Michael Leavitt
Michael Leavitt
Michael Leavitt
@Mattsc1974 4 дня назад
He was expecting something different... Hell of a pitch
@MaydayAggro 4 дня назад
Whose call is that in the outfield? I heard no call. The call at 2nd was routine, so it didn't really need an overhand out.
@RickyDominguez625 4 дня назад
What equipment do you use to record your POV games?
@Ezlpo 14 дней назад
That feller must be quite the hitter. There was no reaction by the crowd when contact with the ball was made. Only a reaction when they realized it went yard.
@Haunter131313 15 дней назад
Yeah that always feels good. Good take though.
@MaydayAggro 16 дней назад
Looks like the runner's foot snagged on the catcher's foot in front of the plate as the tag was made. Looks like a good out. I'll say that IMHO you moved out of position as the throw came in. I think you should be at 3B extended instead of 1B extended. The USA Softball "holding area" somewhat forces you to be in that position, but in baseball, you generally stay point-of-plate, so being up the line is not the default.
@Mattsc1974 16 дней назад
I have an out also... But just wondering if there could be a blocking of the plate
@hippokrampus2838 15 дней назад
I have him out of position for the call as well, should have moved to the wedge
@Mattsc1974 16 дней назад
I have an out also... But wondering about rule changes for blocking the plate...
@MaydayAggro 16 дней назад
He didn't really block the plate until he had the ball.
@nahpungnome 18 дней назад
I've read about this rule many times and barely understood it, watching your video absolutely solidified the rule for me. Thank you so much!
@robertsteed5255 21 день назад
Great call
@mercdragons 22 дня назад
I thought baseball has stupid rules. Softball is worse.
@MaydayAggro 23 дня назад
There's not really any reason to move toward the right hand batter's box. Just stay point of plate, then move to 3B line extended and close in as the throw comes home. I'd try to be just outside the back corner of the left hand batter's box as the play happens. Good call.
@Mattsc1974 23 дня назад
Again great call....
@keithmack2895 23 дня назад
Great call
@MaydayAggro 24 дня назад
Looks like they both touched to me.
@lanem4304 Месяц назад
nothing wrong with this play - especially at that age group and ability. Defender actually runs into the path to block - runner didn't attempt to lower his shoulder to take out the defender, we have a nothingburger with cheese.
@LenLindsay-h9z Месяц назад
I should have run? The play was literally 6 ft away when I started moving to it. Where would I be running to?
@southwestrunner6384 Месяц назад
I personally refuse to “move into a section” because a teacher commands me too It’s silly We aren’t children And everyone has agency to sit wherever they want You do believe in agency- right?
@chuckjones2368 Месяц назад
watch closely runner has daylight between 2nd base and foot good tag out. umpire should of been more inside the play at 2nd and hustle to play instead of walking to play.I see nothing malicious on runner path of ball took fielder to play out.
@Mattsc1974 Месяц назад
Is there a must slide run? I've got an out either way...
@MaydayAggro Месяц назад
12:03 - That's not how delays work. If there is lightning, you MUST have a 30 minute delay. You can't skip the 30 minutes just because the game was not in progress at the time of the lightning.
@MaydayAggro Месяц назад
I see nothing malicious. Definitely an out. Looks like either the runners leg collided with the fielder's knee or his leg twisted underneath him.
