Trash Talk Reverse
Trash Talk Reverse
Trash Talk Reverse
Welcome to Trash Talk Reverse, where I trash content & topics within the media sphere or I do the reverse. I was fed up with the same old opinions, shallow critiques, and straight up incorrect analyses of Film/TV RU-vid as well as the larger film criticism complex, so my goal is educate you on how to actually analyze and judge the stories you consume by deconstructing the status quo of film criticism.

Here you'll get extensive analysis of story, industry, and society plus cinema literacy content. Media is so influential to society - after all, to quote That 70s Show, Hollywood is the third branch of government. But it doesn't just end with movies and shows; books, commercials, games, and RU-vid content itself will eventually come under the TTR microscope. So hopefully I can highlight how the overall entertainment and media industries can and should serve my own tastes.

Fridays will generally be Game of Thrones commentary and Tuesdays will be all other topics.
The Real Problem With The Boys Season 4
14 дней назад
The Failure of YA Dystopia
4 месяца назад
Hollywood Strikes, Studio Money, & AI
4 месяца назад
Criticizing (and Praising) Emmy Noms (2023)
5 месяцев назад
Barbenheimer & The Writer-Director Craze
5 месяцев назад
People Suck At Film Criticism
5 месяцев назад
The Oscars: Are They Getting Better?
5 месяцев назад
How Netflix's YOU Squandered Its Potential
5 месяцев назад
@skywalkerorder2839 День назад
It may be frustrating to you, but a huge part of Ned's character in A Game of Thrones (the book) is that his honor makes him blind to the fact that other people don't have honor or some kind of code like he does. Therefore, one of the themes is literally that having honor in an unfair and cruel world consistently no matter the circumstances, is dumb. Looking at it from his philosophy of honor even in the book, he was just too blind to see that people are not following the same rules he is.
@TrashTalkReverse День назад
Well no, he knows other people don't have honor. The show spends the first 3 episodes plus episode 5 establishing that Ned knows better. He and Catelyn talk about how the Lannisters are not to be trusted, he confronts Jaime about his lack of honor, he knows Jon Arryn died asking questions, he tells Arya they need to be careful here, he knows Robert is in debt to the Lannisters, and that's just a few examples. So it's not his honor that creates an issue, it's the massive contradiction the writers created in order to inorganically force a plot point. That is bad writing. I mean this guy knew the world was so unfair and cruel that he kept Jon Snow's true identity a secret forever, so that his life wouldn't be at risk. So every bad decision Ned makes isn't derived from his honor, but from the writers needing him to end up in the dungeons. Unfortunately most people aren't adequate at story analysis, it's simply not something they've learned, so they automatically jump to throwing around Ned's honor as enough justification for completely detailing a character's internal logic, because that's what the writers did. But if you actually dissect the story with a strong grasp of storytelling technique, it immediately falls apart as forced writer manipulation.
@jessetorres8738 2 дня назад
Fort Wayne, Indiana is a reference to the original Planet Of The Apes from 1968, because that's where Charlton Heston's George Taylor was from.
@TrashTalkReverse 2 дня назад
That's a cool Easter egg!
@osirisjunk3604 3 дня назад
Well made video, I love the trilogy and enjoyed this movie thoroughly, I think the parallels between War and Kingdom are intentional to serve as a foil and show the viewer "Apes are capable of being just like the colonel", but without a character existing in the story aware of the events of War then the foil serves none of the current story to the characters within it. I enjoyed seeing your opinion on this film. Look forward to future videos.
@TrashTalkReverse 3 дня назад
Thanks, glad you liked it! I definitely think the parallels are intentional as well, especially since there were some shots that were quite literally the same (I found these while editing and thought it was really cool). I'm quite excited for the future of this new trilogy, I think despite some issues I had with the plot, they set up a lot of interesting conflict between humans and apes. Also the visuals were fantastic as typical for this series.
@osirisjunk3604 2 дня назад
@TrashTalkReverse I think despite the story being the weakest, it had the stromgest world building, and it was at the most vital point in the franchise too. For the establishing/launch movie of the next trilogy they expanded the world in more ways than the other 3 ever did. With specialized tribes of apes, novas, Raka and the Caesarian religion, new locations, and introducing the new human threat.
@TrashTalkReverse 2 дня назад
This movie definitely had to build a lot from scratch whereas the previous trilogy was essentially stripping more and more away from the human world. It's a different type of worldbuilding that's required, so this film definitely set up this new world pretty well.
