Michael Tunnell
Michael Tunnell
Michael Tunnell
Making videos about Tech, Linux, AI, & more. This channel is also where I post the This Week in Linux weekly news show.

This channel is a part of the TuxDigital media network.
How to Convince Anyone to Try Linux
21 час назад
@legendboyAni 4 часа назад
What do you mean native game is not supported it's like saying windows does not support windows games if playtro is linux then linux game should run there is no reason for them to not run playtro is just a scam and they ask for all of your store front password wtf just look into there account system it's total scam
@legendboyAni 4 часа назад
Also it's not completely open source so you can never trust them
@Bobo56Bear 4 часа назад
Forcing Playstation Exclusive ! , same reason was taken off ms GamePass Cloud etc? and not on GFN Now Cloud etc sob es
@michaeldugger8436 14 часов назад
I just finished initial blasting for my copper mine to acquire the Copper, and Gold if I'm lucky, that I'll need later to fashion semiconductors.
@oussamaben6351 День назад
Never considered LInux other then coding / deployment. Windows/macos offers beter setup for daily use, that's not the case with linux. Productivity goes out the window if it was linux.
@michael_tunnell День назад
While I respect your opinion, I must disagree because I’ve used Linux as my daily driver for over 15 years now. Productivity purely depends on the needs of the user and to claim that it goes out the window with Linux is just not true. It might not be a good solution for you and that’s fine, to each their own, but just because it’s not good for you doesn’t mean it’s not good for everyone.
@kenmilne5987 День назад
After installing Wilma.. I had a glitch with the sound. I fixed it by purging Pipewire and enabling Pulseaudio.
@NeuroScientician 2 дня назад
Linux on desktop is not really growing, Google just sells more Chromebooks and those technically count as Linux desktop.
@michael_tunnell 2 дня назад
I addressed this in the episode, Chromebooks are counted separately from Linux in this data set so no, that has nothing to do with this report.
@TheEnragedGamer 2 дня назад
Gta ran amazing on my deck even though im on pc most the time, being able to just drive around with locked 60fps in bed was fun. Its unfortunate they decided to do this and it doesn’t even work.
@Romactu 2 дня назад
Well, it's a shame to hear that. Luckily, Rockstar is have a chat with Valve on fixing their Battleye anti-cheat issues by adding Linux Kernel support.
@michael_tunnell 2 дня назад
The Linux kernel does not allow for kernel level anti cheats in a technical sense. Rockstar can still use anti-cheat software through proton but not in the same way. This is another reason why Linux is better lol because giving a game kernel level control over a computer is pretty much just insane
@Romactu 2 дня назад
Hello @@michael_tunnell I not that quote is true. "The Linux kernel does not allow for kernel level anti cheats in a technical sense." But I know that quote is true "Rockstar can still use anti-cheat software through proton but not in the same way. This is another reason why Linux is better lol because giving a game kernel level control over a computer is pretty much just insane" However, since Kernel-mode anti-cheat do uses a current operating system's kernel is the default but adding a third party kernels like Linux Kernel support on Windows game for Wine/Proton is possible, it's just Rockstar need sometime in order to make that work. So they need to remedy or else it's customer that uses Linux will refund the game however, some of them can't refund it because of Steam may reject it due to 14 days limited for refund chance.
@bobgreene2892 2 дня назад
ABOUT WIKIPEDIA DONATION ‐------------------------------------------------ We have no problem donating what we can to sustain worthy projects, including Wikipedia. We have donated to Wikipedia (Jimmy Wales) at least yearly, and appreciate the reminder when it pops onto the screen. Such reminders would be intrusive only if they repeated endlessly, especially if donationa had been made. Like every fundraiser, Wikipedia has major expenses to provide its service, and staff and power bills must be paid. We are fortunate fo have such an instantly-ready resource, like Wikipedia. Likewise, we were not aware Gnome was only a "project", whereas KDE Plasma is a major operation, with outreach and managed development
@guilherme5094 2 дня назад
👍Thanks Michael.
@donaldswanson9647 2 дня назад
Yes half the game not working, online half, is a major failure. Nice try.
