Miss Azrele's Gaming
Miss Azrele's Gaming
Miss Azrele's Gaming
Hi all! I'm Miss Azrele and I'm a gamer girl and will be one for all time! I also played Franka in RG's Argus English Version. I love gaming and using it to escape the real world for a few hours. I play a little bit of everything from adventure, to relaxing games, to horror. So join me and let's go on an adventure together!
Multiplication Mayhem
Месяц назад
Song of Farca Blackmail and Murder Oh My!
Месяц назад
@Hermantheonlyone 2 дня назад
You have a sweet voice but say creepy things. Sometimes it made me feel cold (I watched it in the dark). Good review (as always). 🫣👻👍
@MissAzrele День назад
Thanks so much! I definitely take that as a compliment 🤣💜
@elisa954 5 дней назад
@rei_mxh36 5 дней назад
Charlie's behaviour in the group seems so sus, they have a friend missing (Adam), another friend out in the woods searching for said friend with Vega (Eric), and here he is, telling a story about Billy Blake. And supposedly he can help MC somehow? I really hope that the Billy Blake plotline actually becomes important or ties into the main story at some point and it's not just Charlie stalling and passing time for Eric to do stuff. Cuz right now it seems we have the "Adam is missing" plot line, mentions of Duskwood events (and the mystery of what happened after credits rolled there), and now, Billy Blake.
@MissAzrele 5 дней назад
Yeah the Billy Blake story seemed strange. I didn't get why he was telling it either 🤣 Something is going on with Charlie though, I can only wonder how he could possible help us. It didn't make sense to me, because he said it after he learned we were the ones from duskwood.
@rei_mxh36 5 дней назад
Also, Ash is sus - she's so pushy about talking about Duskwood events when currently there aren't any indicators of the two cases being connected. Like, Hannah was kidnapped - Adam, on the other hand, seemingly disappeared of his own free will for whatever reason. Not to mention, after that end scene of Duskwood and seeing the fire, what if MC is like traumatized and just does not want to discuss those events with anyone yet (especially this random stranger who just added them and is suddenly bringing up old stuff)
@MissAzrele 5 дней назад
Exactly bringing it up has nothing to do with this case. You would never push someone for info like that, especially when we weren't the character who cause Hannah to disappear. Most people wouldn't open up to a person that easily about it.
@rei_mxh36 5 дней назад
The romance chat option being labelled as, and having the gems attached cuts through the immersion so much - Idk, they want to get gems (and money) from the players, but so many of these gem hunting features (pay to see images, each premium chat option, even romance - then the achievements section which only yields one gem per achievement) really hammers in the fact "this is just a game" while the vibe in Duskwood felt more serious with it just being a messenger and "oh shoot Hannah is missing, occasionally we have to do minigames to access files on her cloud" and the only point you needed to think about the in game currency was in minigames and getting more moves iirc
@MissAzrele 5 дней назад
Yeah, the constant needing gems thing does cut from the game. Idk if you have gone back and played, but some of the stuff you have to rebuy with diamonds. So even if you bought them the first time. You have to do it again. I really hope they change that.
@rei_mxh36 6 дней назад
Yeah, it's weird how we can just access secret chats without a hacker. It's like, did Jake leave behind some code in MC's phone which kept this feature but then (a) it doesn't make sense if people are playing as MC without the Duskwood code and connection, then (b) as my friend says, surely he wouldn't charge us gems to view them. The minigames and why we have to do them also make no sense, at least with Duskwood we had "we are hacking into Hannah's cloud and recovering files, so to pass the time while the files are being recovered, we use minigames". Now it's just "well someone went afk, guess we have to do minigames for some reason"
@MissAzrele 6 дней назад
Yeah, the mini games are awful and too often. Idk what they were thinking, but it honestly feels like a money grab even though they insist you don't have to spend a dime to get diamonds. I love your friends comment! I would hope jake wouldn't charge us either🤣 But he is on the run, maybe he needed diamonds lol
@rei_mxh36 6 дней назад
I'd finished the entire episode a while back with a mod version (effectively unlimited gems) - and while the decisions everbyte made for moonvale are a bit questionable, I do want to still give them a chance to make the story pacing and whatnot better (and stick around for the Duskwood side story, that's my main reasoning keeping me interested). Absolutely not a fan of the usage of AI, the random loot boxes for customization, gem system with no flat rate option, and how frequently they break immersion by making you do minigames to pass time. Shame too, cuz I really liked Duskwood, and while the multimedia pack still wasn't perfect, with minigames getting quite difficult in later episodes, which lead to me having to get a copy with unlimited coins so I could buy more moves, and had been so ready to give them money if they only had either a multimedia pack like Duskwood, or if they had flat rate like Reality Games. Fun fact: In my mod version, I ended up spending 823 gems for the entirety of episode 1, with picking all the premium chat options, and skipping all the minigames because I've become so accustomed to skipping minigames and that was insane, as I was calculating things and guessing a total of ten episodes, and prices of the unlocks might increase later in the game as well.