@oceso 3 дня назад
i think osha wanted to stay with bolton to try to kill him but he killed her instead
@TrashTalkReverse 3 дня назад
Yeah I couldn't remember what happened with her so I guess I'll find out when I get to that episode.
@marcorossi-pv3fu 3 дня назад
I'm Just confuse
@keith333FACE 4 дня назад
I feel like this is a troll video if not I think you missed the plot entirely and this entire series is leading to a plant of apes so ignoring all the world building of the ape society is kind of crazy. Also Roka taught Noa it's ok to ask questions beyond what you know and Proximus real goal was to open the vault and use the knowledge inside to jump start ape advancement. He got the tribes together to accomplish that and used caesar's teaching to keep the peace. I really hope this is Trolling otherwise I gotta know why you even liked the first trilogy.
@TrashTalkReverse 3 дня назад
It's a troll video just because it pointed out flaws that you ignored? No one's ignoring the world building of ape society; what they chose for the plot of the second half was just not a good idea. Roka taught Noa a little bit, sure, but they didn't actually get into Caesar's legacy which is about the importance of coexisting. It's obvious what Proximus's goal is, but it doesn't make him a good villain when he just wants to advance their civilization (or my reference to the Roman emperors mindset). This is all surface level examination. I still thought the movie was worth watching overall and the ending 5 to 10 minutes does a much better job setting up the rest of the series than the entire second half did. So I'm sorry if you're not interested in thinking critically about the media you consume and believe the first trilogy was about ape advancement and not coexistence. Now I'm wondering if you're trolling because there's no way YOU misunderstood the entire previous trilogy.
@keith333FACE 3 дня назад
@@TrashTalkReverse Alright seems I stepped on some toes. First my fault for dismissing your opinion. Second I would continue discussing further but no point. Third critical thinking does not come from nitpicking details and flaws. It should be an IN DEPTH analysis of a story's entirety. I was just shocked you dismissed so much of the story or missed it, is all. Hence me thinking this is a Troll, but like I said if you truly have this opinion you got it.
@TrashTalkReverse 3 дня назад
@@keith333FACE all the criticisms did come from in depth story analysis, which allowed me to see why certain elements were either surface level or poorly crafted. Bad villains and bad plot are not nitpicky details. You only say I missed the story because I say certain parts were badly done and you think the opposite. When you see a different conclusion than your own, jumping to dismiss it as invalid without any analytical support really isn't the answer. Almost everything that happened from Mae revealing her truth all the way through the last bit of the film was convoluted and mostly pointless, and didn't really work thematically. Most importantly me criticizing this has nothing to do with liking the first trilogy, because those movies were well written and it's okay to acknowledge that this installment didn't live up to the standards set by those films.
@hidansektas 5 дней назад
this is so interesting to me cause as a kid i was like katniss like "ewwwww why did haymitch try to force her to do a star crossed lovers thing" and now as an adult with more brain cells everything makes sense
@TrashTalkReverse 5 дней назад
lol that's what's interesting about this series, is that technically it was marketed as YA, which is teen fiction, and 11-13 year olds often read YA and everyone was reading it partly bc of the post Twilight love triangle stuff and also partly bc of the appeal I talk in this video about people wanting to see the survival stuff. But usually these readers aren't quite old enough to really see how the writer used that appeal to then examine deeper issues. I feel like that's something people realize maybe when they're at least around 16, 17, even 18 and more exposed to real world politics and things like that.
@hidansektas 3 дня назад
@@TrashTalkReverse i forgot about hunger games franchise completely until the new one came out and read all the books. god so many things flew over my head. the best age to read them would be 16 to 18 like you mentioned. the marketing was indeed really interesting
@fduranthesee 5 дней назад
please, take a breath or two (and not in a negative way, i mean this because it sounds like you're talking so fast you're going to tire yourself out by getting from one point to the next)
@TrashTalkReverse 5 дней назад
That's just how it's edited. I didn't record the whole thing in one take. In my experience if I talk any slower or leave gaps in the edit, people click off the video.
@nod5770 6 дней назад
The problem with the political content is it misrepresents reality and paints the right in a falsely negative light.
@TrashTalkReverse 6 дней назад
Well no, it's actually very accurate to reality. Much of the rhetoric used is almost word for word. However, that's where the show gets stilted because their commentary is very surface level. It's just exactly repeating what they see happen in real life except with superheroes.