@tecoberg 3 дня назад
@SpielkindFR 3 дня назад
Man I'm 4 minutes into this video and the dude pushed his podcast AT LEAST 3 times. Thats just downright excessive, a little rude, and a guarantee that I will not check out said podcast.
@michael_tunnell 3 дня назад
Oh well, noted
@jefft8597 3 дня назад
I use Zorin but I don't know if the updates are going to make a big difference to me. I started with Elementary OS, switched to Zorin using the Win 7 (somewhat like) theme and have never looked back. I don't know about Mint, but if you want to switch to Linux, at least for some tasks, I don't think you can go wrong with Zorin.
@TroubledTrooper 3 дня назад
2 years late, and long comment incoming but I have to post this somewhere, so I guess I will post this on your excellent commentary which is the best out of any Linux channel because you are not completely throwing Linux under the bus as to not offend LTT's audience in your videos, which is why you seem to be the most hated by them even though what you said was completely fair. So, the LTT Linux videos, where do we start? Now that I have myself gotten into Linux I re-watch this series but along with you for the first time with an entirely new perspective. Hot take I guess for this comment section 2 years ago, but I really dislike these videos in retrospect. A little background: I initially watched these LTT videos and went "Wow, Linux seems a bit old looking, oh wow it destroyed his computer! Why does Linux randomly do that? And why is it so complex? I am staying on Windows." This series led me to probably stick with Windows for MONTHS more than I otherwise would have. If you take that as good, in that his videos prevented a new user from trying Linux when he wasn't ready and could have destroyed his computer like Linus or whatever, then I hate to break it to you: I was as savvy with computers when I got openSUSE on my DESKTOP-PC to run better than my Windows ever did while using a custom rice as when I watched those LTT videos. The turn off had nothing to do with my skills or how applicable those were to a smooth experience on Linux, it's because those videos are structured/edited in ways that make Linux look bad and scary. I was led to not try Linux because of those videos. How many others I dread to ask? Sure he is "just trying Linux" for his workflow, but the damage that "just trying Linux" and "critiquing" in the most reductive and negative way possible has done to Linux and its mission is most likely noticeable. He is not just a general user "trying Linux", he is a massive influencer with millions who both watch him and WILL make decisions based on what he says. He CAN'T make a video like this in the way he did because of his influence. But I believe that there was a way to do these videos that would have mitigated this damage, he just chose not to do so. I still agree that some of the issues he had were not user problems (Pop_OS crash even though he ignored the warnings, I don't consider that his fault at all) but not for every issue anymore. I also felt every issue other than Pop_OS was a bit overblown & dramatized for the video, and also it should have been more emphasized that his desktop being nuked was a Pop_OS related issue. But the more you start to focus on what they are saying in every clip in the video the more you realize it's just a massive montage of negativity about everything. Take Part 2 where they dedicate roughly about *40%~* (Yes I did the math) of the entire video to Linus's one plugin issue with OBS. ONE. PLUGIN. ISSUE. And it's just all negativity. Now first of all, OBS issues are not uncommon on Windows either, not everything ALWAYS works out of the box on any OS but why is he so absolutely damning about this somewhat obscure usage case for Linux when it doesn't IMMEDIATELY work? How many times have you tried to run something on Windows and it errors. It doesn't have a .dll, it is bugged or whatever? Tons of times!! How many times have you looked up a fix for it, and if it exists, applied it on Windows? More than I can count personally. But as always when a PROGRAM fails on Linux, it's "linux sucks i have to do everything", but if it's Windows "the program sucks, windows good doe". God, I dislike this sentiment so much. And YES I KNOW, the point is to see if he can easily daily drive Linux for his purposes, but the fact that he can RUN OBS AT ALL on Linux is in itself incredible. He is trying to add plugins for hardware that is very niche and isn't completely necessary for his stream. Reminder, he is SCREEN RECORDING to show you that he has an issue with OBS. I will give you a second to process that. Also is it really a point of critique that it's difficult to do for Linux? Sure it is to some degree, BUT isn't it also then a MASSIVE POINT OF PRAISE that he GOT A WORKAROUND made entirely by the COMMUNITY for FREE to make his obscure usage case for an already not widely used program on Linux to WORK?! YES. Tell me if that is possible on Windows or especially macOS. Having used and tinkered with Windows for decades, I can tell you that it's not guaranteed or at least easy like on Linux where often solutions are entirely terminal based. But on macOS? Yeah, uh good luck. Linux doe has such amazing community support for so many things, and that includes getting programs like Photoshop to work, and yet he doesn't even mention this!!?! Instead the way it's worded is so damning, even though IT WORKED. Literally why is it so negative? I don't understand. Again, to emphasize, he had an issue, he troubleshooted it and he got it to work on a FREE operating system. He is a self-proclaimed Linux noob, he has little to no experience in programming and he got that to work on HIS OWN, and what is his takeaway? 