Christ Church
Christ Church
Christ Church
Video resources from Christ Church in Moscow, ID. Visit christkirk.com for more information and download our app at bit.ly/christkirkapp.
Trials and Temptations | Joe Rigney
7 часов назад
Last Things: Heaven | Ben Merkle
7 часов назад
FANNY HENSEL'S Du bist die Ruh
10 часов назад
10 часов назад
Fanny Hensel's Dein ist mein Hertz
10 часов назад
10 часов назад
10 часов назад
Beethoven's Symphony No 7
День назад
Last Things: Hell | Ben Merkle
14 дней назад
POSTURE - How to Sing?
21 день назад
Месяц назад
@victoriarandle5190 59 минут назад
PREACH IT!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
@surrenderdaily333 10 часов назад
When you said there was no gospel in the mission work, I was like, WHAT?! That is the whole point of mission work. If there's no gospel in it, it ISN'T mission work!
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 14 часов назад
Grow down into the mind of Christ, which we already possess right inside our new natures. Get weaker and lowlier, but know you are perfectly weak and lowly in Christ.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 14 часов назад
Rest in your already finished salvation and all of this obedience will be added unto you.
@philipbrooks7640 14 часов назад
Once we eat the apple, we know the taste. We desire the taste to satisfy ourselves. We being the cycle of insatiable hunger. This is when our true selves die and become chained to selfish desires. After eating the apple, our identity turns from God to selfishness. Satan is the ultimate example of self-serving. Satan is our fate if we turn from Jesus Christ. It is either life (Jesus Christ) or death (Satan).
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 14 часов назад
Well, I understand the free gift gospel and how it saves me, by killing me on the cross. No fear of death anymore, because I have already died to sin.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 15 часов назад
Woops! The gospel consists of 1. That I am a sinner. I was dead so I needed the new birth to see that I'm a sinner. 2. I find out who God is and what he has done with me.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 15 часов назад
It's a personal vision of my personal sin, not just that the world is sinful.
@childofkali-b4r 19 часов назад
I the lord created created evil that you would chose good i the lord create war and cause peace both i the lord do lol god does both good and bad why do we need a pagan blood sacrifice of virgin blood when even Davids God forgave him without are we different than David? So glad i left the cult of constitine
@childofkali-b4r 19 часов назад
But in Christ you neither male nore female slave nore free lol what a contradiction
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
We are only liberated by his glorification, because we are in union with him, now.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
We never make progress. Our sanctification is free and regressive.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
We have confidence to regress because we know we are already perfect in the Heavenly places and Christ needs our weakness (not sin) to work through us.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Dead people can't step anywhere. We doed on the cross and went to heaven. Yes. No condemnation.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Woops! Died
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
How about gospel preachers who twist the gospel. Get position/condition right, pastor.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
There is no just law that can touch me. Christ is the only one who can do just laws through me.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
We have already gone stainless into the next world. That's deliverance, now.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Christ has things to do through me.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
How about life IN Christ. Justification, sanctification, glorification all in the heavenly places.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Ah! But we have died. We died to sin on the cross with Christ and life pn this earth has been death for us, because our lives are hid with Christ in God.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Christ lives better than well theough us.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
We are not saints on this earth, only in heavenly places, and only resting there allows Christ to work through us.yes we are frail on this earth and that is Christ's opportunity to proclaim his gospel. Learn it better and preach it better, brother Doug.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Christ believes Paul needs to see them again.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Paul is not laboring. Christ is laboring through him.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Because Paul is resting in heavenly places.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Please be more specific. Is walking in the light actually walking in our completed salvation at the throne of God.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
We have been there since forever and as we grow in weakness he works more fully through us. Progressive sanctification is a misnomer. Positional sanctification will never change. Humans need to know their weakness which is the most impossible thing for humans to know. Christ for neighbor.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
I want to grow in eeakness. We can't look to Christ. We are in union with him.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Woops! Weakness
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Law is fulfilled in Christ. Law is Christ and he does the law through us.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
We have put on the new man in heavenly places. We rest in his complete acceptance of us in Christ.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Love is Christ and Christ expresses himself through us.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 20 часов назад
Its not only close to biblical God's rarified love is heavenly and he loves his son in us. The whole premise of the gospel is that God only loves 18:06 perfection. God cannot love me unless he has made me perfect from the foundation of the world.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 21 час назад
Yes. Christ churned guts. Yes
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 21 час назад
You are lording your history over us. Preach the gospel if you know it.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 21 час назад
Don't add to the Bible. Do you know for sure the bishops would have had their feelings hurt.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 21 час назад
So there's alot of the word gospel in this sermon, but what IS the gospel. God already finished it in heavenly places in our perfect position in Christ's righteousness. Only as we rest there in Christ does Christ come into our new natures and lives through us.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i День назад
Yes. The gospel is wonderful when it is separated out from man's power, who thinks he can actually get his dry bones to God and save in so doing, save himself.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i День назад
Dead men can't say yes or no.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i День назад
Ye must be born again.