@mizutsunebubbledragon3382 5 дней назад
"Radical Right" Let's get that right. The show makes fun of BOTH sides that are radical. Let's stop trying to pretend the show is only making fun of one side. If you're butthurt about what was shown...then you might be a radical. If the shoe fits 🤷🏾‍♂️
@JAMES_IS_COOL1227 7 дней назад
All I gotta say is this... Frenchie Only issue for me aside from small gripes but those are fantastic problems to have but Frenchie nope that shit was ASS TURBO ASS
@tman06er 7 дней назад
No I think the reason behind Jamie not killing ned stark was part of the glory that he would’ve gotten, like he’s already the king slayer n then if people started talking about how he had his men save him in a duel 😬
@TrashTalkReverse 7 дней назад
Sure, that's part of it, but it was still a poor effort on the writer's part to justify that they made Jaime attack Ned to end episode 5 with a "shocking" cliffhanger that would force Ned to stay in Kings Landing. Jaime's dudes should already know not to interfere with his attacks, so there's no reason for that guy to have stabbed Ned through the leg when he knows his boss wouldn't approve. As Tywin said, attacking him was stupid. I buy that Jaime would be impulsive, but let's be real the only reason they had the guy interfere and make Jaime not finish the job was because killing Ned in episode 5 was not their goal, even though logically it would've made more sense for Jaime to have succeeded than for a random guy to stab Ned.
@TheRealHerbaSchmurba 7 дней назад
@@TrashTalkReversedisagree. Why would someone allow the son of their liege lord to risk his life in battle against the dude who supposedly killed Arthur Dayne?! That would be idiotic
@TrashTalkReverse 7 дней назад
​​@@TheRealHerbaSchmurba what are you talking about? If these dudes work for Jaime, they shouldn't be going against his wishes. It's not about protecting Jaime, that's not how the scene is written. It's written as if they needed Jaime to not kill Ned.
@TheRealHerbaSchmurba 7 дней назад
@@TrashTalkReverse i genuinely do not see it that way. They follow orders yes, but they are also their to serve as protection. If anything happens to him then it wont be good for them, especially if they are still alive and he is dead when it was like a 1v 15. You know how bad that would look if they allowed the son of their liege lord to die in 1v1 combat when they were all around to protect and ensure his safety? That just seems like an irrational choice. I get the issue of going against orders but they also have a duty to protect the son of Tywin. I wouldnt be surprised if Robb gave orders to not intervene in a fight and people of the north take it upon themselves to protect him not just because hes king but because hes the first born son of Ned Stark. They cant just allow him to risk his life.
@TrashTalkReverse 7 дней назад
​@@TheRealHerbaSchmurbaBut the scene isn't framed like they're protecting him. If you go back to episode 5, the moment was during a pause in the duel during which Jaime wasn't in any danger, and Ned was farther away and didn't have Jaime in some sort of lockdown position where he needed rescuing. Plus as we see in this episode, Jaime has a particular mindset about fighting, and it shows that doing things a certain way is important to him. So for his guy to not know this about Jaime is extremely unlikely, and for him to interfere with a one on one duel despite Jaime not being at risk of losing in that particular moment, is even more unlikely. If Ned had Jaime in his knees with his sword knocked out of his hands, that would be a different story. That's an instance in which it makes sense for the others to interfere. Also look at Jaime's immediate reaction in that scene when the guy stabs Ned. He's genuinely shocked and his fighting position is offensive, not defensive. It's all in the fight choreography and how it intersects with the writing of the scene.
@3lle272 7 дней назад
I absolutely love this review. This season made me realize how painfully average this show really is. Which has taken me a long time to accept. I loved how you analyzed the bad writing and inconsistent character arcs. Most people I've seen review this show always (For fair enough reasons) complain about this shows politics. I don't fully understand how American politics work. Neither do i want to. But I'm glad you also pointed out the many other flaws this show has. For me this was the most disappointing show of 2024
@TrashTalkReverse 7 дней назад
Thanks! I'm glad it resonated with you. I knew when I first watched the show that it's not a show I would ever consider rewatching, and while objectively there are some good things that they do, overall making this video and having to go back through and re watch some of the footage made me really start to dislike what I was watching. Politically, I think they do a decent surface level job pointing out problems in American society, but it's not in depth critique or analysis nor will it ever be.
@gigs7207 7 дней назад
Why are you so woke for no reason? Wtf do you mean more people were openly racist when Trump got into presidency? Where's the proof of that? You're just trying to virtue signal to your audience like seriously it's painfully obvious how Eric Kripke is the most left leaning person politically and makes it out as if everyone on the right is a dumb brainwashed sheep who's immediate response to conflict is with violence when that's not true at all and actually the complete opposite in real life with groups like ANTIFA and BLM. Why are you going along with this losers narrative
@Matty-pn9fy 8 дней назад
Disagree with eye importance of some of these critiques, but I like the perspective and deliver a lot
@Pooki2024 8 дней назад
This crap ended years ago, get talking about House of the Dragon
@TrashTalkReverse 7 дней назад
Never gonna watch that show. As a channel that is interested in assessing the way our society evaluates media, it's important for me to objectively judge one of the most popular shows of our time. If you're not interested in these videos then you don't need to watch them.
