Ashley Waknine Counseling
Ashley Waknine Counseling
Ashley Waknine Counseling
I'm Ashley, a therapist and life coach making videos on mental health and self-management.
New videos every week!
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How To Improve Emotional Health
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What Is Life Coaching for Teens?
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Causes of Suicidal Thoughts
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How To Get Motivated To Study
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PF Promo
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Mindful Morning Podcast Intro
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The ABCs of Self-Confidence
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How To Enjoy Anything In Life
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@StefanPriceUK 2 месяца назад
1000s of us all being diagnosed with this and it's a cover up. I was brain damaged by Drs with drugs. The same as the other thousands, all being told they've got this. There is a structural problem but it can't be seen on mri because it's at the receptor and nerve level. Dr's are clueless. We're all killing ourselves. Complete cover up.
@boomeryank918 3 месяца назад
Side stomach pain and bloating, nausea. I am always thinking about my health, my breathing, every little pain, am I going to be ok today? Everyday is a battle. Worry, fear are apart of my life! Ugh, i just want to free of symptoms !!! I have been this way most of my life! Brother and sister died very young of a deceased! They both suffered. Maybe this is the cause of my problems!
@weddingsandeventsunlimited 5 месяцев назад
Loved your video but do you have a simpler version for a 12 yr old. Not sure I will be able to get my son to watch your whole video. Thanks!
@ChadCilli 5 месяцев назад
Looking at the research and the evidence on this condition, it appears it’s a condition without an effective treatment. 90% of patients are still suffering with this condition. Five years later. Maybe you could do a video discussing why treatment is ineffective for this condition.
@Luki82 6 месяцев назад
surface, general content...unfortunately one need to dig thru tone of such stuff before finding actually helpful things here on YT...this will easily add 1 or 2Years to recovery....sorry for venom, i'm sure intentions were good
@kimbercoleman7089 6 месяцев назад
How does this compare to PNES?
@dialgirl5254 6 месяцев назад
I have a friend currently dealing with this exact situation and I sent him this video. He has one foot that is swollen and tests don’t prove any condition. He has a son who is a veteran in California suffering from mental illness. He and his wife flew there to help his son to no avail and this is breaking their hearts.
@citlalie9791 7 месяцев назад
Mine is a sensory issue plus POTS I also deal with migraines. So physical there is a reason for these symptoms but stress and memories do trigger PNES. I got my physical symptoms as a result from Sjogrens syndrome
@kujo62 7 месяцев назад
I just found out that this was a thing the other day and now I'm thinking that it's the answer.
@Truerealism747 9 месяцев назад
Now ive found out i have asperger's heds us rhis rhe lunk to this more any information?
@aprilrose3632 9 месяцев назад
All I know is I don’t wanna go on this way. 😢
@kynthos 10 месяцев назад
Does weakness or paralysis in Conversion Disorder happen in episodes that last for an hour and then resolve? Are they brought on by triggers such as cold or carbs or overexertion? And can you produce or induce an attack with certain, very specific triggers? I was clinically diagnosed with Periodic Paralysis but genetically negative by a doctor who retired a week later. I have episodes of weakness/paralysis. That's it. No tremors or other issues. Now I am seeing another Neurological specialist who says she doesn't think it's PP and mentioned conversion disorder. I can induce an attack with 100% reliability just by getting cold long enough for my core temperature to go down. Once I'm warmed up again the attack subsides. It takes a little time to get back to normal depending how long I was cold for, but between attacks I have no weakness or other issues at all. It's a lot more involved than just the cold but I'm just using this as one example. Basically, my question is, with conversion disorder...can you purposely induce an attack of weakness with a trigger of cold, food, or strenuous activity? Or do these conversion disorder "attacks" happen randomly? Thank you in advance to anyone who can answer this.
@vannevers Год назад
Thanks for making this video.
@bdw7254 Год назад
I’ve learned to laugh about it and treat it as a minor inconvenience. I tell the people around me that I’m ok and I should probably get a bracelet that says “not having a seizure, I can hear you, I can not respond, please don’t call the ambulance unless I’ve hit my head”. Non epileptic ID bracelet lol. I have virtually no ability to regulate my stress and almost no ability to show genuine emotion. I thought I was a psychopath for a long time. But a kind ER doctor put a name to it and I was about to talk to the people I needed to talk to and I’m getting help. It doesn’t have to be scary.