100% NEGATIVE. ?????????????? I can't help but be frustrated by this now personally. I have had way worse issues on Linux and been absolutely amazed at how I can fix it often very simply by community made solutions. Seconds it takes, and with no external tech support beyond googling. I am not a kernel level programmer, I am not an expert in C or Rust, and here I am adapting my OS to do things it isn't designed to do. It's incredible honestly. I think they definitely were a bit too negative in this series for my taste. I hoped Part 3 would end on a positive note. Talk about the benefits of FOSS for marginalized communities and for poor countries, praise the philosophy of Linux. Talk up the idea of community building something incredible. Talk about the potential. Talk about things that surprised him in a positive way, like the fact that he is running a *FREE* operating system that can PLAY GAMES made for a DIFFERENT OS?!? Like he takes that for granted, but this is absolutely incredible and something that should be celebrated. The moment I ran Pac-Man 256 (a game made for Windows) on my Linux Mint laptop I literally stood up in amazement. this is a craptop from 2016 that barely ran Windows, and here I am PLAYING GAMES on it! Linux is amazing! Where is this energy in their video? Literally nowhere. I also really REALLY hate how he just said "Dolphin SUCKS!!1" and kept that. Oof. Like he wants the Linux community to be nice, but then he craps all over the stuff that is maintained by good hearted devs entirely for free in their spare time that works fine for most usage cases and isn't bad at all, it really rubbed me the wrong way on re-watch. That is what prompted me to write all of this, it just really exemplified just why these videos have such an awful taste in my mouth now. The damage they have caused, the absolutely negative way they dealt with issues, the lack of any positivity and reflection on Linux. The lack of any mention of the benefits of Linux, the goals and dreams of its contributors. What a waste this was.... If you read this far, thank you, I am pretty emotionally upset about these videos which is why I did the long rant because of how they led me not to adopt Linux sooner.
@michael_tunnell 3 дня назад
This was a very interesting read! I didn’t think about it in these terms at the time but I agree, he crapped on it more so than most. In retrospect I should have been annoyed more and even with Luke where he says he is afraid of Linux users as if that was even remotely justified. I bet they get 1000x more negativity from their average video than they got from the Linux series. Hmm anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts and I’m glad you chose my video to share it so I was able to read it! Welcome to the Linux community and the TuxDigital community (that’s the network here) and be sure to join our discord server if you want at tuxdigital.com/discord
@TroubledTrooper 3 дня назад
Hey man thanks for reading all of this and on an old video too, I came back here to perhaps delete this comment because I felt maybe it wasn't productive to be mad about an old video like this, but if you think it adds some value I will keep it up. I do wonder if I am wrong still. Not about him being toxic about Dolphin, but that if this was his experience perhaps it's best that he voice it. But then I also think about how much damage that causes when it's done in the tone that it is. It's a first run of Linux by such a big channel who blames Linux from everything big and small. Things he would never consider an issue when he does it all the time on a Windows computer, troubleshooting, fixing missing files or whatever is somehow a grand indictment on Linux. But ah, I will not rehash it. I admit that maybe I got a bit overly emotional about it because yeah I do remember not trying out Linux because of this video series, and just the overwhelming negativity of it just made me upset. I don't want to give off the impression that his issues weren't important or whatever, or that they didn't highlight some positive stuff or talk about the future albeit briefly but how hard is it to not make 3 big videos that are basically only negative about Linux, and then on top of that which I didn't mention, what must have been over 10 podcast clips during this period about how much they hate using Linux? How hard is it to acknowledge good sides? I am not saying don't talk about the issues, but when that is all he does in every video during this time on Linux with glimmers of positive stuff here and there it just gets exhausting. It is perfectly possible to talk about how something could be easier, while also recognizing just how good Linux is in spite of that.
