Fiddlestick Productions
Fiddlestick Productions
Fiddlestick Productions
Fiddlestick Productions is the production company for Carry the Tune, a feature documentary that shares stories of why and how people have continued studying music after high school.

For more information, visit www.carrythetune.com
Measuring learning and knoledge in numbers and letters is as stupid as measuring “attractiveness” with “6/10”s and shit like that
@movingforward8070 Месяц назад
Such beautiful arguments!
@Sbh152 2 месяца назад
Why is this still an issue in the educational system 😭 8 years later… it’s sad. We are failing our children, especially our neurodivergent children!
@thesubhumancomedy 2 месяца назад
I had no will to beat anyone, to win over anyone. That might have been the 'problem'. No They are better than me. We were 4 guys. staying at mine fore one week, and at another in Örby for one week. Damn what we biked, 12 minutes Örby - Whatever that day 11 minutes from Tussmötevägen-
@thesubhumancomedy 2 месяца назад
I never cared. We analysed each others games. The surroundings
@thesubhumancomedy 2 месяца назад
Schack var jättekul för mig när jag var 10-12 år och ganska ensam i Sverige. Sen fick jag hår på kuken och ville annat. Jag var inte bra nog att spela schack mot de bästa, så varför göra?
@thesubhumancomedy 2 месяца назад
Jag fick andra intressen. Sex var nog det största
@thesubhumancomedy 2 месяца назад
g7 Hade du piano hemma?
@thesubhumancomedy 2 месяца назад
d4 d5 c4
@thesubhumancomedy 2 месяца назад
Jag hoppas ni känner varandra så bra att det bara är att gå tbx
@thesubhumancomedy 2 месяца назад
Annars vore det hemskt synd
@thesubhumancomedy 2 месяца назад
e4 e5
@marcmeinzer8859 3 месяца назад
Grades pit the kids against each other in a meaningless competition. They also make the teacher the bad guy who flunks you out. Class rank should be determined numerically by standardized exams administered at the conclusion of each year and scored independently similar to the traditional British system.
@germb747 3 месяца назад
Is there such a thing as a legitimate school that doesn't give grades? Also, I think just about every job out there has evaluations of some type that you have to pass to keep your job, so why not get young people in the mindset of being able to pass evaluations? You can't manage what you don't measure.
@vladimirofsvalbard9477 7 месяцев назад
This video aged VERY poorly lol I wonder what this man would say about the current state of education under 'no child left behind.' Children having their grades softened or even irrelevant are even MORE disengaged than ever before.
@jacomaniaassuperdriveminion 7 месяцев назад
I believe you are misinterpreting his points.I understand that having a quantitative based system to record how students are understanding a subject may seem effective, but the system itself dictates how students will survive when they graduate from high school. What he is saying that teachers and students can still give themselves goals and criticism without the use of numbers.
@reprovedcandy 9 месяцев назад
Sad. I chose a business degree instead of comp sci cause it seemed it would be harder to pass... 2 months into my job out of college, I started learning to code. Now I'm a software engineer full time. Essentially just totally wasted 4 years in college, slowed my career, and blew a bunch of money.
@madamefayta 9 месяцев назад
This actually made me tear up, I had a really hard time with grades in school and it just about killed my passion for studying
@charleswest6372 9 месяцев назад
Kids are being cheated out of their childhood. The talent in them is not brought out in favor of memorizing usless facts.
@charleswest6372 9 месяцев назад
School shouldn't EXIST period.
@vladimirofsvalbard9477 7 месяцев назад
So how will you prevent the crime wave that would ensue? Young men with nothing to do tend to amuse themselves with violence.
@rabbitcreative 6 месяцев назад
@@vladimirofsvalbard9477 > Young men with nothing to do tend to amuse themselves with violence. LOOOOOOL Wow please tell me you get paid to troll this hard. Try reading his first book, "No Contest". Then come back here and re-watch the video.
@vladimirofsvalbard9477 6 месяцев назад
@@rabbitcreative Perhaps you should take your own advice. Doesn't seem like a comment that comes from someone who allegedly reads btw.
@cadencook9861 10 месяцев назад
I think grades are useful for anything below the grade of a C- because that can legitimately show how students to behave and where they struggle or tend to not care however anything C- or above grades are worthless for truly determing intelligence because some of the most intelligent people I personally know are the most lazy as such they would get a C- or whatever because they simply dont want to put in the effort to do the work and I know many people who will get straight A's but will simply ask for help for over half of their work and they really dont understand anything but get the A because they turned in the fully complete assignment. So tell me whos smarter the person who actually understands the subject but gets low gardes due to a lack of effort to do homework or the person who doesnt understand anything about the subject but gets straight A's because they simply do the assignment but dont actually understand any of it and simply just asks for help over and over. You would probably say the smart but lazy person but due to the poor grading system a college will see that one student got straight A's but the other who was really smart but didnt try got a C so they will instead accept the person who got the A's.
