Voice of Geekdom
Voice of Geekdom
Voice of Geekdom
My name is Dan. I am a geek, and this channel is where I use my voice. In particular I am a lifelong fan of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien; but there may be other franchises discussed here sometimes. I produce lore videos, commentary; podcasts. Please subscribe and follow me on my social links!

p.s. I am not the Dragonball Z guy. Big up to him - but please do not get us confused!

All content falls under fair use: any reproduction of copyrighted material is done for a limited, educational and transformative purpose, providing commentary and/or criticism.

Thank you to all of the featured artists! I have tried very hard to give each and every one of you credit, in context, for your work but this hasn't always been possible. If your work features in any of my videos, or if there is a mistake somewhere, please contact me and let me know to correct it. I am always happy to share any stores or social links that you may have!
@stevenv2190 10 дней назад
This "professor" is a charlatan. There is canon in The Lord of The RIngs. Saying there isn't is a travesty to the works of Tolkien.
@lucasbocalon4949 15 дней назад
Oh I’m so sad to see that this series hasn’t finished 😢 is the creator OK? We are still up for a continuation 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@MalNowBrownCow 18 дней назад
Thank you so much for making these videos. It really helps to have someone go over and explain what I just read. You’re my hero!!
@davidthompson3729 19 дней назад
The coward who, born in Doraith in the first age, ran to Lindon and ran away to Mirkwood. Hid.
@AshishShrivastava-q6i 19 дней назад
I am sorry, the narration in this video is just awful. Why so sonorous? It’s distracting.
@mrc3885 20 дней назад
I've been injecting the Silmarillion into my veins for 30 years. Lets see how good you are. YOU'LL BE JUDGED!!!! See you in 100 hours, or however long your series is.
@Deefoh 21 день назад
Great videos! Hope you finish series
@WillFredward7167 21 день назад
For your father’s voice acting, I can think of know kinder words than that I thought you’d hired a professional. Though for all I know, he might be one😊
@Deefoh 22 дня назад
big thanks for putting all these together! working my way through it. will try to remember to like all the way through!
@Thechezbailey 23 дня назад
Discord is what Lisa Simpson creates in the Simpsons intro
@SWOTHDRA 27 дней назад
Tolkien had not made up the Valar yet......
@ankitkarody3824 Месяц назад
@iggyyes3916 Месяц назад
I love you. Chapter by chapter??? I LOVE YOU DUDE
@Matt-416 Месяц назад
Whilst swarthy can somewhat infer black or brown skin, in its common usage, of the early and mid 20th Century, it means sun tanned. Rarely if ever, has the word swarthy been used by any author to describe African or Asian ethnicity. Also, do not dismiss the fact that Tolkien's main objective for Middle Earth was to be a mythological legend of ancient Northern Europe, especially England. Whilst I openly invite diverse characters and peoples, a fictional mythology based upon ancient Ethiopia, or Sudan could describe some men as being "light skinned". I wouldn't assume that meant white Europeans, rather I'd imagine it describing different variance within that historical area. Same as some 100% white English people are prone to tanning easily and become swarthy. Others are not and only sunburn or show freckles. There is SO much creative room for all ethnicities in middle earth. Rhun, Easterlings, Harad, Houses of Dwarves, etc. So many stories!! Spies fighting spies, warriors that reject Sauron. Family perspectives, struggles, perseverance. But to have an ancient Northern European setting and forcing diversity into it is just ignorant. Middle Earth should not resemble modern day Los Angeles or London. Don't lock a timeless story into "modern" time.
@CarlosDiaz-tl7gk Месяц назад
This is great minus the background music
@theoconstantinou2839 Месяц назад
Would love to hear your opinions on Primes rings of power season 1 & the direction they’re taking it in?
@hamza5106 Месяц назад
Feanor is an interesting character. He's flawed, yes. He has stubborn pride that leads to arrogant outbursts to his kin. But that same fire also led him to acquire the knowledge to create the Silmarils, an unparalleled beauty. It could be said he created them as he had forebodings of the end of the two trees of Valinor and wanted to preserve their beauty for generations to come. He didnt want to leave the Valar out of arrogance like Melkor, who wanted dominion, he just wanted the creative freedom to be able to use his skills for the good of Arda, Also, he has the inner moral strength to reject the mind games of Melkor, courageously slamming the door in the face of the most powerful Valar. I'm interested to see how he develops in the rest of this tale.