@TroubledTrooper 3 дня назад
12:20 Funny thing is I actually had an AMD issue here not Nvidia, on my laptop with Mint the driver manager got my amdgpu driver but then refused to use it, it instead used the radeon driver which is older and doesn't support Vulkan. I had to really fiddle with the system, using grub to get it working properly. I suspect it's because I installed Mint without internet, though I could be wrong. Good test on this is to try gzdoom which is a quick install and has Vulkan on by default to see if it runs properly, or you can go immediately to terminal and write: 'lspci'. If gzdoom shows a giant green bar on the bottom and runs at 1 fps or whatever or if the incorrect driver is in use in lspci but it recognizes 'amdgpu' then you most likely have my issue. I fixed it by using grub. Before doing anything open up the terminal, and run/type in it: "sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.backup" to backup your grub, then run sudo nano /etc/default/grub and add: "radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. This is how it should look: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1" Then do CTRL + O to save the file, and CTRL + X to exit. Then do sudo update-grub, and finally sudo reboot. It should reboot with correct drivers enabled now. If it doesn't work or broke something you can use your backup to revert.
@rudomg 3 дня назад
Good luck to AI browsing to guess what the users with adhd are up to
@MaryHarper-x6r 3 дня назад
Well... i gues people will be selling their decks and getting a rog ally or lenovo go now! 😊
@underratedphonker6395 4 дня назад
Try to explain this to bulgarians... I swear to god IF WE ONLY KNEW WHAT NIXOS IS, INSTITUTIONS WOULD BE MUCH SAFER IN TERMS OF IT! (Speaking of which , most of Bulgarians think Windows comes from piracy site called Zamunda for badically free of charge...)
@TroubledTrooper 4 дня назад
People complaining about the donation box baffles me, I even tolerate REAPER making me wait 5 seconds so I can use it without a license. It's way better than paywalls and trials.
@centy64 4 дня назад
People really sleep on ZorinOS I think it should be mentioned in the same conversation as Mint for new users coming from windows.
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
I agree which is why I included Zorin in my getting started with Linux video 😎
@pip5528 3 дня назад
My friend started on Zorin a few months ago but then moved to Mint because he was having issues with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Things on Mint just worked for him.
@centy64 3 дня назад
@@pip5528 Oddly enough I first used Zorin because I had the same issue on Mint lol man what a time to have so many solid distros
@DarkoDixit 4 дня назад
✨ Sublime estilo 🎼 Asegúrate de ver mi propuesta! ✊
@JohnCrawford1979 4 дня назад
I have an old HO laptop from 2015 that has an Intel GPU. It's an Atom GPU. Considering it's almost 10 years old, has 4 GB RAM (DDR3), it does fairly well. So far, it's had issues on Fedora, but Debian works probably the best. I use i3wm on it because I don't think Wayland pays well with it, being how old it is. X11 seems to work better. Pipewire is alright, though Pulse Audio needs to be used for volume control. Pipewire special effects work, but too many overloads the system. So yeah, the Intel Atom GPU works alright for a nearly 10 year old system, but nothing to be thrilled about. It's 64 bit, so at least it's not dependent on needing a 32-bit OS. But don't expect it to win any drag races on benchmarks,
@PearComputingDevices 4 дня назад
Maybe it's just me but as a kid of the 80's I don't find that prices for hardware being all that crazy if you shop around. Sure it's not pre 2019 cheap, because of government consistently devaluing our currency, it's still much more cheaper than when computers had been far more proprietary in nature. We can still buy a lot of computing power for a lot less money compared. Still it's true it's not cheap but the bang per buck is still impressive when done with care.
@Aelliun 4 дня назад
Did anyone notice that the mint website, to access the checksum and gpg... the browsers launch it with Warning? Expired certificate and more? I noticed it on September 21, 2024.