@mozzy2772 Месяц назад
bro get hit lmao what a bot
@ima-monkey Месяц назад
This is stupid it’s literally just a bat
@JonHenderson-tn4kw Месяц назад
I’m late to party but it seems everyone is wrong. The batter is not considered retired under the Infield fly rule) until the pop up ball becomes a fair ball. The batter is allowed to run to first base, but is required to stay within the box created the last 30 ft which is in foul territory. While running to first, the runner cannot interfere with the fielder attempting to catch the ball. If the 1st baseman is in foul or fair territory and the batter/runner hinders the fielder in any way, the batter is out and the ball is dead. In this case, the batter runner took an extreme movement to avoid the 1st baseman. IF HE CATCHES IT IN FOUL TERRITORY, IT IS NOT AN INFIELD FLY RULE CATCH. This is a judgement call by 1st base umpire, but most likely IF THE BARTER INTERFERES IN ANY WAY, it would be called interference. Upon the interference call, the ball is dead and no other runners can advance. Interference calls are dead ball rules. If a batted ball hits a base runner, it’s a dead ball. If a base runner collides with a short stop going for a grounder, the runner is out and the ball is dead. Bottom line is this…the fair ball pop fly is an immediate out. IF the batter ran to first and stayed well away from the fielder and ran to first out of basic hustle and stayed in foul territory the entire way, has no bearing on the play. In this instance, the batter is called out on infield fly, the runners advance on their own risk, and the play at home was a legitimate advancing runner(he even tagged up)Otherwise the ump calling interference freezes everyone with a dead ball interference call. The runner on 3rd had no involvement in the interference. Baseball is a rational sport. If you follow the logic of this ruling, the runner on 3rd should be called out even if he didn’t try to advance. But Him trying to score had nothing to do with the interference. But there’s no way the runner on 3rd would be called out if he stayed in place. So why is he called out at home? In most interference calls where these calls are made to register two outs, the umpires rule that the interference was intentional so as to avoid a double play. A runner intentionally being hit by a grounder that was gonna be a double play…here’s a relevant example. The batter intentionally interfering with the first baseman, so he drops the ball…leaving the runner on 3rd base not needing to tag…and allowing him an easy trot home to score the run. SORTY FOR THE LONG EXPLANATION.
@stephensnyder7482 Месяц назад
What's toughest about this one for me is that the fielder really badly misplayed the ball. Right handed batter, she was moving over to be in the runner's lane. But the fielder was standing in the runners lane, so the runner adjusted inside to avoid her. As the ball gets closer, the fielder them moves a pretty long way back into the field of play. If she does not play the ball so poorly, there's absolutely no interference. But intent is not a factor in interference so of course it doesn't matter, so it's just a tough break.
@crunchycousin5986 2 месяца назад
I think she would have guessed when he looked at the bat and then called her over. She may not have actually known before the game.
@Headstonejess 2 месяца назад
Hey, what’s up Mike is that the mask with the springs?
@ronaldroberts4058 2 месяца назад
That is a silly rule
@stevesand8845 2 месяца назад
“she didn’t hesitate”. lol yeah after 5 full seconds, she ran to 3rd without hesitating….. but the 5 full seconds… that’s hesitating
@TheDerlick 2 месяца назад
I'm sorry, but did the first baseman line up on the 1B line for the pop fly, misjudge the ball, drift toward 3B, and then botch the catch 2 steps from the pitcher's circle. Being that far from making the play, there's no way I'm giving her the interference call.
@user-gp3zz7pr8h 2 месяца назад
no reason to apologize. you are 100% wrong. attend a local softball officials association meeting, educate yourself, THEN have an opinion.
@jeffstucenski5880 2 месяца назад
While it is not the wrong call. I would not have called it. Too ticky tack of a call for my liking. Any infraction on the play would not have changed the result at third. Purely a judgement call that this ump called which is fine. I would not have.
@brickkabela7954 2 месяца назад
The rule was interpreted correctly, but the interference call-which had to be on the batter runner-was an obvious bad call.
