James Stroup
James Stroup
James Stroup
@jacksonbortz3698 3 месяца назад
Seems you’ll have to catch specimens and compare size and coloration. Good luck!
@user-yc6zd1lz3l 3 месяца назад
Real nice JimBo. Where’s my honey
@HaloMadness007 3 месяца назад
A good way to tell os if the bee starts singing Baritone and they can be seen wearing gold medallion
@tjmansfield8330 4 месяца назад
We still got some cold days ahead of us!
@jamesstroup4552 6 месяцев назад
The mistake, I took 8 capped queen cells out and installed 4 caped in 2 different hives with bees. The bees left and went back to original hive the queen cells and brood being abandoned did not survive and the SHB and moths moved in to the resources I left. The original hive swarmed away taking most of the resources with them and a possible second swarm taking more resources. Then again the SHB & moths moved in to the unguarded resources. Solution: next time take the old queen, some capped brood with bees in a 5-6 frame nuk box and move them, closing the entrance for 2 days while feeding 1-1 sugar water. Wait 2 weeks before checking original hive for mated queen from capped queen cells found.
@jljjoubert3611 10 месяцев назад
Goodday sir. What did you do? At first you're frames were to long,then suddenly the bucket is closed. Now how did the frames fit? You can't use super frames,you must use broad frames. When you transfer you're bees,you're frames must fit in the broad box. Cobus🐳
@jamesstroup4552 10 месяцев назад
I built the first set of frames the same length as an old frame someone gave me from a deep. I didn’t check that they wouldn’t fit in the bucket lol. So I made a new set smaller that would fit. I also built a hive box that would fit the frames. But I never caught a swarm. I ended up buying a nuk and just going that way with regular sized frames and boxes
@tjmansfield8330 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for the update
@jamesstroup4552 Год назад
Added more room, but again these ladies were just too hot
@jamesstroup4552 Год назад
Inspection showed I had a lot of capped brood all hatched & queen already had them laid back with eggs & larva. My hive is in direct sunlight from dawn til dusk and these ladies were HOT 🥵 won’t be doing that again.
@billw7894 Год назад
Kansas city here, I am no bee keeper but i built a hive and actually caught a swarm, bees are fun to watch
@obsidianpeacock8017 2 года назад
This was so informative, wish you the best of luck, hope to see more videos