@jackier1726 9 дней назад
This isn’t hate or anything, as you have the right to dislike a piece of media, but as an aspiring writer who has been working on a book for a while now, I find it fascinating when people deeply criticise and nitpick other people’s work. Like, ofc the Hunger Games series isn’t perfect, but neither were the writers, and from the tone of your voice on this video, I’d really love to know if you could do much better. All you did was point out what’s wrong with the series, and didn’t say what could’ve been done to fix it. Writing is hard, ESPECIALLY a series, and I, personally, think the Hunger Games series is amazing. Again, this may sound rude, but it’s really not intended that way. I just think everything needs to be seen in context.
@TrashTalkReverse 9 дней назад
You're not being rude, you're simply being presumptive and naive. I'm a writer who has worked in development in Hollywood, so I come from a developmental editing perspective, and I, like you, have also worked on novels. This video was part of a longer podcast episode in which I fully discuss the genre, and more conclusions are drawn there. If you're interested in what I would do to fix it, you're in luck because I actually plan on doing a rewriting Mockingjay video at some point. Also, I clearly did point out that the problem with Catching Fire is mainly pacing, therefore to fix it, you would need to streamline many of the scenes. I plan on doing a video about that in more detail later on as well to include the issue of repetition. Not every video needs to address every single topic or they would be several hours long and impossible to make. Also, I hope you realize that a world where criticism can't exist is not a world that culminates in better media or even a better society. If you're a writer, you really need to accept the concept of criticism, because if you ever reach the point where you get alpha readers, literary agents, editors, and publishers, you need to be prepared to hear things you don't want to. The true mark of a writer is someone who wants to make their work better. The true mark of an editor is someone who wants to make other people's works better. That's where I come from. I made this channel to disrupt the RU-vid film review ecosystem in which people don't actually understand how to analyze story and they spout random negative opinions without actually knowing what they're talking about. In fact, if you believe this analysis to be critical and nitpicky, you'd better stay away from all those big channels that tell you something is trash just because that's what they saw all the critics saying and purposely go out of their way to misunderstand something. Analysis and critical thinking are important so that our society progresses in a positive direction, so that we're not blindly consuming whatever Hollywood or the Big Five Publishing companies are putting out. Finding it weird that people make criticisms means you're probably not the right type of person to be in the creative space at all, especially since this suggests that someone could be promoting extremely negative stories to young audiences, such as "romance" writer Colleen Hoover, and according to you her hard work absolves her of any criticism. Edit: I forgot to mention this channel is also dedicated to praising content that deserves praise. People see in black and white, so this channel is for those who care about genuine story analysis, and not blindly hating or loving stuff.
@pepperminttree 9 дней назад
The way the Capitol students speak reminds me of Effie or Caesar. They are pretentious, snooty, rich teenagers trying to act mature and constantly trying to one-up each other. I didn’t find it cringey or out of place. Also, I think Snow had enough ideas to boost viewership that were necessary for this specific story. He only had those ideas in order to win the prize. That was his primary goal. There's a 64-year gap between this movie and The Hunger Games, so it’s not a stretch to assume he came up with more ideas later, like the Victor’s Village, as they became more relevant to his rise to power. I do wish we got to see a middle-aged Snow, closer to the character we see in the later films, but considering tbosas is set 60+ years earlier, I think this movie did a good job of showing his early history and the roots of his mentality.
@TrashTalkReverse 9 дней назад
The dialogue of characters like Effie or Caesar in the original films felt really natural while this film's Capitol dialogue is super contrived and doesn't feel in-universe, it feels like someone tried really hard to insert our world's dialogue into the film and then brushed it over with some weird amalgam of 1950s dialect and how older people think "young kids" talk. The story should have shown Snow taking an active role in shaping the games rather than handing off an assignment to Gaul and having her implement stuff. The stuff he came up with felt so bare minimum because of the way they were portrayed. It's not about volume, it's about execution. Also, the concept of the prize was unnecessary to begin with, and feels more like a shoehorned plot device because they couldn't figure out how to tell the story organically. I do believe a middle-aged Snow will be present in the next prequel, the one about Haymitch's games, so it'll be interesting to see how he's written there. But I disagree with the choices made for Snow's backstory and mentality. A story like this has more impact when the people in power are already in power to begin with because it emphasizes that those without power can't simply climb to the top. His origin story would've been stronger if the Snow family wasn't fallen from grace, and if his character arc wasn't simply him doing anything to gain power. The original series isn't about people doing anything for power, it's about propaganda and control, and how the Capital remains in charge by turning the districts against each other. This film does absolutely nothing to tie in with that or develop that theme apart from the very surface level decoration of them trying to get people to watch the games.