@Wesomusicusa 2 месяца назад
hey man you gonna finish these videos I m fucking lost after chapter 18
@crtune 2 месяца назад
Actually the narrative style is due to the way the two sets of works (say "The Hobbit and LOTR on one side, and "The Silmarillion" or "The Book of Lost Tales") were produced. The Silmarillion and similar is actually a set of J.R.R. Tolkien's notes and background sketches, which were quite extensive, then were edited by his son, and published. It was not set in full fledged fiction writing prose like LOTR or The Hobbit (Tolkien also routinely drew maps and sketches - he was quite good). Those two works were fully set by J.R.R. Tolkien to be published as is (Christopher helped a lot on the final maps details). All the various re-writes were done, minor textual corrections made, put into typewritten form, the maps drawn up, etc., then sent to the publisher and reviewed. Some subsequent corrections arose due to the author noting some problem (a major correction like Gollum and Bilbo's meeting and the resolution of the riddle game, as well as Bilbo's later telling of the encounter, which was changed in a far later "The Hobbit" re-write once the "Ring" story had developed and became what it eventually was in LOTR). So, overall, the most direct path for us to hear John Robert Ruel's "voice" is reading The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. When we read The Silmarillion we have his ideas, and notes, and Christopher's brushed up story lines (I'm pretty sure he tried to minimize any changes he had to make).
@Jcallahan-p2p 2 месяца назад
They spit roast sooo many elven maidens. It was called a "Shire BBQ". Sometimes Bilbo would even show up.
@SWOTHDRA 2 месяца назад
Son of Fingon 🤔😁 thats who he is.
@EssencialUtilidades 2 месяца назад
@TheCattyKid 2 месяца назад
I think when you get on that boat and go to the undying lands you are in a version of heaven where you never die and you are healed completely and there is no anguish, sorrow, wars, etc....you are at full strength, knowledgeable, and at peace with all there and yourself.
@bird_and_dude_gaming 2 месяца назад
@NicoEskaSenuaT 2 месяца назад
Please continue this!!! I had no idea it was incomplete and was so looking forward to the beren and luthien chapter!
@Martin-bf3by 3 месяца назад
Hi i know I'm late to this video haha but i have to correct the statement of the cast being in purgatory in 'Lost'. This was not the case, the ending was a flash sideways which gives the cast a happy ending and coming together at the end. It seriously offended me cos Lost is my fav series of all time 🤣.
@hammer7808 3 месяца назад
I was under the impression that by baring the Ring gave immortality, albeit you would still age & weaken.
@elivestich7308 3 месяца назад
Come on man! Just before Beren and Luthien? Has Melkor imprisoned you? Please come back!
@Wyrmwould 3 месяца назад
It's interesting that your channel is called the "voice of geekdom" because I have always thought that if there were a "geekdom", then the citizens of it would take oaths on copies of the silmarillion. It would either be the Silmarillion, the Lord of the Rings itself or perhaps the first Dune novel.
@markpaterson2053 3 месяца назад
The Valar weren't actually needed to take down Sauron; but they were needed in a previous age to take down someone a thousand times more powerful, their own brother, so the Maiar were all they sent to do away with their own kind, Sauron, and all it took was a group of old men---and in the end, just one.
@crabbuckets7506 3 месяца назад
Where did you go bro?
@waynemcauliffe-fv5yf 4 месяца назад
The Haladin are my favourite among the men
@IssabekovR 4 месяца назад
Thanks man.
@daniels7907 4 месяца назад
Cowardice on Sauron's part, and stupidity on Eonwe's part. Sauron was hoping for a slap on the wrist and Eonwe was too stupid to grasp that Sauron was hoping for a punishment-free forgiveness. So when Eonwe told Sauron to report to Valinor for judgment by Manwe, Sauron fled in the opposite direction and Eonwe was too lazy to chase him down. Really, Eru's biggest mistake was even allowing the Ainur to enter into Arda. Or at least He ought to have pulled them back out again once they'd finished setting up the world. That ought to have included Melkor and Mairon.
@mingthan7028 4 месяца назад
Sure...little moments of help here and there. But they could have done more. Afraid of breaking the earth...who care? All we need is to rid of the Dark Lord. ''With great power comes great responsibility''
@Phoenix-np1iu 4 месяца назад
hey idk if this is ongoing, obviously this is an old video, but i fully intend on watching this series all the way through, because i really like the way to explain it. but the music is too loud
@cambuxton6835 4 месяца назад
Who said he did? He was a necromancer you know.
@animemanXLK 4 месяца назад
One thing I like about Gandalf(If it truly is him of course) Meeting the Harfoot hobbits first is that his first impression of middle earth came from one of the most humble down to earth races that existed. Rather than being found by a royal family and taught he was superior to lesser races his first few days was learning to simply survive care for your loved ones and enjoy life whenever possible.