@MissAzrele 6 дней назад
Yeah, the story is there, it's just how they are choosing to do the game set up. I'm hoping they really are taking people criticism into account, and in the next episode, they will fix some of the stuff. Moonvale honestly feels like it should have been the first game and Duskwood the second. Moonvale just doesn't stand up to it, unfortunately.
@Mandanextdoor 8 дней назад
I just get major SUS vibes from Betty. I don’t know why but my intuition keeps coming back to Betty.
@Mandanextdoor 8 дней назад
She’s totally against the idea of Argus which will throw us off her scent if she was the murderer. She’s extremely intelligent and never goes with anyone to check things out. She doesn’t respond much and if she does it’s about how she can do research, which she’s super intelligent. I just always felt something off with her. Hopefully the next episode will shine some light.
@MissAzrele 7 дней назад
Ohhh, I could see that! She does push away the whole Argus idea, and she does seem to disappear a lot. Also, the way her character is most people would look past her being the bad guy, because she is friendly and has shared a bit with us. So I can see the sus, great thoughts!
@rei_mxh36 8 дней назад
Think I'm holding off on VIP side story for now until all episodes are out, but yeah their flat rate is great. Reality Games generally gives us six episodes of content, the Author's Chats and premium chat options are fun, and getting to see character gallery images is great too as it makes the experience more immersive. And they keep improving their UI - this time we even got more apps for our MC to have on phone and not just the messenger. They're definitely a studio worth supporting and getting flat rate for.
@rei_mxh36 8 дней назад
17:16 Without Ace's video of Vanessa Thomas, Ben, Caro, and Prof Fontane wouldn't have gone to Westbrook to try and find something in the basement of that house and ended up being chased by Argus. But on the other hand, if they didn't go, they wouldn't have gotten hold of that book Argus was hoping to keep them away from (and the ritual in the book). Guessing that the message/hint in the hotel was written by the ghosts of the Westbrook peeps who got killed by Argus after his outbreak, in hopes it would help them find something to seal it away again. And yeah, I'm still not too sure what to make of Ace, but if Shadow says not to trust them, I'd rather trust Shadow's perspective. "Earth of the dead" I'm guessing is referencing a cemetery, cuz you bury dead people. "Sanctuary of a murderer" well, so far the only named murderer we got on a tangent to Love Rader, Eyes Open, and whatnot is Michael Bates, so possibly something at his place (where Nico was), not quite sure what "object that stole eyesight" is referring to though. - Yeah, not sure where the characters are getting "sacred object" from, I read sanctuary too ... Welp, time to go and replay the other games while I wait on the new episode. I also started with The Sign - by the time I finished Orphans, I think two episodes of Argus was out? Held off a bit longer to play Seven Deadly Revelations and Endgame first, then I caught up on the two episodes, and was waiting along with everyone else for episode three. And now I'm waiting with everyone for episode four hahaha. Looking forward to seeing episode four's Author Chat(s), more recurring characters (Wolf and Henry Fontz, maybe?), figuring out Ace's deal and what they want, and to see what else they throw at us.