@Yuval.Ronen2010 9 дней назад
I agree, the mockingjay movies weren't anything, but I really liked the books. They just changed the subject a bit, a story that built a lot of action and tension, it became a kind of psychological thriller. Not really a psychological thriller, but because of the ability to see reality through Katniss's eyes and the fact that we already had two books to get to know the characters, everything felt somewhat personal. Katniss's feeling that she has been through too much and that she sometimes just feels that all the investment is unnecessary (here represented by depression and suicidal tendencies) is terrible, but on a slightly smaller scale I think any person would have been able to connect with her. Not to mention the heartbreaking ending and the fact that the entire construction of the story took place on Prim, and her death suddenly gave a feeling of "what now?". Maybe it's just me because I get emotional from books very easily, but I really liked the book. Mockingjay is not the usual book and is a bit different from the rest of the Hunger Games series, but it is good in another way. The films, on the other hand, were not able to show what was going through Katniss's head, and the "Show Don't Tell" approach that usually makes the films good misses the point a bit, because most of the really strong monologues are monologues of Katniss with herself in her head where no active motivation takes place, but They are still told so much. That's why I think my favorite parts of the movie are the parts where she cries and breaks down, because they represent the best of the book (for example when Prim dies and she talks to Buttercup. Absolutely heartbreaking).
@TrashTalkReverse 9 дней назад
I haven't read the books in a long time, but beyond Katniss's monologues, I think the plot itself was adapted pretty closely from what I remember. That's where the bulk of the issue lies with Mockingjay, it's mostly just them going through the motions of this boring rebellion and it fails to really build on the established premise of the first two installments: distracting from the real problems with a facade of mercy. But also they didn't do a very good job with the characters in the two parts, and that's something I can't really remember from the books regarding how that was done so I'll have to re-read the books at some point.
@qj0n 9 дней назад
As for the premise - I thought first film explored the theme of "caste" or classes (though it was more about vertical slices), freedom of own life choices vs parents socializing you to particular lifestyle. Basically, social mobility. It all started to break with that brainwashing, I mean it could be seen as a metaphor for propaganda, social engineering or polarization, but it was a surprising change of topic. The second part I vaguely remember, but I guess there was something about system wanting to suppress the unique people or sth. But still, the main character was the 'weak one' opposing strong system. The third part... there was like nothing. Instead of main character being the weaker side, she got super tech, comes back to the city and that's it
@TrashTalkReverse 9 дней назад
Yeah for me I kinda saw it as the movie trying to be like no one trait is better than another, we need all traits, and showing this through the idea that "divergents" or "free thinkers" are dangerous but this premise is super surface level and has nothing to do with the rest of the series
@oceso 10 дней назад
certified banger with a hard r
@A.Z.S.GXZ777 12 дней назад
@caseyhart4999 13 дней назад
The real problem with this season is that they neutered the best character they have for political reasons. Since they are doing their absolute best to drive the idea into people’s heads that Homelander is somehow Trump they have to make him look as incompetent as possible at all times. It’s really. It’s really ruined any tension this show used to have.
@TrashTalkReverse 12 дней назад
The show has always been political, as some of the quotes in my video show, Eric Kripke has been influenced by Trump from the beginning. Also in the video with Antony Starr I clipped above he mentions how directly ripping off an existing person would ruin the character. I think the issue you're seeing with Homelander is rather a story issue: it feels like he's simply not very present this season compared to previous ones. He doesn't have much of an impact on the story because Sage is doing all the legwork, and The Boys are dealing with personal issues mostly very separately from the external threat of Sage's plan rather than weaving in their issues with a more concrete external threat.
@miidnxghts 13 дней назад
to be fair, collins never had a general vision of the last two books because the first one was meant to be a standalone. if i remember correctly, she only continued the series because she was pressured to do so, hence the sudden drop in quality, the concept of the sequels had been done on the spot.
@TrashTalkReverse 12 дней назад
Oh wow, I didn't know that, but it makes a lot of sense. I wonder if she eventually became interested enough in the world to do the two prequels she's just done (including the haymitch one that's coming soon) or if these were because she was pressured to revive a successful franchise.