@jeremyallen5974 21 день назад
How is he supposed to learn ANY of those traits when he was traveling with a bunch of filth encrusted morons who would GLADLY abandon their own at a moment's notice and then mock them later on?
@divinemental 4 месяца назад
I sincerely hope Dan didn’t die. Pls finish this series mate!
@shalomali2687 5 месяцев назад
Your background music is too loud and your voice kinda drowns in it...😕
@thomasferraro479 5 месяцев назад
Hey man, I saw Blind Guardian in concert last night. Made me think of you, I hope you're doing good. I miss the videos.
@davidmiddleton7958 5 месяцев назад
This is an intersting topic. The Valar were active during the time of The Lord of the Rings. Think on this, when Isildur was ambushed by Orcs, the ring fell into the Anduin. Ulmo controls all the waters of Arda, Anduin included, which the One Ring lay in. I suspect that the One Ring's return to the land was Ulmo's foresight. Smeagol was the vehicle to eventually destroy Sauron's ring, while the One Ring exercised it's power to return to it's masters fingers!
@55tranquility 5 месяцев назад
They were chilling out, doing very little as usual. They allowed Morgoth to corrupt Elves into Orcs and basically ruin all the works of the Valar in Middle Earth leaving 'Arda Marred'. From the start of creation to the end of the First Age Melkor was given free reign to do unspeakable evil on the world, when the Valar captured him the first time they let him go, when they finally defeated him it resulted the landmass of Beleriand had been destroyed and sunk under the Sea! Then Sauron in the second and third ages was left to corrupt and dominate Middle Earth. Plus the Valar left Men to fend for themselves while inviting immortal supernatural Elves to safety in Valinor. When Sauron corrupted Numenor, did Sauron get punished? Nope, When the Numenorians sailed to Valinor to try and invade it, something that men were never ever going to be able to do - he enacted genocide on a whole race of people and sunk their entire land into the bottom of the sea! Why not get rid of Sauron instead and give the Numenorians a good talking to and explain to them in simple terms why they cant gonto Valinor and immortality is not the wonderful thing thag they think it is? Or at least say you don't deserve this island you have to go back to Middle Earth, you naughty children, because I'm going to sink it! Eru drowned innocent children, babies, and men because one of the Valar a demi god turned to evil used his powers of persuasion to lie to them that they could invade Valinor - because he wanted to destroy Numenor and the Numenorians so he actually manipulated Eru and the other Valar, and he continued on back in Middle Earth doing evil. The Valar are completly incompetent and Eru pretty much is a dick. Eru Iluvatar never directly punished anyone in Arda, not Melkor, Sauron or Feanor. Not Balrogs, Orks, Nazgul, Nameless Things, or Dragons, not Ungoliant or Shelob - but sunk Numenor and enacted Genocide, bit of an over reaction considering how little was done against actual evil.
@Chevycamaroman317 5 месяцев назад
Hope you’re doing alright man; just found this channel going through your silmarillion series, sad you haven’t finished them!
@yisroelackerman 5 месяцев назад
I love that you did this. People dont know that Galadriel is a figure similar to Melian the Maiar - who Tolkien establishes as her mentor.
@fueledbylove 5 месяцев назад
I like to look at the obvious and let the rest be.. Obviously, the three Hobbits / Ring Bearers crossed the Sea with the Elves with Samwise coming separately of course. Manwe stated the Numenoreans would soon perish if they entered Valinor, thus the Hobbits went no further than The Lonely Isle. Anything else is speculative...like this, for instance: One man, Tuor was granted to be counted among the Firstborn, so those who desire them to live Happily Forever-after maybe that is not outside the realm of possibilities... after all this is a fictional story, write your own ending if it pleases you!
@Littlefinger4E 5 месяцев назад
I immediately come to your videos as i progress the chapters of the book. story is more digestable this way as im a first time reader. thank you for this!
@basknook860 5 месяцев назад
I love the silmarillion and the way it reads. However, i had to read it atleast twice to really make any sense of it. I'm reading it AGAIN atm and even now i sometimes have to stop halfway through a page and go back to the beginning of that page, if not further. I would love to know how others deal with the sheer amount of information/names and with what approach others read it. Treating it like just another fantasy novel clearly doesn't work for me in regards to soaking up and actually "understanding" this glorious piece of text.
@richardfairley9882 5 месяцев назад
I've found this series exceptionally helpful - what happened? I hope all is well.
@ruthm3813 6 месяцев назад
I can't think there would be any point Bilbo, Frodo, Sam and Gimli being allowed to go to the Undying Lands if there was no benefit for them. Surely healing for Frodo. I doubt Gimli met any of the others as according to this, he would be 120 years older than when Frodo left. Bilbo of course would pass away. But Sam would have time to meet Frodo I am sure.