@nancybaumgartner6774 2 дня назад
Everyone is submitting to something all the time . God calls us all to submit to Him and - from there - hold the “offices” He has for us.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 2 дня назад
What GOD did with Pentecost is the same thing he always does with any day. Glorifies himself through his Son.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 2 дня назад
By placing him in his people.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 2 дня назад
What in heaven did that mean? It meant the finishing up of our union with Christ. We were placed into him at the ascension and he was placed in us at his glorification.
@danhouseholder6784 2 дня назад
The “rapture” conjecture is an easy target, as it is constructed only of inference and conflicts with several direct Biblical statements. There is certainly a resurrection and catching up, just not the unbiblical way the rapture teaching describes it. Full disclosure, I used to believe and teach the rapture. There are several passages, like the following, that undermine support for a full-preterist position. “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:27-28 NASB95 The video touches on a few good cautions when it comes to interpreting the Bible. “Wooden,” or overly literal interpretation is a danger, but so is over-spiritualization or combing through history in search of fulfillment of certain Scriptures in the past. Overall, a good basic overview of the four major positions. Personally, I don’t fit neatly into any of those categories. I think the truth is a little bit of each position, but all within a premillennial framework. Thanks for the video.
@raquelrobaert 2 дня назад
@wills9392 3 дня назад
6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. 7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. 8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it. -Isaiah 45 KJV
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 3 дня назад
Doug Wilson sure did leave Federal Vision behind when he said " no mas".
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 3 дня назад
These kind of preachers completely pass over position as if it doesn't exist. 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 2:20 and so many more.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 3 дня назад
The only way to grow is to be satisfied with our eternal home in heaven. We were given heaven at the new birth and we are satisfied with that. Talk about earthly thinking, Toby is the best at earthly thinking.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 3 дня назад
Press toward rest because it is finished
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 3 дня назад
Cutting these condition verses off from their position counterparts and relegating us to earth is not biblical. We are citizens of heaven, and we never could've gotten there without our d ath to sin on the cross with Christ and rising clear to heavenly places. Ee abide in our perfect position and growth to christlikeness is only possible as we rest in our perfect position in Christ's righteousness.8:42 is only possible
@Yesica1993 3 дня назад
Both Pastor Jeff Durbin @ApologiaStudios and Pastor Tim Stephens @FairviewBaptistChurch have been doing messages about the OT Law. It's glorious! Oh, Lord, Jesus, come quickly!
@Yesica1993 3 дня назад
Death is our enemy - YES! This is one of the reasons I loathe "Spooky Season." It was bad enough to have a night or a weekend of celebrating death & darkness. Now it's everywhere, for weeks. Entire front yards decorated as cemeteries. Ghosts/demons/monsters everywhere. Everything dark and evil and death-like celebrated from every corner of the culture. It makes me sick. The spiritual oppression is unbearable. And people LOVE it. I remember years and years ago, walking down my block and seeing something hanging from a tree. As I got closer I realized it was a person. Well, not a real person, but something made to look like real person. It was horrifying! Who CELEBRATES that?!
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 3 дня назад
First things: heaven. Why don't we know. It's right in scripture that we have had eternal life in heavenly places since the foundation of the world.
@Yesica1993 3 дня назад
This is both terrifying and glorious! (Just like our God is.) What a needed message! It corrected an assumption of mine, that Hell will be the absence of God, in the sense of the absence of everything good that He is and He gives. But it seems more biblically correct to think of it as forever facing the unfiltered glory of God, apart from the covering of Christ's atonement for our sins. I'm not sure if I worded it exactly as he did. But that was the sense I was getting. This seems more biblically precise. And terrifying. But, again, it is JUSTICE. We DESERVE nothing but Hell! Those who object to it, even if they profess to be Christians, are those who have no sense of His moral perfection, His holiness, His completer other-ness from us. Our God is a consuming fire.
@justpassingthruuu 3 дня назад
Ok.... the Word is preached and Isa 55:11 applies, yet something was amiss and it made me uneasy... alas, meekness and grace ... James 2:13
@democratpro 3 дня назад
1st comrade✊🏿
@Yesica1993 3 дня назад
Take your nonsense elsewhere.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 4 дня назад
God gave you a perfect salvation, because he made you perfect in the heavenlies. We will never go quietly until we know we are already perfect
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 4 дня назад
Now, that is Federal Vision.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 4 дня назад
Christ's peace literally lives within you.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 4 дня назад
Don't distinguish position from earthly condition. They are one ,or there is no reason for position or condition.
@PatriciaLangness-f9i 4 дня назад
Tell your mugger he is forgiven.