Lamar Baptist Church
Lamar Baptist Church
Lamar Baptist Church
To know Christ and be his light to all nations and all generations

That's our mission here at Lamar, and we appreciate you joining us online. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram. Join us as we strive to declare and display the gospel to and from North Arlington.

For more information visit us at lamarbaptist.org

Pastor Ryan's Announcement
14 дней назад
Why Serve in Kids Ministry?
Месяц назад
Gen2Gen August 2024
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Trusting God in All Things
2 месяца назад
God Will Not Give Up On You
2 месяца назад
Our Hope is in Yahweh, Not Politics
3 месяца назад
The Gospel | Dr. Voddie Baucham
3 месяца назад
Backpack Food Ministry
3 месяца назад
Timbrel Cheevers- UTA BSM Staff
4 месяца назад
Gen2Gen Update May 2025
4 месяца назад
Nolan Dittmar- Gideons International
5 месяцев назад
Cummins Update Teaser
5 месяцев назад
IF Gathering 2024
6 месяцев назад
Gen2Gen Update February 2024
7 месяцев назад
Metroplex Women's Clinic
8 месяцев назад
Cheryl Duffey's Story
8 месяцев назад
Worship Gathering January 7th
8 месяцев назад
Wednesday Night Adult Classes Spring 2024
8 месяцев назад
Our Desperate Need for God
10 месяцев назад
Connect Groups
10 месяцев назад
Don't be ashamed of God
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Wed Nights Falls 2023
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Introducing Timbrel
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VBS Promo
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@jmmickley5 16 дней назад
I picked the wrong Sunday to miss church.
@charsmith1171 16 дней назад
@Hakeem597 Месяц назад
This message! I just keep coming back to it….it just arms you for the defense of the gospel (Jude 1:1-4, 1 Peter 3:15)
@edwahjoshua1206 3 месяца назад
Floddy why do you and the like preach bite size biblicals, rather then tbe gospel Paul preached. The Purpose of God is Ro. 8:29-30 which also Eph.4:13 confirms. of which the epistles of Paul contain that faith and knowledge. For this; Paul said put on yhe new man who is tenewed in Knowledge afyer the image of Him who created him/ the New Creature 2 Cor.5:17, Eph. 2:10, 4:24. One cannot change from having a carnal mind to a spiritual mind without yhe knowledge of Him which Pauls gospel gives. You speak many things that are not to that Purpose. You seem to busy yourself with explaing scripture yet not according to Gods Purpose For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.” Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” Your approach is more like trying yo explain rather than by Manifestation of yhe truth. It teveals your inyellectual perception tather than Gods Perspective IN PURPOSE. I in the Lotd exhort you to get on line with God's Purpose; take heed. What dors the word of God come out from you or unto you? Take Heed beloved
@missypin7520 3 месяца назад
Thank you Dr. Voddie Baucham for being a faithful servant to our LORD! ❤
@josueufc 3 месяца назад
Wow! so many ads 👀
@LamarBaptistChurch 3 месяца назад
Unfortunately, we have no control over that.
@mamonaus7646 3 месяца назад
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering towards us all, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
@melindat419 3 месяца назад
The absolute BEAUTY of the GOSPEL...to be among the family of GOD no matter where we are in the world!!!
@leontynehudson1748 3 месяца назад
I really appreciate good sound doctrine. Thank you 🙏🏾 Dr. Pastor Voddie Baucham 🙏🏾💫
@joshuamitchell5481 3 месяца назад
A truth teller. Thank you Jesus
@5winder 3 месяца назад
The gospel is 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. Voddie Baucham is a Calvinist, not a Christian.
@BobCait5 3 месяца назад
Who are some preachers you recommend??
@Hakeem597 Месяц назад
That's like saying someone who is Baptist is not a Christian. And the message here is that as you preach the gospel, as Paul preached to the believers of Corinth (15:1-4) not everyone is going to receive the message....not everyone is going to believe the gospel because of man's natural state....man has an ingrained futility (Ephesians 4:17) because mankind is dead in trespasses and sin (Ephesians 2:1)...men do not willing perceive the defects in the things he has been accustomed to venerate. God has to show him. This is why the gospel, the saving of mankind, is not of any human effort. There is no words I can speak outside of the message of the cross that I can say to convince man that he is a sinner and in need of a savior...God does this through the foolishness of preaching (1 Corinthians 1:18)....this is the message Dr. Baucham is preaching. Would you disagree with what he is saying? We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and are in need of Christ.
