@kadirusburak1859 20 дней назад
What is ur mouse and keyboard uı program?
@Skalias 20 дней назад
@EricTheRoo 25 дней назад
Where's the staff/dual sabers guide?
@mihaiioantabacaru7758 Месяц назад
"I am a Jedi Master!" *proceeds to wiggle my lightsaber in your face for maximum damage
@seekheart2023 Месяц назад
There an adv part?
@technothug8974 Месяц назад
I have no clue how to tell if I have done 2 half swings or just one regular single swing after another lul
@RealZefrety67 Месяц назад
waiting for that staff guide..
@RealZefrety67 Месяц назад
i’ll be your partner if need be. i’m not the best but i’m a good noob
@nubetube577 2 месяца назад
How do you manage to swing block in combos it basically impossible
@ratmb2 2 месяца назад
Providence catjam
@BobJames7 2 месяца назад
nice lag switch
@bash3997 2 месяца назад
ztop lagging ffz
@Skalias 2 месяца назад
it is my fate
@Skalias 2 месяца назад
p.s I have another dueling "guide" in the works
@DEADMBII 2 месяца назад
Finally, it better be the advanced dueling guide!?
@Skalias 2 месяца назад
@@DEADMBII never heard of it
@MelancholyChair 2 месяца назад
Oh man I’m so ready. As a somewhat newer player (8 or so consecutive months), I’d love to get an advanced guide on fighting really good gunners too. I feel like there isn’t a lot out there for advanced saber vs gunner info. Your other guides have been so helpful and I probably wouldn’t have kept playing as long as I have so far without them.
@DEADMBII 2 месяца назад
@@MelancholyChair ikr without guides you rely on having to watch good players and copy them.
@nubetube577 2 месяца назад
Can’t you teach me in a lobby lol? Oven been playing a month would love to learn few things I’m struggling to grasp
@Skalias 2 месяца назад
Sorry/warning for earrape at 1:15, I turned the audio for those sounds way down while editing and it was fine in vegas and in VLC after rendering. But of course for some reason it's super loud on youtube.
@StarAsinine76 3 месяца назад
How do I duel a training bot??
@Nihoolious 3 месяца назад
great duels and even better music choice
@Skalias 3 месяца назад
Inspired by Sensei Gil(GamesHello), who is the reason I'm passably decent at this game
@TKJonb 3 месяца назад
You would do well to know Showdown Roblox, it's literally identical, I use these techniques a lot, if you still remember how to play you can easily kill Riboo one of the best Brazilians in the game
@TKJonb 3 месяца назад
And to think that today I play Saber Showdown on Roblox, which is identical and has all of this! and I'm so strong that I can disarm the global tops
@reacaoanimada9455 3 месяца назад
i never colud learn this somehow it makes me dizzy and lost. i think.... I see less fps in my brain than the average guy. at least in the computer. this game always made me feel like the ultimate looser XD
@Repeat2054 4 месяца назад
movie battle tutorials??
@G1rlSc0ut 4 месяца назад
Total Jedi academy noob here, just wanna say you broke this down perfectly man thank you. I can finally understand how the game works!
@Lirmane 5 месяцев назад
I would like to hear more about the blue style. In the in-game library, it is said that it drains additional BPs with PBs. Is it worth it or should I go for yellow or red?
@Skalias 5 месяцев назад
Stick with yellow to learn the fundamentals, after that explore other styles
@Willowposting 6 месяцев назад
"IM WEAK. DONT KILL ME. PLEASE." That brought back so many good memories with this game. Thank you for including the gameplay audio lol
@magnumhocus1362 7 месяцев назад
Random thought. Does anyone remember Absolver by Sloclap? It's a game that has a rather well developed combat system without distractions or other game mechanics. Fighting was entirely the point. Personally, I think a new star wars game that incorporated a similar combat sequence builder with modern FPS norms for the rest of the combat, and I think we'd have something that even beats movie battles. Get something that looks more in-line with the other media, without sacrificing technique and skill. It'd be extremely personal, too. It'd make Master/Padawan relationships matter, too. If that's how you passed on your build to someone else, the same way Absolver did the school system.