@MissAzrele 8 дней назад
Yeah its going to be interesting to see what we have to do for this ritual. And I definitely am not trusting Ace if shadow says he is bad news. The wait for episode 4 continues 🤣 I'm definitely looking forward to it, and thanks for watching my videos! 💜
@rei_mxh36 8 дней назад
12:32 That example we got of the girl in a boat accident, finding strength in Michael's faith... Makes me think of Betty's dad. If I remember correctly, Betty's mom died in an accident - after that, things have been tense between Betty and Elias. And, if that's the sort of preview of the type of people who became his followers, I think Elias might have ended up joining because of the faith. 34:20 I can't believe Charlie and Hans are actually on good terms and Hans is still alive, and got his retirement ending?? Considering the doll discovery and JK Night reference earlier, and the implication of him being alive. Cuz like, I swear in The Healing, you either save JK then Hans sacrifices himself to save Wolf, or you let JK die and Hans can live. So, interesting... What outcome is even canonical xD. 40:58 It's nice having Charlie in a more chill role and him working and bantering with Hans while we work to bring the authors back from the "reset to zero" they did 1:15:32 Strasser "three years ago I would have thought you lost your mind... don't even ask questions anymore" I think this establishes the events of The Sign happened three years ago then - he started off so dismissive about the ghost girl situation and whatnot, but did eventually join the Organ Party group in the last couple of days once he accepted supernatural things were really happening, so the turning point must be the events of The Sign and surviving the 7 day video curse, so we get a timeline. - The Sign is three years before Argus (and, three years ago is when the Argus murders started again, like Sara) - The Healing is "a few months" prior to the events of Argus from Tim's talk about his attack by Oni - This definitely happens after Orphans - Wolf is "still dealing with after effects", so Argus is probably a few weeks? months? after the events of Orphans But that does imply we might get Wolf in a later episode, we got a name drop so far. 1:17:44 It does seem to have the possibility of Juna being framed by the true killer, and being a red herring, but only DNA of Ben, Caro, and Juna were found with the former two being witnesses, and they went together so I don't see a way for either of them to plant evidence framing Juna. But Argus? If it was Argus, it wouldn't leave the eyes, probably. And this detective Baris seems sus, obsessed with the case...? I also locked in Elias for now - the similar story with the girl surviving a boat accident then finding strength in Michael's faith makes it possible he's a follower. Then there's that ripped note that mentions "her" and "car accident". Eliminated the peeps who were either dead or kidnapped, as so far my stance is "they're dead until proven otherwise" and we saw some bodies/police already got involved in a few. Then I eliminated basically everyone still alive in Cinemombies cuz I couldn't find something to say a particular person was sus. Tim, Prof Fontane, and Nico from EO Messenger, I think are pretty trustworthy. Then Ace... Is he sus? Yeah, but I don't see him being the Argus killer or indicators so I put in Elias for now.
@MissAzrele 8 дней назад
Yeah the note was a clear give away to me, it has to be Elias. Plus it makes sense with him being at the crime scenes and "helping out"
@rei_mxh36 8 дней назад
Oh wow, Argus is really increasing the disruptions and possessions of people. Here's hoping the peeps on Love Radar are fine, seems like Argus is jealous and not a fan xD
@MissAzrele 8 дней назад
Argus has a little of the green eyed monster in him. Which fits🤣🤣
@rei_mxh36 8 дней назад
16:06 I'm sus about Ace - also the article they send us is from a site called Pinocchio's Nose, and Pinocchio is, well, known for lies. Here's hoping that this isn't a repeat situation with Lucian over in Orphans, but I get the sense there's a catch to why they want to help.
@rei_mxh36 9 дней назад
Interesting how Noel knows of Jason because of his brother being in the same class, and damn, just how many alt accounts does Argus have?? So far we've seen the glitch code one, Forever, Unknown, and that one time Argus spammed the same message with an actual account of his name on Love Radar - Argus is just so clingy and jealous hahaha. Also huh, in each game it seems like there's always someone who starts off on the wrong foot as MC - Cedrik, Julius, Leon, and Danou in this one. Seems like RG subverted the whole "this character doesn't trust or like MC to begin with, but they get a redemption arc" this time and killed him off. Assuming he's another Argus victim, cuz they mentioned his eyes.
@MissAzrele 8 дней назад
For sure! Too bad Danou didn't get to live after his redemption. I do get why he acted the way he did, I'm sure if I was in a situation like that, I would protect my friends at all cost from people trying to trick them.