@donventura3844 2 месяца назад
Did the coach yell "Ball on the ground run to 3rd base" ? Even the runner and pitcher hesitated they knew it wasnt allowed
@stevenkingston51 2 месяца назад
the commentator has clearly never played a sport in his life
@Art_Ickle6 2 месяца назад
judgement call on rather or not the batter interfered when calling it live. regardless of the infield fly scenario being argued about in regards to the batter runner being automatically out, she isn't automatically interfering just because she starts running after contact om her right of running to 1st as instinct. she is also at least halfway down the line running before there was any recognition of 'infield fly' called and 1sr baseman under the ball while in the 3 foot base path. which the batter runner makes proper move of getting out of the way and doesnt physically interfere (impede) with fielders path to have to adjust to her misjudging the ball on way down bringing her back into fair territory where ball ends up landing before the fielder fails to catch. The home plate umpire is also clearly watching the situation and originally views no issue until the 1sr base umpire in his right makes the decision to judge interference. likely in split second live reaction by the 1st baseman's body language of having to adjust to the ball which she seems clearly in focus of and not hindered by runner. umpire likely went with interference judgement via distraction by runner having to go around and by thou it's clear in viewing that the runner was already by her. don't agree with that call but can see the bad judgement getting micro analyzed with negativity makes for great training repetition and for younger , newer umpires experiencing to be more comfortable in not so ordinary plays and slowing the game down when out there
@andrewfielding1342 2 месяца назад
Good positioning. Great call!
@littlehuey5679 2 месяца назад
The only reason that this look back rule exists is because girls are not smart enough to be aware of what’s happening on the field at be able to react !! It’s a stupid rule !!!
@Expo-qv2bv 2 месяца назад
Quite possibly the dumbest comment ever. The only thing you did right there was show the world your ignorance on the sport.
@littlehuey5679 2 месяца назад
It’s a stupid rule to start with ! It’s up the ball holder to throw out the runners !
@stevesand8845 2 месяца назад
but it IS a rule, you can’t lead off before the pitch in softball either because the bases are too close
@littlehuey5679 2 месяца назад
@@stevesand8845 but what’s the reason for such a stupid rule ?
@V1AbortV2 2 месяца назад
You act like such a Mormon 😂🤦🏻‍♂️
@rosswheatley8329 2 месяца назад
I've seen a lot of coaches that have a misconception that the "look back rule" is anything other than what happened in this video. When the pitcher enters the circle with the ball the runner must immediately return to their previous base or advance to the next... and stay there. lol. Otherwise, players could just steal bases pre-pitch all day long.
@aaronlyons718 2 месяца назад
Say a girl walks, ball gets back to pitching circle, the batter rounds 1st going towards 2nd, then goes back to 1st ,is she out?
@stevesand8845 2 месяца назад
she isn’t out unless she rounds first on the way to second, and then stops for long amount of time. But if she rounds first while the pitcher has the ball, she either has to keep going with no hesitation, or go back to first with no hesitation…. i thins video, the runner was on second for 5 full seconds and then decides to run…. she didn’t hesitate once she started running, the hesitation was when she stood on second base
@redddave 2 месяца назад
Why did you not eject the third base coach for excessive arguing with you? You are the ump, you made the call and that is the call.
@seanharkness8589 2 месяца назад
She's OUT
@mylesmarkson1686 2 месяца назад
No nick Mike. Not even close. Ever considered wearing glasses?
@bd5289 2 месяца назад
Is it OPPOSITE DAY? The first one was NOT in the spirit of the rule. The 2nd one was blatant and no one was looking. The base umpire went 0-2 on the day here!
@nicktide1851 3 месяца назад
First base always knows for sure, but they don't always tell the truth.
@chrismcinnis7343 3 месяца назад
They should change that rule because it doesn't make sense that the batter is clearly trying to avoid her by getting out of her way but the defender veers into her path.. that should be out because the infield fly rule but not an interference if the player is trying to get out of your way
@Mattsc1974 3 месяца назад
Every umpire has an banger out call... Mine was always very loud that even the birds knew the call...
@user-zq3iz3zn5m 3 месяца назад
The batter is out and should have not continued to first. So the batter now choosing to be an illegal runner interferes with the first base persons attempt to catch and throw the runner out at home. Now is that runner out ... no but should return to her previous base.
@dh5516 3 месяца назад
Catcher throws like a girl, though...