@rogerjohnson833 3 месяца назад
We preach Christ and him crucified as a stumblingblock to all men's philosophy, science, wisdom and intelligence, that no man can be justified. It is written, who have believed our report? To whom the arm of the LORD is revealed. To some it is foolish that the creator and Almighty God came down to earth in the flesh, because the 1st man Adam, messed up and lost dominion over the earth to Satan, and brought death to all of mankind So Yahweh became Jesus, to reverse the curse of eternal death, see(1Cor.15:22),and to reconcile the world back to himself, see (2Cor.5:19),and to destroy the works of the devil,see(1John 3:8) crushing the head of the serpent, see(Gen.3:15).
@Defender_of_Faith 3 месяца назад
Why is your gospel foolish? Because your bible lacks wisdom. 😂😂😂😂
@davidrosen3736 3 месяца назад
Because it appears foolish to those who perish! But in reality it’s revealing Gods love, justice and holiness in the same time! How great is HIS wisdom and how foolish is man to not accept this great present!
@Defender_of_Faith 3 месяца назад
@@davidrosen3736 No. I mean literally. Men removed the book of wisdom (wisdom of Solomon) to create a man made Bible instead of the Bible the Spirit guided .
@mariemahler3881 3 месяца назад
Best exposition of the gospel I have ever heard. Amen! Praise God!
@wanbhadisiar6538 3 месяца назад
Amen,all the glory to God alone,thank you so much,may God always be with you.
@charlethatatum1796 3 месяца назад
Once again Dr. Bachman, you keep the truth in the Word of God as you teach and preach. You challenge our thinking. You give scriptural insight and that births deeper intimacy with the LORD, God ADONAI. The importance of the full gospel of Jesus Christ and GOD the Father is always present. Thank you for yoyr commitment to the LORD God ADONAI and Christ JESUS the only Savior and the disseminating THEIR Truth.
@shallonskinner8710 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the wonderful sermon like always Voddie ❤
@grantleyashby3266 3 месяца назад
Amen and Amen ❤
@madsighntist14 3 месяца назад
Thank you, a Shepard of GOD'S flock. I am house bound currently, I gave up Driving @ the age of 71, having upper body tremors, as well as spasms in my thighs, Not a good body for accuracy in driving. Yet, today, as I spend time in my Second Week living in my new Apartment, I now spend DAILY time in the WORD, reading, and then listening to it being preached! I find myself listening to your wisdom, more & more! It was a blessing for me to hear you speak of your mother being a Buddhist: After I gave my life to JESUS, as some do, I slipped. For about 18 months I was caught up in the 4 noble truths (not Capitalized, on purpose). I read my Bible, & the other thing, and Finally, I realized IT HAD TO BE, One, or the Other, I could not do ~both~. I have now studyied the major religions of the world, NOT to enter into them, but as GOD calls me, to Share the Glory of our SAVIOR, and how it can NOT be found, *Anywhere Else*. in Christ be our Salvation, philip, from the Great Pacific NorthWET, Oregon Division.
@Hakeem597 3 месяца назад
I love this message...this is the second time I've watched this!
@CarrieLaffs 3 месяца назад
Same here, and I shared it on my fb and to my groups lol
@IronSharpensIron127 3 месяца назад
I guess it's good news for those predestined before the foundation of the world before Christ. For the rest it's Horrible news. Hey everyone else Jesus died for a few but not for you, you were predestined to go to Hell for eternity. Calvinism is an evil god
@SterlingsOpinion 3 месяца назад
Such a great preacher/teacher.