@Skalias 7 месяцев назад
i've wanted to get into absolver for awhile but i've heard no one plays it anymore. guys who made absolver also made sifu if u didn't know
@magnumhocus1362 7 месяцев назад
@Skalias There's a dedicated fan base, in varying skill levels, similarly to movie battles. It's not very popular because, while exceptionally polished, it's difficult in the way that only skill matters. Damage values don't matter if you can't hit them. The attack sequence builder also takes a minute to figure out. There's four directional stances, and each attack starts in one and ends in another. Part of the building challenge is using this mechanic effectively in planning. Each attack also has a transitional stance. So a kick might start in top right, transition to top left, and end in bottom left or right. It might even go back to top right as a reset. Building a sequence allows you to put a couple moves starting from each stance and you can progress through the combo at the end stance. Timing it so your next attack starts the same time you get to the end stance gives you a speed bonus. But, you don't have to complete the combo. If you attack in the transitional stance, you start the combo you set for that stance, not the combo you were in the middle of. Add to that they kept track of body position so body movements would be fluid and make sense. A low sweep kick doesn't transition well to a jumping punch, just because the stances line up that way. Absolver is exceptionally polished and has beautiful fighting choreography. Fighting looks impressive, even if you're button mashing with a poorly built sequence. If they added that to lightsaber combat and added the typical FPS elements to keep the servers well populated, they'd have an absolutely beautiful game. Something for the less skilled with a high skill floor and low skill ceiling, and something with a low floor and high ceiling. How sick would it be, if on top of that, each move was part of the seven styles, and had the whole "rock-paper-scissors" treatment with blocking melee and ranged attacks? It could be THE definitive "play this to feel like you're in Star Wars" game. I already touched on it before, but it would also give a good reason for apprenticeship. Can't git gud and make a good deck? Join a (school/sect/etc) with one. It would make being a Padawan actually matter for more than flavor text.
@asparagusoffice 7 месяцев назад
these bitches can fucking never speak like a normal human for these shitty tutorials, it's not fucking hard when I was a literal child practicing voice acting could fucking do it
@ExampelZone 8 месяцев назад
Haven't touched MB2 since 2018 but that guide is really well made for beginners. Glad to see that mod is still kicking
@Blargy2inch 8 месяцев назад
In another game the yawing technique is called dragging, anyone who likes this game should consider playing chivalry on the pc
@Skalias 8 месяцев назад
in mb2 we differentiate it by yawing being making the time before contact shorter and dragging being making the time before contact longer
@Masa6x 3 месяца назад
If you have experience from chiv and mordhau, do you have any tips for someone coming from those games and trying to learn MBII? I find dueling so difficult because its really unclear to me what the opponent is doing sometimes, and I don't really feel good feed back when I land a "hit". Im struggling to master swingblocking during combos and generally understanding when I do something well and when I don't in mbii@@Skalias
@Skalias 3 месяца назад
@@Masa6x havn't played mordhau but have played chivalry 2, mb2 is way more fast paced and you have a lot more options baked into the mechanics and then have even more by leveraging those mechanics in certain ways. My advice to anyone and everyone is focus completely on the basics until you can do them without thinking
@Masa6x 3 месяца назад
@@Skalias So to my understanding, the basics I should focus on first is like being able to swing block full 4 hit combos, pblocking most attacks easily, yawing and half swinging with yellow till it becomes muscle memory? I still find this game really over whelming and hard to tell if I'm doing things right, but I understand how the concepts should work. Some of my friends arent that advanced at dueling and definitely miss some of the basics but can still beat me despite not properly employing swing blocking and stuff like that. Is there a way to just get above the "noob" level consistently?
@Skalias 3 месяца назад
Forget about PBing, yawing and HS. Focus exclusively on swingblock until you can SB 4 hits without thinking. After focus on your mechanics skill with swinging, so you can comfortably do any swing and any combo without thinking, so you don't default to easy combos like D-A or WD-WA. Focusing on things like PBing well and yawing properly will just overload your mental stack, it's better to focus on the absolute essentials which are not being slappable and being comfortable swinging. Also proper PB comes with experience, it's hard to train on it's own so don't worry much about PBing, I would honestly put it as one of the last things to master. The biggest downfall of new players that I see is that they don't have any aggression, which is understandable when people like me slap them every time it's off cooldown. Once you're confident in your SB I feel you'll dominate your friends with an aggressive offense. p.s (this is my fourth edit of this comment lol) the only way to get above the noob level is diligent training.
@neozzickmixes3987 8 месяцев назад
There's always a bigger fish
@clairemadeinheaven 8 месяцев назад
@game4kaiye164 8 месяцев назад
oooooh my god, i've literally played with you! i'm [KOS] Kai
@Azuvector 8 месяцев назад
No ACM? :) Watch the glow around your lightsaber icon in the lower right when you make bodyhits while not swingblocking. Your damage should ramp up higher and higher as that continues. It's what makes Purple scary, not the weakest style in MBII. :) Perfect blocks are, unless they've been rewritten over the years(It's been some time since I worked on MBII, so could be.), a collision between your lightsaber and your opponent's directly, without MBII's BP-assist blocking. It's the only thing that'll stop a high ACM level that would normally eat your entire BP pool in a single hit.
