Roar of Grace
Roar of Grace
Roar of Grace
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@rockyhang387 48 минут назад
It was Satan that posed as a serpent.
@cstorvold Час назад
Noone could possibly take this letter seriously. What a load of bull.
@rosariosalazar3938 2 часа назад
I love the way you explain this point in the Bible. For me, it was always difficult to rup up my head around the idea that Eav was talking with a snake. It is so much easier to understand now why she reacted the way she did. Don't we all have had experiences in which Satan tries to misguide us? Only the mercy of God keeps us fateful.
@knothead5 2 часа назад
What is the Hebrew word and how is it translated? One meaning or multiple meanings? I looked up one Greek word in a New Testament Greek dictionary and, depending on usage, had 26 meanings.
@richardb4787 2 часа назад
I think the bible "serpent" might have been a member of the Draco alien species. The Draco species communicate telepathically.
@JohnDoe-pq8yw 3 часа назад
This is pure garbage, England wanted state controlled Christianity and they needed a government approved Bible to make it happen. And King Henry commissioned the 1st of these groups to rewrite the Bible, King James finished the job. King Henry wanted a divorce and the Catholic church would not give him a divorce so he left the church and started his own church. The reformation was NEVER unified as its foundational premise was and still is do what thou wilt AND believe what thou wilt. How else could over 45,000 different denominations exist otherwise ? What about the divorce ? King Henry murdered his wife and a couple other wives years later. But at least he had his own church, The Church of England and his own Bible until King James put his name on it after HIS approved changes. It serves absolutely no purpose to compare and contrast however, the Ethiopian Bible needs to be translated and released so the masses can read it for themselves. I have only found one version of this Bible through the years and that Bible is a fraudulent piece of work as it is a compilation of many other translation and not a translation of the Ethiopian Bible. Peace be with you brothers and sisters.
@FabianoMaiaFranco 5 часов назад
Before the fall, Adam and Eve was able to talk to animals, something kind of a "Dr Dolittle" stuff.
@eiriksinclair5986 5 часов назад
The Garden of Eden is Arcadia Peloponnese, where the nymphs were located. The Orion Seven Cities created the four rivers of 'people' not water. Often accepted as the Swa*tika symbol, thus its hidden history. 'U' is Orion Seven Cities of Aegean coastline, 'r' is the boot of Italy. La Biblia of Crete was given to the Land of Ur in Mesopotamia which then the Orion 12 of Jupiter mistranslated the Bible to adopt its own territory as the Garden of Eden. He-brew scriptures are mistranslated, they are not the Daughters of Crete... they are the 'Son'. Simple.
@eiriksinclair5986 5 часов назад
Come on people, wake up! The apple was the Peloponnese, also known as the Garden of Eden (west). Crete was the serpent (east). Boat people mixed the East and West in Arcadia. Don't read the Bible literally. Almost all of it relates to class designations. Plato said the books of the Bible were being compiled in 360BC. It all relates to the Hellenes. The worm in the apple you always saw in elementary school is the clue. Argonauts brought Cretans to Sparta to enter Arcadia of Peloponnese.
@daveg1052 6 часов назад
I had my doubts about the snake being the serpent. The serpent is still with us bodily.
@Bolanboogie10 7 часов назад
So you're saying there was no talking snake.
@jj-dfarmanimals1653 7 часов назад
A testament that Jesus was the son of God
@rajindervarma8576 8 часов назад
Why such things are permitted to be on RU-vid. We can play all we can but to play with holy scriptures of any belief is too much to handle. TWO thousand years of history are not that hard to check yet from preachers to teachers, from philosophers to astronomers no one pins it down for some selfish or GOD knows what reasons. We know JESUS was crucified; we know he was entombed but beyond that there is a lot of controversy. Why it is hard for these Sunday schoolteachers to dig it out once and for all the truth. It is like UFOs. Daily they come on the screen and say they saw one in the sky, next day they go back on it.