@IronSharpensIron127 3 месяца назад
Yeah he teaches that Jesus only died for some and the rest are just born to burn for eternity
@donaldjoy4023 3 месяца назад
​@@IronSharpensIron127That is what the Bible says, especially in Romans
@IronSharpensIron127 3 месяца назад
@@donaldjoy4023 no that's not what Romans says at all, and that would be an evil disgusting god. Romans actually says that those that choose Christ are predestined to be transformed to the image of Christ, meaning they will be made perfect in him. And if that was God what in the world makes you think that you won the cosmic lottery out of billions upon billions of people? The Bible says God's will is that no man should perish but all come to repentance. The Bible says that Jesus is the propitiation for not only our sins but for the whole world. Jesus said if I be lifted up (crucified) I will draw ALL men to me. So is God a liar or is this evil teaching of calvinism q lie? They cannot be both correct
@Hakeem597 3 месяца назад
@@IronSharpensIron127 Yup, ALL will NOT be saved and God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
@IronSharpensIron127 3 месяца назад
@@Hakeem597 yes and Voddie doesn't believe that. Voddie believes that God only died for a few and God gets glory from sending people to Hell. It is clear that God does not will that any man should perish but all come to repentance. These Calvinist do not teach that
@Hakeem597 3 месяца назад
@ginalogi5110 3 месяца назад
I was only vaguely familiar with Dr. Baucham before he preached at LBC. God bless him for his faithful, true teaching of the Gospel.
@IronSharpensIron127 3 месяца назад
He teaches that Jesus only died for a select few, and the rest are born damned to Hell with no way to be saved
@donaldjoy4023 3 месяца назад
​@@IronSharpensIron127That's what the Bible says.
@IronSharpensIron127 3 месяца назад
@@donaldjoy4023 you can read my other reply
@Theonly_Onyx 3 месяца назад
​@@IronSharpensIron127what do you believe the gospel teaches? I'm curious not judging you. God bless you ❤.
@IronSharpensIron127 3 месяца назад
@@Theonly_Onyx Jesus died for absolutely everyone, the Bible says that he is not just the propitiation for our sins but the sins of the whole world. God's will is that no man perish but all come to repentance. Not everyone will repent. Those that put their faith in Christ will be saved. I used to be a Calvinist, until I realized it was a false gospel. I'm scared for Calvinist because the Bible clearly states that anyone that teaches a false gospel let them be acursed. I'm so scared for them because they deny the Bible.
@ginalogi5110 3 месяца назад
This is the simple, powerful, beautiful, true Gospel.
@northern5mokepnw880 3 месяца назад
Great sermon Voddie. One thing that I always found annoying and disrespectful, is the worship crew in baptist churches getting ready while in prayer.
@ivanhuertas5307 3 месяца назад
Completely agreed
@groove0703 2 месяца назад
Why is this disrespectfull and annoying ?? They need to geth ready to do their part too. If they do it after then you or somebody will be complaining about why they are not ready yet or something else, its just a part of their service they are not doing it in disrespect.
@GXMBR 2 месяца назад
​@@groove0703 I see your point. However, it would show more reverence in the moment and connection in the moment if they gathered on the side and joined in silence. You can see it took only moments for the crew to "get ready". They visually break the moment when he is joining everyone in prayer.
@samcarlos1276 5 месяцев назад
Yes we will be advocating the truth , however it is each person's responsibility to seek God and the Kingdom or on the day of judgement they will here the scariest reply they have ever heard " depart from me, I never knew you " if you want eternal life with the creator , then you need to get to know him and follow his ways , lest you be eternally dambed and separated from God.
@KevinWall426 Год назад
VBS is one of the most important things our Church does.
@rlayoutube 2 года назад
Great job Pastor Ryan, love looking at those old photos.
@rlayoutube 2 года назад
Great job Murray!
@rlayoutube 2 года назад
LOL Love it!
@TerryFinleylovesJesus 2 года назад
I love it. Thank you to our Lamar staff for always keeping us looking up to God.
@catherine9754 2 года назад
NO THE VACCINE IS NOT THE MARK OF THE BEAST. THE MARK OF THE BEAST IS A NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW THAT IS ENFORCED BY LAW WITH FINES AND IMPRISONMENT, DEATH, FINES ECT... EVER HEARD OF THE Guillotines? Sunday is not the true sabbath day it is Saturday ,, read your Bibles Gen chapter 20 tell you what day is the true Sabbath
@arthurmendoza6768 2 года назад
In revelation it states all nations will be deceived through sorcery. sorcery in Greek means pharmacia
@Chanticlair47 2 года назад
What would Sheldon Cooper say?
@MountCarmel007 2 года назад
Watch "The Antichrist" by Hope Through Prophecy
@gabefelix2031 2 года назад
Take heed that no man deceives you
@aspiringtoovercomesin4899 2 года назад
The mark of the beast is the enforcement of Sunday laws to stop climate change which goes against God’s biblical sabbath which is Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. Evil will claim the planet needs a rest to stop the calamities, but these calamities will increase.
