Seit meiner Jugend bin ich hobbymäßiger Bastler. Do it yourself (DIY) ist meine Leidenschaft. Mit 15 baute ich Modelle von Pistolen und Gewehren aus Holz, später renovierte ich viel in der Wohnung und im Haus. Als ich Vater wurde, richtete sich meine Bastelleidenschaft auf meine Tochter, und ich bastelte ich vor allem für sie. Ich baute die Wiege, in der sie die ersten Monate schlief, ein Sandkasten-Piratenschiff im Garten, wo sie spielen konnte und einige Karnevals/Halloween-Kostüme und pimpte das Bobbycar meiner Tochter.
Hier stelle ich diese Arbeiten vor.
Weil DIY mein Hobby ist, kaufe ich oft und gerne neues Werkzeug. Daher möchte ich auch einge Beiträge im Bereich "unboxing" beisteuern.
@onemancinema4642 Год назад
This has got to be the greatest costume and idea ever. Just wonderful.
@raycharlesurasss170 Год назад
Trying to make this for Halloween this year... Any advice? Time saving hacks?
@KingVVIlly 2 года назад
I’m so doing this with my firstborn!
@maxiquick5738 2 года назад
@YTP_channel 3 года назад
If my baby sister controlled it then she would make it punch me in the face
@Karable 3 года назад
meanwhile in a parallel universe 0:44
@manwithnoplan2008 3 года назад
this is so cool!
@manwithnoplan2008 3 года назад
@ZenEtheria 3 года назад
*And the best dad of the year award goes to...*
@TheGranicd 3 года назад
Sigourney sure looks young and vibrant here.
@janicedodson1018 3 года назад
Now that is some great construction! So balanced he's not afraid to put his baby in there. Deserves all the praise you can give it!!!!
@MICHAEL-cg1yl 3 года назад
cool. but can you make one more accurate.
@ChaseaabagBando 3 года назад
I just came from a sssniperwolf video
@justinin2731 3 года назад
Disclaimer: No babies were harmed during the filming of this video. Hahaha, clever costume....
@petfireemrebacktothefuture8005 3 года назад
Wow the baby heva car
@deepstrike9750 4 года назад
Do not trifle with the baby
@paulino-n1750 4 года назад
Is he OK
@emilyaddington5681 4 года назад
Can you share how you made this?
@astroesque 5 лет назад
Love this idea!! Hard not to imagine it when you have a baby in a front carrier! Wonderful to see it implemented with such style and success! The guy asking for a photo looked like Anthony "Tony" Curran.
@sodalitia 5 лет назад
I was going to make one like that, but they run out of babies in my supply store.
@jondavidcollins5557 5 лет назад
@jondavidcollins5557 5 лет назад
Is this from aliens
@acesongbird 5 лет назад
@iagoluiz8467 6 лет назад
Walking like a boss!
@irenebahena8105 6 лет назад
@MechDickel 6 лет назад
Super cool!
@normanlazplayplayer8482 6 лет назад
Cool deutsch
@clintoncook6082 6 лет назад
At first, the description had me going. It wasn't until 15 to 20 seconds in that I suddenly realized it was someone in a suit with their baby in a harness.
@Callsign-Blade_RunnerSG 6 лет назад
Awesome! 🤗
@vargfan2273 6 лет назад
Meine drohne flackert nur sehr kurz auf und dann ist sie wieder aus das soll ich tuhen
@CoconutNucifera 6 лет назад
Get away from her YOU B****!!!!!
@rumblingprune1525 6 лет назад
Best dad ever
@Dr.Croc_13 6 лет назад
@AndorrasB0X 6 лет назад
Ich vermisse Düsseldorf
@fortnitekid431 7 лет назад
@she-venom9842 7 лет назад
Woah love it! that xeno is Abi? or someone else?
@mkstoryland6151 7 лет назад
When this baby grows up, his daddy will show this and say "this was your first costume!"
@beadadbecomeahero7381 7 лет назад
And whatever will happen in the future...this will count forever :-)
@Gridseeker 7 лет назад
That´s some badass baby in a badass powerloader, BABY!
@michaeltherock6132 7 лет назад
AHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!! Nice lol; The Baby Ripley!!!! XD
@beadadbecomeahero7381 7 лет назад
"Take your hands off her, bitch!!"
@AckzaTV 7 лет назад
how does this not have more views?!?!?!?! HI steemit its me @ackza www.steemit.com/@ackza/blog maybe u just havent posted this enough! With alien covenent coming you, you should be getting TONS of views! Also, how do u not have more subs!?! If you started uploading more cool projects for your kid , you would blow UP here on youtube! And you will LOVE being able to watch your kid grow up on youtube forever trust me it is such a great feeling to turn your baby photos and home movies into something with added value like this video right here!
@beadadbecomeahero7381 7 лет назад
Thank you for the praise . Im not very good in publishing but good in creating fancy costumes😉 If you would like to share it, I would appreciate it very much
@UmpikLumpik 7 лет назад
If you see him as kid... oh :-D Instant cry :-D
Да это по истини единственный и необычный костюм который может удивить любого.
@ziljin 7 лет назад
that's an amazing costume.
@MizzWGGrrrl 8 лет назад
@ChozoSR388 8 лет назад
OMG, that was EPIC! I love how you integrated the babby carrier into the costume, and made it look like the li'l guy was driving it!
@FreeButtSex 8 лет назад
How heavy is that damn thing?!
@TheLucianoDeodato 8 лет назад
Amazing lol
@lifeisamatrix5960 8 лет назад
that would have been a hell of a episode of sg1. stargate sg1 meets alien xenomorph and containment at sgc compromised. wpuld have been a good episode. :/
@torukmacto4879 8 лет назад
Sehr schönes Video. Gut das Du mich gewarnt hast. Hab das bei einem Lama V3 erlebt. Totalschaden.
@TechnoCity93 8 лет назад
Thanks sleepycast