@Skalias 8 месяцев назад
acm not really anything crazy in current build, unless i've been grossly misinformed these past couple years i think pbs have been changed too
@shdydayz 9 месяцев назад
dude ur a legend
@calvinsFuntimeBounceHouse 9 месяцев назад
saber in each hand, i crouch, i do the flurry forward with both sabers twirling.. thats the big hit :)
@calvinsFuntimeBounceHouse 9 месяцев назад
lmao theres no swingblocking in vanilla jedi academy.. boo
@mpo48 9 месяцев назад
can you play this in singleplayer?
@polisvh 9 месяцев назад
Is dual sabers good
@Skalias 9 месяцев назад
the only objectively bad style is purple
@Skalias 9 месяцев назад
blue and yellow are the most competitive
@Solid_Snail 9 месяцев назад
Do you have any videos covering FoV, sensitivity, or builds possibly? These videos have been amazing for a new player.
@Skalias 9 месяцев назад
personally I feel things like FoV and sensitivity themselves don't really have that much if any affect on gameplay beyond player preference. As for builds I'm not sure exactly what u mean, like loadout? or saber builds e.g 1.4, tempest, live
@Solid_Snail 9 месяцев назад
I thought they were called builds, but yes could you please let me know what loadout to use for yellow/medium. I like to have max jump and max push if possible, but I dont know where to go from there.@@Skalias
@Skalias 9 месяцев назад
if u go on the mb2 forums and find my account (it's just called skalias) my last post will be a link to my open saberist guide that got executed by a copyright strike, it talks about loadouts for open. loadout for duels as long as u got at least 2 saber defence ur fine
@Solid_Snail 9 месяцев назад
thank you very much@@Skalias
@joeker5208 9 месяцев назад
how do you slap? like what's the input?
@Skalias 9 месяцев назад
class special 1 or 2, can't remember which. one is slap and one is saber throw/retrieve
@joeker5208 9 месяцев назад
@@Skalias thanks. I’ll go try in a bit
@mjrnj 10 месяцев назад
Is Moviebattles simply a mod for Jedi Academy? If not, what is it? Also, do people still play this online? I'd definitely start playing it again if there were
@Skalias 10 месяцев назад
Movie Battles is indeed just a mod for Jedi Academy, quite a few people do still play it but compared to other games it's quite a small population but you shouldn't have any problem with having people to play with... Unless you live in my region lmao
@pok9q 11 месяцев назад
revisiting this video, a great basis guide Skalias!. It seems the game is receiving some new combat changes...
@silvines 11 месяцев назад
pro level where/
@naowneosnswjsuj 11 месяцев назад
Can we get the advanced dueling
@baxxa Год назад
Where is the advanced guide? Its been a year already!
@sonofdoge5219 Год назад
also how do I do burst fire with the blaster pistol??
@Skalias Год назад
change saber style button. idk what level of pistol u need.
@sonofdoge5219 Год назад
@@Skalias I think it might depend on the server since when I play Din it won't let me pick bewtween the spear and the saber. Also the pistol is level 3 and when I change styles it won't shoot the burst.
@sonofdoge5219 Год назад
Din Djarin is one of my favorite class
@jwork5680 Год назад
bruh howcome i just find this a year after i played the game also are you an inital d fan?
@Skalias Год назад
I am a weaboo of the highest degree
@jwork5680 Год назад
@@Skalias i see
@jackiewangs Год назад
helllooo, im back a month later, my question is, how often should you be walking? should you always be using it? also, are you making the advanced guide or is that no more, just wondering.
@Skalias Год назад
if ur not sure when you should be walking or not u should just walk at all times when possible, with experience you'll be able to manage it without thinking about it
@trachea7870 Год назад
I CANT EVEN GET THE FUCKING BASIC COMBO BRUH THIS SHIT IMPOSSIBLE. picked this game up for a month, dropped it, another month, dropped again, here i am 3rd time and i still cant get it down. this shit is so hard for no fucking reason
@olie567 Год назад
bronem tweaked
@obsu Год назад
rare australian movie battles II player
@Bloomio95 Год назад
Won´t return to moviebattles 2 until they make this saber wiggling inside the enemies character impossible, it makes combat too hard for casual players. You simply don´t know whats going on.