Linux.conf.au 2015 -- Auckland, New Zealand
Linux.conf.au 2015 -- Auckland, New Zealand
Linux.conf.au 2015 -- Auckland, New Zealand
-- What is linux.conf.au?
linux.conf.au is widely regarded by delegates as one of the best community run Linux conferences worldwide.

Each year open source geeks from across the globe gather in Australia or New Zealand to meet their fellow technologists, share the latest ideas and innovations, and spend a week discussing and collaborating on open source projects.

The conference is well known for the speakers and delegates depth of talent, and its focus on technical linux content.

-- When is it?
In 2015 linux.conf.au will be held from the 12th to the 16th of January.

-- Where is it?
linux.conf.au will be held in Auckland, New Zealand.

Plenary (HD 720p): What The Foo?
9 лет назад
Keynote (HD 720p): Linus Torvalds
9 лет назад
Keynote (HD 720p): Eben Moglen
9 лет назад
Conference Closing
9 лет назад
Open Hardware Miniconf
9 лет назад
Open Radio Miniconf
9 лет назад
Open Radio Miniconf
9 лет назад
Open Hardware Miniconf
9 лет назад
Community Leadership Summit
9 лет назад
Community Leadership Summit
9 лет назад
Testing the cloud in the cloud
9 лет назад
Beaker's Hardware Inventory System
9 лет назад
Gerrit & Gertty: A Daily Habit
9 лет назад
Demo/Jam session and lightning talks
9 лет назад
@tarickw Месяц назад
anyone know why the github repo is down? It's been down for a while according to the wayback machine
@idiakosesunday3806 Месяц назад
Funny guy. I wonder if I can find the longer version of this talk that he mentioned
@mostpeople_ Месяц назад
Speaker isn't very engaging. Hard to stay interested.
@Nihandel Месяц назад
Meson sucks too
@ToyKeeper 3 месяца назад
This keynote probably had more impact on the way I think about the world than any other video I've ever watched. As free software developers, it is our duty to build the plumbing on which society runs, and shape the pathways the world's information flows through... so it's very, very important to make sure the plumbing flows in beneficial directions! Not everyone will go with the flow, of course, but the vast majority will... and it's up to us to decide what that flow looks like.
@BlenderForDocumentation 3 месяца назад
Yay! A team wiki!
@giuwan 4 месяца назад
he is definately from the future... wow
@Mike.Freeman 4 месяца назад
the man is an expert but this is kinda hard to grasp for beginners.. maybe start with James Pannacciulli's talk _Concise GNU Bash: An Introduction to Advanced Usage_ and then revisit this..
@chaypaterson6607 9 месяцев назад
Great talk, I learned a lot!
@Sher.singhpress 11 месяцев назад
Hamilton Tiger-Cats' owner Bob Young has been selected for induction into the Hamilton Sports Hall of Fame. - Sher Singh Ontario Canada
@cokeforever Год назад
I'm from the Future! systemd is everywhere, Lennart Poetering is working at MS, Linux desktop still floats around 2% marker, Torvalds is much less fit and has an honorable belly ;)
@nichohells Месяц назад
Linus slowly turns into a penguin-god hybrid as he ages.
@user-in2cs1vp6o Месяц назад
Wayland is FINALLY overtaking x server.
@YukiGibson Месяц назад
And Windows just crashed worldwide, for letting 3rd party developer have access to kernel level where they should not have to begin with.
@edgeeffect Год назад
But, sadly, you've still got a whole bunch of libraries that some sadist has only given you autoconf files for.
@josephmartin6219 Год назад
Excellent talk!!
@fungo6631 Год назад
The codec sounds like 2009 Xbox 360 voice chat. I can only imagine the implications if Russian and Ukrainian HAMs get hold of the codec. It will sound like 2009 Halo and COD voice chat in quality and vocabulary.
@nicolacorsaro1835 Год назад
Peter Gutmann is the real Dr. Gunter Janek from the movie Sneakers
@elizabethkiptoo8910 Год назад
Great. Very informative in a practical way
@jackwt7340 Год назад
Bigger than Microsoft?
@muhammadidham8824 Год назад
is it this still useful nowadays???
@kennethcarvalho3684 Год назад
Never heard of slab slub slobs.. Thanks
@umop3plsdn 2 года назад
it's a shame you can't be real anymore. Linus is real to the core. You couldn't say that shit nowadays and get away with it unfortunately
@cashzookieduzit6168 2 года назад
Thank you Dr Harris appreciated your thorough presentation. We should never be afraid to speak the truth. Maori of NZ held ancient knowledge passed down thru the ages without written language, and was lost after the Crown arrived. Rangi Matamua restored the ancient astrological teachings passed down to him from his ancestors and Matariki Maori New Year 2022 has been revived.
@cashzookieduzit6168 2 года назад
DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY: James Cook at 15:08 ... declared the land "terra nullius" which means he declared the Indigenous people of Australia to be not human... And Lieutenant William Hobson on the order of the British Crown, declared Te Waipounamu (the South Island) "terra nullius" in 1840 and claimed it for the Crown. The Crown claim all new lands discovered and all indigenous peoples found on the land who are non-christains were to be enslaved or killed.
@viski2528 2 года назад
Lol "people who believe in quantum computers are *Proceeds to do the loony hand gesture*" That certainly hasn't aged well.
@camvandung8850 2 года назад
Hello. I'm looking to use OpenCL to improve the speed of a particular algorithm. Is there any documentation that tells me how to do it. I can learn it from that document
@jingwenchen1774 2 года назад
@AndresLeonRangel 2 года назад
great presentation back then.
@AndresLeonRangel 2 года назад
Is a great presentation with very useful examples. thanks
@AndresLeonRangel 2 года назад
so a precursor to Atlassian confluence?
@alpachino468 2 года назад
The quality looks as though it was recorded in the 80s
@trejohnson7677 2 года назад
objdump --visualize-jumps=extended-color path/to/object/file. Don't underestimate humble objdump.
@edbouhl3100 2 года назад
This is a great window into the little coding glitches that hackers look for and exploit. It also explains why the documentation about the IPMI implementation on the BMC of the old Dell T100 my son got for me from a buddy was so confusing and limited - which got me here in the first place. (It’s a run on sentence - in the spirit of the IPMI specification. ;-) ).
@TerribleFire 2 года назад
Documentation is redundant. Code is the documentation.
@vimfrw 2 года назад
The OG talk for meson !
@feroxfoxxo9811 2 года назад
oh my lord, the whole "do they deserve a chubachub?" actually made me laugh haha. that seems like a really new zealand typa thing to do.
@emdadgar_official 2 года назад
is it better than linux ?
@probablynotmyname8521 2 года назад
“Ive stepped away from development because i dont like what youre saying.” Good, go away, it means that you cant take criticism and if you get hurt because someone uses obvious hyperbole how are you going to react when told your code isnt any good? Taking linus’ silly insults personally says more about the person than it does about linus. Offence is taken, not given.
@pedrocunha4322 Год назад
I was thinking the same, i dont take that as disrespect! And if the person is teaching me or mentoring me in any way it will make me try even harder to be better and gain my mentor respect. but thats just how i see things
@jiatongshen8796 2 года назад
How to measure a syscall overhead?
@hhskladby1596 2 года назад
When "advanced" still meant "advanced" and not "showing off extremely clumsy copy and paste clusters that neither I understand nor the one I copied it from but it usually impresses every Mac user and can be run without any harm because it's essentially much ado about nothing", as it was expected by 99% of comment columnists
@hhskladby1596 2 года назад
Why would you regard yourself an audience for advanced content if you depend on high resolution slides and videos to understand what the speaker is talking about?
@IamPali2024 2 года назад
This guy is an a hole.... you can be make genuine innovative technical advancements and be respectful and nice (somewhat)... f him
@AlienRelics 3 года назад
Good old 8051.
@AlienRelics 3 года назад
"Problematical." Please, stop doing that! It is "a problem", not "problematic" or "problematical". It is stupid people who add syllables because they think it makes them seem smart. You are clearly not stupid. So please don't do this!
@kqpro1 3 года назад
I didnt know Seth Rogan was hosting this.. HUE HUE HUE HUE HUE
@MrCarburettor 3 года назад
Colorado guy almost put me into sleep. Lucky Linus there keep me awake.
@obskyr2810 3 года назад
I Stan kernel man
@chagaif 3 года назад
@johnshand8673 3 года назад
btrfs maintenance is automatic in opensuse tumbleweed and leap
@yahiashams2334 3 года назад
This man made bitcoin (or his git inspired it), my respect to you.
@user-in2cs1vp6o Месяц назад
Lmao the creator of bitcoin is estimated to be worth like 80 billion dollars
@kaiweiyeo4279 3 года назад
Hi Diego, thanks for the update. This video is 6 years old but I wanted to confirm my understanding. 1. As of 2021, are libav.org (revolutionaries) and FFMPEG.org (Fabrice Bellard + loyalists) separate groups? 2. If anyone wants to make a media player for fun, who do we go to?
@fahadkhanchughtai3279 3 года назад
I am trying to do it with the tutorial. But I am unable to start replica1 server on port 5433.
@lucasfa5445 3 года назад
Tovald is stupid.