SERBONIKA Serbian Language School
SERBONIKA Serbian Language School
SERBONIKA Serbian Language School
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Serbonika is an online platform with self-study Serbian language courses and live lessons with excellent Serbian language teachers
Visit Serbonika.com with lots of free learning material.
Predlozi U-IZ, NA-SA
Месяц назад
Kako se kaže 'to meet' na srpskom?
2 месяца назад
5 godina Serbonike - NOVO u 2024.
2 месяца назад
Serbian Language Summer Courses
4 месяца назад
Being Early and Being Late in Serbian
3 года назад
@DaniloFrancescoRomano 4 дня назад
Hvala!😃 Sviđa mi se što pricaš srpski i pokazuješ engleske titlove. to je najbolji za učenje.
@DTA762 8 дней назад
Im about to move to serbia. I haven’t been there since a child. I need to catch up on my culture😂😂
@MillDonald-g3p 8 дней назад
Anderson Steven Clark Christopher Moore Donna
@mysenfandei 10 дней назад
This is actually quite encouraging! I don't know if I'll ever be fluent in Serbian, but tbh it's not as intimidating as I first thought, and I am quite motivated 😊. There are more than 70 000 Serbians in my city. Every other day at work, someone asks me if I speak Srpski, and each time I feel kinda sad cuz I don't. Most of them are elderly women who just haven't learned German, and I really want to help them because that's just who I am.
@mysenfandei 10 дней назад
At least 50% of my colleagues at work are Serbian. I am tired of not having a cluevwhat they are talking about 😂
@mariajosesouzasantos9125 10 дней назад
Wat verb pass, conjugação
@the_birthday_skeleton 11 дней назад
Me and my gf are flying to Montenegro from England tmo, anyone got any good phrases or tips for us (that weren’t mentioned in the video?). Hvala! 😊
@47inventor 15 дней назад
@relaxationchannel3163 15 дней назад
glupaco srpski jezik nepostoji
@livestreamlikecrazy 22 дня назад
Love your video I'm learning alot. Havala
@irishpsalteri 22 дня назад
Greetings I help a Serbian Orthodox priest a few times a year. I would love to surprise him by greeting him properly in Serbian. Can you help? Thank you. Хвала. (I hope that is right!)
@Serbonika 22 дня назад
Zdravo! Thank you for your comment. You can learn a lot from our free content at Serbonika: serbonika.com/serbian-learning-app/
@sbsssa89 25 дней назад
Well, when you say Latin is not similar… makes me just think you’re not very serious.
@user-gd1rx3pu2o 28 дней назад
Веома је важно да вам не испадне из ока Чувајте своје поштовање и достојанство пред собом Вама је лакше него другима Лакше је да цените то што избегавате недостатке и путеве понижења у тајности и у јавности.
@Tara.2016 29 дней назад
@Tara.2016 29 дней назад
@ChellMarri Месяц назад
Please teach me Serbian
@timothydouglas9474 Месяц назад
Веома корисно! Хвала пуно!
@Serbonika Месяц назад
Хвала, Тимоти, драго ми је да вам је корисно :)
@timothydouglas9474 Месяц назад
@@Serbonika пре свега интервјуи са неизворними говорницима су веома користне
@andreasgrunder7003 Месяц назад
Postoji razlika u značenju između završetaka glagola npr. glagoli -ivati označavaju jedno, a glagoli -ovati nešto drugo
@Serbonika Месяц назад
Nema uočljive razlike u značenju prefiksa. Mislim da su razlozi daleko u prošlosti, u etimilogiji reči ili je izbor prefiksa napravljen po zvučnosti: šta nam lepše zvuči, odnosno šta nam je lakše da izgovorimo. :)
@andreasgrunder7003 Месяц назад
​@@SerbonikaDakle, kada je u pitanju formiranje glagola, nemački jezik je jednostavniji: uzmite stablo i dodajte sufiks-en. U srpskom jeziku postoji mnogo sufiksa koji čine glagol
@andreasgrunder7003 Месяц назад
​@@SerbonikaJa sam pristalica teorije evolucije i pretpostavljam da se i jezici razvijaju. Pa mislim u sebi, šta su mislili naši preci, tvoreći različite glagole u ​​srpskom dodajući -ati, -eti, -iti, -ovati, -ivati.