@estebanwedontneednostinkin9969 2 года назад
You don’t know
@evelynrespass5385 2 года назад
I hope there are many people in the world who know scriptures and the heart of God well enough to understand that no matter how some people try to say the vaccine is "mark of the beast" that it just is not true. Everyone's focus should be on being in right relationship with Jesus because we are absolutely living in the last days...
@amandamaxim3132 2 года назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JUbDFfdqFBk.html It's not.
@stephenszucs8439 2 года назад
How can anybody who has actually read the Bible even ask? As you say: It is about Religion, NOT governmental control. It is a sign that you serve the RELIGIOUS BEAST and reject the Lord.
@stephenszucs8439 2 года назад
@123 456 My reply has disappeared. Let me try again. The mRNA in the COVID vaccine is the exact same mRNA that floods your body when you get COVID infections. Every single vaccine ever created has used viral RNA or DNA. If it didn't it would not be a vaccine. Every single cold you ever caught changed the DNA of millions of your cells. That's how a virus makes you sick, by attacking the DNA of your cells and converting it to viral RNA or DNA. Every virus has a nuclear access enzyme that allows the virus to breach your cells' nuclei and attack your DNA. Every vaccine ever has used the viral DNA or mRNA in a dead or weakened form to allow your body the chance to learn the genetic code of the virus so that you can create the specific antibodies needed to kill the virus, without the risk of catching the disease. The COVID vaccines take microscopic scraping from the surface of the virus. The mRNA is there to let your body learn to defend against it, but the nuclear access enzyme is not in the scraping. The vaccine cannot get near your DNA as the virus does. It is pure ignorance that started the "It changes your DNA" nonsense. The opposite is true. The virus, any virus attacks your DNA. BUT the virus cannot change your DNA. Nothing can. Impossible. Every cell that the virus converts to viral genomes is lost to you. It is no longer part of you. You replace the lost cells with new ones. It is *not* human genome research. It is basic virology that any 10th grader should be able understand.
@stephenszucs8439 2 года назад
@123 456 It is beyond speculative nonsense to play word games with peoples' names. The Bible tells you what you need to know about the Beast. He will arise from the Middle East gentile nations.
@evelynrespass5385 2 года назад
Amen, Stephen. It is mind blowing how people can entertain the thought if they know anything about the Lord & His plans...
@stephenszucs8439 2 года назад
@@evelynrespass5385 Exactly. I am constantly stunned by what people will believe, and how they will buy anything a person on a video claims, but ignore the Bible.
@susanwoods7242 2 года назад
Watch my comment deleted I bet if so tell ya cover up !!
@arfermo853 2 года назад
Iv had all three and still a child of God if you want to refuse it and trust in God against this virus that is ok but so is having the jab
@stephenszucs8439 2 года назад
@123 456 It's illegal to give a placebo without the recipient's knowledge.
@stephenszucs8439 2 года назад
@123 456 What makes you think the vaccine is experimental? The technology has been around for decades. There is no difference in this vaccine except that instead of injecting the complete viral cells to obtain the viral mRNA it takes just a scraping from the cell. When did paranoia become a tenet of the Christian faith?