@APatchworkCanvas 4 дня назад
I have a windows laptop that I use for work. Emails, social media posts and general web browsing. I’m tired of the bloat and spyware. Haven’t used Linux since the early 2000s and not sure what distro to use.
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
I hope this video helped but if you have any questions please feel free to ask them here and I’ll do my best to help
@prezlamen 4 дня назад
Kool Desktop Environment has better scaling, fonts can be adjusted to fit everyone needs, Gnome cannot do this, even with fractional scaling enabled you cannot set to look bigger, this is by design, it is to small in ratio to desktop elements.Please always use page zoom or increase font size for RU-vid videos
@slipperedlobster 4 дня назад
Hey..you are good ! After trying many other channels...it's refreshing to hear a clear and concise presentation, without being sidetracked with events in somebody's personal life. Right to the point, as well.
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
Thank you so much 🙂 and welcome to the community, stick around 😎
@FURIAfdx 4 дня назад
lie, I tried on a low end pc, linux for gaming is horrible, u have to use extra resources for the windows compatibility layer, linux uses same resources as win10, win10 optimized is much better for lower end pcs. on security is all a lie, do u have a router? if so u are secure af...
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
You negated your comment within the first sentence. Low end PC is not a good option for gaming even on Windows. Gaming is one of the most resource intensive things you can do on a computer so yes you will need a computer that has enough power to do that regardless of OS. You think a router is all you need for security? Lol you are quite mistaken but best of luck and have a nice day
@FURIAfdx 4 дня назад
@@michael_tunnell u are a joke. Low end pc is not a good option for gaming? I have that pc for more that 15 years and I can play RDR2, Control, Doom eternal, GTAV, emulator till ps2, I played alot of games lol on the security, never updated win or use an antivirus, never had any problem, yeah I tried Linux and I used alot of CentOS back in the day, u really dont know shit XD Amazing
@michael_tunnell 3 дня назад
Lol okay, have a nice day
@FURIAfdx 3 дня назад
@@michael_tunnell I zee u dont want to upon your mind and stay on the "lets consume everything they sell" mind set...
@androth1502 4 дня назад
if you are spending all that time consulting/teaching them how to do 1 - 3 in linux, you could spend all that time consulting/teaching them how to do 1-3 on windows and end up with the same results. and the few people who care about 4-6 are probably already on linux.
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
In my experience once someone is on Linux the tech support drastically plummets in frequency as Linux is a cleaner solution. I have migrated people who used to ask for help often on windows who then go to maybe once a year on Linux
@RudysRetroIntel 4 дня назад
When Linux has a GUI for everything and you dont need to use the terminal, then Windows users will switch. Majority of Windows users are not power users and dont want to remember terminal commands. Once there is an option to use GUI or terminal for everything then people will switch. No need to convince anyone.
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
You do not need a terminal now. There’s a lot of people who tell people to use commands because that can be faster and easier to simply copy and paste stuff but it’s not a requirement and hasn’t been for many years. There is a need to convince people since you’re saying with just GUI people would switch and that’s already now and not something that happened yet
@RudysRetroIntel 4 дня назад
@michael_tunnell people use what they are used to. If they are interested, I will show them my Linux setup and let them decide. I just don't feel the need to convince them to switch as when they are ready, they will come to you to show them how. Just my opinion. Thanks for sharing!
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
Your opinion is perfectly valid and I respect it. I don’t think you or anyone need to convince anyone else to try Linux, this is a video for exclusively those that do want to help others find Linux. It’s not about should be done but if someone wants to, at least do it in a manner that is statistically successful 😎😁
@jarod1701 4 дня назад
Next, do a video on convincing people to try meth.
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
I’ll do one about math but choosing between trigonometry and calculus will be difficult
@jarod1701 4 дня назад
@@michael_tunnell Ha ha, good one. You took the word „meth“ and nonchalantly changed it to „math“ before responding to my question. I take my hat off to you, sir!
@ethanolintent7674 4 дня назад
EA ruined BF1 in the deck too. EA and R* can go f*k eachother.
@busybaci 4 дня назад
This guy is a weirdo he is teaching other cultists on how to manipulate people into joining his cult. Get your meds you syko you would have been popular in the third raich!