@Serbonika Месяц назад
​@@andreasgrunder7003 sufiksi nam nekad pomažu da znamo kako da konjugiramo glagol. Mnogo su interesantniji prefiksi, koji tvore potpuno nove glagole :) u nemačkom je to sasvim slično. A mi to u srpskom detaljnije učimo na B2 nivou. <3
@elizabethchung6744 Месяц назад
I am enrolled in the Serbonika online course that consists of lessons on demand and is self-paced. There is an option to try the first section for free. Despite many years in Serbia, my work keeps me busy, so it is difficult to commit to classes. Serbonika's online program looked flexible enough to give it a try. I exchanged a few emails about my tech inaptitude with Bojan a/k/a Otac and got started. After several days I was convinced, and enrolled in the course. My review of the course is that it is very well organized. There is so much practice that it has really facilitated my learning and especially my ear for the language - which has been a huge barrier for me. The free trial has plenty of material and practice so you can see if the lessons and the "Online Serbonika Method" is a good fit for you. I am confident for the first time that I can learn Serbian. I start to understand what people around me are saying, LOL.
@Serbonika Месяц назад
Hvala puno, Elizabet! We're so happy you're satisfied ☺️ This sounds brilliant: "I'm confident for the first time that I can learn Serbian. I start to understand what people around me are saying" - amazing! 🤩
@andreasgrunder7003 Месяц назад
savršen učitelj
@Serbonika Месяц назад
Mnogo Vam hvala na komplimentu! <3
@ilahagulieva Месяц назад
could u pls make video about latin serbian alphabet? i wanna learn it but cant find many resources😭 thanks
@HybridTheoryFreak Месяц назад
Super erklärt! Mit Bildern, perfekt!
@Serbonika Месяц назад
Vielen Dank! :)
@Imhim247 Месяц назад
@coyotesimplelife2366 Месяц назад
@coyotesimplelife2366 Месяц назад
@Imhim247 Месяц назад
Ja volim putovanje❤
@van.ser-ur127 Месяц назад
А да ли ви знате да бисте могли доћи до сазнања да се у српском језику може открити Божије суделовање, и "говор Божији" само ако га будете упознали на једа другачији начин од актуелног другачијим запажањем тј.перцепцијом. Да ће вам се кожа најежити и коса дићи на глави, ако упознате прави значај постојања српског језика. И да његову главну особеност нису могли упознати безбожници до сада, због другачије концепције свести.
@user-wv7os1li4i Месяц назад
Selamat ulang tahun - Na Indonesiskom
@Imhim247 Месяц назад
@snappycattimesten Месяц назад
Simba is all attitude.
@VegascoinVegas Месяц назад
Interesting things happened last year. Christmas was on a Sunday for our Orthodox Church. American Christmas was Monday well in advance of Orthodox Christmas. I'm sad to report that Orthodox Churches have established Christmas based on a 3rd calendar. Julian, Gregorian and now American Election Cycle calendar affect the practiced observation of Orthodox Christmas. Some Churches practiced American Christmas and one cited reasoning would be how in the future Orthodox families can spend time together for the holiday. Except Orthodox Christmas was already a Sunday this last time. I suspect there was to be no more Christmas in front of the Presidential Election and that was why most people were unaware of Christmas being performed well in advance of how it has normally been known. Christmas was moved up early to portray as if Orthodoxy is in opposition to "Russia's Christmas." The news fails to report that St. Mardirije has already separated America and Canada from Russia. It hasn't been "Russia's Christmas" but most people will believe so if that is what the news says. Christmas is now a political pawn that is moved for American Elections and war. Keep control of the keys for your churches. These things can happen before anyone sees what is being deployed.
@VegascoinVegas Месяц назад
It is nice for more new videos from you to appear in my feed.