@Steven-sy8mn 8 часов назад
To be a Jew you must have a Jewish Father. Jesus Father was God Almighty and God is not a Jew. Period and Amen +
@lionheartsmith973 11 часов назад
Its amazing that people speak with so much conviction about this existence, yet stiil cant conquer this matrix and live in fear everyday of the elites🤔
@charlesm7874 12 часов назад
"Nahash" is a "king" that you pluck your eyes out for. It's idolatry. It's obeying someone/something else.... And Jesus/Yeshua of the NT is exactly that. Matthew 5:29 pluck your eyes out. Galatians 4:15 to give me your eyes 1 Samuel 11 cut out your eye Jesus said before Abraham, I am. And "I AM" is not a name. 🫣 Jesus calls himself that same bronze serpent that Moses made in John 3:14. Which then because of worshipping this image (Jesus) none entered the promised land. 🫣 And then because later they resurrected this image, in 2 Kings 18:4 king Hezekiah destroyed that image. Destroying idolatry!!! Jesus tells you to be wise as a serpent 🤔 And most shocking that what the snake says in the garden is no different than what Jesus said. And both talking for/about "God" and talking about, if you listen after me, follow me, eat... You will not surely die😳😳😳😳 eat of this/me and you will live forever, you will become or be like God. And according to Ephesians, we are raised up in Jesus in heavenly places above the demons and angels, seated next to Jesus himself.... 😳 No different then tower of Babel. People don't know what they serve or what they truly put their faith in and worship. There is only YHVH and to serve Him only. I can give further connections why Jesus and the NT and "Judaism" are not of the God of Abraham. Blessings
@reynaldotrujillosalas5566 13 часов назад
Does it really matter? Wether it was an angel, a snake or any other type of being, it is the devil, the liar, the murderer, he who stands against God Almighty and all His Hosts!
@BriantheMan.-yw2lt 14 часов назад
Ha! Banned? Good joke!
@dr.deverylejones1306 14 часов назад
This post is of non-sense & confusion on Jesus looks in the Bible. For the Bible in Daniel & in Rev 12 " For His Word Jesus has skin color Bronze /copper & hair WOOL". But in this shocking discovery from some letter by Pilate & his male friend secretary saying Jesus has golden hair with very light skin for is not in bible is very weak to what is written 2 times in bible of Jesus looks are of.
@Questor-ky2fv 14 часов назад
I would like to read and compare both the Yahwist and Ethiopian Bibles with the King James Bible--in English, of course. I've seen online info about the Book of Enoch. Even if the missing sections aren't 100% accurate, there's bound to be some factual info in them worthy of additional research. Look at things like myths. They generally have some tacts buried in them. The children's song, "Ring Around The Rosy, Pockets Full Of Posies", was about the Black Death, which ravaged the world, killing literally millions of people. These older Bibles NEED to be translated as accurately as possible, and published, and then studied by both scholars and any members of the general public who want to explore and compare these texts. Besides access to online Bibles, I have a Ryrie study Bible and my mother's large print Catholic Bible. My parents are gone now, but they were Catholic, but none of their 4 children are. My stepmom is also Catholic. She had nothing to do with the divorce. Us kids went in 4 different directions. My sister is a hatetheist, my older brother is a born again Christian, my younger brother is a non practicing Bible believer, and I am an "I don't knower" with strong leanings toward intelligent design and the Bible. Yes, I know. I'm weird.😂
@mrmarwingee1 15 часов назад
the serpent was a Reptilian.
@terrycooper-bn8hz 15 часов назад
I would love to read this bible before commenting on it.
@Melkitzedeq 19 часов назад
The serpent saying "You will not die" is the first lie?Are you sure?They didn't die, so the lie was they would die. God was lying, not the serpent, in fact their banishment wasn't a punishment, it was a prevention, because if they ate the other forbidden fruit, the should have become like god. Which, at all, doesn't make any sense for an omniscient, omnipotent being...
@markteelii1479 15 часов назад
Are they alive today? And in fact, it was a punishment. The result was pain in child birth and the man having to work his whole life in order for to survive. Would you say that’s an improvement on Paradise, or slightly worse? Everything you said was wrong.
@Melkitzedeq 13 часов назад
@@markteelii1479 Absolutely an improvement, adam was created to work the garden of god, it was slavery then as it is now, but now, having eaten the fruit of knowledge, we can choose our master...