@rei_mxh36 9 дней назад
18:16 Okay, Jason is probably a victim of Argus cuz the eye thing got brought up. And Selina, really? You guys decided to try a summoning ritual and conjure up Argus, how's that supposed to be Amy's fault. Sure, she might be speaking about Argus quite often at school and whatnot, but the poor girl has lost her sister, presumably to Argus. And, Argus is legit an urban legend which is being talked about by plenty of peeps on the internet anyways. Interesting how Argus decided to target Jason instead of the ones who used the messenger and actually performed the summoning tho... Considering the fact how after Danou gave it a try, it seems the target is currently on him (but now everyone has received the weird messages from Argus about being older than anything + saw civilizations collapse), you'd think Argus would just target the person who summoned them but hm... Also damn, Argus really does not want us to discuss Jason's death in the group, with the mass possession of everyone (even sneaking in a message from Alicia, whose already dead), then deleting all those messages, including the one which we send about Jason's death and probably being a victim of Argus. Running list of deaths by whether it's Argus or a person: - Sara (Argus) - Mary (Argus) - Luis (Person, Juna is sus, but it also could be a red herring) - Alicia (Person - I think Lilly would have said something about her eyes being burned out if they were at some point) - Jason (Argus) And not a bad idea to get in contact with Fontz, he would be pretty helpful in this situation - dealt with ghost girls in The Sign, the ghosts at the orphanage, and then literally helped with the ritual against Belial. But I think we might need to establish a connection with Wolf first, cuz I'm not sure Tim and Shadow know of Henry Fontz, he wasn't present in their story (The Healing) as there really wasn't supernatural stuff going on there.
@rei_mxh36 9 дней назад
1:02 Strasser and VIctoria, possibly confirming Victoria survives The Healing (but then that story was just a few months ago, and presumably the Love Radar deaths and interrogation of Michael Bates was years ago - so similar situation as Kruger) 46:44 Yeah, I don't think Argus needs poison to kill Luis - and probably wouldn't leave DNA at a crime scene, so it goes toward this death being done by a person. And wow Argus being so needy hahaha, there's that messed up code profile and messages, Forever's profile and chat messages, altering messages from other peeps on Love Radar, and then calling.
@rei_mxh36 9 дней назад
23:09 Ah yep, the implications with the two possible doll pics - I also got this one. Saw the treestand pic in another video, and it looked more flashy with the initials and burned out eyes. But damn, it sure implies JK Night canonically survives The Healing. Interesting, considering how in previous entries you'd be faced with situations in which you could only save one person (Ciara vs Kruger, JK vs HANS, and now Alicia vs Lilly), I had always been wondering if certain characters surviving were canonical and going to get touched up on in later entries. ((In my playthrough of The Healing, I didn't warn JK Night so, if he ends up alive oops)) 24:51 Yeah, takes some time to get used to the fact we now have access to more apps on the phone and aren't just in the chat messenger all the time, and they moved all the videos and photos over to a separate gallery app. Good memory and directing them without accessing the video/map until the last branching point ;0 39:51 Also glad to have Shadow back, we got a hacker now
@MissAzrele 8 дней назад
Yeah, I know a lot of people who didn't let JK Knight live and some how he is alive in Argus. It's almost like a time periodox. Luckily, I have a photographic memory, but it does fail me from time to time 🤣
@rei_mxh36 9 дней назад
6:18 The filters on Love Radar seem broken in universe, Sara's profile (whoever or whatever was using it), also makes it through regardless what preference you set, and now Cindy xD. and yep Argus messaging on Love Radar with ten messages in a row, that obsessive jealous headcanon just keeps writing itself omg 16:13 oh cool, different thought process and chat options, but I also had Alicia go with stolen profile pic - if I remember correctly, I kept insisting I couldn't make the decision for them, and somehow Alicia ended up going as a result 51:05 yeah, that was not a good idea from Lilly and Alicia, and oof, first death in the Cinemombies group
@MissAzrele 9 дней назад
Yeah I wish it was possible to talk Alicia and Lilly out of that dumb decision 🤣 I mean the whole team is supposed to be fans of horror stuff, how did they not see that lol And yes, Argus is for sure jealous that he didn't match with us on Love Radar 🤣