@Gibbsong1 Год назад
What a great analogy...not hardware but software.
@Truerealism747 Год назад
Now diagnosed Asperger's is this common connection Ashley
@laurenclark1480 Год назад
Ive been sick two years severe mouth pain. Now passed out seizure activity. Im so dizzy and weak its awful. I know something is wrong. My pain is horrible. Gabapentin made me feel paralyzed. Im just getting worse cant take it:(
@laurenclark1480 Год назад
Its a label when drs cant figure out.
@davidpetruccetti936 Год назад
I'm 44, I've been self harming yourself for a long time and I still do. I've had a really bad past and present events that happened recently. I don't know how to stop.
@jodymortimer5014 Год назад
i have had conversion disorder for six year and it has not gone away but i found p-laying music really help me i sing and play guitar
@jesminmeah4459 Год назад
Your words, your thoughts, your kindness during this video was something I needed right now so that I understand that my loved one CANNOT prevent what is happening to them.
@zaksnature1945 2 года назад
Thank you for this video. I have had FND for 6 years now.
@davidkojo9525 2 года назад
I really love the work you are doing. I really appreciate. Keep going.
@brookesaunders3498 2 года назад
I hope you make more videos soon
@sarahberesford4724 2 года назад
Is somatic symptom disorder the Same as central sensitzation
@heatherhebert1628 2 года назад
Is there a hard copy of the matrix available? Fantastic guide!
@ashleywakninecounseling3750 2 года назад
Hi Heather, my apologies for the delay. I have not been monitoring my channel very well. Here is a link to a PDF version of the Matrix. I'm glad you enjoyed the video. connectability.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Act-Matrix.pdf
@Truerealism747 2 года назад
Is it anxiety what causes the 24/7 muscle tension
@nirmanshrestha2038 Год назад
I have the same issue
@Truerealism747 Год назад
@@nirmanshrestha2038 where do you have it and for how long very hard it's the fascia I brlieve
@Truerealism747 Год назад
@@nirmanshrestha2038 any better
@Truerealism747 2 года назад
I had chest pain for two years terrible.
@Truerealism747 2 года назад
Hi we do you no if it's sad of fybromyalgia.i was diagnosed as fybro spectrum disorder.with a element of fnd.when I got diagnosed got heal pain in s morning constant throat pain now it's in my shoulders throat ok.i twisted my knee 10 months ago still stiff in morning to.are these symptoms all anxiety.
@sarahberesford4724 2 года назад
Watching this the tension drops s bit it's fearing Ike have pain all my life
@sarahberesford4724 2 года назад
Does losing the fear of symptoms cure this
@sarahberesford4724 2 года назад
Is somitization the same as somatic symptom disorder the anxiety causes the symptoms?
@ChadCilli 5 месяцев назад
Yes. It changed names with the updated version of the DSM.
@sarahberesford4724 2 года назад
Is it related to ocd
@SatumainenOlento 2 года назад
This was a great video! I love how respectful you were in this video. It shows great and deep understanding on the power of human psyche. Thank you! Best video so far!
@SatumainenOlento 2 года назад
I was looking this up and first it looked like exactly what I have...But now I have doubts. My symptoms appear when I do something physically exerting. Like, I went for a walk (I love walking!) and it was a beautiful day. I was greatly enjoying myself. But then walking long uphill towards home...yeah, the left side of the body got weaker. I have had very little of these symptoms in the past year and it had not even grossed my mind that this hill would do this to me. I am also not suffering from anxiety or depression any longer (not for a year). I do have past traumas and these I could very well see affecting my body without me being aware of it. But I had a physical reason for my symptoms to flare. I so wish this would be my diagnosis, because this gives much hope! I know that I can work on with this area on my own and full recovery sounds great. But I do need to see neurological testing through first before I flag this diagnosis down to my doctor.
@ajconnors764 2 года назад
Thank you for this video, I’m studying psychology and this has been helpful with my research paper.
@alexislou9404 2 года назад
My sister has been diagnosed with CD. She is receiving psychotherapy which seems to be going well. She has also been prescribed Klonipin for the seizures which she takes "on demand" rather than on a regularly scheduled basis. Any thoughts you can offer about Klonipin and the way that she's taking it would be appreciated.