@suckaphish83 11 месяцев назад
I did not develop a healthy desire for learning until about 4 years after I'd dropped out of high school. It used to bother me but does no more. Now, my only regret is that I didn't do it SOONER! It wasn't until long after I'd stopped going to school that I began to question the propriety of the status quo, and all things related... Was it effective, did it help me at all during all my time there, is there anything of value I learned there? And when I asked myself these questions, I realized that of the 10+ years I spent in school, I walked away with but only 2 things that I valued which it taught me, and only one of those two things do I do well: I learned to read and I became literate, and they taught me basic math, but I'm horrible at it. In fact I detest math because of how bad I am at it, which sucks. Because it's an excellent skill to have. Unfortunately I have no desire to try and retrain myself in it because of my negative experiences IN SCHOOL. So... I learned BASIC math... I can add and subtract with my fingers and can ball park certain figures fairly reasonably, but I'm by no means proficient at it. Literacy, on the other hand, I'm very proficient in. I know English quite well and have a very good handle on grammar, use of grammar and punctuation, and I'm proud that I'm a person who is at least very well spoken and can write very eloquently and so forth. Aside from those two things, theres nothing. After I'd been out for some yrs, and began to take interest in certain things again, I realized that I'd been unconsciously associating the idea of learning and discovering new things with the absolute drag that it was made to be in school. It was 120% boring, unengaging, and did not excite me in the least! Once I started doing it on my own, about things I was genuinely interested in, I found that learning and discovering and exploring answers to questions was one of the most exciting things you could devote ones self to. And then I realized that's precisely why schools are the way they are. They're not to educate. They're designed to destroy that spark within us. And they do it quite well. They want obedient little robots. Not free thinkers.
@AfroMedic 11 месяцев назад
I’m in PA school , this is true , people who trust doctors 100% should think twice
@doraemon61377 Год назад
You can complain how unfair grades are, but grading is and will be here to stay.
@lukeaustin4465 Год назад
If a student doesn't understand a subject additional instruction is needed, not grades.
@jfalkner9834 Год назад
Just thinking about going to a doctor graduated from a non-grading school.
@vickydestephano7415 Год назад
I hate the chattel pen. I cannot work for them. I don't care about them. The reason to do something is because it improves my life and other lives.
@countrygamer6096 Год назад
I have rarely given my students anything less than 100%, yet their collective behavior has remained constant; unengaged and apathetic. Why is that? Where is this renaissance of learning? Oh, that's right, learning is hard work, and people hate hard work.
@jfalkner9834 Год назад
You are right.
@dravidsukhu2380 Год назад
sadly, when you have parents that think all mighty 'A' is what determines the future, things don't turn out well.
@geggy310 Год назад
last quarter I had my best report card, this quarter I put in the same effort and got my worst ever report card, so that shows
@magiclampboogiesdown9717 Год назад
Students aren’t “addicted” to grades. They work in the system in which they’re compelled and constrained.
@jeromerex17 Год назад
When I did undergraduate maths degree I chose courses that interested me the most. They happened to be the hardest pure maths courses. Even several bright students thought I was crazy.
@daedaimeyez3307 Год назад
he's right you know. when I was at cypress depsite already typing at 70WPM I signed up for typing courses because that was an easy A. I have a G.E.D from the state of florida that isn't even any old GPA the scorces page places me in the 96th perentile in science over 50 in math like just all over the place on the rest and yet here I was a clearly gifted student deciding I wanted my life after class to myself and not being stuck with homework so I could actually focus on my interest from outside of school and so everything I did was searching for how not to be stuck filling out so much redundant paperwork. I am too smart for my own good regarding the G.E.D we had to fight them for special accommodations for me there was someone at test cite but he was was dragging his heels but we figured out the way they formatted people's emails at OCPS to email his boss and go over his head to get the hold up resolved and yeah I stumbled into the building and a couple of weeks later got results and the things that fascinate me Is I wasn't studying for the whole 18 months after i dropped out. A year and a half had gone by without me studying the stuff i was in school when I tested and I still beat almost everyone in the state who ever took the test on science and and did not too bad on math either. but yeah The whole system was too much bullshit for me and I couldn't take it and dropped out at 17 and then took the Test and I can proudly say of the G.E.D Veni Vidi Vici I came I saw I conquererd.