@OspaykO 4 дня назад
An article called "The issue of anti-cheat on Linux" by Samuel Tulach explains why, for many developers, Linux support may not be as simple as a toggle. I would link the article here, but it seems RU-vid will delete my comment if I post a link. In essence, and to heavily simplify, the Linux versions of Easy Anti-Cheat and BattlEye do not support all of the features of the Windows versions. In particular, anti-cheat programs on Linux appear to be rather limited when it comes to disallowing external programs from modifying a game's data in RAM, as there does not appear to be a good way to prevent this on Linux due to the ability to re-compile the kernel. Now, one could argue that these methods are still excessive anyway or that there may be better ways to combat cheating without resorting to banning Linux players, but as it stands, developers of high-profile competitive games or games that rely on in-game purchases for revenue are very paranoid of cheaters ruining their games and so try to cover as many potential holes as possible. For these developers, hearing that a Linux version would not employ all of the possible methods to prevent cheating is enough to make them want to block it outright.
@igorgiuseppe1862 4 дня назад
rocket league league of legends roblox gta5 ... Oh and fortinite
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
Rocket League works just fine on Linux if you’re lucky and have it on Steam then it works beautifully if not then it works just fine with Heroic Games Launcher but the rest, yea bummer
@S-420 4 дня назад
GTA online is stupid anyway so who cares The story still works
@marekkedzierski8237 5 дней назад
Good luck with that. Old saying "Linux is only free if you don't value your time" comes to mind - why would I waste my time switching to Linux if my current OS does everything I need?
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
That old saying is no longer valid like a lot of old sayings but it doesn’t work for everyone and neither does Windows or Mac. If you watched the video you would know the point of it is pragmatism and if someone wants to stick with Windows or whatever then I think that’s just fine
@voidmind 5 дней назад
I'm happy you did your homework and did not report he anti-cheat thing as fact.
@michael_tunnell 4 дня назад
Thanks 😎
@kgpax 5 дней назад
I just donated to kde!
@truthgamingchannel112 5 дней назад
Yes they definitely should give us a refund and none of that should matter steam should give us a refund or fix the issue 🤔
@truthgamingchannel112 5 дней назад
Everyone needs to get their money back steam should just send people they money back since Rockstar is acting like kids and lying gta 5 was running great no one cares about the story mode we want to play gta 5 online Rockstar needs to come out and start telling the truth they full of dog dodo like for real or just pay us all our money and it does support the steam deck smh they lied and I really don't like Rockstar anymore after this smh Rockstar is going to start losing fans they already lost me and I never cheat in video games and this isn't fair for players who don't cheat and I really feel like Rockstar needs to fix this problem or lose money just pay us back also steam needs to make all these games on the deck supported no games should be on unsupported because if it unsupported why have it in the steam store I just want all my games to run on my steam deck smh valve please 🙏 fix this asap
@diuran1919 5 дней назад
Really wish to MediaTek Wi-Fi 7 Bluetooth start to working, Wi-Fi 7 is working but not that perfect like in windows.
@tanujrana8490 5 дней назад
The wine kernel? Wine has no kernel, it is not an emulator
@michael_tunnell 5 дней назад
A news show does not have time to go into the nuances of complex topics like how the wine kernel is technically in userspace but performs translations between the WINE stack and the Linux kernel so no its not technically a kernel but yes it does perform kernel functions through the translations of APIs. gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/-/wikis/Wine-Developer's-Guide/Kernel-modules
@ZebedeeBoss 5 дней назад
23:30 Steam have NEVER been a simple case of click and install from the "Software Centre" (2015 thru to and incl 2020). I used to have to learn all sorts of tricks and work a rounds to get it to install correctly. It is a lot better today in 2024.
@ZebedeeBoss 5 дней назад
16:28 Vertical monitors do not auto configure on any OS than I am aware of.
@skidraper211 5 дней назад
fuck R* chain
@SilverFoxww 5 дней назад
AHS - Advanced Hardware Support
@BanduTheGreat 5 дней назад
I'm currently watching this video on Fedora 41 beta.
@LaughingFoxeditz 5 дней назад
Lol gnome 47 taking impression from Ubuntu custom gnome