@miidnxghts 12 дней назад
@@TrashTalkReverse she said that she usually writes out of will when she has something to say, and since katniss' story has been concluded for over 10 years i can only guess the two prequels have been written to send a message rather than because of public pressure, especially since it was stated that SOR will delve further into the use of propaganda, media narratives and "the easiness with which the many are governed by the few," which has been a prominent and very real issue in recent months.
@ChrisMarrin 13 дней назад
So I was the person first seeing the movies and then reading the books (I am at 75% of the last book). I think it does give a new element that you can read Katniss' thoughts and see how traumatized she is. That did not translate that much in the movies I think. I also thought film 3 part 1 and 2 were very boring, but now reading it, I like it way better. Splitting it in 2 movies was just for money purposes and did not do the story well.
@TrashTalkReverse 12 дней назад
I haven't read the books since 2012 so at some point I might consider giving them a second look. I think the first film does a really good job of conveying the grim tone and the uncertainty of it all so even without her first person narration, just the way it's filmed really takes us into what she may be experiencing. But the rest of the films had a different director and told the story a different way so we don't get that same effect. And yes splitting Mockingjay was a terrible idea, though I never liked the book, it would've been much more bearable as just one film rather than a two parter.
@Verocapote 13 дней назад
I have to disagree on the shapeshifter and Annie. I loved that scene and how it portrayed who Annie isn’t
@TrashTalkReverse 12 дней назад
Sure, that's fair, Erin Moriarty's acting in that scene was really good and helps to sell it. For me the issue was 1, the shifter doesn't really have a purpose for existing other than being Annie's mirror essentially and doesn't really have a personality beyond the snarky dialogue and therefore not really a reason to dissect Annie like in that scene, 2, the actual dialogue was really unbearable and badly written as they wanted to tell us Annie's internal struggles in one scene rather than showing us over the course of the season, and 3, this one scene and the shifter's death were essentially supposed to be the entire culmination of Annie's character arc which to me is really lazy to have Annie fight someone who literally looks like her to convey internal conflict and this makes it so she doesn't actually have to work to solve her issue.
@rodneyharvey8938 14 дней назад
Ned also told Caitlyn to tell Robb to have 200 men to go to moat failing to secure the north...he made plans but his wife messed it up...
@Elizabeth-hc3mi 14 дней назад
4:00 I agree, I dispise love triangles, but I think it kinda worked in Hunger Games. The movies podtrayed this terriable, but in the books, Gale and Peeta represented forgiveness and vengence. For example, in the second book/movie, Peeta wanted to flee, and Gale wanted to stay and fight. Peeta doesn't want vengence on the Capital, and Gale is fine blowing up Capital children. Katniss considered both of their influence when voting for the Capital Hunger Games. I mean, there would still be this effect if Gale was just a friend, not a love interest. His beef with Peeta could be because he was a merchant, not because of Katniss. Either way , I liked the contrasting of Peeta to Gale.
@TrashTalkReverse 14 дней назад
Yeah I think the contrast works fine, I just don't think there needs to be this constant default to presenting love stories or even growth arcs for the protagonist as a love triangle
@Elizabeth-hc3mi 13 дней назад
@TrashTalkReverse 100 present agree. The worst is in fantasy when it's between the prince and a commoner, and somehow the prince always comes out on tip (probably because readers want to see the self insert character end up a queen).
@TrashTalkReverse 12 дней назад
​@@Elizabeth-hc3miyep that's another reason I hate triangles, because the person in the middle ends up with the wrong person and usually this happens because the writer is living out or creating a fantasy where the main girl has multiple guys interested in her rather than exploring themes and character journeys
@SharkNomNom-ns6qu 10 дней назад
I like that Katniss couldn't give a rats about the triangle. People just latched onto it and it became one of the main hypes of the series maybe partially because of Twilight, but in another sense maybe because it's more socially acceptable than hyping up a death battle movie featuring kids
@steventravels4035 14 дней назад
4:10 so true
@williamjoyner3759 14 дней назад
@mathiaswilhelm1902 16 дней назад
Deathly hallows was split into 2 parts, sure it might be unnecessary to split it but movies are expensive and a good audience wants a movie to end Anyway I agree that catching fire isn’t my no. 1 in the series My last point is (in my opinion) the “failure” of the hunger games was not its fault but the mass media framing it as mushy garbage, but if you don’t like it that’s cool gg Ballad of song birds and snakes gave the hunger games a better lasting impression
@TrashTalkReverse 16 дней назад
I don't think splitting deathly hallows was unnecessary at all, there's no way they could've crammed all that into one movie. Also I don't think the hunger games failed overall since it still made a strong lasting impression. The "failure" in the title is from my full podcast episode on the failure of YA dystopia as a genre, this is excerpted from that and I talk about a bunch of YA dystopia stuff and why the genre fizzled out.