@Imhim247 Месяц назад
The Serbian language may seem difficult to learn at first. It takes consistency and method to get easier as the process continues
@Serbonika Месяц назад
Exactly - upravo tako! :)
@Imhim247 Месяц назад
@@Serbonika Hvala! Yes. I appreciate you so much! 🇷🇸❤️💙🤍
@Imhim247 2 месяца назад
And how's the weather in Serbia is like?
@Serbonika 2 месяца назад
Jako je vruće sada! It’s too hot now :)
@Imhim247 2 месяца назад
@@Serbonika Same here, too. It's hot weather in my state. Voli Srbiju🫶
@Imhim247 2 месяца назад
Serbian languages are beautiful😊
@YuriyZaitsev-v1i 2 месяца назад
Odlicno video, 11/10, hvala lepo! Bas dobro ste objasnili, uvek to je bilo zbunjeno!
@charminganarchist 2 месяца назад
Who is your intended audience?
@rusmeister7144 2 месяца назад
@@charminganarchist People who want to learn the Serbian language, aka Serbo-Croatian, aka Montenegrin, etc.
@Imhim247 2 месяца назад
@rusmeister7144 2 месяца назад
This sort of thing is very helpful. I think the video could be improved by visually putting the words on the screen as they appear, and periodically shifting to a whiteboard screen, where we see the verbs with their translation of idea and perfective/imperfective pairs.
@kedvesboldog4968 2 месяца назад
Hi, I can say that you have good videos, but i never know, when should i use A or i for the word AND. Can you please make a video about that? For example, why is it A ti? Why not: I ti?
@kedvesboldog4968 2 месяца назад
Hi, I can say that you have good videos, but i never know, when should i use A or i for the word AND. Can you please make a video about that? For example, why is it A ti? Why not: I ti?
@qingyunyang-eh1wr Месяц назад
a means but ,i means and ,for example ja zelim da idem taksijem i brodom ,that means and ,ja zelim da idem taksijem,a on zeli da ide vozom
@kedvesboldog4968 2 месяца назад
Hi, I can say that you have good videos, but i never know, when should i use A or i for the word AND. Can you please make a video about that? For example, why is it A ti? Why not: I ti?
@kedvesboldog4968 2 месяца назад
Hi, I can say that you have good videos, but i never know, when should i use A or i for the word AND. Can you please make a video about that? For example, why is it A ti? Why not: I ti?
@kedvesboldog4968 2 месяца назад
Hi, I can say that you have good videos, but i never know, when should i use A or i for the word AND. Can you please make a video about that? For example, why is it A ti? Why not: I ti?
@kedvesboldog4968 2 месяца назад
Hi, I can say that you have good videos, but i never know, when should i use A or i for the word AND. Can you please make a video about that? For example, why is it A ti? Why not: I ti?
@kedvesboldog4968 2 месяца назад
Hi, I can say that you have good videos, but i never know, when should i use A or i for the word AND. Can you please make a video about that? For example, why is it A ti? Why not: I ti?
@damnronin 2 месяца назад
A have more distant vibe than i, usually used in question forms. i is a connecting word, a - demonstrates the difference. And you? - A ti? you and me - ja i ti (I'm native russian speaker, so for me it's intuitive) But sometimes "I ti?" is possible to use as clarification. Like "and you came?!" that's why "a" sometimes translated like "but".
@Serbonika 2 месяца назад
Hi, thank you for your question. Will make a video about it in August. :)
@kedvesboldog4968 2 месяца назад
Hi, I can say that you have good videos, but i never know, when should i use A or i for the word AND. Can you please make a video about that? For example, why is it A ti? Why not: I ti?
@Serbonika 2 месяца назад
Hi, thank you for your comment, will do that video in August! 😊
@helenlouiseadams 2 месяца назад
Riđa. ❤
@Imhim247 2 месяца назад
Yay! Finally you're making videos again. I watch the past videos recently. I can't wait to go to Belgrade
@Serbonika 2 месяца назад
Hi, thank you for your comment! I'm back in the YT game ;) Preparing more videos, soon to come!
@Imhim247 2 месяца назад
@@Serbonika You're welcome! I can learn alot from you. I'm looking forward to your videos
@igormihajlovic533 2 месяца назад