@jcentricity 2 года назад
"And he (Collection of Papal clergy priests) deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs ( Catholic Antichrist miracles) which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast (Antichristendom Papal Antichrist kingdom) telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast (image is idol which is Eucharist/Mass Wafer they believe through transubstantiation the bread literally becomes Jesus they turned bread into idol this is THE Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel and Jesus in Matthew 24. 70AD destruction was a type of desolation but not THE Abomination of Desolation. Notice how Jesus uses the word THE basically he's alluding to the worst idol which is the Eucharist Mass bread) who was wounded by the sword and lived. (Rome wounded when it became Christian empire it was healed when paganism was revived under Roman Catholicism)" The word APOSTATE in the Greek equals the number of the beast and APOSTATE is a name of a person and aka name of name of the beast. Specifically people would fall away from the true church and embrace the doctrine of demons which includes the worship of saints, relics and sepluchres (accept Antichrist idolatry and setup idolatry in their heart so Antichrist spiritually rules from within the idolator's temple (their physical body). Thessalonians talks about the Great Apostasy where people will become APOSTATE ------- Revelation 13:14 NKJV
@stephenszucs8439 2 года назад
The Bible explains ITSELF. If the Bible says that the final BEAST will be from the lands of Assyria, Meshech Tubal, Persia, etc., it means THE MIDDLE EAST, not Rome. When it says that the final ANTICHRIST will behead people who refuse to reject the Lord, it means they will behead. When it says the final Beast will be a RELIGION, NATION(S), AND MILITARY POWER strong enough to bring Israel to the point of certain total destruction; we can assume we are looking for a POWERFUL military force under the banner of nations which are known for their RELIGION. when the Bible says that the Spirit of Antichrist is denying the deity of the son, we look for a religion known for doing that. So, WHO comes from Israel's ancient enemies, beheads people for refusing to deny the deity of Jesus, MARKS people to show whether they accept the religion; making it impossible to work or buy food unless you are marked as belonging to the religion? There are many antichrists, but the FINAL enemy will be ISLAM. TODAY Turkey is working to revive the old Islamic caliphate (empire) with the aim being Jihad against Israel. Rome only has the Swiss guards. They could never get enough force to seriously threaten Israel. The Roman Empire was never revived. What is today has a totally different character from Imperial Rome. The revived Islamic Caliphate will be reborn in the SAME character as he had centuries ago.
@stephenszucs8439 2 года назад
Also, The Catholic Church, for all of her many and serious sins, false teachings, traditions of men, and errors, has never denied the deity of Christ.
@awblanchard23 2 года назад
Pope is not Antichrist. He most likely the false prophet corralling the world to join together in human "love" to receive the AC once he's here but that all happens AFTER THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH.
@awblanchard23 2 года назад
@@stephenszucs8439 I think that's why its plausible to consider that Obama may be revealed as the AC. He fits that profile pretty nicely with a transgender wife, muslim, and LOVED by the world.
@stephenszucs8439 2 года назад
@@awblanchard23 But he is not from Assyria. Right now Erdogan is preparing the Islamic world for the revival of the Caliphate. It is widely assumed that the one who controls that Caliphate (it is not expected to be Erdogan himself) will be accepted as the MAHDI...the Islamic "Messiah."
@peteroliver7943 2 года назад
Their is nothing in reverlation chapter 13 or anywhere else in GODS word that says the vaccine is this mark.we will not know what it is until the proper time my church is a brethen church very hot on end times .we've all been doubled and booster jabbed.Their are two kinds of people who stand outside schools with anti vaca placards 1 idiots who don't know any better and paedophiles who use it as an excuse to watch the children. Re loss of salvation Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 11 when we are judged ,we are chastened by the LORD so that we will not be condemned with the world .1 Corinthians chapter 3 Paul states we can lose our rewards which could be serious but we will still be saved as by fire Also 2 Corinthians chapter 5.Romans chapter 14.
@HandsomeManny9986 2 года назад
A-Z using 6x table a6 b12 c18 etc. mark of beast=666 mandatory=666 vaccination=666 inside arms=666 take or else=666
@HandsomeManny9986 2 года назад
Revelation 13:18
@jameswells5439 2 года назад
How can the vaccine be the mark of the beast when you get the vaccine in your shoulder in the Bible says the mark of the beast is in the right hand or the forehead.
@Faji9r 2 года назад
As I was waiting in line at hospital someone told me something about Jesus I think because this covid testing and vaccine are a big deal and I had to take a covid test to be seen in a hospital. My dream: I was in line at a counter in a hospital feb of this yr and I was asked for $ 6 something when I asked what that was for the woman said “well you had to eat.” after I paid her I walked out but I turned back to tell the person who told me something about Jesus to stay in him and I didn’t hear a response back. then I was outside and had no calendar numbers in my hand like I had before the woman asked for $6 something and I had no car keys in my hand and it was dark but I had a feeling that the keys are in my purse but now I have to dig in my purse to find them and I’m also feeling if that woman hadn’t asked for $6 something I would have my calendar numbers and my keys in my hand.
@emmanuelvasquez7343 3 года назад
A-Z using 6 times table a6 b12 c18 etc. mark of beast=666 mandatory=666 vaccination=666 inside arms=666 take or else=666
@Disciple_777 3 года назад
Jesus is the way the truth and the life