@rei_mxh36 9 дней назад
2:42 I really appreciate the "previously on Argus" recap vids from Tim BTL, they're really good especially with months between episodes coming out, was a good idea of RG 41:36 Omg I love these references to characters in the other games so much (and of course Dr. Crow is spamming Tim the developer, he shares a name with Tim the character of The Healing, and also a big help in Argus). Also h u h, Tim the author/developer has changed his profile pic, while Carsten and Daniel kept theirs the same, which is interesting. 43:03 Moonvale...? Yeah, rather cheeky of RG to tease the possibility of using AI for media in this Author's Chat - along with Everbyte's diamond system in Moonvale and no flat rate, the AI media was one of my complaints as well when I was playing it. 48:05 and what a stinger to the end of Author's Chat, we got Charlie coming online after they did "reset to zero" I also think that Argus, the monster does exist (Through The Sign, we've established ghosts exist and can mess with things, then reinforced in Orphans. And in Orphans, we established demons can be summoned, then banished through the Belial thing. As for The Healing and Seven, well, we got how humans justify their actions - and human killers.) - but there is also an actual human killer using the cover of Argus. With Luis' death being probably the latter situation, our MC gave the slip of paper with his name, phone, and address to everyone in Cinemombies, Juna, and Amy when trying to find connections - people were also upset at the chat history and how he talked of Sara, I swear Juna also said that the address was pretty close. But the notable factor is that he seems to still have his eyes - if it was Argus, surely his eye(s) would have been burned out, then Ben and Caro would have noted it in chat.
@Hermantheonlyone 11 дней назад
As always a good review. 👍 Seems like a fun game that's why I stopped watching (I want to find out for myself). One of the games that surprised me the most in a positive way is called Little Misfortune. In it, adult topics are told from the perspective of a 4 year old girl. Funny and sad at the same time. 😟
@MissAzrele 11 дней назад
Thank you! And I don't blame you, it's a great game lol I've seen little misfortune before it's really an interesting game.
@manfredvogel3112 12 дней назад
When the group confronts the detective and the mayor, the detective said they were testing the nose, but we don’t have absolute confirmation yet. I picked Zaire, the mayor and the copycat (who I suspect was the mayor, but I think Zaire is the killer this time) But now I’m starting to suspect the tour guide who also knows about the tunnels, Artie. Like you, so many questions left unanswered but loving the roller coaster ride.
@MissAzrele 12 дней назад
Yeah, that's right, we didn't have a definite answer, thats what i thought. Could possibly still be the reporter lol Oh the tour guide! That's a good thought! It was definitely a roller coaster and I can't wait for the new episode!
@rei_mxh36 12 дней назад
It was such a good cliffhanger - I caved and started playing when Episode 2 was also out and they were working on Episode 3 so I didn't have to wait to dive into Episode 2. Their stories are always so good.
@rei_mxh36 12 дней назад
43:51 Mood, I was also like "actually none of these, give me England or some option in Europe". 48:13 Come to think of it - that is a lot of characters with siblings. Like we got Sara and Amy, Mary and Juna, Lilly and Alicia - for the named peeps. Then Love Radar peeps being like "need to pick up a sibling, so gotta go" - so perhaps that's going to end up being an important detail in the future. Also, can't unsee the jealous Argus thing now, that's such a good headcanon cuz Argus is lurking Love Radar (supposedly) and interfered with the chat there.
@MissAzrele 9 дней назад
Right? That is a lot of siblings. It's a very interesting detail. I've tried to tell Argus how to fix it, but he just keeps doing it🤣
@rei_mxh36 12 дней назад
18:04 oh nice, got to meet Bene and Kian in this playthrough. It's interesting to see their pics and whatnot. 21:22 Oh shoot those Easter Eggs with Charlie and Belial XD, love it so much. I remember in The Healing I think during Dr. Crow's streams there was a Damian and Sarina reference, so it's always fun to find these especially if you play the prior entries Also, Behind the Legends is so well done - I really want a channel that covers urban legends in that format now hahaha. And of course Tim making references to The Sign, The Healing, and Orphans. And yeah I was also like wait, no Author's Chat after choosing that option.