@Krave_yt 17 дней назад
Good stuff
@oceso 17 дней назад
i am too mentally disabled to finish the text on screen before you remove it from the screen.
@TrashTalkReverse 17 дней назад
Lmao yeah I figured if people really wanted to know what it said then they would pause it, better than keeping the screen on the same frame for too long
@oceso 17 дней назад
another banger
@TrashTalkReverse 20 дней назад
Check out my new article that builds on this video! www.trashtalkreverse.com/post/the-boys-season-4-problems
@cherries_and_wine 22 дня назад
Insane work you should get more views!! I was shocked when I finished the video and saw it came from a smaller channel Side note I really like the speed at which you talk, it's perfect for my focus
@TrashTalkReverse 22 дня назад
Thank you so much!
@Eins7einV2 23 дня назад
i think your nuts and clearly never understood the books nor have the ability or smarts to appreciate the development that the last two portray.
@TrashTalkReverse 22 дня назад
Not only is this video about the movies and not the books, but I think I understand quite a bit more than you given that I'm not the one glorifying bad storytelling just because the message is good. But thanks for checking out the video!
@RealDiabetesno 24 дня назад
58 subs now, at this rate you'll hit 100 in a week, but damn u deserve it
@TrashTalkReverse 24 дня назад
Thanks for your support!
@oceso 24 дня назад
i usually dont talk politics with pickled scientists
@ogkillingpunchline 27 дней назад
The best part of Insurgent was the fans trying to figure it out the name of the last book. NOTHING will ever beat Detergent, because it can clean up everything but bad writing. Edit: The fkg maddening thing about this book for me was finding out that the writer was a Flyleaf fan and the chasm was inspired by Chasm, which makes no sense.
@sonjazimmermann2100 Месяц назад
I think you clearly didn't understand why Katniss killed Coin. She doesn't care about the Games. Coin killed Prim so Katniss wouldn*t come in here way to become the next President of Panem. It was just pesonal revange
@TrashTalkReverse 29 дней назад
Well no, I think you misunderstood because it's not personal revenge. It's to make sure that their new president wasn't someone who used the same violence as those who came before her. Prim is a victim of that violence, which leads Katniss to the conclusion (in addition to other Coin actions) that Coin needs to be stopped.
@Clistes 20 дней назад
@@TrashTalkReverse Katniss voted FOR the hunger games so it wasn't about the games. It was because : 1. she knew Coin will eventually kill her - because Coin was afraid of her. 2. After talking with Snow, she realized that Coin was responsible for bombing her own people and killing Prim - so we have revenge 3. All of that showed her that Coin is just obsessed with Power just like Snow.
@TrashTalkReverse 20 дней назад
She voted for the games so that she wouldn't piss off Coin. She didn't actually want the games. This is the girl who in the first book/movie refused to kill Peeta because she knew the games' purpose so there's no reason for her to support the games now. If she killed Coin as revenge for Prim, then why wouldn't she have killed Snow as revenge for all the lives he was indirectly responsible for, such as Rue? Killing Coin, especially in that public way, was quite literally to stop the cycle of violence. Of course Katniss is angry about Prim, but it's about much more than that, otherwise she could've killed her in secret. It was about showing everyone that Coin was leading them down a similar path to Snow and therefore she needed to be stopped before another cycle of oppression could begin.
@Clistes 20 дней назад
@@TrashTalkReverse although I disagree with your narration, one thing is certain she didn't intend to kill Coin, only when she saw her on that balcony, she probably realized that Coin is just a other Snow, Andy why Jill the old man who is already in grave, while you can kill new one.
@ajheartsong 12 дней назад
Katniss voted for the games just so she could be the one to kill coin (it was the long game). I don’t think coin killed primm intentionally but she was willing to accept any collateral damage to get what she wanted. That being said I haven’t seen or thought about these movies since they came out so I could totally be remembering wrong 😂
@LolaPasco Месяц назад
Excuse me?! EVERY single sentence in every single book is golden, haven’t watched the movies yet but like my best friend loves them so I will naturally love them too
@Miss_miss-u3b Месяц назад
I just got enough of kids and teens saving the world😢😢😢
although in the last book, the point is that the revolution happens around her. and the final mission she went on (and where half her firends and her sister died) was pointless and didn't help anyone in the war.