@sarahberesford4724 2 года назад
Is somatic anxiety somatic symptom disorder the same as told diffarant
@jenniferreynolds8251 2 года назад
I have visual impairments. It is terrifying at the time. It is trauma and stress related form repeated childhood abuse. I've been in therapy for years and diagnosed with CPTSD. I told them my symptoms of visual shutdown but finally figured out myself that my symptoms are conversion disorder. I also hav e dissociative disorder.
@daynaschacke6087 2 года назад
I just lost my boyfriend to suicide on Jan 8, 2022. I had no idea he was suffering that much. He hid it from me. I wish so much that he was still here.
@blessyourheart1167 2 года назад
I’m very pleased I was fortunate enough to find your video . So here we go …. I was diagnosed with conversion disorder in 2016 ( I was hospitalized) I had every test done available. Evidently I was having PENS while hospitalized. From Jan 26,2016 until late October 2016 . I could not speak more than two words ( I could not put a complete sentence together) so if I was trying to say “ I want to go to the store” it would come out “ I go store” if I was lucky enough to get 3 properly pronounced words out. The same time frame my entire right side of my body shook/shaked 24/7 it was absolutely horrible !! Even when I was able to sleep my shakes did not stop . Shakes being very different than the seizures. I could not write a simple check to pay bills . I knew how I had done it a million times prior to getting sick . It was physically impossible to complete that task . I saw 1st neurologist in 2016 said it was conversation disorder . Saw him again in 2018 because symptoms did improve my words got better and the right side of my body does not shake constantly anymore. The PENS only come occasionally now. Believe it or not though out this entire ordeal ( except when I was hospitalized I have continued to work ) I really don’t have a choice I need money and insurance to get treatment . It’s now 2021 I have seen a different neurologist he did a lot more test confirmed I have conversation disorder and to bad so sad. I want to cry every single day !!! I have severe memory issues, dexterity issues with motor skills (some days I walk like I’m drunk ) , on bad days I sound like I’m drunk when I talk . ( people assume I’m drunk ) I don’t drink I found if I try to have a glass of wine or beer it causes the PENS to flare up. So I have been suffering from CD since 2016 yes my symptoms have improved quite a bit. However I find my quality of life so distressing. I don’t go to social events because I’m afraid of ( if my symptoms show through walk or speech ) I use to be a extreme extrovert now I’m a serious introvert. I’ve learned to be alone ( I actually prefer it at this point ) yet I’m forced to interact at my place of employment. I’m extremely blessed to have a job where my boss is working with me . I’m extraordinarily grateful that I have my boss and he tries his best to accommodate me. Although quite honestly at this state 12/29/21 I’m extremely exhausted, frustrated, disgusted and sick to death of this controlling my life. It’s as though my life is no longer mine. I’ve seen every specialist you can name. Basically no one is really able to help me any further than where I am today. In my opinion is just not good enough . I have grieved the person I once was . I actually have came to the terms she will never be back 100%. I’m trying very hard to push through everyday . Giving up is technically not in my DNA 🧬 quite frankly I’m truly surprised I haven’t kicked CD butt yet !! Honestly it has me on the ropes ( in the boxing ring ) I’m ready to tap out !!! I swear I wish you all knew how unlike me that statement is . I am truly not a person to just step aside or give up , I find a solution ( PERIOD ) However this January 26 it will be 6 years of a living HELL !! Thousands of dollars in medical bills. So many FMLA lost work hours. I’m at the realization that I am starting to feel defeated . There are some ok or decent days but the majority of my days my symptoms show in major ways. All yes how could I forget simple math I can no longer do . It’s extremely frustrating. That’s never improved over all these years . I’m extremely grateful I was able to share a small piece of my journey with CD . I hope someone can use something of my experience I have typed into my phone. I pray someone can contribute a possible solution to perhaps help me or point me in a new uncharted direction . Thank you for your wonderful video that brings light and some explanation into how and why CD happen’s . I am very grateful for your video . I hope I came across ok with my words some days I do not . I’m more than happy to answer any questions anyone else would like to ask me . I have no pride left . However I do have honestly and understanding. Thank you for letting me share my insight to my experiences with CD . It felt good to actually let it out …. I just want to be better and not feel like crap every single day of my life. I want to enjoy life again. At this point all I have energy for is work, Doctor’s , desperately seeking sleep . That is my entire world my entire existence …… the day and the life of a CD sufferer trying like crazy to succeed and overcome. 🌺💜
@drEAmzZzza Год назад
im the same tho my symptoms are much worse im bed bound 1 year and have forgotten my entire identity and every memory and i cant walk and im 95% blind.. i dont believe cd exists its just a diagnosis doctors give when they have no idea whats wrong with u.. ive alrdy given up but im too scared to kill myself
@blessyourheart1167 Год назад
@@drEAmzZzza I’m very sorry you are going through CD !! I’m having a rough week myself . I will fight as long and hard as I can. I truly hope you do not hurt yourself. Mostly you just hurt those you love the most. I am really starting to think it’s just a cover- all diagnosis because they can’t figure things out as well . I wish you all the best 🙏🌼
@JIN-rz2io Год назад
Mam i have been going through this body left side paralyzies and too much headache at same time i fall unconscious twice a day. Kindly suggest some treamtment when i go unconsious my eyes go down shut and little bit open i can not talk in that condition cant walk straight.