@superrony1985 9 часов назад
The whole humanity died spiritually the moment they went against the God's instruction and sin entered into earth due to this. As we sinned it means "fruit of eternal life" will also be tempted next by Satan so that we will be like Gods wrt immortality with sinful earthly bodies which definitely not the plan from God. This sinned earthly body should die but the spiritual transformed body which believers receive in after life is an eternal one.
@kings6005 9 часов назад
The way you all try to comprehend how and what God says is ridiculous....SOME THINGS ARE BEYOND YOUR PWUNEY BRAIN
@Melkitzedeq 8 часов назад
@@kings6005 So what's the purpouse of these things?God created billions of people who needs hundreds, literally, of so called sacred texts, often with hundreds of variants in the same religion itself, just to make things absolutely confused?I repeat, this things are studied inside universities, not churchs or congregations, just study to know how little of your gods, anyone of them, is written on their sacred writings, and how much of men they talk about...
@RagtimeAnnie День назад
Why is Eve and "The Serpent" pictured in this video wearing (what could be considered) clothing? My bible says they "were not ashamed" of their nakedness until they "ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," afterwords creating coverings from fig leaves to hide their nakedness (from G-d) in the garden. It is difficult to take your exposition seriously in this context.
@dougking4377 День назад
Every "church" rewrote the Bible in their own version to benefit themselves.
@ferdnerkel День назад
Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. The serpent, the devil, and the dragon are all the same being called the adversary(satan). The serpent was not a snake, it was and is a spiritual being with symbolic identifiers listed above.
@dadpop795 День назад
The stretch that people go to in taking verses out of context, to try and find something unique, is just laughable. It''s true that Nahash can mean other things besides serpent, but whatever type of animal it was, satan was using it, and it may not even exist today. One things for sure, "you shall not surely die", is the oldest recorded lie we know of, and it's still taught every day across the world, that "once you make a confession of faith in Jesus, you are going to go to heaven no matter how you live afterward". This ancient lie has decimated the true church of Christ, and it is no wonder why Jesus asked: "When the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth". Most churchgoers don't even no what a real Christian is.
@markteelii1479 15 часов назад
Wheat and tares; many called, few chosen. Best to let God sort that one out. Whenever people try to, it becomes a full-fledged sh*t show.
@williamhartley4752 День назад
@Charlie-v4s3q День назад
I wonder if the version they talk about Asherah?
@ajaxdlister7069 День назад
So click bait
@Boomhauer11x День назад
Jesus is a devout Jew. He adhered to the law of Moses and his mom is Israeli.
@bhagmeister День назад
‘Many versions and many translations…’ Care to tell those who treat every word they read in modern printings as Gospel (pun intended)?
@JohnDoe-pq8yw 3 часа назад
And many agendas as well. Many parts of this video are absolute rubbish.
@WealthAdaptation День назад
Stolen 😂😂
@gregorybrown8756 День назад
It was originally a liberal
@hugogoncalves1565 День назад
The Council of Nicaea fractures the Christian world, legitimizes persecution in the following centuries, a doctrine was chosen, truth, the most accepted one was chosen, but it makes all others invalid
@joykarkada День назад
Stop answering using Google. 😂😅😂
@joykarkada День назад
Your stupid comment about OT in Hebrew is false even if you knew Hebrew. Post it here with evidence and then let’s talk. Will prove that you Caucasians talk crap.
@eduardohoover2127 День назад
WTF! Pornographic material is Christian?
@joaocanteiro4655 День назад
The logic correct in any case. If it was a snake "something" use it to talk they don't talk (it leads to satan) if was a race of angelic like snakes (also leads to satan explained lather in the N.T.).
@Yetipfote День назад
Fun fact: God also created lies.
@dornierdo2172 День назад
Jesus is white and everyone knows he is a Yorkshire man.
@DanHutchings-xx7ug День назад
You are not funny
@dornierdo2172 День назад
@@DanHutchings-xx7ug Guess you are from Lancashire.
@boavintura День назад
Who banned it? Who are those with the authority to ban it? Biases
@ulysseslozada7412 День назад
I always question fact check. Who checking the fact checkers?? Do your research on all bibles. Most important thing is to have a relationship with god.