@MissAzrele 12 дней назад
Ikr! I love the Easter Eggs they put into the games!💜 They should do a whole Behind the Legends series with Tim. That would be awesome, and I would watch it lol
@rei_mxh36 12 дней назад
Did not know Betty would name drop Elden Ring if you ask about hobbies - also that name cameo of Carsten, Tim, Unknown, and Daniel in Danou's call logs. These details are great haha Wait... Her contact person list with the professors... Bernhard Kruger, the prof from The Sign. Either he's still alive in this timeline, or, the more logical explanation is that these notes on Sara's profile are from at least three years ago before the murder, then events of The Sign to Orphans happened before this game, so he's possibly still dead. It's interesting trying to figure out which of those "one of these characters must die, the other survives" is actually canon and goes towards continuity of the series. Like Ciara and Kruger, or JK Night and HANS. Another thing I noted from "Dating" note, the last guy is a "Leon Winter", and I have a headcanon that this is a connection to Leon from Orphans, though we never got a last name for him iirc.
@MissAzrele 12 дней назад
It's so interesting to get little tidbits and see if people notice in their games. You're right about Bernhard Kruger. It seems that even though they are different stories its all the same universe, which worries me 🤣 I thought the same thing when I saw Leon's name. While I'm not sure about the time periods for The Sign or Orphans, I believe The Healing is 6 months before this one. So I'm curious as well where The Sign and Orphans fit in the timeline.
@rei_mxh36 13 дней назад
Alicia's repeated "Do you like the red room" literally spooked me into closing the game and doing other stuff for hours before I returned when I first got to that point in game hahaha. Am all up to date to episode 3, just watching a series from the start and it's a good refresher to keep the facts while waiting for updates
@MissAzrele 13 дней назад
Yeah, the whole red room thing was a bit unsettling lol Thanks for watching my videos! I'm definitely ready for the next episode lol
@rei_mxh36 14 дней назад
Oh nice, another Argus collection I can watch for reactions while waiting on Episode 4. I've got a file with FMC along with Jenni, Kleo, etc so it'll be interesting to see the guys in this one like Enrico
@MissAzrele 13 дней назад
I do love that depending on your MC and your love interest, you get different characters. Most games just like to give you the same ones. It's definitely one of many reason I enjoy Reality Games.
@rei_mxh36 13 дней назад
@@MissAzrele For sure, been replaying The Sign and for the second playthrough, I went with male MC - subtle differences between the exchange student characters (Damian in FMC route being from Italy vs Nora in MMC route being from Norway) definitely makes it so there's replayability cuz you can see the different photos and whatnot
@MissAzrele 12 дней назад
@rei_mxh36 Oh for sure! I've been thinking about going back and playing The Sign, The Healing, and Orphans. I might have to do that lol
@yulyfakurnia8905 19 дней назад
ohhh i’m so locked in with this story. Keep updating!!
@MissAzrele 18 дней назад
Thanks! I'm glad your enjoying it! I definitely will keep playing.
@manfredvogel3112 19 дней назад
I knew that Creep was involved somehow! 😂 jk. Yes, Koda dies for those that had Lucky kidnapped. Not sure if that is the only other possible outcome or if it’s effected by your relationship with everyone. The diamond choice for me was to delete Koda’s history from Unci finding anything and finding a Flogger and Handcuffs (not a vibrator because that would really throw me off guard lmao). I did choose to “say nothing” about Zaire keeping the Letter Opener hoping it was going to come into play against the killer but it didn’t. Sure made me nervous going through that passage with them behind me though.
