Orientale Lumen TeleVision provides adult enrichment programs of eastern theology as well as video books and an assortment of eastern liturgical services to enhance your spiritual growth.
Jack's Corner: Various Meetings
4 месяца назад
Patriarch Bartholomew: Light of the East 4
4 месяца назад
Light of the East 3 2019
5 месяцев назад
Jack's Corner Patriarch Bartholomew Euro East 3
5 месяцев назад
Light of the East
5 месяцев назад
Jack's Corner: The Conference
5 месяцев назад
Jack's Corner Patriarch Bartholomew meeting #7
6 месяцев назад
Jack's Corner Patriarch Bartholomew 5
6 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner Patriarch Bartholomew 4
7 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner Patriarch Bartholomew Meeting 3
7 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner Patriarch Bartholomew Meeting 2
7 месяцев назад
Figel Lecture 2024
7 месяцев назад
Figel Prayer 2024
7 месяцев назад
Jack's Corner Ukrainian National Shrine
7 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner Patriarch Bartholomew 1
8 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner 2023 BOOKS IN REVIEW
8 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner Papal Audience #7
8 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner Papal Audience #6
8 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner Papal Audience #5
8 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner Papal Audience #4
9 месяцев назад
Jack's Corner Papal Audience 3
9 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner Papal Audiences #2
9 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner Papal Audience #1
9 месяцев назад
10 месяцев назад
Passaic 60th Anniversary Photo History
10 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner 12 Taft Joins the Ranks
10 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner 11 That They May All Be One
10 месяцев назад
1 Assembly Kearns
10 месяцев назад
Jacks Corner 10 Kallistos Overview
10 месяцев назад
@EmpireofStantnowa. 6 дней назад
Beautiful Divine Liturgy in London wish i could see it
@許碧玥-j2x 10 дней назад
習近平主席,上帝耶穌祝福您「國泰民安,風調雨順」。🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 不久的未來,惡魔將會取代耶穌💀💀 ※神會審判※是因為世人不守戒律! >主耶穌基督,請您趕快消滅偽裝上帝的猶太人吧< (耶穌重新"安置"的戒律;是往生天國的關鍵,如果不能遵守,"聖經等於沒有用處!) (法利賽人~無法無天,放縱貪.瞋.痴,身行殺.盜.淫.妄."十惡業",因果報應入地獄!) (這些假上帝之名.而造惡多端的國家,主耶穌基督都有看見,所有不遵守聖經戒律的國家.都將受到嚴懲!) (美國賀錦麗執政更惨,已經成為無法控制的大怪獸了!) 例如:同性婚,廢死刑,強暴墮胎,吸毒喪屍,搶劫商店,抹黑中國,干涉各國内政,製造更多仇恨。(美國一年大約一千名警察死於槍下!) 佛陀大覺者預言,人類會越來越沒有道德心,放縱私欲的結果,就是世界越沈淪! 中國人從古至今,受到聖賢的教導,保有一定的禮儀,善良。(只有少數個案,整體上還是好的。) 牆外那些叛國份子,如果以古代刑罰,是要罪誅九族的,不要做連結外國人打自己人的漢奸。 《金剛心陀羅尼經》 「文殊菩薩問佛:云何方便?世尊曰:方便二字,略說有一十五種~~ 第一方便:不養不殺。 第二方便:不食酒肉。 第三方便:不造酒漿。 第四方便:不相侵害。 第五方便:莫錯指路。 第六方便:不可燒山。 第七方便:莫怨天地。 第八方便:急難相救。 第九方便:莫慢神明。 第十方便:莫出濁言。 十一方便:積仁布德。 十二方便:勤儉知足。 十三方便:敬老憐貧。 十四方便:修善因種福果。 十五方便:寃親平等,一體濟度。 若人行得十五方便,便得十五種清淨福報,常生人天,受諸快樂。」
@henrybartholomew8280 11 дней назад
This so touching I have goose pimples on my skin listen to this divine liturgy hymn
@Romangaming24 24 дня назад
God grant him many years
@elenastorozenko8400 Месяц назад
@IsaiahUla-r6w Месяц назад
Lee Ronald Walker Cynthia Perez Anthony
@tallmikbcroft6937 2 месяца назад
Beloved Metropolitan Kallistos of blessed memory please pray for us.
@luzdoorientecatolico 2 месяца назад
@Viviane-i9k 4 месяца назад
Lang geleden nu ontdekt maar Monseigneur Bonny is een waardige Bischop zeer bekwaam er moesten er meer,zijn zoals hij❤
@YoshiokaTsuyoshi 4 месяца назад
Uniate heretics
@pazserenaeuna 4 месяца назад
Very interesting! I was a practing Oriental Meditation, and someone tolld me that the first Christians had contemplative practicies very like Oriental Meditation, and by reading the Philokalia i became a Christian!!! Many thanks to the Saints that made this work avaiable to us all!!!
@robertdaley1194 5 месяцев назад
How beautiful the chants and Liturgy Praise Be To GOD.