@acexxtai Месяц назад
I'm so happy people still talk about this movie, it's my fav franchise
@oceso Месяц назад
theon being a nepo baby irl kind of ruins his character for me because i just keep thinking of lily allen
@lysirishfleur3030 Месяц назад
*Needles. Is her sword's name. *He claims her as his own child. For protection. If she was a known outsider. She would've been up for grabs. *Dany likes it rough. *Sansa is just pathetic. Lives in fantasy land in her head.
@RealDiabetesno Месяц назад
44 subs is wild. I thought this channel would've been immensely popular since the pacing and editing is so good. Props for such a well made video
@TrashTalkReverse Месяц назад
Hey thanks so much! Well I did just get started so hoping for great things down the line!
@imperialraider1158 Месяц назад
I do like TBOSBAS but I don’t think that a younger president snow and specifically his interactions with Lucy Gray as a love interest work in this movie. The only commentary I would get as a movie only viewer of this movie specifically with the full backstory of the original trilogy is that snow descended into darkness following his childhood and was willing to follow anyone (Dr Gaul) and step on anyone (Lucy Gray) to ultimately get what he wants and that is his downfall later in the series.
@TrashTalkReverse Месяц назад
The romance in this movie was definitely a huge misstep. It came off like bad fanfiction. I think there was an urge to create a primary female character to remind the audience of Katniss and giving the main character a love interest in keeping with YA tropes and it just didn't play well with what the story should have been.
@imperialraider1158 Месяц назад
To the best of my knowledge, the tropes in YA dystopian are typically used for a reason because they work well and establish good commentary if used correctly. For example having a headstrong protagonist Katniss/Thomas being followed by a supporting character to help calm them from overwhelming themselves and getting killed Peeta/Newt and the character designed to further push the main character from the extreme they are trying to go away from Gale/Teresa/Brenda. They are usually paired off as a love triangle in the sense that it’s not necessarily a choice of love interest but internal struggle within the protagonist and how they learn from the interactions with these so called love interests. I know that Thomas/Newt is not confirmed but I am working with some assumptions from fan theories and comparing them to the tropes they are tied to.
@TrashTalkReverse Месяц назад
Yeah I definitely understand the thematic purpose of these love triangles, but the same character struggles can exist without it being romantic. I think having Gale as a love interest for Katniss was pretty unnecessary since they already had such a long history together and he was practically family. Teresa I think would've worked better for Thomas's struggle if she literally was family. It seems to me that the reason these were crafted as love triangles was basically to pull in audiences who get super into shipping.
@imperialraider1158 Месяц назад
@@TrashTalkReverse that is fair and I think that’s why the idea of Katniss “choosing” Peeta takes the whole series because she has to decide that herself and she starts to see it and the end of Catching Fire and throughout Mockingjay both pre and post hijacking. I think that’s why theories exist in a similar vein for Newt/Thomas and how Katniss might have ended up with Johanna Mason if both Peeta and Gale had died. Such is what happened to Thomas when Newt/Teresa finally died off, he eventually accepted Brenda because she was the only one left that cared for him in that way (also TDC book ending I think) Similarly to Peeta/Katniss, my understanding is that Thomas would have eventually accepted feelings for Newt if he had not died much like how he ultimately accepted Brenda in the epilogue of TDC. I do compare these combinations because I have seen in fanfiction and even came up with a thought experiment of my own where if the main characters of hunger games and maze runner were swapped to their counterparts (Katniss/Thomas Peeta/Newt) the plot would be mostly unchanged and that is why these tropes work so well when done right imo
@imperialraider1158 Месяц назад
The funniest part of the maze runner series as far as relationships goes is there is more chemistry between Thomas and Newt compared to either of the girls. Most likely it’s one sided (Newt likes Thomas) and it would still be more believable than a “straight” Thomas being with either Teresa or Brenda.
@TrashTalkReverse Месяц назад
The chemistry between the boys in general is so good. Thomas, newt, minho, frypan, it's like we're following this squad from the beginning to the end and they've been through everything together so they feel like a found family.
@imperialraider1158 Месяц назад
@@TrashTalkReverse found family works too, you could say the same about the new family relationship of Peeta/Katniss and Haymitch and possibly Effie being like a post mockingjay family for the epilogue since prim is Kia and Mrs Everdeen is once again Mia although this time she is not there even physically. I am actually working on a triple epilogue story where the survivors of death cure and mockingjay wake up in Alola and Galar respectively and eventually get to meet up. Act 3 major characters deaths are reversed via Giratina and the Distortion World.
@oceso Месяц назад
another banger.