@MissAzrele 19 дней назад
Right? I mean when they named him creep it should have been obvious 🤣 Yeah the whole thing with Zaire still set me on edge a little bit. I also still feel like the fake Stabby Joe looked different than usual, but it could just be me🤣
@manfredvogel3112 19 дней назад
@@MissAzrele I noticed it too. And judging from the overview for the next chapter, there’s gotta be more than 1 killer so Zaire’s mom is going down! She’s definitely sus #1
@alexanderadalat8322 17 дней назад
It’s affected by your personal relationship. I’m not sure if the person you pick last is the one that gets killed cause koda was the one kidnapped for me and then lucky was the one that got killed the following chapter. Such a shame cause she was one of my favs
@MissAzrele 17 дней назад
@alexanderadalat8322 Oh interesting! I was wonder how it worked. Thanks for letting me know!😊
@Aditya.7_7 16 дней назад
Zaira dies in mine Now yes it is true Koda or Lucky dying in all But according to PIXELBERRY 5 special players ( random) will have Zaira dead This proves one thing Tyson is killer ( not ziara ) No wonder his photo is there on book cover too Among all li
@manfredvogel3112 20 дней назад
So fun fact: in my playthrough, Lucky was kidnapped, and Koda dies. (Thank goodness they leave us guys with at least 1 female LI or this game might get awkward 😆). So I’m not sure if that will rule out Koda in your playthrough or not, but it does for mine 😂
@MissAzrele 20 дней назад
Interesting, that makes me lean more towards Zaire being Stabby Joe🤣
@manfredvogel3112 20 дней назад
@@MissAzrele I think Zaire’s mom was the Stabby Joe copycat up to 2003 (when she became mayor) and now it’s Zaire which is why she’s so adamant about not looking into the killings now.
@MissAzrele 20 дней назад
That definitely makes sense. Also, the reason it stopped, because she became mayor.
@Aditya.7_7 16 дней назад
Tyson died in mine In 5 Special players ( according to choices ) Zaira dies In others Eighter Koda or Lucky dies So Definitely Tyson is killer ( he is only li in book cover too )
@manfredvogel3112 20 дней назад
Saying she isn’t sus seems pretty sus to me 😉 lol. Good information Azrele and excited to talk your ear off about more Argus and Terrorfest theories. Huge shoutout to you & TT, RG and their supporting cast for their amazing work!
@MissAzrele 20 дней назад
How dare you! Saying your sus completely means you aren't sus, everyone knows that🤣🤣🤣 don't make me get Arg.....nvm🤭 Thank you so much for your kind words and support! I know TT is just as appreciative as well as RG💜
@IqbalShah-j3w 25 дней назад
How did u get unlimited bisc
@MissAzrele 25 дней назад
I was giving unlimited bics by Reality Games. I played a charcter for them in Argus and they were kind enough to give me a code. You can buy the Flatrate and that will give you unlimited bics.
@Simsjunkie5150 2 дня назад
What character did you play? ​@@MissAzrele
@MissAzrele 2 дня назад
I played Franka for the English version in epsiode 1. Which is the character who had a channel all about Argus and how to defend yourself from Argus.
@officermartini 26 дней назад
Loving the content lately! Keep up the great work!
@MissAzrele 26 дней назад
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!❤️
@Bworthitall 28 дней назад
I choose Zaire, Tyler, then Lucky. Lucky was tied up.
@MissAzrele 28 дней назад
Oh, interesting! So it seems the last person you choose is always tied up. Thanks for letting me know 😁
@jackshepard6406 29 дней назад
I have a feeling that Betty's dad could be the argus killer but i could be wrong
@MissAzrele 29 дней назад
I think so too! That torn piece of paper Nico found, makes me think it's him as well.