@jobellepascual1537 2 года назад
@AnimationPlaysYt 2 года назад
Thank you for this video, I've been struggling to control these emotions for a while now - today I ended up ripping 3 pages out of my notebook, snapping 2 pencils and punching a wall in 60 minutes during a chemistry lesson. Thank you again.
@ashleywakninecounseling3750 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing this! I hope you find the video helpful.
@jobellepascual1537 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing awareness on this.
@jobellepascual1537 2 года назад
It's a great and intuitive way to handle intrusive thinking. Thanks for sharing!
@Banker01111 2 года назад
For the past weeks , i’ve been worrying a lot that i have this specific mental disorder, I keep asking myself questions like “Do you have this mental disorder and are you sure” but I know it’s not real but somehow the thoughts just always come back .. Does that count as health anxiety disorder ? If yes , then I should get help
@dodgdurango6128 Год назад
Yup. It depends how bad your symptoms are
@meezmartin816 3 года назад
Hello Ashley can I please speak with you somewhere about this?
@chelseascott5872 3 года назад
Is me/cfs a conversion disorder?
@SatumainenOlento 2 года назад
No. Very different disease.. But as misunderstood than conversion disease. ME/CFS have been proven to have some changes in clinical tests. (Those tests are not available for regular testing.) But Conversion disease does not have any clinical evidence on the body. So you can recover from it fully!
@gracemama1987 3 года назад
Thank you for making this video. My experience with CD is… Severe panic attacks started Feb 2019 and upper body jerks started this May. Until recently I had 700~1200 times a day everyday for 11 days straight. It hurt my upper body muscle, chest and back. Because first I tried to stop so I made myself exhausted. It’s the best you just rest and do 4-7-8 breathing. Last month, I went to see 3 doctors, my MD told me I need to do something immediately either take meds or counseling regularly ( I had a panic attack while I was seeing him then he told me it’s severe). he gave me 2 kind of medicines… my psychiatrist diagnosed me as FND/conversion disorder. He told me it’s fixable with counseling,he told me he does not want to give me medicine. Last place I went to was Acupuncturist/Chinese herb. I only did one session yet my symptoms significantly has changed. Yesterday I think I only had body jerks less than 200 times. I tried to count and recod it abd I suggest to do so. I’m not taking medicine, only took one time then I didn’t feel being myself. Felt living in plastic body. Through this experience, I gained understanding toward people with health challenges so it’s been good to me in a sense. Walking in nature help me to relax the best, I avoid people who has given me stress. I chose to not be sad or frustrated with this symptoms but focus on have a joy daily. I decided I don’t want to add one more sadness on my body but take care of myself gently and kindly. I pray for each of you. Well take care of yourself. Ps. I also have received blessing from church and that also effected my body…I’m amazed…receiving prayer, receiving kindness and love from others are powerful treatment as well I believe.
@SatumainenOlento 2 года назад
YES! Believe in miracles! And you can certainly heal yourself! Believe in yourself too!
@saniakhan5687 3 года назад
Tell us causes of somatic symptom disorder