@sbandalos День назад
The Council of Nicaea was not convened to determine the "canon" of the NT - The NT as we know it was finalized even before the end of the first century as Biblical Scholarship has proven decades and decades ago - Please put down "the da vinci code" and legitimize your efforts with sound research.
@RobertGeffre День назад
waste of time... full of rubbish
@RabbitholeIsrael День назад
4 Maccabees 18:7-9 “I was a pure virgin and did not go outside my father’s house; but I guarded the rib from which woman was made. 8 No seducer corrupted me on a desert plain, nor did the destroyer, the deceitful serpent, defile the purity of my virginity. (referring to what happened to Eve). Infancy gospel of James: verse 13. And she was in her sixth month; and, behold, Joseph came back from his building, and, entering into his house, he discovered that she was big with child. And he smote his face, and threw himself on the ground upon the sackcloth, and wept bitterly, saying: With what face shall I look upon the Lord my God? and what prayer shall I make about this maiden? because I received her a virgin out of the temple of the Lord, and I have not watched over her. Who is it that has hunted me down? Who has done this evil thing in my house, and defiled the virgin? Has not the history of Adam been repeated in me? For just as Adam was in the hour of his singing praise, and the serpent came, and found Eve alone, and completely deceived her, so it has happened to me also. SO CLEARLY THE PEOPLE OF THE BIBLE UNDERSTOOD EVE'S SIN. THEY KNEW SHE HAD SEX WITH A FALLEN BEING INSTEAD OF ADAM AND THEN CAUSED ADAM TO SIN WHEN HE HAD SEX WITH HER AFTERWARDS. SHE BORE TWINS, CAIN AND ABEL. CAIN OF THE SERPENT SEED AND ABEL OF ADAM'S SEED. fraternal twins can be born from two different fathers in a phenomenon called heteropaternal superfecundation.
@DeltaMale5000 День назад
LOL That is all unbiblical nonsense.
@RagtimeAnnie День назад
Uhhhhh ....
@willquigg8265 День назад
The original Yahwist Bible had over 88 books in it and is much older than the ethiopian bible. Neither the jews nor the ethiopian people are Israelites. The true , Israelite nations are the white european nations today. The white races are the only nations that have fulfilled God's promises to Abraham and Isaac! The Saxon race is named after Isaac's Sons!!
@mammaonamission7937 День назад
The people of the Bible were not white. The only white people in the Bible… are the Roman’s. We were made from the ground. What color is mud??? Also, Moses was a Hebrew. He blended in with the Egyptians…. They were very dark skinned people. The people of the Bible were dark, brown, and olive skinned people. Not white. You think a white Hebrew could survive in the dessert without getting burned 😂? No.
@gustavoaleman3148 День назад
This guy is smoking some good stuff. You dear person, need to do some real investigation.
@feds8774 День назад
@Questor-ky2fv 15 часов назад
Congratulations! You are a racist! The rest of us are all members of the human race. I hope that someday you decide to join us.😊
@willquigg8265 14 часов назад
@Questor-ky2fv Thank you! At least I haven't been fooled. I know my god-given inheritance as a true Israelite!!
@marycauchi3409 День назад
God's love for humanity is so great that He tries to save each and every one of us. For this reason, after 20 centuries of seeing so many souls being lost, He decided to do something marvellous for us to help us get to know Him more. God created a special person to be his 'pen'. He used to give her visions and dictations from God the Father, Jesus, Our Lady & her Guardian Angel. What was written is a Masterpiece which I wish that every person on earth should read. This wonderful Work shows all the truth there is to know about 😅God, Jesus, His Mother, creation,salvation and much more. You can read all this in: The 'Gospel as revealed to me', or 'The Poem of the Man God'. God's chosen Pen is Maria Valtorta, His 'Little John'. Read it & have it read!,says JESUS.❤
@ReggaeKush День назад
Teach the racists. Education not indoctrination....
@wendellhatcher7011 День назад
The coptic Christian Bible is older than king james version as well. And, really is the first bible of christ. Ethiopian bible is very well known as well. Coptic is very well-known and they arent banned. The issue here is someone who isnt Ethiopian speaking on it...😂😂😂😂😂