Unboxing On Locations - Unboxing videos of products.
Established 2017

Unbox AV tells stories of what and how packaging is.
The central act of unboxing not edited and objective. Just engaging with the product doesn't seem to be enough since the 10s. These short files, will document the removal of the products out of the bo. Though this short process, of slo-mo unboxing, and that across the product range of: Gadgets/Technology/Lifestyle/Commerce products.

Unique selling proposition. Unbox AV is the platform, Unbox AV is branded in front and behind the video footage. The goal is to open up to new packaging innovations and to do so with locally provided commentary from the Austrian vernacular. In short, the vision. To present a small product range in a manageable way. To tell people that these small things in life give happyness. The anticipation of a thing is already a delightful joy. But isn't it the most exciting thing to unbox a new thing?