@Winterking23 Месяц назад
I got the code wrong too! That first part is ridiculous! 🤣🤣 you need to have some pretty good maths skills to solve it 😅
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
Right! I don't remember seeing parentheses. If I had, I would have gotten it right. Guess that teaches me to question my calculator 🤣
@Winterking23 Месяц назад
@MissAzrele I've never even heard of it! 🤣Plus I don't even know if I got the 2nd part right cause that damn safe locks after 1 attempt! 😔😔
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
Yeah, after I finished the game and watched a German YTuber to see if they got the answer and it was the same as my second choice, so had I just went with my calculator I would have gotten the safe open. So salty about it🤣
@Winterking23 Месяц назад
@@MissAzrele I know the feeling 🤣🤣 you think we will find what's inside the safe later? 🤔
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
@Winterking23 I hope so! Because I still think you could just get a blow torch and open the stupid thing🤣 I just know when TT finds out a math question bested me again, I won't hear the end of it 🙄🤣🤣
@CheemsNinja Месяц назад
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
Glad you enjoyed it!❤️
@IqbalShah-j3w Месяц назад
Plz tell me how did u download this mod game plzzz
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
I got it on the googleplay store. If it's not available to you yet, it might not be in your region. They do have some others such as The Sign, Orphans, and The Healing, which may be available to you if this one isn't. I hope you get a chance to play, it's an amazing game😊
@IqbalShah-j3w Месяц назад
@@MissAzrele plz tell me can I use a vpn to play this game
@IqbalShah-j3w Месяц назад
@@MissAzrele and which vpn should I use
@IqbalShah-j3w Месяц назад
@@MissAzrele plz I want to play this game I use the mod but only 1 episode of this game is in mod
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
As far as I know, others have used a VPN to play, because it wasn't available in their region. So you could set it for USA or The UK and get the English version of it. Now, as a suggestion for a VPN, the one I have is express VPN, but you do have to pay for it. Idk if there are any free ones available. Also, if you are interested in talking about all these great games, check out their english Instagram page, and you can find an invite to the fan discord. Where you might see some of the actors and actresses, me included😊
@Hermantheonlyone Месяц назад
Not a game for me 😲 But Good review and you still have a great voice. 😀
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
Thanks so much! I was worried my voice wasn't the best right now lol Yeah, this game is more of a children's educational game, but I was more than happy to help the devs get it out there. Plus, my daughter can play it now😆
@Bengibengiben Месяц назад
Awesome game watched a couple other streamers play it also has an nice story
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
Right! This is a great game! I've been playing it on twitch a lot lol
@officermartini Месяц назад
Fellow small youtuber, keep the awesome work going! :)
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
Thank you so much! I really appreciate❤️ You keep up the work too😊
@Hermantheonlyone Месяц назад
This reminds me of Mobgirl. Thanks, now I'll watch Disenchantment again.🙂 Good review. 👍
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's definitely a fun game to play.
@Hermantheonlyone Месяц назад
One of the worst games ever if I look at it this way. 😳 I will definitely buy it when it's in the budget bin (for a good laugh). 🤣 Good review. 👍
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
Yeah, I was really excited about it and it just wasn't as good as I was hoping. Thats kinda why I stopped playing it🤣 Although I might go back and finish it without recording it lol
@Hermantheonlyone Месяц назад
This is pure terror. Still can't find the game. 🙂‍↔️
@TaHoMasWilliams Месяц назад
My game bugged out and I couldn't return after getting the "untrue" ending or whatever. I just get an infinite loading screen. So this video was my only way to see the true ending. Thanks
@MissAzrele Месяц назад
You're welcome. I'm glad you got to see it! I hope you enjoyed it❤️
@Hermantheonlyone 2 месяца назад
Good review. But I have to eat something 😉 to. Bye.
@MissAzrele 2 месяца назад
Glad you enjoyed it!😊
@Hermantheonlyone 2 месяца назад
Couldn't find the game in Appstore or Playstore. 🥺 Good review. 👍
@MissAzrele 2 месяца назад
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Check to see if it shows up under Choices: Stories You Play. I hope you are able to find it. They have a lot of different books, and I may start covering them as well.
@GamingWithKittysaurus 2 месяца назад
Az.... I beat you 😂
@MissAzrele 2 месяца назад
You only beat my recording 🤣
@GamingWithKittysaurus 2 месяца назад
@@MissAzrele so what's your not recording score then Az cuz I know you said you stopped at 100k
@amywilson6048 2 месяца назад
I'm playing this story, too. I'm so glad they came out with a horror story.
@MissAzrele 2 месяца назад
Me too! I don't think they have done a true horror game since It Lives
@Hermantheonlyone 2 месяца назад
Didn’t find the game. But it’s on my wishlist. …. Future will tell or buy …. Thanks for the info. 😇
@MissAzrele 2 месяца назад
@Hermantheonlyone Aww, no problem. Hopefully, it will be available for you soon!
@Hermantheonlyone 2 месяца назад
Good review. Thanks 👍
@MissAzrele 2 месяца назад
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it😊