9 дней назад
Nosé porque es tán placentero
@eliasujashvili9838 9 дней назад
Bro are you shaving hair or breaking branches 💀
@mohsinbhat7398 9 дней назад
Great looks nice
@dls7782 9 дней назад
Therefore I say to you: Every sin and every blasphemy will be forgiven to people; but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Whosoever shall speak against the Son of man shall be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven, neither in this age nor in the age to come" (Matthew 12.31-32)If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on the forehead or on the hand, he will also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, poured unmixed into the cup of his wrath, and will be tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb . And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever. And those who worship the beast and its image have no rest either day or night, and whoever receives the mark of its name! Here is the patience of the saints, who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." And I heard a voice from heaven saying: "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on!" “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they shall rest from their labors, for their works follow them!Trust in Jesus Christ the only Real God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever. Trust in Jesus Father Son Holy Spirit no devil no idols no religions no devil no zodiacs no idols no demons bad evil lgbtq coruption system anxiety icons idols depression allah buddha no demons bad. Trust in Jesus Father Son Holy Spirit no devilTot ce avem avem datorita Domnului Isus Tatăl Fiul Duhul Sfânt în vecii vecilor Creatorul nostru. Totul este al Lui iar El ne da și noua. Slava glorie cinste lauda dragoste Domnului Isus Tatăl Fiul Duhul Sfânt în vecii vecilor Creatorul nostru. Amin. Avem nevoie de Dumnezeu TATĂL FIUL DUHUL SFÂNT. Amin. Tot ce avem avem datorita Domnului Isus Tatăl Fiul Duhul Sfânt în vecii vecilor Creatorul nostru. Totul este al Lui iar El ne da și noua. Slava glorie cinste lauda dragoste Domnului Isus Tatăl Fiul Duhul Sfânt în vecii vecilor Creatorul nostru. Amin. Avem nevoie de Dumnezeu TATĂL FIUL DUHUL SFÂNT. Amin. Fiindcă rodul Duhului este în toată bunătatea și în dreptate și în adevăr), Încercând ce este plăcut Domnului. Și să nu aveți părtășie cu faptele neroditoare ale întunericului; ci, mai degrabă, mustrați-le.If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on the forehead or on the hand, he will also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, poured unmixed into the cup of his wrath, and will be tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb . And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever. And those who worship the beast and its image have no rest either day or night, and whoever receives the mark of its name! Here is the patience of the saints, who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." And I heard a voice from heaven saying: "Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on!" “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they shall rest from their labors, for their works follow them!Prin Sângele Domnului și Mântuitorului nostru putem fi salvați spălați iertați vindecați eliberați fericiți cu adevărat curățați salvați. Avem nevoie de Dumnezeu TATĂL FIUL DUHUL SFÂNT. Avem în noi un gol pe care numai Domnul îl poate umple. Avem nevoie de Dumnezeu TATĂL FIUL DUHUL SFÂNT în vecii vecilor Creatorul nostru. Amin. Everything we have we have thanks to the Lord Jesus the Father the Son the Holy Spirit forever and ever our Creator. Praised and blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus for ever and ever, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen Through the Blood of our Lord and Savior we can be saved washed forgiven healed set free truly happy cleansed saved. We need God FATHER SON HOLY SPIRIT. We have a void in us that only the Lord can fill. We need God FATHER SON HOLY SPIRIT forever and ever our Creator. Amen. Therefore I say to you: Every sin and every blasphemy will be forgiven to people; but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Whosoever shall speak against the Son of man shall be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven, neither in this age nor in the age to come" (Matthew 12.31-32)Dacă se închină cineva fiarei și chipului ei și primește un semn pe frunte sau pe mână, va bea și el din vinul furiei lui Dumnezeu, turnat neamestecat în paharul mâniei Lui, și va fi chinuit în foc și sulf înaintea îngerilor sfinți și înaintea Mielului. Fumul chinului lor se ridică în vecii vecilor. Și nu au odihnă nici ziua, nici noaptea, cei ce se închină fiarei și chipului ei și cei ce primesc semnul numelui ei“. Aici este răbdarea sfinților, a celor ce păzesc poruncile lui Dumnezeu și credința în Isus.We need God FATHER SON HOLY SPIRIT. Without Him we are dead. We need the One who created us and gave life for us, always teaches us what is best and takes care of us. We need God FATHER SON HOLY SPIRIT forever and ever our Creator. Amen.De aceea vă spun: Orice păcat şi orice hulă vor fi iertate oamenilor; dar hula împotriva Duhului Sfînt nu le va fi iertată. Oricine va vorbi împotriva Fiului omului, va fi iertat; dar oricine va vorbi împotriva Duhului Sfînt, nu va fi iertat nici în veacul acesta, nici în cel viitor" (Matei 12.31-32). For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. Need God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever for everything. Glory to God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever for everything. Trust in Jesus Father Son Holy Spirit no devil. Fiindcă atât de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea ca a dat pe Singurul Lui Fiu pentru ca oricine crede în El sa nu piară ci sa aibă viata veșnică. Avem nevoie de Dumnezeu TATĂL FIUL DUHUL SFÂNT. Tot ce avem avem datorita Domnului Isus Tatăl Fiul Duhul Sfânt. Totul este al Lui nici măcar noi nu suntem ai noștrii. Avem nevoie de El. Amin. Glory to God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever for everything. Need God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever for everything. Tot ce avem avem datorita Domnului Isus Tatăl Fiul Duhul Sfânt totul este al Lui iar El ne da și noua. Amin. Slava Domnului Tatălui Fiului Duhului Sfânt în vecii vecilor Creatorul nostru. Avem nevoie de Dumnezeu TATĂL FIUL DUHUL SFÂNT. Am fost creati sa fim fericiți cu adevărat curățați salvați doar lângă El. El e sursa vieții. El e viata dragostea curajul binele suprem. Avem nevoie de Dumnezeu TATĂL FIUL DUHUL SFÂNT. Fără Domnul suntem morți. Glory to God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever for everything. Need God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever for everything. Trust in Jesus Father Son Holy Spirit no devil.Thanks God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever for everything. Trust in Jesus Father Son Holy Spirit no devil demons bad evil lgbtq coruption system anxiety icons idols depression allah buddha no demons. Glory to God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever for everything. Need God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever for everything. Trust in Jesus Father Son Holy Spirit no devil demons bad evil lgbtq coruption system anxiety icons idols depression allah buddha no demons bad evil lgbtq coruption system anxiety icons idols depression allah buddha no demons bad evil lgbtq coruption system anxiety icons idols depression allah buddha. Glory to God Father Heavenly Lord Jesus Holy Spirit ever forever for everything. Trust in Jesus Father Son Holy Spirit no devil. Trăiască Dumnezeu TATĂL Fiul Duhul Sfânt în vecii vecilor Creatorul nostru. Tot ce avem avem datorita Domnului Isus Tatăl Fiul Duhul Sfânt. Totul este al Lui iar El ne da și noua. Avem nevoie de Dumnezeu TATĂL FIUL DUHUL SFÂNT
@dls7782 9 дней назад
Long live God the Father the Son the Holy Spirit forever and ever our Creator. Our Lord Good Loving Holy Wonderful Right Glorious forever and ever our Creator. Amen Feedback Therefore I say to you: Every sin and every blasphemy will be forgiven to people; but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Whosoever shall speak against the Son of man shall be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven, neither in this age nor in the age to come" (Matthew 12.31-32)
@Abdullah814-dd 9 дней назад
It is good for balls??
@Natthe_stylistgent213 9 дней назад
I see you have a lot of redness, maybe go slower just a suggestion
@johannesg.4599 9 дней назад
Sniffing up the cut hairs? Really?
@Adamas11 12 дней назад
This appears to be a great trimmer to maintain stubble. I like to keep 1-2mm stubble. And the zero blade would be great for cheek/neck lineups and sideburns.
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
Ecxactly, It works very well and feel very strong machine on hand. you can set motor speed. I like it. :)
@nothing0062 16 дней назад
That has got to be the world worst beard trimmer. Was it from Wish?
@FernandoWiChannel 15 дней назад
No. This is a genuine Philips. Try the genuine original one!! You wont regret!
@alhabtoormotors4221 18 дней назад
Youe English is good
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
Thanks a lot :)
@afzal_1655 20 дней назад
Product link
@FernandoWiChannel 15 дней назад
Its in Channel Bio. I cant send link in shorts.
@basingh5255 21 день назад
way too hard. one wrong xut and its over
@alexandravaleri4991 24 дня назад
💩 machine, the kemei 2299 does better work
@T.Y.690 25 дней назад
your chest looks so muscular mate, do you go to gym or are you doing any workout ?
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
Thanks :) I do 100 Pushups 2x a week. thats all. I the past I used to go to the gym. Not anymore.
@buzzlightyear120 28 дней назад
Is there not any permanent way.
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
shouldnt be because we should remove only the long ones close to the edge. not all hair should be removed.
@williamgreen6647 28 дней назад
Love guys with shaved heads..sexy!!❤❤❤
@TheGoldrake76 28 дней назад
@JohnTenbrink-z7p 29 дней назад
Great tecnike
@JohnTenbrink-z7p 29 дней назад
I see why u like one blade
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
Its absolutly the best for me. :)
@JohnTenbrink-z7p 29 дней назад
Great shave job
@rutendogamelike9167 Месяц назад
My face itches watching this
@ZADRAKEgames Месяц назад
U cara capina um lote na própria cara cê e Loko, kakaka
@JohnTenbrink-z7p Месяц назад
A master in action
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
thanks a lot :)
@frozenyogurt98 Месяц назад
Thank you for this tutorial, i applied mine really well. But im wondering if I wanted to replace it someday, how am I supposed to do it?
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
Its not easy to remove, but its possible. You have to heat the glass and put some platic stick between the screen and the glass protector. I didi a video on it ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WWeBIFtVvVo.html
@grandbaks4468 Месяц назад
Only wax.
@axiosw0774 Месяц назад
How does a foil shaver shaver closer? Whatt
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
A foil shaver pushes the skin in so the hair is projected out of the skin. So the cutting part of the blade gets closer, to the bottom of the hair.
@imgabrielcabello Месяц назад
that's so satisfying
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
@monbebewenee3884 Месяц назад
Christiano ronaldo could never
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
@n.u.k.2188 Месяц назад
That is not maintaining. That is killing.
@FernandoWiChannel 12 дней назад
@OurWorld-x2i Месяц назад
Trimmer name and company
@antoniotertotonio752 Месяц назад
Muito bom o aparelho
@FernandoWiChannel Месяц назад
é excelente. o melhor barbeador elétrico que ja usei.
@antoniotertotonio752 Месяц назад
Rapaz, tú parece com o presidente da Rússia, o Vladimir Putin. Kkkkm
@FernandoWiChannel Месяц назад
hahahhaa boa. Já ouvi isso uma vez
@TylorAcosta Месяц назад
I be sneezing and stuff the whole time