@wilmarmontes6724 6 месяцев назад
@InnocentAlaska 6 месяцев назад
I really wish they would make a version of this that includes the 2 Divine Liturgies I am a catachumen and it would be extremely helpful to have all the services in one place
@setarikiraiwalui7322 6 месяцев назад
Joyfully in Communion with you from the ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF SUVA, FIJI ISLANDS. It is my prayer that God will reunite his body on earth, the Oriental, the Eastern and the Western churches into his one, holy,catholic, apostolic orthodox church.
@Chapolim-bk4uu 3 месяца назад
Amen Let us pray to the Lord that the schisms are healed That we all may be one 🙏🙏🙏
@martiniron3376 7 месяцев назад
Hi I expored the eastern rite traditions today and came across this pearl of an office. I am amazaed at the beauty and richness of the eastern offices. It's much more prayerful than the western offices. Amazing. Please let me know how this book compares to the Anthologion? A recenty updated edition contains the full psalter. Does this one you present also contain the psalms or would I have to get a book of psalms in a separate volume
@claudevinyard5160 7 месяцев назад
Heretic Batholomew
@MicheleMay-l4z 7 месяцев назад
Glory to Jesus Christ. I am a Byzantine Ruthenian Catholic. God Bless all of our brothers and sisters in Christ
@sterlingwalter5971 7 месяцев назад
In the past thirty years you've published "200, or 300" books. Gee doesn't seem like you have any idea, really.
@OLTelevision 7 месяцев назад
well thirty years can do that to a man.Though if you go to ecpubs.com you can see all of the books
@joeblavatsky2415 7 месяцев назад
Brings back memories of the Old Slavonic liturgies I grew up with, and listening to a choir.
@willrobinson1229 7 месяцев назад
Kallistos Ware always articulates perfectly the Christian faith.
@stephanottawa7890 8 месяцев назад
The People's Book? Sounds like something from Karl Marx.
@stephanottawa7890 8 месяцев назад
Why are there always these shortcuts? Why not jut produce a book with all eight Resurrection tones and call it the Great Vesper Book?
@stephanottawa7890 8 месяцев назад
A humble comment....It would not be a crime not to pray the common prayers at the beginning of Vespers, however I think that Chasolov presumes that you have just finished the Ninth Hour and therefore not need to begin at the beginning again. At a Vigil it is the case that the beginning is without the beginning prayers, but this is the only case apart from when hours are said consecutively as say the Third and Sixth Hours before the Liturgy. At least this is what I was taught.
@stephanottawa7890 8 месяцев назад
I wish someone would talk about the Ruthenian recension. I keep hearing about, but all these experts are yet to show me some concrete examples other than prayers said secretly by priests which does not effect me as I am a minor cleric.
@jolindo6724 8 месяцев назад
Love the echo!!!
@szudy76 8 месяцев назад
Should we take off our shoes in church
@torreyspencer4928 9 месяцев назад
@emmanuellebediat1653 9 месяцев назад
@renaleonard7586 9 месяцев назад
Continual prayer. Selah
@steventrosiek2623 9 месяцев назад
Thank you very much ❤
@user-lt7uz3mb2i 10 месяцев назад
9:30 - 9:40 seems like Rev. F. Ján Hirka, then Administrator of the Eparchy of Prešov and later Bishop of the Eparchy of Prešov
@JAMESOBUESI 10 месяцев назад
@batler12 10 месяцев назад
@sam.kendrick 10 месяцев назад
My growing family and I moved and have become parishioners of a nearby Byzantine Catholic parish. I was given a copy of the časoslov from my priest and your videos are immensely useful to me. I really appreciate you doing this. ☦
@jag9563 11 месяцев назад
Thank you very much for posting this online. + Kallistos is sucnh a wonderful and inspiring, entertaing teacher and always brings one to a deeper and closer relationship with Christ and our understanding of liturgy... Very much appreciated.
@dougmasters4561 11 месяцев назад
Is it me or did he avoid saying any "stall" words such as "uh" or "umm" as most of us would?
@Byzantine_Catholic Год назад
What the hell is this heresy? Why is that fake woman priestess given any room to talk? She has nothing to add to a conversation about Sacred things. She is a heretic and the Apostolic canons forbid praying with heretics.
@Bznpb1487 Год назад
For me one city, one bishop should be also today and unite syrian and maronite church
@debragoodwin6875 Год назад
Checking in to see if the good Father has made the Matins or other praying the Book of Hours videos. Thank you for these. 🙏
@sam.kendrick 10 месяцев назад
I second this! These videos have been indispensable. Thank you so much, Fr Jack! 🙌
@sam.kendrick 10 месяцев назад
@debragoodwin6875 Of course Fr. Custer's knowledge would benefit us all, but I can try summarizing how Matins would work. 1. Pull your ribbon and orient your Menologion, if you haven't already. Unlike Vespers, you'll choose today. 2. Pull you ribbon and orient your Canonicon. 3. Begin Matins with the introduction prayers on p. 13. Skip the priest parts as with Vespers. 4. Pray the psalms. You can skip the 11 priestly prayers and ektania or say them privately. (I might get imprisoned by the fiercesome liturgical police Fr. Custer mentioned). At this point now I realize that Matins gets intense. This bolsters my point that Fr. Custer's knowledge would greatly benefit us 😀.