@andrewmacdonald5673 Год назад
we do live in a society
@ribbrascal 2 года назад
And Asians roll their eyes. The Chinese laugh hysterically.
@zBPS Год назад
yeah well they got 3 inch c*cks, who cares what they think.
@kayleighmcfarland8599 2 года назад
i love this man
@ribbrascal 2 года назад
That's because you're a woke white women who has absolutely zero common sense.
@rabbitcreative 6 месяцев назад
@@ribbrascal > That's because you're a woke white women who has absolutely zero common sense. Do you feel better now?
@eu29lex16 2 года назад
Grading only factually exists in most countries to decide who gets the most funding during college.
@passiveinvestor1978 2 года назад
I agree with much of what he has to say but the only problem would be how do colleges choose who to accept and who to reject?
@ribbrascal 2 года назад
Based on "marginalized identities" of course. /anti-woke ex-Democrat
@montyferguson4657 2 года назад
It's one thing to have students who want to learn, but you'll always have those who don't care and would rather be doing something else.
@jfalkner9834 Год назад
Finally, a sensible comment.
@kristenw.2735 2 года назад
I went to Hampshire College (no grades!) and now my daughter is in a private school with no grades. LOVE IT.
@thanakritsuwan6219 2 года назад
Grade is useless. It is only for loan from ACBS Bank 🏦.
@orionpax45 2 года назад
"It would only make life more complicated for bad teachers that use grades as lever to compel students to do stuff." <3
@Kehwanna 2 года назад
The problem is, our educational systems are dictated by traditionalists that pretty much act like our outdated educational system is infallible and refuse to significantly update it.
@pranavyeleti3499 2 года назад
many asians parents are too much obesessed with grades.do dont even think about knowledge
@altaresfrancisrainemart6355 2 года назад
Maybe some day, i will share this to wake up all student who become toy by a school factory
@ceus90 2 года назад
"The rules of the society doesn't apply to me. I'll sit in some remote corner of an academic campus, enjoying the benefits of the state and calling for it's destruction because I'm a global citizen." Give up the benefits of the state and beg for food- the way true seeker was expected to before.
@calippo4202 2 года назад
I dont quite understand how this applies to Alfies commentary. Tell me if I'm mistaken, but are you suggesting that Alfie ignores the rules of our society? There are many schools following his philosophy in Europe. They do grade, in their final exams, and the students are doing way better compared to other students. Going gradeless is not intrinsically against tue rules of society. We would have to define what these rules are in the first place. It appears to be a universal rule that people like to do the things that are interessting to them. We all have hobbys that we do for that reason. Now he suggests that we should base our teaching on this principle which is way more intuitive and fundermental to human civilisations than an abitrary measuring system brought in 100 years ago.
@muthaafrika6137 2 года назад
Literature? Like I GIVE a DAMN
@muthaafrika6137 2 года назад
A PUSSY A don't mean 💩
@barbatos3700 2 года назад
Thank you for speaking this!
@boneatled 2 года назад
The worst part is that its not only the usa that has this problem, as a brazilian i can say that our grading system is basically the same thing but instead of using letters we use numbers
@nunya5270 2 года назад
Yes! I think that grading also can steer ppl/students away from taking classes they might otherwise be interested in due to the risk of failure, or of possibly getting a low grade in the course. I know I've definitely considered numerous courses of interest to me which I decided not to pursue simply b/c of how difficult (or time consuming) it might be to achieve a high or passing grade! There was only one time in my educational pursuits that I took a grading risk by enrolling in a course I knew I might not pass, & I only did so b/c I was immensely eager to learn about the topic: Political Science. While the course did prove to be too time consuming for me to achieve a high grade, the influence of what I learned in that course has largely impacted my life and career. It stands out as one of the best classes I've ever taken. It's truly unfortunate to reflect upon the major influence that grading systems actually have had on my educational choices, and likely those of others. Thank you Alfie for your devotion to correcting our practice as parents and educators. You always provide clarity with not just your opinion, but with commentary deeply backed by research. You're a blessing and inspiration to us all.
@thestraycat69 3 года назад
This is agreed yet we keep damaging ourselves in the long run. It's stupid.
@rabbitcreative 6 месяцев назад
> This is agreed yet we keep damaging ourselves in the long run. It's stupid. Yah. After watching lots of vegan activism, I repeatedly see people say, "I know it's wrong, but it just tastes so good!". We're all addicts.
@FrumpybutSuperSmart 3 года назад
Grading is a scam
@hotpawsmathsandscience3124 3 года назад
0:50 he said the thing